The Slaving World Pt. 01


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Hunter was glad he got all of his work done earlier and could concentrate on the night ahead with the lovely slave. The scotch was delicious and began warming him up from the inside. The fire grew in the stove and the room heated up nicely.

Hunter sat his empty glass down on the table and looked at Lida.

"Go in the bathroom and get ready for me," he ordered her.

She swallowed nervously and stood.

"Yes, sir," Lida said and headed for the bathroom.

Hunter rose and walked over to check out the backpack she had brought. He opened it and the first thing he saw was a note.

"Hunter," it said. "She is new to being a slave and still learning what it means to be owned. Feel free to punish her as needed." It was signed "Jake."

Hunter smiled and looked in the rest of the pack which held what Hunter had come to expect: cuffs, a leash, lube and a gag. An assortment of ropes filled the rest. What really caught his attention, and showed that Jake had done at least a little research, was a leather riding crop.

Hunter was taking a few test swings with the crop to get the feel of it when Lida emerged from the bathroom wearing only her collar. Her eyes locked onto the crop in his hand and grew wide.

Hunter looked her over. She was amazingly beautiful. She had fair skin, a thin, flat stomach and narrow hips. She was thin, almost skinny but with full breasts with amazing round areole and perky nipples that were already hard with arousal. Her legs were long with strong thighs and nicely curved calves. The collar accented her long neck and narrow shoulders.

It really seemed like a waste to have a slave like this trimming buds when she should be in someone's household. The price for her would surely be higher than most anything he could make off of marijuana. He made a mental note to contact Greg about funding, maybe he could buy her from Jake before he left.

"I'm ready, sir," she said and walked towards him.

"Pour me another drink and then kneel in front of the chair," he ordered her.

Lida began to get the ice cubes when suddenly her ass was on fire. Hunter had whipped her! She dropped the ice, the cubes scattering on the table and floor.

"When you are given an instruction by me, you are to respond 'yes, sir.' Understand, slave?"

"Yes, sir," Lida said and resisted the urge to rub the spot on her bottom that burned.

"Now," Hunter said patiently, "use your mouth and pick up all the ice cubes you dropped. Place them in the sink. After that, make me another drink and kneel in front of the chair."

Lida bent down to pick up a cube from the table when Hunter smacked her ass again.

"Yes, sir," she quickly said. "Sorry, sir."

Hunter realized that he had a lot of work ahead of him on this one. Maybe that was why Jake had sent her to him.

"Now, slave," he said clearly and patiently, "I am going to repeat all of my commands so you understand them."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

It was obvious to Hunter that she was already rattled. This was going to hurt her a lot more if she did not stay calm.

"First, with your mouth, pick up the ice cubes you dropped and put them in the sink. Second, make me another drink. Third, kneel in front of the chair. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, sir."

She picked the two off the table first and carried them to the sink and spit them out. She looked at the one on the floor, already starting to melt and seemed to hesitate a moment. Hunter could see that she did not want to put her mouth on the floor, but then she saw his hand tense slightly on the crop and quickly dropped to her knees. He stared at her beautiful back and bottom as she sucked the ice cube up off the wooden floor. The red welts looked lovely, inviting. Breaking in slaves always got Hunter's blood flowing and he sensed that there would be a lot of that tonight. The poor slave was in for a rough one.

She spat the other cube into the sink and knelt naked before the chair as she had been instructed.

Hunter undressed then sat down in the chair.

Lida watched him undress. Hunter was about‭ ‬50‭ ‬with short blonde hair that was thinning from the front ‭‬ ‬‬clean shaven with piercing blue eyes.‭ ‬He was handsome in a rugged ‭‬ ‬‬outdoors sort of way.‭ ‬ He was muscular and fit in a way that suggested an active life rather than hours in a gym.‭ ‬The confidence and authority in his mannerisms and voice told Lida that he would make her do whatever he wanted and that made her very aroused. She knew she was slightly taller than he was, but his presence made her feel small and weak. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

She was rapidly regretting her decision. She had played slave with Jake, even let him have another man fuck her when they were on vacation once, but this was new, this was no game. Hunter was different, he was experienced with slaves and knew how to bend them to his will. She would wind up doing whatever he wanted, whether she wanted to or not. This was completely out of her control. If she tried to run, he would catch her, if she yelled he would gag her. If she resisted, he would overpower her. She was completely at his mercy.

Hunter could see the realization dawn in her eyes.

"Do you understand, Lida? Do you understand what it means to be a slave?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I will do whatever it takes to get you to do what I want."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now, we will start with your mouth on my cock."

"Yes, sir," Lida was proud that she remembered to say it this time. She leaned forward, put her hands on his powerful legs, took a breath and put her mouth on his cock. If this was all he wanted, she would be okay. She thought she was good at giving head, Jake had certainly never complained. When she was younger, before she met Jake, she had a reputation for sucking cock in her hometown. She never let any of those boys fuck her, but was more than willing to give some of them a blow job. She sucked and used her hand to stroke his shaft as she did.

"Deeper," Hunter ordered, "deep throat, slave. No hands."

She lifted her head off his cock just long enough to say "yes, sir" then went back to work. She took his hard cock as deep into her mouth as she could before she started gagging. She thought he would be happy with this; every other man had been. She was wrong. He grabbed a handful of her hair and shoved her all the way down on his cock. She had never been able to get a cock in her throat and was startled by it. She could not breathe and her throat was filled, it felt wrong and painful. She thrashed, tried to pull her head out and put both hands on his thighs to try to push off.

He held her head down for a few seconds while she fought him then let go. She jerked up, the odd sensation of his cock leaving her throat, fell back on her heels and gasped for air.

She looked up and saw a determined and disappointed look in his face.

"I see this is going to take some work, slave," he said sternly.

"Sorry, sir. Can I please do something else?"

"Stand up. Put your hands on the table."

"Yes, sir. Please don't whip me, sir. You can fuck my pussy all you want, sir."

She was still kneeling. Hunter looked at her then flicked her nipples with the tip of the crop. She yelled out.

"Up. Now." He hit each nipple now, hard and fast. Lida sprawled back on the floor, scooting under the table. She started moving towards the door.

Hunter was up in a flash. Before she could react, he grabbed her by the collar and pulled her to her feet. His hand left her collar and grabbed the back of her neck. He squeezed, found a spot and squeezed harder.

Lida could not even yell. She had never felt this much pain before. She could not move and barely even breathe. She turned her head enough to see an unemotional look of determination in his face. He released his grip and she gasped for air.

"I trust I won't have to do that again?" he said. "I know holds that hurt more than that."

"I'm sorry, sir," she pleaded. "I don't want to do this. Please let me go, sir. I'll have another slave, two slaves, sent here for you. I'm not really..." She did not have the breath to continue as he reapplied the hold.

When he let go again, she did not say anything.

"You seem to have a problem staying quiet," he admonished her. "Go bring me the pack."

Lida forgot to say "yes, sir" and expected a whipping, but he did not. She brought the pack to him. She wanted to tell him who she really was, that she was not a slave, but she knew if she opened her mouth to speak he would use that grip on her again.

Hunter rummaged through the bag and found the ball gag.

"Lift your hair," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," she said in surrender.

Hunter placed the gag in her mouth, ignoring the pleading in her eyes. It only took a second and he had it secured. He reached back into the bag and found the wrist bands with the loops on them. She resisted for a second when he tried to put them on, but a look from him and she stopped. He hooked them together then hooked them both to the loop on the front of her collar.

"Now, bend over the table," he said sternly.

Lida moved awkwardly to the table and bent over it, waiting for the whipping she knew was coming. She was scared, in pain, but also wet. There were some many things going on in her body and mind that she could not make sense of anything.

He smacked her ass once.

"Lida, you are a beautiful slave," he said and whipped her again. "But you are not really a slave yet." Another lash fell across her lower back. "If I were to punish you for everything you have done wrong already, I would turn your ass and back into hamburger." Another lash across her thighs. "And we don't want that, do we?"

Lida shook her head furiously.

"You do not ask if you can do something different," two more across her burning ass. "You do not offer to 'let' me fuck your pussy," two more. "You are here for me to do with as I please. You certainly do not ask to leave and have another take your place." Lida counted five blows this time. "Each one of these infractions is worth at least ten each. And another twenty for fighting me, another twenty or more for trying to get away from me. And there were a few missed 'yes, sir's in there, too."

Lida cried softly, waiting for the next blow, or that hold on her neck. Why did she want to do this?

"I don't expect you to remember much," he said. "What you do need to remember is that your only duty as a slave is to obey. Do as you are told, do what is demanded of you, and you will be fine. Do not ever think that you have any control. Do not ever think you have any rights. Surrender to your servitude. If you fight, it will only hurt more, more than you can take. Do you understand, Lida?"

Lida nodded.

"Now, I think we can agree some punishment is in order, can't we, slave?"

Lida nodded again, afraid of what would happen but more afraid of saying no. Did Jake know this would happen? Was this how he treated their slaves? Or did the slaves know, did they understand, what Hunter had told her? That only by surrendering could she get through this, and there was no doubt he would make her surrender.

"Good," he said and softly stroked her back. "I am going to be generous and say twenty more."

Lida blanched at this, he had not even given her twenty yet total and now she was going to get twenty more.

"Understand, I could give you the one hundred plus that your behavior has earned you. Or I could just keep whipping you until my arm gets tired, and that would be well over one hundred. You should be grateful for my generosity."

Lida nodded her head quickly. Twenty was bad enough, she did not want to make him give her more. She was so helpless right now, scared but aroused.

Hunter let her wait, thinking about what was going to happen to her. He took another drink and fished around in the pack until he found the lube. He knew that as soon as he was finished he was going to be ready to fuck her. Her lovely ass would be the first to get his cock. He had the rest of the night to pillage the rest of her body, but he wanted to get her abject surrender out of the way first.

She was obviously a very raw slave and Hunter wondered again at Jake's reasoning for sending her to him. He would have preferred a well-trained slave; it would have been much more relaxing. But he appreciated the challenge Lida presented him. He just could not figure out if Jake had not got around to breaking her in yet, or was sending her to him as a message to her, or him. He did not see Jake as kind hearted, the man ran a business that depended on a certain degree of ruthlessness.

Hunter finished his drink and set the glass down on the table beside Lida.

"Are you ready to get started?" Hunter asked.

Lida took a breath and nodded. The first hit immediately followed. She closed her eyes and took the painful whipping. She had no control over this, she had to accept this punishment. She resolved to do nothing to make him punish her anymore. She would obey and comply with everything he wanted so he would not whip her, then, tomorrow, she would go back to being Jake's wife and never do this again.

She was lost in a haze of pain. He spread them out across her back, bottom and thighs. He stepped from side to side as he punished and marked her. The sting from the crop mixed with endorphins that rushed through her body. She did not count, she hoped he would stop when twenty was reached. Somehow, despite what he was doing to her, or maybe because of why he was doing it, she trusted him.

The whipping stopped. She cried, her body heaving. She was in pain, but her body was alive, every nerve tingling, every muscle tight. She would obey, she thought to herself. She ached, her pussy ached, too, she wanted the release of a good fucking right now. That would be her reward for enduring this, a big cock in her pussy and a nice orgasm or two.

His finger pushed into her asshole and broke her concentration. Wasn't he supposed to fuck her pussy first? Wasn't that how these things went? She wasn't ready for anal, not now. She had let Jake fuck her in the ass once or twice, but that was always with her on top, she was in control. Even with Hunter adding a little more lube, this would be a different world. She started to rise up, to turn and protest.

"Slave," Hunter said calmly. "If you resist, I will just punish you until you stop. Then I will do exactly what I am going to do anyway. It is your choice."

Lida stifled a sob and relaxed back on the table.

"Good slave," he complimented her and finished getting her little brown hole ready for the pounding he was going to give it. "Let's go to the bed."

Hunter was satisfied with the meek surrender in her walk as he led her to the bed. He unhooked her hands from the collar and helped her onto the bed. He had her up on her knees then pushed her head down onto the bed. He was ready for deep thrusts into her red marked ass.

Hunter climbed in behind her and rubbed a little lube on his cock. He put the tip against her ring of muscle. She tensed as he began to push into her. She was tight and it was actually work to get his cock into her. He pushed deeper and deeper until he was buried balls deep into her backdoor.

"Relax, slave," Hunter said to her. "This is going to happen. There is nothing you can do about it."

Lida nodded slowly, her face grimacing in pain.

Hunter slid back slowly and back in a few times to get the feel of her. He looked down at her, abused and helpless, her body already showing the marks of her losing struggle against him. He thought of her like that, under his power. He had stayed calm after whipping her, but allowed himself to lose control now. His blood was up and all he wanted to do was pound her ass. He was hard and brutal, taking every bit of pleasure he could from her and never slowing or stopping until he came deep in her helpless body.

Lida was sobbing when he finished. She did not know it was possible to get fucked like that, or at least to get fucked like that and survive. Her body ached, every bit of it. Her ass stretched and burned, she felt like a train had gone through her. She convulsed as he stopped, but he did not pull out of her. He reached under her, fingered her wet pussy for a minute, making her moan through her crying, then found her clit. She gasped as he expertly worked it, sometimes dipping his finger back into her pussy, but always coming back to her pleasure bud. She jerked and kicked a little, but his cock in her ass held her place. She tried to resist, but her body responded to his touch and the orgasm exploded out from her center. All the pain, all the helplessness and use and abuse washed with the pleasure from her clit and over and through her.

"That is how good slaves are rewarded," Hunter said and only then pulled out of her ass.

Lida collapsed onto the bed, cum leaking from her battered rectum. She was no longer just pretending to surrender for the night. She would do whatever he wanted, she had surrendered to him. The only glimmer of hope was knowing that tomorrow this would end.

Hunter took off the gag and kissed her. Lida was surprised how eagerly she returned the kiss. She wanted to please him, she wanted him to do things to her. She felt he knew more about what her body could do and take than she did and she wanted him to show her.

He unlatched the cuffs from each other.

"Go get cleaned up," he nodded to the bathroom. "Then I'll think about what we are going to do next."

"Yes, sir," Lida said. She was a little unsteady rising so Hunter helped her to her feet. "Thank you, sir."

Hunter watched her stumble to the bathroom. It was a pity to have to mark up a body that beautiful, but she had to learn. This slave needed to understand what it meant to be owned, her actions today could earn her far worse from another master.

Lida closed the bathroom door behind her. She let out a shuddering breath and began crying. She had no idea it could be like this. Was this what all the slaves went through? She could not imagine her Jake doing this to their slaves, but maybe he did. Maybe that was why he seemed disappointed she would not let him do more to her.

Lida knew she was beautiful. People had been telling her that for as long as she could remember. Previously, it had been protection. Men wanted her, they told her she was beautiful and if they wanted to experience her beauty they had to be nice to her, to do what she wanted. Before tonight, she never thought it could be used as a reason to hurt her. But before, she had always been in a position where she dictated how things would go.

She was in deep, maybe too deep. Jake had suggested this; he knew what might happen to her. She liked to think that he did not know how brutal Hunter would be, though. She could not run to him, she knew that. Hunter would not let her get as far as the door and if she ran it would embarrass Jake. She had seen his brutal side once or twice dealing with business issues and had no idea to provoke one of those outbursts on her.

The soft washcloth felt like sandpaper on her abused anus. She slipped a finger in, just to see, and it slid in with no resistance. She had definitely been opened by him, she hoped he would use her in other ways and leave her backdoor alone. Somehow she did not see that happening. She dabbed at the cum that dripped down on her thighs.

She would be finished soon and have to go out and face him again. He would do more things to her. She had to obey, she could not bear being whipped again. Other things he could do to her, how effortlessly he had used the grip on her neck to cause so much pain, scared her deeply. No, she would do anything he wanted.

Lida rinsed out the washcloth, wrung it out and hung it up. Finally, she splashed some cold water on her face and dried that. She looked in the mirror, her dark eyes looked back. She took a deep breath and walked back out to Hunter.