The Scholarship Student Ch. 10

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Ellen & Robert succeed in recruiting & converting Phyllis.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 12/28/2001
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Feedback and comments to James Lacy at the email address in my profile. All comments appreciated

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Robert was awakened early by the alarm. He found that his Mistress had released his restraints and left his bed during the night. He showered quickly, dressed and hurried down to breakfast. Agnes was nowhere to be found, but she had left a note and a pot of freshly brewed coffee for him. He pocketed the note, hurriedly drank a cup of coffee, grabbed his books and left for his first class. During a boring lecture on Economics, Robert remembered the note that Agnes had left him. He retrieved it from his pocket, unfolded it and read it. 'Dear Robert, I have gone shopping with your Aunt Jane. I expect to return after midnight. Until then, I have asked Ellen to take charge and oversee your activities. Please defer to Ellen on anything she asks, or demands, of you. Be a good slave and I'll bring you something nice. Love, M. Agnes.' Robert sighed deeply. He was dejected that Agnes had put Ellen in charge, but in the end, he would obey, as Mistress Agnes knew he would.

The lecture finally ended and Robert gratefully left the lecture hall. He had one more class before he would leave for home. He had over an hour before the class started. Until then, he decided to grab a bite to eat at the Student Union. He was walking across the campus toward the Union, when Ellen came behind him and playfully grabbed his arm. "Hi, slave," she joked, as she took his arm in hers and walked along with him, "going to the Union are we, Robert?" she asked.

"Yes," replied Robert, wondering if she knew about Mistress Agnes's note.

"Good. Let's hurry, I'm hungry," Ellen said, as she hurried him along. "After your next class, meet me back here so I can take you home. Mistress Agnes gave me instructions on the chores you are supposed to do after your homework." Robert's question was unequivocally answered. Not only did Ellen know about the note, but she also relished her new authority, which he knew she would aptly demonstrate tonight. They paid for their food and ate, passing the time with small talk. As they left for their classes, Ellen reminded him to meet her after class. After classes were over, Ellen picked up Robert from the Student Union and drove to Agnes's house.

Inside, Ellen reminded Robert of Mistress Agnes new rule. Robert protested, but Ellen told him that she must tell Mistress Agnes if he refused and Agnes would take offense at his disobedience. Reluctantly, Robert complied and disrobed completely. Ellen cleared the kitchen table so they could both do their homework. When Robert entered the kitchen, Ellen fastened the guide chain to his balls, pulled it tight and told him to do his homework. Robert had made some sandwiches and they ate while completing their schoolwork. Robert finished first, put his books away in his backpack and attempted to sit down. Ellen pulled on the guide chain and told him to kneel at her feet. Again, with great reluctance, Robert obeyed. Ellen pulled her skirt to her waist, revealing that she was not wearing panties. She grasped his hand and brought it to her pussy. Robert began to lightly stroke Ellen's cunt lips and she moaned with pleasure at his attentions. "Robert," she moaned, "Phyllis is going to stop by later this evening. I told her you would be here…and would…would…fuck us both. Do you mind if she comes?" Ellen asked breathlessly.

"No. I liked Phyllis, when we met" Robert replied, as he continued to play with Ellen's cunt.

"Whew, you best quit or I'll be all fucked out," she said as she pulled her skirt back down. Ellen took his very wet hand in hers and licked her juices from his fingers. She kissed Robert and forced her tongue into his mouth and their tongues intertwined. "Jesus, Robert, my cunt tastes so fucking good, I wish I could suck it myself."

Robert chuckled and said she could, if she tried, "Just bend down as far as you can."

"Easy for you to say, but no way, Robert. I've tried it and it don't work," Ellen rejoined, "well, anyway, Phyllis's cunt is tasty too, and I'll get some of that tonight," Ellen paused then continued. "I've been talking to her about joining our little circle. I know she'd like that, but she's not convinced yet," Ellen told him.

"What does she know, Ellie?" asked Robert.

"She knows that Martha and I are close and she suspects that we are lovers. What she doesn't know is that I'm Martha's 'baby girl'. Martha would like to have Phyllis join us, and that, dear Robert, is our task tonight," Ellen told him. "I've talked to Phyllis a little bit about our lifestyle. I've told her that this lifestyle is about much more than just sex. It is about training, discipline, trust and love. That there's pain involved, but that it's a loving pain provided by people that love you. That it's about endurance, submission and subservience to the people you love."

"That's a good start, Ellie. Perhaps we can build on it, to convince Phyllis," Robert told her. Ellen nodded and fondled Robert's balls when the doorbell rang. Ellen pulled briskly on Robert's guide chain, causing him to moan as she dragged him to the front door and opened the door to let Phyllis in

"Hi guys," said Phyllis as she entered the living room, "What's happening?"

"Just waiting for you," Ellen replied with a smile.

"Looks as though you already started without me," said Phyllis looking at Robert's obvious nakedness and his huge hard-on.

"No. His Mistress, Agnes, insists that he be naked in the house. Saves time, I guess," quipped Ellen. Phyllis laughed, but kept her eyes on Robert's hard-on. "I'm glad you came here today," Ellen said in a more serious vein.

"You asked me to come over to talk about…you know…didn't you?" Phyllis replied with a quizzical look on her face.

"Yes, I asked you if you wanted to join our lifestyle, Phyllis."

"I'm not sure, Ellie," Phyllis replied, "I think I understand about the domination and pain, but how is that considered love, Ellie?"

"I love Robert, and Robert loves me," Ellen stated. "Jointly we love our Mistresses, and they in turn, love us. That's why we submit to their desires, as they submit to ours."

"I don't understand. If your Mistresses are in total control, how do they submit to your desires?" Phyllis asked, trying to comprehend what Ellen was telling her.

"Simple, Phyllis," Robert said, joining the conversation, "Ellen and I desire to be completely dominated. Mistress Agnes, Jane and Martha provide the total domination both of us. They provide us with the training, discipline, humiliation and pain that we both desperately need," Robert stated factually. "Additionally, the sex is incredible!"

Phyllis half smiled and nodded, "What would I have to do?" she asked. Ellen recognized this as her opportunity to tell her about her service as a 'baby girl' for Martha.

"Most of the time, what you do is determined by our Mistresses. Some of it involves role playing and doing fun things that you normally would not do, but are really fun when done with a sexual connotation," began Ellen, "For example, Robert would never dress as Roberta if there were no sexual adventures involved. Another fun role that I play," she ventured cautiously, "is to become a little baby girl for Mother Martha, and act and be treated as though I was an 'adult baby'," Ellen said, while looking for signs of understanding from Phyllis.

Phyllis had a quizzical look on her face as she searched for the right words to ask her question, "You mean that you become a baby?"

"Yep," replied Ellen. "I get pampered, changed, fed, nursed and do all the things babies do," she paused for effect, then enthusiastically said, "And I love it! The sex is incredible, Phyl, you'll love it!"

"You wear diapers, and are treated like a baby?" Phyllis asked incredulously.

"Yes! And it's great!" Ellen replied. Phyllis moved to a chair and sat down. She could not believe what she had just heard. "Phyl, you have to experience it to truly appreciate it," Ellen continued, "Martha is the 'Mommy' and she will diaper you, change your wet or dirty diapers, put you down for a nap, feed you from a bottle and nurse you from her ample lactating tits."

Phyllis could feel her pussy begin to tingle and become moist just thinking about what Ellen had told her. She glanced at Robert's huge hard-on and felt her juices begin to warm and flow, soaking her panties. "What if I don't enjoy it, Ellie? What if I try it and want to quit? What happens then, Ellie?"

"Christ, Phyl, it's not the fucking Mafia, it's just having a great time getting off. If you want to quit…you quit. You just don't tell anyone, that's all," Ellen told her.

"Can I think about it for a couple of days?" asked Phyllis.

"No, Phyllis, if you vacillate, you'll find some ridiculous reason not to try it. You have to decide now. If it's yes, we'll all go to Martha's house. If it's no, then you can leave and go back to the dorm and listen to the virgin, Linda," Ellen told her.

Phyllis could feel her clit throbbing and rubbing on her soaked panties. She was unsure about accepting this invitation, but her cunt was so hot, she knew that she had to at least try it one time. She took a deep breath and said, "Ok…I'll do it one time. Is that ok?"

"That's great, Phyl!" said Ellen as she hugged her roommate. Robert stood and joined them in a three-way hug fest. "Let's go to 'Mommy's' house right now!" Ellen jerked on Robert's guide chain causing him to yelp as the chain clamped tightly about his balls. Ellen hooked her arm in Phyllis's and led her, and Robert naked, out to her car. She put Robert in the back seat and joined Phyllis in the front, "You're going to love this, Phyl," Ellen told her as she drove out onto the road. Ellen drove along the back roads to prevent anyone seeing Robert naked. She could have dressed him, but she preferred the excitement of possibly being caught with a naked man in her car who was chained by the balls. She chuckled over the mental picture of a traffic cop stopping them and asking them 'what the hell was going on'. Suppressing the urge to laugh out loud, Ellen drove on toward Martha's house.

Phyllis, anxiously, had dozens of questions which she mulled over in her mind as she rode along. Not knowing which to ask first, she finally settled on the question of pleasure/pain. "Will…will there be much pain? Will I hurt a lot?" she asked Ellen.

Ellen smiled at her friend to settle her nerves and answered calmly. "It will go easy for a new person to our lifestyle, Phyl. You might experience some light spanking, or perhaps you won't receive any 'pleasure' training this first time. I don't really know, Phyl, it's really up to Martha to decide." She reached over to pat Phyllis's cheek to reassure her as she drove on to Phyllis's rendezvous with love, sex, pleasure, infancy and best of all, the magnificent joy of pain administered by someone that loves you. The car pulled into Martha's driveway and stopped in front of the porch. Ellen could see Agnes's car parked near the garage and knew that both Agnes and Jane were here too. It was going to be a fun evening, she thought as she turned to smile at Phyllis. "Come on, Phyl, you'll love it. I do," she said. Phyllis got out of the car slowly, as Ellen pulled Robert out by his chained balls and led him up the steps. Phyllis held Ellen's arm as the three of them climbed the porch stairs to the door. Ellen rang the bell and they waited for Martha to answer.

The door opened and Martha, dressed in her robe, welcomed them inside. She hugged each of them then turned to Phyllis and held both of her hands, "I'm so glad you came to see Mommy, Phyllis. I'm sure you will be happy here with Ellie and me." Phyllis nodded nervously as she entered the living room. She looked about to see that all the drapes were drawn shut and most of the furniture was against the walls, leaving a lot of space in the center of the room for the evenings activities. She watched as Martha grabbed Robert by his hard-on and pulled him to a corner of the room. Martha fastened the guide chain on a hook high up on the wall, pulling the chain very tight around Robert's balls. He winced as the chain pressed painfully into his balls, but he did not cry out. "He can stay in the corner until we're done, girls," said Martha as she motioned to Ellen to get ready. Ellen indicated to Phyllis to follow her lead in disrobing. Ellen quickly stripped until she was naked. Phyllis still wore her bra and panties. Ellen cocked her head at her then pulled down Phyllis's panties.

Phyllis was mortified, but relaxed as Ellen hugged her and unsnapped her bra. "Don't worry, Phyl, it will be great," Ellen whispered to her roommate as both of the stood naked for 'Mommy's' inspection. Martha took both of Phyllis's hands and held them out away from her body to get a good look at the trembling girl. "You're beautiful, Phyllis. Such a beautiful baby girl," Martha told her. "Oh, Phyllie, this won't do at all," she said as she rubbed the bushy black hair around Phyllis's pussy. She led Phyllis to a 'changing table' and had her lay down on her back. "Ellie, get Mommy the warm water, shaving cream and razor, dear," Martha instructed. Ellen quickly left the room to fetch the items Martha requested. As they waited, Martha rubbed Phyllis's firm tits and flicked her thumbs over the hard, erect, rosy nipples. Phyllis's shuddered with excitement and could feel her cunt becoming moist and aroused. "You like that, Phyllis?" asked Martha as the girl nodded affirmatively. "Mommy will make you feel so very, very good soon, dear. My, you have such lovely titties. Do you wear a C cup, dear?" Phyllis nodded yes, as Ellen returned with the shaving materials.

Martha quickly lathered and shaved Phyllis totally of her pubic hair. She showed Phyllis the completed job with a mirror, as she nodded her approval. Phyllis felt a sense of freedom with all her cunt hair removed. Martha dried the girls' pussy and powdered it with baby powder. Next she selected a diaper and placed it under Phyllis's lovely round ass. She bent down to softly kiss Phyllis's cunt, pleased that it was wet with juices then fastened the Velcro straps. She lifted Phyllis as though she was as light as a feather and placed her on the floor. Phyllis, surprised at Martha's strength, sat motionless to watch as Martha next diapered Ellen, too.

"You two baby girls play with your titties while Momma sees to Baby Bobbie", said Martha as she released Robert and led him to the center of the room. "Well, baby Bobbie, you were supposed to stand in the corner while I diapered your baby sisters, but I saw you glancing and looking at their cunnies, you naughty boy," Martha scolded him and released his guide chain from the hook. She fetched a straight chair, opened her robe revealing her naked body and sat down. She pulled Robert to her, by his balls' chain, and laid him face down across her lap. Phyllis watched in awe as Martha shoved Roberts' cock between her thighs and wrapped the end of the balls' chain around a leg of the chair. Martha fondled Robert's asscheeks as she dipped her finger in her cunt to lubricate it with her juices. She spread his cheeks and pushed her finger as deep as she could into Robert's puckered little asshole. He jerked as he felt his sphincter part to accept Martha's finger. Next, she pushed in a second finger and then a third. Phyllis could see Robert's obvious pain and wondered why he didn't cry out as Martha cruelly twisted and shifted her fingers about.

"Well, little Bobbie, do you know what happens to naughty little boys when they look at their little sisters' cunnies?" Robert nodded as Martha raised her hand high and slapped his asscheeks hard. Robert groaned as his flesh turned a bright pink from the blow. Martha struck his asscheeks again and again as hard as she could, all the while lecturing him on not looking at his sisters' cunts without permission. Robert's asscheeks were burning as Martha continued to pummel his ass. His flesh was turning a bright crimson, as he moaned and jerked with each blow. He could feel his cock grow stiffer and harder as his 'Mommy' spanked him. Cum boiled in his balls and he could feel the pre-cum oozing from his cockhole as he received his punishment. Now Robert became worried that he might cum, soiling 'Mommy's' thighs with his cum. He strained to prevent orgasm, but the spanking was taking its toll of his strength to resist.

Suddenly, Robert cried out as he erupted with a copious volume of thick, hot, milky white cum all over the insides of Martha's thighs. Again and again, his cock would spasm expelling huge gobs of thick cum. Martha rammed two fingers in his asshole again to feel the sphincter close tightly about her fingers as he ejected the semen on her lap. Robert felt totally spent as his orgasm subsided and he lay motionless on Martha's lap. "Look at the mess you made on my thighs, Bobbie, you naughty boy. Mommy can't trust you not to be naughty, can I, Bobbie?" Martha taunted him, "Now, get on your knees and lick up all this mess immediately!" Robert looked sheepishly at Ellen and Phyllis as he got off Martha's lap and knelt between her legs. His thick cum flowed slowly and covered her inner thighs and her cunt. He put out his tongue and began to lick his cum from Martha's thighs.

Martha's arousal grew by leaps and bounds as Robert licked nearer to her wet flowing cunt. As he began to lick cum from her cuntlips, she grasped his head and forced it to her cunt. She held him there as he licked her inner cunt, probed his tongue deep inside her and finally settled on her clit to lick and suck it as though it was a nipple. Martha screamed as she exploded in orgasm. Again and again she shuddered as the throes of orgasm pulsed through her body. Finally, she let go of Robert's head and let her arms fall at her sides as she tried to regain her strength and composure from the ferocity of her orgasms.

Ellen was rubbing Phyllis's nipples as they both watched Martha and Robert. The girls' wet cunts were flowing heavily with their juices, as their arousal was nearly total. Several times Phyllis had tried to reach into her diapers to play with herself as she watched 'Momma' and 'baby Bobbie'. Ellen had grasped her hand and quietly shook her head, no, to prevent her from masturbating. Martha watched Robert as he finished licking up his cum, to be sure he had cleaned it all. Next, she fitted him with a specially made nylon net device that pulled his cock and balls back toward his ass. It had a built in cock ring which held it in place when it was tightened. A small opening, which closed behind the rim of his cockhead, allowed only his cockhead to protrude out. A light chain, attached to the device, went back between his legs and was fastened to his neck collar.

Robert was brought to the center of the room and his wrists were clasped into restraints attached to a ceiling chain, which was pulled taut. Martha spread Robert's legs and fastened each ankle to a ring in the floor. "There, that should hold you still and prevent you from cumming without permission, you naughty, naughty boy!" Martha scolded him. Almost as an afterthought, Martha produced a ball gag and fitted it onto Robert's head and mouth. "Now we won't have to listen to you whine, either." Martha sat down on the sofa and beckoned to Phyllis and Ellen to come over to her. Phyllis started to rise up, but Ellen again grasped her hand and shook her head no. She indicated Phyllis to crawl on all fours to their 'Momma'. Martha lifted Phyllis and sat her on her lap, as Ellen sat at her 'Mommy's' feet. Phyllis felt her cunt throbbing as Martha began to lightly rub Phyllis's rosy nipples and kiss her on the forehead.