The Skinny Dip

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They fulfill a fantasy their spouses wouldn't!
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Gina Hill pulled nervously into the Kroger parking lot and scanned the available spaces. Within seconds, she entered one that seemed ideal. It was a hot day even at 11 in the morning outside Atlanta and she left the engine on in order to preserve the air conditioning. She didn't want to get sweaty, at least not yet!

Her car was parked pretty far from the front door where shoppers were busily entering and leaving. That was critical to reduce the likelihood that she would be seen. But she was also close enough not to stand out and be noticed all alone in an empty section of the parking lot.

Her car could be left here for hours without attracting attention. And, most importantly, there was no car in the space to her immediate left, just as she had been instructed. David would be able to pull in right beside her, allowing her to climb into the back seat of his car and lie down, hopefully unseen.

She removed her sunglasses and gazed at herself in the rear view mirror. Would she really go through with this? "Yes," she whispered aloud, shoving her doubts to the inner recesses of her will with all the resolve she could muster. This time there was no turning back.

She would not allow her nerves to get the best of her. She knew what she wanted – no, had needed - for a decade and today she was going to have it. The swimsuit she wore beneath her light blue unbuttoned cotton shirt and white shorts chafed her under her left arm. She adjusted it quickly, then had to stifle a quick grin when she realized that she hopefully wouldn't have to wear it for very long.

Gina buttoned a single button to conceal the swimsuit then glanced at the seat next to her, taking inventory for the sixth time today: towel, sandals, a plastic bag in which to hide her wet clothing, a change of dry clothes appropriate for the shopping trip she was supposed to be enjoying today, deodorant and a hair brush. "All there," she thought, and crammed them into a grocery bag that she had been carrying for a week in anticipation of today's adventure.

Butterflies swarmed in her gut as she stole a glance toward the highway from which his gray Toyota SUV would soon enter. Fear and excitement melded in her soul into an intoxicating brew that left her breathless.

Her marriage to Devin was functional, nothing more. He was a good Dad and decent provider, but cold and unexpressive and a sexual bore. "More of a roommate than a soul mate," she often thought to herself.

For years she had dreamed of him joining her in their backyard pool late at night for a nude swim and whatever fun that might lead to, but to no avail. Gina quickly replaced her sunglasses, pulled down the visor of her baseball cap and slumped lower in her seat. She glanced around the parking lot fearful that someone she knew might be nearby.

"Of course there isn't," she silently scolded herself. "I'm forty miles from home. There's no one in this entire town that would recognize me."

She evaluated her looks in the mirror. "Not bad for a woman pushing 40," she thought. Her face was not as beautiful as it had once been, but whose is? Her paramour was older than she was, anyway. Her figure was still nice, too.

Her cherry blonde hair was shiny and long and quite attractive, if she did say so herself. Her eyes sparkled and her breasts, her best feature, were large and still well-defined enough to distract men when she walked down the street. Her pink nipples were small and sensitive and surrounded by large areolas. She knew that he would love them.

Indeed, she knew that he already loved them, for one time long ago he had seen them, kissed them, caressed them and become entranced with them. In a moment of insanity three years earlier she had even emailed him a photograph of them to taunt, tantalize and remind him. Later she would send him a snapshot of her clean-shaven most-intimate part, something she had never done before and would probably never do again. She smiled as she thought of how those photographs must have affected him.

She imagined him looking at them over and over on his computer screen and becoming erect, even throbbing. She wished she could have been a fly on the wall to see his reaction, and wondered if he had ever masturbated while thinking about her. She certainly had done so while recalling their one time together so long ago, and more than once.

Wistfully, she thought back on the seven years that had elapsed since that one night of forbidden passion and the journey that had brought her to the total surrender she had planned for today.

Her company's sales conference in 2009 was expected to be just one more boring succession of talking heads, PowerPoint misery and stultifying statistics. But the keynote speaker that day, David Walters, had been mesmerizing. She had laughed, been moved to tears and inspired and she instantly developed a crush on the man.

Their chance meeting in the bar that night had led to flirtation, innuendos and a night that neither of them would ever forget. Willingly lured into his hotel room on a flimsy pretext about checking a date on his calendar, she had pretended not to comprehend the implications of finding herself – a married woman with four children – alone in a married man's suite.

In a matter of minutes they were both naked, writhing and kissing on his bed, hungrily satisfying needs that had gone unaddressed by their spouses for years. He had especially relished the time he spent pleasuring her orally and had relived it in his mind hundreds of times since, retrieving almost instantly each time the taste of her moistness, the aroma of her arousal and every ecstatic sensation he had felt. (His wife wouldn't permit him to go down on her; it was apparently too intimate an act for one as emotionally distant as she.)

Gina had come hard on his tongue that night, and then had pleasured him until he came, too. Sadly, he had not penetrated her because fears of pregnancy had overruled the urgent passion he had felt that night to enter and possess her totally. David had agonized a thousand times since over his lost opportunity to enjoy her completely, even if only for those precious few minutes. "For the wont of a condom...."

The discovery that the two of them lived less than 50 miles from each other naturally led both to the same conclusion: this need not be a one-time occurrence! Hundreds of emails - some torrid, most mundane - followed over the next several years. They learned some of the most intimate details of one another's lives, but in other ways remained strangers.

Both longed for more than they were getting at home. She needed to be treasured, listened to, laughed with and held. She wanted a man who was spontaneous and who freely expressed his love for her. Devin was clearly never going to be that.

David, similarly, desired a woman he could talk to about subjects his wife deemed taboo or overly personal, one who would open her heart and emotions to him. He also needed a woman who was eager to make love with reckless abandon and in every position, a woman who was not prim and proper in the bedroom, a woman for whom sex was not something to put on her schedule as though it were a dentist appointment.

A decade earlier he had spent almost $70,000 to build a beautiful pool in his own backyard in the expectation of regular nude romps in it with his wife. But she was absolutely against it, even implying that his desire to swim nude with his wife was somehow perverted. He longed for intimacy in every sense of that word.

But Gina was reluctant to plan a tawdry rendezvous in a hotel room (she was not that kind of woman, after all) and David was hesitant to fall in love with her, for he was a romantic at heart and knew that he could not make love to a woman and walk away with his heart unmoved.

He alternately cursed himself for being too honest to lead her on with false hopes by playing on her emotions, then despised himself for his own duplicity. How could a man be "too honest" to lie to his lover but not to cheat on his wife? The hypocrisy gnawed at him, but not as deeply as his desire to hold Gina's naked body against his one more time.

He had found just the spot, too. A private spring-fed swimming hole surrounded by tall trees on one side and a sheer cliff on the other. It was here that he would romance her, imbibe Cayman Jack's Margaritas (her favorite), swim naked with her, kiss her passionately and then take her on a tiny sand beach that seemed to be made for that very purpose. And this time he wouldn't forget the condom.


Gina's gaze toward the highway was suddenly disrupted as a vehicle pulled into the empty space beside her, startling her and driving her heart high into her throat. A fraction of a second later that emotion morphed into frustration. "Damn!" she whispered. She had worried that someone might take that spot before David arrived, forcing her to pull out and find another suitable one - all without attracting curious stares from onlookers.

All of these thoughts and feelings rushed through her mind and body in a flash, but were then washed away as she realized the man in the blue baseball cap, dark shades and burgundy knit shirt was him! He had apparently entered the lot from another direction.

Their eyes met through tinted glass and he timidly waved and cracked a nervous grin. She smiled, hunkered down and peeked around to see if anyone might be walking by. Sensing that the coast was clear, she scooped up the grocery bag that she knew would serve as an appropriate excuse for her presence there should anyone recognize her, turned off the engine, opened her door and emerged.

Clutching her keys in one hand and the bag in the other, she kicked her door shut and stood momentarily erect in order to appear to be a normal shopper should anyone be watching. She glanced around to be sure no one had noticed her, then quickly darted into the back seat of David's SUV. Once again their eyes met, and she could see that his, too, were filled with fear, anticipation and - could it be - love?

She smiled and quickly lay down on the back seat and tossed her bag into the floorboard as they had discussed on the phone that morning. Next to hers was another Kroger bag. He had apparently arrived before she had and gone shopping. "Hey!" was all she could manage to say, completely out of breath from her mad dash that had lasted all of five seconds.

"I'm so glad to see you!" he replied without turning his head an inch. "I was afraid you wouldn't show." Gina squeezed the button on her key remote as they pulled away and was relieved to hear the telltale honk that confirmed that her car was safely locked.

David looked around warily, then pulled out onto the highway. He could barely contain his exhilaration. They were alone together at last after seven long years. "How are you?" he asked, feeling a bit stupid that he couldn't come up with a more interesting way to start their first in-person conversation in years.

"Nervous," she replied.

"I know. Me too." was all he could say. Neither spoke for the next five minutes. Gina felt a stabbing pain in her left arm and shifted to relieve it. Still uncomfortable, she reached beneath her to feel... plant stems? She squirmed and pulled and a dozen pink roses emerged from beneath her, slightly squashed and mangled. She had entered the car so quickly that she hadn't even seen them.

Gina felt bad for flattening the roses, even detaching one of the buds from its stem, but she deeply appreciated having a little romance in her life. Besides, she couldn't very well take the flowers home with her, anyway, could she? What difference did it make that she had ruined some of them? It's the thought that counts.

In any case they would have to be thrown away before she returned home that afternoon. The fact that he obviously knew this but had bought them anyway touched her. She tried unsuccessfully to unruffle the flowers, then rummaged through the other bag curiously.

On top were some crackers and cheese slices and tiny cold cuts already pre-sliced for hors d'ouerves. Below that were some cookies from the store bakery and a package of condoms. She smiled. The mere sight of them aroused her a bit, which surprised her.

She felt a slight buzzing between her legs that she hadn't sensed in quite a while. She squeezed her thighs together to momentarily squelch the urge. At the bottom of the bag was a six-pack of the cold Cayman Jack's Margaritas she loved.

The fact that he had remembered that little fact from a single email she had sent years before made her feel... special. It had been so long since she had experienced that emotion. The warmth in her heart moved slowly down her tummy and caused her to squeeze her thighs together again, this time more firmly.

"You remembered!" she said sweetly.

"The condoms or the margaritas?" he asked with a sly smile, daring to glance toward the back seat for a moment. Because her head was obscured by the headrest of his seat, she never saw the smile, but she knew he was joking. He was always joking. He loved to make her smile.

"Both!" she said with a laugh. But David's glance toward the back seat had burned a mental snapshot of her legs into his brain. He could feel his cock begin to harden against his khaki cargo shorts, chosen because of the many pockets in which to carry sunscreen, car keys, mints and a bottle opener.

He, like Gina, had taken inventory repeatedly that morning to be sure he didn't forget anything at all. Today was to be the fulfillment of a dream with a woman he adored and he would not allow a careless oversight to make it anything less than perfect.

The bright sun shone on Gina's legs and warmed her. She wondered what it would be like to feel that same warmth on every inch of her naked body. The car came to a halt and she could hear the turn indicator blinking. Seconds later the car lurched to the left and she felt it wind down a curvy but nicely paved road. She wondered where they were, but trusted this man completely.

"Can I sit up now?" she asked.

"Not yet." he replied. "About two more minutes." Soon thereafter she felt the road change to gravel and she knew they were almost there. A few seconds later, he said, "I think it's safe now."

She sat up and looked around. They were wending their way down a potholed gravel road surrounded on both sides by dense forest. Other than the road, there was hardly a sign of human life, save some homes far away on a ridge overlooking the verdant valley.

They were making their way down a hill and she could see the forest stretch out for at least another mile or two before them. Down, down they went, along the road he had described to her a few days earlier over the phone. She reached over the front seat and touched him softly on the neck.

"Thanks for the flowers," she said meekly. David just smiled and moved his head to press her hand between his cheek and shoulder. He raised his left hand and played with hers, squeezing each finger, then gently kissing them. Electricity shot through them both.

A mile later they veered left off the gravel road onto one that was no more than two ruts in the grass. They meandered through a forest meadow then back among the trees. Five minutes later, they were forced to come to a stop by a chain stretched across the road. From it dangled a "No Trespassing" sign. David veered left between trees and parked.

"This is it!" he cried, unable to contain his eagerness and excitement. He stepped out of the car and opened her door for her. He offered her his hand, bowed as though he were welcoming a queen, and smiled exuberantly. "Your Grace," he intoned in mock worship as he lifted her out of the car and dropped his hat and sunglasses carelessly on the ground.

He embraced her waist with his right hand as his left touched the back of her neck beneath her hair. Their noses were almost touching as he gazed tenderly into her eyes. For a moment, she thought he might actually cry.

David broke his eyes away from her and enveloped her in the warmest bear hug she had felt in decades. He then tenderly kissed her neck as he pressed her body against the car. The warm metal felt good against her bottom and back, which had become chilled by the car's air conditioning.

She felt her breathing deepen and slow as he gently kissed her neck and worked his way gradually up the underside of her chin. She returned his embrace and allowed her hands to drift down to his firm ass. She grabbed both cheeks and pulled him into her.

She felt his cock harden against her stomach and briefly thought about dropping to her knees right then and there to take it in her mouth. But that thought was gone the moment his lips touched hers.

They necked passionately as the combination of their arousal and the hot sun caused them both to begin to sweat profusely. Their tongues flicked in and out of each other mouths as their pulses quickened and their breathing became deeper. The hot steel of the car burned the back of his hand so he extracted it from behind her waist and placed it on her side, then moved it upward until his thumb made light contact with her left breast.

Sensing no resistance, he unbuttoned her cover-up and moved his hand inside it to cup her left breast through her swimsuit, massaging it gently as they kissed. She moaned with pleasure and he dared to slide his left hand inside her suit to gently tease her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Gina pulled back slightly and blushed. She said, "Why don't we save that for the water?"

David nodded and pulled his hand away, but before removing himself completely gave her cleavage a quick nuzzle and a kiss.

"It feels so good to be treasured, to be the center of a man's world, to be loved... even if only for a couple of hours," she thought. One final kiss was planted on her lips before David moved to the rear of the vehicle and opened the hatchback revealing a backpack.

"Would you mind handing me the two bags from the back seat, please?" he inquired. She did so, and he rolled her belongings up and tucked the entire bag into his backpack. The groceries, too, went inside, except for the mints, sunscreen and condoms. He tucked those away in his pants pockets, where he had already secured his keys, wallet, phone and the bottle opener.

She smiled as she noticed that there were three bulges in his trousers, right in a row, with the middle one sticking out further than the others.

"Where's your towel and swimsuit?" she asked.

"Towel's in the backpack," he responded, then added with a grin, "Won't be needing the swimsuit!" Gina blushed. She knew she really wouldn't be needing hers, either. David closed the hatchback, locked the doors, pulled two Cayman Jack's out of the backpack, and opened them. He handed one to his beautiful companion.

They clinked the bottles as he toasted, "To living life to the full and building fantastic memories!" Both took a big gulp. David donned the backpack, took her free hand in his, and they both began to walk happily toward the "No Trespassing" sign.


The chain that blocked the road was strung between two trees about waist high at the ends sagging to knee level in the middle where the ominous words, "No Trespassing" swung softly in the breeze. A padlock secured the chain tightly to itself against the tree to their right. A sign tacked to the tree at its left end read, "Private Property." David raised the chain with his left hand and motioned for Gina to duck under it. She hesitated for a second.

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble for this?" she asked warily.

"No problem," David reassured her. "The land is owned by a local civic club. They have plans to turn it into a camp for the disabled in the future, but I'm on the planning committee and we haven't even started to raise funds for it yet. It will be at least three years before they start construction. Besides, since I'm in the club I'm allowed to be here."