The Satyr Ch. 02

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He decides that he will not be tricked again.
5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/22/2020
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To my surprise, my father went crazy when I told him about my encounter with the satyr in the forest. At first I wasn't planning to tell him about everything that happened, of course... but then he kept asking and asking and in the end, I just kind of told him the whole story.

"I told you to stay away from that... thing!" he argued, "You think that anthill was some kind of accident? He tripped you on purpose, because he just wanted to get between your legs!"

I wanted to argue and convince my dad that Argus was in fact a good guy, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed he was right. The satyr did insist on showing me the way only if I got naked... and then I just tripped on something I didn't see, without seeing a root or a stone or anything.

I mean, I didn't exactly regret coming to the woods that day. But I didn't like the feeling of being tricked. I figured that I should be more careful about Argus next time I was going to run into him. And I felt that it was going to happen soon.

And I was right! Just the next afternoon, my father assigned yet another delivery to me, once again to the village across the forest. It was a big jar of honey, harvested from a rare breed of bees from the other side of the country. A very expensive item. It was supposed to be the sweetest honey in the world and I was to deliver it to Mr. Coon, a baker from another town, for a special batch of wedding pastries he was working on.

"Here you go," my father told me as he was handing me the huge glass, "Be sure not to drop it. And once again, stay away from that satyr! He's bad news! You got that, Joseph?"

I nodded and promised to him - but also to myself - to be more careful around the satyr. No matter how good his tongue felt against my cock, I wasn't about to make a fool out of myself! I mean, my dignity was at stake! Determined, I took off and strolled right to the woods.

I didn't use the shortcut the satyr showed me the other day, because I figured I could run into him there. Instead, I took the normal path. He didn't want to be seen around people, right? This was a good way to avoid him for sure.

Lost in thought, I kept walking and walking and enjoying the beautiful day - not thinking about Argus and his strong chest, or the way the tongue felt against my skin... No, that man was a trickster. My father was right, better to avoid him, even in my mind - no matter how difficult that was.

Unfortunately, fate was not on my side that day. Against all odds, I randomly ran into him on the main path. He was just sitting there in the grass, his hands behind his head exposing his bushy armpits, watching the birds in the sky. Once he saw me, he immediately jumped up.

"Oh hey, Joey!" he greeted me with a smile, "Dad gave you another delivery, huh?"

I took one look at him and then forced myself to look the other way.

"Yeah," I answered in a neutral tone, "It's kind of an urgent order."

"Oh, cool. Why not use the shortcut then? I'll walk with you!"

"I think I might stay on the road," I told him, "Don't want to run into any anthills or anything."

I expected him to try to change my mind, or at least be surprised about the fact that I didn't want to take the shortcut. But instead, he just shrugged it off with a smile.

"Okay, sure! Whatever works for you, bud! Might I tag along?"

I was kind of surprised that he said that. I mean... sure, as long as we stayed on the road, there wasn't any risk of him tricking me again.


"Sure..." I answered carefully, "You can join me."


He seemed in a good mood, and even though I was still suspicious of him, I figured that some company for this delivery would be appreciated. He started talking to me and after a while, I managed to relax around him. I told him what's new in the shop, that we were having a crazy amount of deliveries at the moment and how it was making my father a bit stressed. He listened to everything, and actually seemed to care about what I was saying.

"Sorry to hear you're so busy," he said, as he looked at the bag I was carrying, "But hey, at least your dad's business is going well. What is so urgent about this delivery anyway?"

"Oh," I looked at the bag, "It's this special kind of honey."

"Special, huh?" he smirked at me, "Does it cure you of scurvy, or something?"

"Not like that," I shaked my head, "It's from some place far away. It's supposed to be the tastiest honey in the world."

"Really?" the satyr seemed interested, "Mind if I take a look at it? Just a peek."

I stopped, and thought about it for a while. Was this another trick? Well... if it was, it seemed like something that should be easy to see through. He was a trickster for sure, but I didn't think he would drop it on purpose. I gave him a suspicious look before I hesitantly reached into the bag.

"Here you go," I said as I pulled it out, "Please don't drop it."

"No worries," he smiled at me, as he took the jar for me. For a second, I was really scared he was about to drop and shatter it, but luckily, that didn't happen. He just inspected the texture from the outside. I wasn't sure what he was looking for exactly-

"Looks just like the normal stuff to me," he shrugged, "You say it's supposed to be the sweetest thing in the world?"

I nodded.

"Did your father let you taste it?"

"No... I thought about asking, but then I decided against it. He gets very bossy about mishandling the package for our clients."

"Well," he grinned at me, as he placed his hand on the lid, "He's not here right now, is he?"

"Actually... I'm not sure if it's the best idea," I reacted quickly. The satyr already fooled me once - I knew I had to be more careful this time.

Argus raised his eyebrows in confusion and then smiled at me.

"Joey? Is something wrong?"

I grew nervous. Before I left the house, I was a hundred percent ready to tell the satyr off if I ran into him. But now, with his hypnotizing hazel eyes staring into mine, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Something about them made me want to go with his idea.

"I... I..." I stuttered, "I'm just worried you'll drop the jar, that's all."

The creature chuckled and stepped a little bit closer to me. Once he did that, I felt my heartbeat fasten. His musk entered my nose and I felt a rush of excitement surge through my body. Dammit, what was about this beast that made my mind wander and wanted me to walk on the wild side?

"I see. I admit, I can be a bit clumsy," he spoke again with that soft tone of his, "Tell you what, then - you keep the jar in your hands and I'll reach in with my fingers and taste it myself. How about that, my boy?"

That... made sense. I mean, one scoop couldn't hurt, right? The lid wasn't sealed and I was sure Mr. Coon wouldn't notice a tiny little bit of it missing.

Did it make sense, though? In the soft spoken voice of the satyr it did. My mind just went with it. I still kept my eye on him and held onto the jar like my hands were glued to it, but I did push it forward a little bit, presenting it to the satyr.

He gave me a toothy grin, as his hairy hand descended on the lid.

"There you go, Joey," he said with a smile, "I knew you were fun."

His fingers slowly unscrewed the lid and let us both look onto the golden liquid in the jar. I knew how expensive it was and I had to admit that I was curious to see how it tasted like too. I knew father would never let me have a taste. He could be a little bit closed-minded sometimes. Not like Argus...

He slowly submerged his index and middle finger into the liquid. I was afraid his furry hand would leave traces of satyr fur in the honey, but luckily, the fur seemed to hold onto his body tight. When he pulled them out, they were covered in a translucent golden layer of honey. My mouth was watering just looking at it.

The satyr seemed to like that I was into his mischief. Slowly, he offered me his two fingers, positioning them right in front of my face.

"Have a taste, Joey," he suggested. I couldn't refuse.

I pulled my tongue out and met the satyr's rough skin covered in the sweet liquid. My tastebuds immediately lit up at the sweet taste. I sucked it up from my lips and licked my mouth obscenely before I looked at the satyr. He grinned and nodded to his fingers.

"Don't be shy, Joey, you can clean them up for me."

I didn't need further encouragement. My tongue started lapping over the satyr's digits, licking up the sweet sticky goodness. This was the best honey I've ever had - I could see why it was so valuable. My tongue danced around as satyr slowly circled his hand to give me access everywhere.

"Oh my, how eager you are," he commented on my enthusiasm, "And how skillful your tongue is, mmm..."

I didn't even register his suggestive tone - I added my lips to the mix and started sucking on the satyr's fingers. He didn't object a bit and soon I was slurping up the honey with his fingers all in my mouth. Then, he slowly started opening his palm for me. I instinctively pulled out my tongue again and started running it all over that palm, even though there was barely any honey on this part of his hand. After about ten solid seconds of licking, I realized how I was behaving and I stopped myself. I pulled away, face completely red in embarrassment.

"S...sorry, sir," I apologized with a meek tone, "I don't know what got into me..."

"Oh, it's more than fine, my boy," Argus snickered, "I really like this side of you."

Still not taking his eyes away from mine, he submerged his fingers in the honey again and this time put the fingers to his own lips. His overly long tongue - the one that I got acquainted with so well during our last meeting - slid out of his mouth and tasted the honey. To my surprise, the expression on his face remained lukewarm.

"Meh... it's okay," he shrugged.

"What?" I asked, surprised, "Seriously? This honey might be the best thing I've ever tasted!"

"I don't know," he shook his head, "It's good, I suppose. But when you've had something as good as the satyr honey, there are very few things in the world that would surprise you."

I raised my eyebrow, and gave him a curious look.

"Satyr honey?" I asked, sceptically, "I have never heard my father speak of such a thing."

"Well, that's good news for me," he replied, "We satyrs try to keep it a secret. If we didn't, men would probably hunt us down and kill us all, just to get their hands on that thing. I have never told a human before. But of course... I know I can trust you, Joey."

He smiled and winked at me. Suddenly, I felt very stupid. Here I was, making such a big deal about this jar of honey and it wasn't even comparable to what he knew?

"Tell me more about it," I inquired.

"The way we make it is special," he spoke in a way my father did every time he told me a story he heard from his various contacts with customers all around the world, "We don't use bees like you humans do. The process is complicated, and it's all about perfection. Of course, you can expect satyrs - creatures of the forest - to be more in touch with the natural resources than humans are. We know how to balance flavors. We know how to create something most human taste buds have never tasted before."

"Wow..." I stood there, mesmerized. I didn't know this about satyrs, and I was sure my dad didn't either. How could you even make something like honey without bees?

He waved his hand.

"Ah, but why am I boring you with my boasting? I'm sure you're more than content with your human honey."

"Actually...", I began with a tone full of curiosity, "It sounds very interesting. Do you... um... have some I could taste?"

The satyr chuckled at that request.

"With me? Right now? I'm afraid not, my boy... I have some in my hideout though. It's not far from here, but I'm sure you don't have time for things like that. With your delivery and all."

"The delivery... it can wait," I decided and closed the lid on the jar that I was holding, which suddenly seemed so worthless, "You got my attention with that honey of yours. It's even better than this? I think that's something I need to experience for myself."

A large, satisfied grin appeared on the satyr's face. Despite his expression, he shrugged, seeming a little hesitant.

"I don't know, Joey... it's a pretty big secret... you're a dear friend, of course, but I'm still not sure if I trust you that much..."

All of this secrecy just piqued my curiosity even more. What could have been so amazing that it was worth this much singing and dancing? I stepped closer and begged the satyr.

"Sir, I would never disclose any of this to another living being... Trust me, if you just let me have a taste, I will take that secret to my grave... Please."

He mulled it over for a few more seconds, before he finally nodded.

"All right, kid. But I'm going to have to take some precautions. Just to protect myself, you know. What's that thing hanging out of your pocket?"

Confused, I looked down to see what he meant. I always carried around a bright, red handkerchief in my pocket, a habit I picked up when I was younger. Since dad did laundry yesterday, it was still fresh and clean.

"My handkerchief? Why?"

"Could I borrow it for just a moment?"

I handed him the piece of cloth like he asked. He folded it a couple of times to make a makeshift blindfold, and then stepped closer to me.

"Just something extra to guard my secrets. I'm sure you understand."

His hands wrapped the handkerchief around my eyes, and my world became pitch black. The satyr tied it tightly behind my head, blinding me completely.

"How's that, boy? Too tight?"

"Nah," I shook my head, "It's good."

"Perfect. Now, be honest... can you see through it?"

"No sir, not a single thing."

"Excellent," he said, with a content tone. His hand took mine and we started moving. "Come on, then. I'll give you a taste."

Argus led me off the path through the bushes once again. I was worried this might be another one of his tricks but then I realized that this time, I kept all my clothes on. Smart move - no more anthill shenanigans today. I decided to stop being so suspicious and just look forward to the amazing honey I was about to taste!

It didn't take us long to reach his hideout, but the walk was still a bit unnerving - it's hard to move where you can't see where you're going. Luckily, the satyr's hand guided me without any issues and this time, I was careful enough not to trip or fall. He was full of promises too.

"Sorry for all these precautions, Joey, but trust me... it's all going to be worth it."

Finally, we reached our destination. I had no idea what part of the forest this was, the blindfold worked perfectly. The satyr stopped in his tracks and turned to me - I assumed based on his footsteps, since I couldn't see.

"Here's where I keep it. I have been working on this batch for a couple of days now... There should be more than enough for you to enjoy."

"Okay," I nodded, eagerly.

"First, let's make sure that you like it," he suggested, "I'll take a little bit on my hand like I did before, and you'll clean it off my fingers like the good boy that you are. Agreed?"

"Agreed," I said, licking my lips. The curiosity was killing me.

The next couple of moments I stood there, confused, in the dark. The only thing I heard were silent, squishy sounds. I guess Argus had to somehow pump it out of the tank? How did that even work? I wasn't about to question it though, and make it seem like I'm too interested in his secret. After a while, he spoke again.

"There we go... take a nice whiff of it first, boy. See if you like the smell."

He raised his hand to my face and I leaned in to sniff it. I could tell that the scent was incredibly potent from the first second. It was really strange. I wasn't exactly used to any kind of honey smelling like anything, but then again, Argus said that whatever this was didn't come from bees. This thing had an earthy, musky scent. It reminded me of something that I knew already, but I couldn't put my finger on it...

Can't say it was bad, though. Although I was imagining something completely different, the aroma did make my mouth all watery. Satyr saw me licking my lips and chuckled.

"Obviously you like it... Go for it then. Have a taste."

My tongue sheepishly reached out to meet the satyr's hand once again. I lapped up a generous amount of the fluid and pulled the tongue back, smacking my lips. I was expecting a sweet taste, not a salty one. This was nothing like bee honey, the satyr must have been producing this from the plants or something.

Regardless of all that, it was really fucking good.

"I want more," I demanded.

"Be my guest," Argus complied and pressed his hand against my face. My tongue started to run along his palm again, lapping up that sticky, salty liquid. Damn, did it taste good! The taste felt like something I should know, I definitely at least smelled it before... but damn, it was hard to think when I was too busy licking the creature's palm clean and sucking on his sticky fingers.

"Hmmm, I knew you would like it, boy..." the satyr purred, "You know, there's a lot more where that came from."

He reached to get some more for me and coated his whole hand in the liquid again. Obediently, I started licking his hand, coating my tongue with that amazing, sticky liquid. The smell was so familiar... like something I smelled before but never really thought about tasting it.

"Oh my..." I sighed, as I licked a third batch right off the creature's fingers, "Hats off to you, Argus. I've never tasted anything so delicious."

"Tell you what, my boy," he said, while his furry hand reached for the back of my neck, "I've been teasing you long enough. Why don't you kneel down and suck some of it out right from the nozzle?"

I didn't need any further encouragement. I kneeled down before what I presumed was the tank full of that stuff. The satyr guided my head in front of the nozzle. I opened my mouth and gave the thing a long, hungry lick.

What I felt wasn't what I expected at all. I thought that I would taste a metal faucet or something. Instead, my mouth got to feel this strange, fleshy thing... it tasted like the stuff the satyr gave to me before, but it was obviously no tank!

My hand reached up to pull off my blindfold. I was shocked to see that I was kneeling before Argus, my face just inches away from his meaty, throbbing satyr cock! Fully erect, it was peeking out of his fur, rock hard and waiting to be satisfied. It was bigger than a human's cock, with some light hair growing along the shaft and a big, purple head. The thing was covered in satyr's precum, which must have been the liquid he fed to me earlier.

"Hey!" I shouted at him, obviously upset. He started laughing.

"What's wrong, boy?"

"You tricked me!" I said, immediately realizing what happened. It was all ridiculous. I mean, satyr honey? Who ever heard of such a thing?!

"I don't think that's completely fair to say, my boy," the satyr protested, with a huge shit-eating grin on his face, "I only lied about the honey part. I said that I make it myself. And I promised that it would be delicious. Tell me, honestly... did you not enjoy it?"

I opened my mouth to say 'no', but the words wouldn't come out of my throat. I knew it would be a lie. Not only did I enjoy what he offered to me... Now that I knew what was going on, I was still eager for more.

"And tell me, my boy," he continued, "Are you really that much lacking in smarts that you fell for such an obvious trick? Or was there a small voice in the back of your mind that knew what you were going to taste... but decided to go with it, anyway?"

I didn't have an answer for that either. I only knew that I couldn't trust myself around Argus. He had such a strange effect on me...

"That's what I thought," he smiled at me, after I was silent, "The offer still stands, Joey. You can suck as much as you want out of me, boy. But you're going to have to work for it."