The Sex Survey Ch. 01

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The survey reveals her wildest fantasies, his match.
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/23/2019
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Disclaimer: Like all lit stories this one would fit in multiple categories. This story has threesomes (M/M/F), exhibitionism, and lots of light bondage. If those aren't your thing, stop now and find another story.



"Wow," I said. "Who the hell is that?"

My best friend Dean looked up and followed my eyes to where I was looking.

"Oh her, that's Sgt Alanza, she's hot as fuck, she's actually been in the battalion longer than you. Works in admin."

"Damn, how'd I miss her?"

"She was on deployment when you got here and got back right after you left on your deployment."

I nodded, our deployments were for a year each so we could technically have been in the same battalion for two years without actually ever having seen each other. On top of that our battalion numbered more than 1,200 Marines in multiple companies so it was easy for a person not to know at least half the people serving.

Still, it was hard to imagine this girl not being known by everyone. We were on a grassed area next to one of the main gyms on base. It was roughly the size of three football fields. Our battalion was about to do an annual Olympic games style physical training session. There was more than 500 people here from the battalion, all fit Marines with their customary swagger but even so this girl stood out. She reminded me of Vanessa Hudgens but better, she was a hand width shy of six feet tall with a ponytail of long black hair that went to the middle of her back, she had a balanced swimmer's physique with obvious muscle tone. She was wearing tight pink spandex booty shorts and a black sport bra encasing C size boobs, she wore black athletic shoes and knee-high pink socks with white unicorns on them. Her eyes were large, liquid blue, and exotically slanted, giving her a natural sultry look, and her skin was darkly tanned with lighter tan lines peeking out from her outfit.

I watched her from a distance the rest of the day but through bad luck never had an opportunity to go talk to her. I recognized a friend from her group though so I made a mental note to talk to her and find out more information.


My professor had a boring voice, which really sucked because I found the subject interesting but he delivered the content in such a monotone steady voice that it was hard to concentrate. As usual I was reading different chapters from the textbook while he was talking.

One page caught my eye, like and commonality. "The results of the meta-analysis indicated that both actual similarity and perceived similarity had a large effect on attraction overall. In other words, when participants in research studies had actual things in common with partners and were more similar to them, they found that partner more attractive. Also, when participants simply thought that a partner was similar to them, even when they were wrong, they found that partner more attractive too."

Inspiration struck me, I needed information. I needed to find out what I had in common with Sgt Alanza. The question was, how?

My bachelor degree was business with a minor in marketing. I took psychology as an elective because I liked it and I wanted to specialize in understanding people to better help business. I figured by combining a little mind analysis into everything I could get ahead of the game. I'd recently created a survey for customers of a business, the first step in figuring out what the customer wanted. A lot of businesses offered the same type of gimmick, if you look on the back of most fast food receipts, you'd find a coupon survey that gave you free food or whatever for giving them info. That's what I needed to do, I had to form a survey and get Alanza to take it. I needed to know what her interests were, that way I could figure out how to talk to her.

How would I get her to take the survey though? I needed somebody else to help, then I an idea. Alanza has been at the games with a woman I already knew. I could use a web service to host a survey, offering a gift card for completing it. If I could get our mutual friend to complete it, she might be willing to recommend it to Alanza.

Perfect! Now I needed to create a survey.

I spent the next few days creating a comprehensive questionnaire, I included everything, hobbies, goals, sexual desires, career paths, etc. I showed it to a fellow grad student and had him help me edit the questions, I told him it was for my thesis. Even as I said that I realized I wasn't lying, this project would be ideal for my thesis. No matter what happened, success or failure, I'd at least have a good school project to run.

It took two weeks before I was ready to act. Now to start playing some Jedi mind tricks. I contacted my friend and casually asked her for a favor. We met at lunch and I told her I'd give her $25 restaurant gift card to complete a survey I'd created for school, she laughed when I told her about it but agreed. I figured somebody like Alanza would stand out since they were both sergeants in the same section. I asked her if she knew anybody else that might be interested and she mentioned a fellow female sergeant that she worked with. I made sure to tell her about the gift card, I'd created a setting that allowed me to send her the gift card only after my survey was complete.

"It'd be really great if you could get her to take the survey too."

"Do you need to meet her?"

Casually I said, "Naw, just get her to fill it out, I don't need to know who it is."

A day later I had my friend's survey, I decided not to read it, but I did save the information to my computer just in case. Now all I had to do was wait.

Another day passed and I checked my inbox, I had an email from my survey service. I saw that the email was from alanza_usmc.

Perfect, she'd filled out the survey.

It was hard to contain my excitement, I felt like a teenager that had just gotten his girlfriend topless for the first time. I opened up the survey and read her answers to the questions provided.


I was in love. I really needed to go through all the questions but at a quick glance this was the girl of my dreams. On key things she was perfect for me. She was into sports, she was athletic, she liked to hike and ride motorcycles. I'd answered my own survey and then charted everything, we had multiple crossings of the same interests. In so many ways we were close, but the real goldmine of information was her sexual interests.

Question: Are you an exhibitionist?

Answers started from, "I'm a nun," to "They're lucky I wear clothes to work." She'd picked the latter. Underneath that were specific exhibitionist behaviours, her answers made my jaw drop.

Skinny dipping by self: All the time.

Skinny dipping with others: Not sure why I even own a bikini.

Willing to go to topless or nude beach: See above.

Wear thong bikini: That's all I own. Seriously, I refuse to have any other tan lines on my ass!

Strip poker: Is there another kind of poker? Been there, done it, will do it again.

Nude pictures: Playboy should pay me I've taken so many.

Nude selfies: My exes could publish an illustrated karma sutra book, EACH!

Other exhibitionist tendencies: I like to wear flowing skirts on windy days and consequences be damned. Also, bra's suck!

It got better as I continued to read, in the sexual activities portion I made up she really let loose.

Threesome: Done with another girl, really want to have two guys!

Lesbian sex, give or receive: Both.

Bondage: Love it.

Ways you like to be tied: Spread eagle, hogtied, chair tied, in a car, in public, with multiple people.

Gagged: Ballgagged is sexy.

Blindfolded: On occasion.

Favorite sexual positions: Doggy style.

I'd put forth multiple pages of questions that she'd answered, but the most important ones were the last ones.

Based on compatibility would you be interested in contact regarding this survey: Yes.

Would you be willing to be interviewed: Yes.

I blew out a long sigh and leaned back in my chair as I read the final questions.

I had to take my time to try and figure out the best way to approach her. I had the information I wanted, now to determine how to use it. In the end I decided that I needed to have an in-depth conversation. That afternoon I went out and bought a prepaid cell phone. I wrote an email and told her if she was interested in further contact about the study to text her name to the number I gave her.

I put the cell phone next to my bed and tried to forget about it; she would either text me or not. Thinking about it would only drive me nuts. I went to the gym and then had dinner. After that I went back to my room and stripped to take a shower. As I was rinsing, I heard the ding of a text message. Since my personal cell phone was always on vibrate, I knew it had to be her. My heart beat a mile a minute as I finished showering and dried off. I tried to stay calm as I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked toward my nightstand.

The moment of truth. I picked up the phone and saw a one-word text, Alanza. She did it, she actually responded. Now was the most critical part.

Me: Hello, this is the coordinator of the study, are you still interested in an interview?

Seconds later I got a response.

Alanza: Very, it sounds like a lot of fun.

Me: There are a few rules. We can do this at any place of your choosing but you will be blindfolded, I don't want you to be biased by the interviewer.

I wanted to talk to her in a truthful situation and gauge her responses compared to my own and go from there. It was a haphazard approach but I figured even if this ended in catastrophe, I could learn from it or it'll make a hilarious bar story.

Alanza: No problem, anything else?

Me: It will be video recorded.

Alanza: I figured. I don't have to be naked or anything do I?

What the fuck? Did she just ask that? What the hell would make her think she wouldn't wear clothes? I thought furiously about anything I may have said in our email or otherwise to have her ask that. Other than the whole sex survey itself, I couldn't think why. Was I putting out a creepy vibe? I'd have to watch out for that.

Me: No, you can wear whatever makes you comfortable.

In seconds she responded.

Alanza: Perfect, any other restrictions?

Me: Nope.

Alanza: Sounds like a blast. When do we do this?

We sent a few more texts confirming the logistics of when and where. She decided that her own apartment would be more comfortable to her and she had a free night on Thursday, two nights from now. I agreed to meet her at her place at seven p.m.


This is crazy.

This is crazy.

This is crazy.

I kept repeating to myself as I walked to her door. I had a small tripod for my cellphone in one hand and a large purple bag used for bottles of Crown Royal. I stood in front of her apartment and swallowed. Without further hesitation I rang the bell. I knew if I waited, I'd probably call the whole thing off.

"Come in."

I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding and opened the door. I peeked inside as I was entering and saw her standing in the middle of her living room with her back to me like I'd requested.

Her apartment was small and tasteful, decorated in a modern style. A charcoal colored couch sat in front of a black glass TV stand with a wide screen television on it. A small counter made of dark wood separated the living room and kitchen dining room. A speaker and an iPhone sat on top with black and chrome appliances in a line next to it.

Eyes closed, Alanza stood straight with her hands to her sides as I entered. A light from the side highlighted her glossy hair flowing free around her shoulders. Neither of us spoke for a minute as I studied her and the apartment. In silence I looked at her, I noticed her hands were clenched. As if sensing my scrutiny, she shifted and put a hand on her hip drawing my attention to the long-sleeve turtleneck grey knit dress she wore that barely came to mid-thigh with a pair of thigh high black suede boots with three-inch heels. She was elegant, sexy, and would drop jaws in public, and I could tell from her smile she knew I was checking her out and the effect her outfit had on me.

"Well," I said.

"Well," she replied.

"Here we are."

"Yes, here we are," she said, her voice high, her body tense as she stood there.

"I admit I'm a little nervous," I said.

She gave a small bark of laughter, "You're nervous? How do you think I feel?"

I laughed, "True."

At those statements the tension eased out of the room and she visibly relaxed.

"Why don't you blindfold me and we'll talk."

"Then we'll see how it goes from there?" I responded.

"Exactly. It's not like you're asking me to be naked or anything."

There was that comment again, strange.

I walked behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she put her hand on mine. I held it there for a while so we could get accustomed to one another, she seemed to understand this and didn't move. Finally, I took a black silk sash out of my bag and wrapped it around her head twice then tied off the ends. I waved my hand in front of her.

"Can you see anything?"

"Nothing," she whispered, turning her head back and forth for a few seconds.

"I really can't see anything," she said with growing awe, her voice betraying her excitement. "Not going to lie, I was a little scared about this. I mean who knew what could happen, but I figured it was just an interview, it's not like I was going to be naked or anything."

She reached out a hand and waved it around until she contacted my body, she stretched her fingers in exploration for a second, then rested her hand on my chest.

She swallowed, opened her mouth, then closed it, I waited a few seconds until she could find the right words.

I glanced around looking for a chair but when I asked her which one to get from the kitchen she said, "Go down the hallway to the bedroom, you'll find a chair in the corner."

I did what she said and came back a minute later with a dark wood Victorian style walnut chair with deep blue padding on the seat and back.

"Wow, impressive chair, it's very sturdy."

"You've read my survey, I like bondage. That's what I bought this chair for. It was the last of a set so I got it super cheap. I've only let a few people know what I got it for, most people just think it's a cool chair I use in my bedroom."

The chair was heavy and all hand-carved with solid armrests and a high back with crossbeams between the legs. I placed it in the center of the room and guided her to it.

I stepped back and set up my tripod, I was using my phone as the camera since the ones nowadays were almost as good as professional. After making sure everything was good, I sat on her couch.

"I do have a requirement for this interview," she said.

"And that is?"

"I will answer all your questions truthfully, but I get to ask questions too, and you have to be completely truthful. If I ever think you're lying to me the whole thing is over."

I mulled it over for a few seconds, "I suppose that's fair. What are you going to ask me?"

"Not really sure, I'll figure it out as we talk."

"Well then, it looks like we have a deal."

I grabbed another chair from the kitchen and put it next to the tripod. I made sure she was in focus and all of her was on screen then I hit record on my phone.

"State your name."

"Ariana Alanza."

We spent some time getting standard biographical data, she asked me questions about myself but didn't ask my name, just what I did, (Marine Sergeant, like herself), what I was in school for, (bachelor in business, minor in psychology) my age, (24, she was two months older). Favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast. That one was random but halfway through the first questions she'd asked me mine and refused to go farther until I answered. I'd told her Beauty and the Beast and she'd screamed and said hers was the same. I also told her I loved Aladdin and she admitted she did too. Apparently, I'd passed a test because she told me if I'd answered wrong, she would have kicked me out of her place. She loved Disney and I told her I was a Star Wars geek. Finally, I got to the heart of the interview.

"You stated you're an exhibitionist, tell me about that."

"I noticed in high school that I liked to tease and show off. I've always had a hard time with jealous boyfriends because I wear short skirts and sheer blouses."

Continuing, "One of my favorite things to do when I'm bored is to wear a short tennis style skirt on windy days and then go out. I like to go to the park and just walk around. I've had my skirt fly up on so many occasions I can't even count. I always wear a thong underneath and I make sure it's a different color than my skirt so that it stands out, then it's obvious whoever saw me saw my panties."

As she talked, she uncrossed and crossed her legs, I caught a flash of a pink satin panty with black lace. For the briefest of seconds, it seemed like she paused during the move, was she trying to flash me? It would seem to be impossible for her not to know I'd caught a glimpse right then.

"Does that happen a lot?"

"Yes, I always look around after I feel my skirt fly up, my eyes go wide and I pretend that I can't believe it just happened. I pretend I'm checking to make sure nobody saw, but in reality, I'm checking to see who actually saw."

Continuing, "It's easy to spot them, their eyes are glued to my ass, even if they're with their girlfriends or whatever. I pretend to be embarrassed and walk the other way."

"Any of them ever talk to you?"

"A few, I've done it so much that a few of the braver ones have talked to me. I shared my number with a couple and I dated one a few times."

"How'd that go?"

"Terrible, he was the insanely jealous type. By the third date he was already telling me what to wear and stuff, wanted me dressed like a nun."


"Exactly," she said. "My turn, so what started this survey?"

"My professor was droning on about commonality and like and I had an idea. At first it was just a stupid random thought. I imagined what it'd be like to interview a date beforehand. How much easier would it be if you didn't waste time with people you wouldn't be compatible with?"

"You aren't kidding there."

"Right," I agreed. "So I decided to do a study on commonality and then to see if I could match people based on their answers."

"Ahh, so how many people have agreed to interview?"

"Only you so far, but I just started."

Technically this was not a lie.

"Have you found a match for me?"

"There is one person who you match more than 90% so far."

"Really? Sounds like I'd like to meet him."

Laughing, "He's interviewing you now."

Her mouth dropped open as she sat in stunned silence, "Wait, seriously?"

"I'm as surprised as you, who knew there would be somebody so compatible with me?"

The next two hours flew by as we talked about everything, she repeated all the information on her survey confirming her likes and dislikes, for most of her questions she asked me about my turn-ons.

"Do any of your friends know about this side of your personality?" I asked. "Do they know you're doing this interview?"

"One girlfriend knows everything, and a few guy friends have commented that I'm a bit of an exhibitionist but I just laugh about it. They know I don't mind being around them in my underwear or less but they don't know how much it turns me on."

"What did your girlfriend think about this interview?"

"She thought it was weird at first but I told her, 'It's not like I have to be naked for it.' and I knew I could leave when I wanted to. After she read my answers, she admitted it was interesting and she understands why you'd want to interview me. She wants to hear all about it afterward."