The Slaving World Pt. 03


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"Phil?" Amanda said cheerfully to the other. "Why don't you take a couple of steps to the left away from Brad. This could get messy."

There was a visible stain on Brad's pants right now.

"Melanie," Amanda said as she lined the shotgun squarely up on Brad's crotch. "Shall I fire or not?"

Amanda expected to see Melanie panicking, but she seemed calm and in control. Amanda was impressed. The brunette milked the moment, enjoying each and every second of his fear.

"No, he's not worth the trouble."

"Are you sure," Amanda said. "We'd be in Canada before they ever knew he was gone. Really, who is going to miss that?"

"I just want to be away from him and here and that's going to be easier without a homicide."

Amanda lowered the shotgun.

"Fair enough," she said. "But if you try anything," she said and re-shouldered the gun, "I get to shoot you. Now, go sit in the corn."

The two frightened men did as they were told, walking gingerly to avoid the uncomfortable wet spots their fear had made in their pants. The smell had been getting to Amanda. These were boys, not men, and annoying boys at that.

"Melanie, go get that shotgun out of the trunk. Grab any beer, too."

Melanie took the keys, opened the trunk and came back with a warm case of Schlitz and a cheap single shot twelve gauge. Amanda took the shotgun and had Melanie give the beer to the men.

"If anyone asks," Amanda said and handed Melanie the single shot. "You hicks got drunk and shot up your own car."

She nodded and Melanie fired a shot right into the driver's side door. Amanda watched in amusement as Melanie proceeded to take the remaining ten shells he had in the car and, one at a time, perforate the Camaro. When she finished, Amanda took the empty gun from Melanie and laid it down under the leaking engine. She walked down to the two trembling men.

"Drink up, boys, you've got to make the drunk part look convincing. If I ever see you again I'm going to let Melanie do to you what she just did to your bitchin' Camaro. If I don't blow your heads off first. I still think I should do that. Melanie? Can I?"

"No, Amanda," Melanie said with feigned patience. "No murder today."

"Okay," Amanda said petulantly and turned back to the men. "You're way out of your league here, boys. She's mine now. Stay away."

Amanda returned to her car, gave her shotgun a quick wipe down then put it away. She climbed back in and settled in the driver's seat. They both smelled like gunpowder and needed a shower. But girls and guns were not uncommon around here, so she wasn't too worried about attracting attention.

"Would you have shot him?" Melanie asked as they got back on the highway.

"Sure. Wouldn't be the first man I ever killed. The world's not going to miss him."


"Does that surprise you?" Amanda asked. Melanie's calm response was a little puzzling.

"Well," Melanie answered. "I just can't see that Brad was actually worth the effort of killing. I mean, one way or another, people ask questions when someone turns up shot dead. He just doesn't seem worth the trouble of answering those questions." Nothing about today could really surprise her now, not even homicides by her travel partner.

They drove on westward, moving gradually to bigger and bigger highways until they hit I-70. Amanda plotted their course to California and sent off a string of messages to arrange a few things on the way and reporting in to Roy. Somewhere in eastern Colorado they stopped at a Motel Six for the night. Amanda thought about climbing into the other bed and having her way with Melanie right then, but she wanted a better place. More scenic, less cheap hotel; someplace memorable. And someplace without anyone nearby in case Melanie was loud.


It was nearing sunset when Lida awoke. She was determined to find some beauty in this barren land. Lots of people lived here, it couldn't be that much like Mars, could it? She climbed to the window and looked out. The mountains were lit up by the setting sun, the colors sharper and more vivid. As she studied the landscape, she could see patterns; lower, wetter places with more green; the line of a fault as it ran through the rocks. She got excited when she saw four bighorn sheep come over a ridgeline behind the house. That made her feel better, if they could live here, it was possible. She would just have to adapt.

Her door opened and the big Scot motioned for her to come out. Lida did, aware his eyes were on her the whole time.

"You are a beautiful one," Bruce said to her. He pointed to a table where a light dinner had been set out for her.

Lida's stomach rumbled at the sight of the baked chicken and fresh vegetables. Well, not garden fresh like she preferred, but not canned or frozen.

"Eat," he said, "then bathe and get ready. He'll call up here when he's ready. Plans are changing quickly," Bruce warned. "Be ready for anything."

Lida was nervous. Her first time with Hunter had been brutal, the second less so but still painful. She knew she had to get used to this, that this was going to be her life, but she still dreaded the idea of it. She finished eating then took a long, relaxing bath. After that she lotioned her body and put her makeup on at the tables. He had a pretty good selection and Lida quickly put on a light layer of makeup that highlighted her dark eyes and strong cheeks.

She finished just in time. Bruce was there again and led her to one of the guest rooms that had been outfitted for this sort of thing. There was a loveseat across from the bed and Hunter was sitting in it when Lida was brought in collared and naked. Bruce left and shut the door behind him.

"Kneel," he ordered.

"Yes, Master."

"I am assuming based on our first night, that you understand the futility of fighting?" Hunter asked while loosely holding the crop.

"Look at me," Hunter said and lifted her chin with the crop.

"Yes, Master," she said and looked him in the eyes.

"We both know what I can do with this," he said and caressed her cheeks with the end of the whip. "Don't make me use it. Be a good slave girl and do as you're told, when you're told."

"Yes, Master," she answered, her eyes never leaving the instrument of pain.

"Good," he said and set the crop down on the nightstand.

"Yes, Master," she said. "Thank you, Master."

"I have a buyer lined up for you," Hunter said. Lida tried to hide her surprise, she thought Hunter would use her, "break her in", as he had said.

Lida did not respond. She did not see much point, but her mind raced down a dozen paths.

"He approached me about buying you, actually," Hunter said with a hint of surprise.

"Yes, Master," she said. She wanted to ask who, but knew better.

"I am guessing that someone tipped him off, since your current state is not well known," Hunter continued. "He has already offered me double what I paid for you. I have very little reason not to sell you to him."

"Yes, Master," Lida replied automatically.

"Stand for me," he ordered.

Lida obeyed and was quickly on her feet.

Hunter circled her, looking her naked, collared body up and down. Sometimes her stopped to caress her beautiful flesh.

"Lovely," he said. "Perfect. Unmarked, a blank canvas."

He slipped a hand between her thighs from behind and slipped a finger into her wet slit.

"Your body is already learning to respond", he said and fingered her deeply. "But you haven't surrendered," he said and slid his thumb into her dry asshole. Despite her efforts, Lida jumped when Hunter penetrated her anus. He experiences with Hunter and anal had been traumatic and painful.

Hunter kissed her neck while his hand penetrated her front and back below.

"Relax. Let go of the fear, you are going to be okay. Ride the pain and submission."

He worked his thumb around, stretching her, but not too much. Lida tried to make herself relax, but was too worried. She began to respond to his rhythm inside her. He gave her another quick kiss then gently pulled his thumb out of her.

"Come on over here," he led her by the leash to a small black padded table.

"Yes, Master," she said and knelt down on it.

She was aware how open and vulnerable she was like this, how completely at his mercy. He gave each one of her cheeks a quick pat then began to work some lube into her tight back door. He smiled as he saw her tense up. She needed to relax, but until she did, he was going to enjoy watching her fight.

"Spread your cheeks for me," Hunter ordered her. She obeyed. She looked down and saw a buttplug and tube of lube in his hands.

He worked some more lube in. Lida welcomed how cool it was when he first squirted it in. "This will help keep you loose." She winced as he slowly pushed the plug into her. The thickest part hurt worst, but soon it was over and it settled inside her.

"Kneel," Hunter ordered.

"Yes, Master," Lida said and rose to her haunches. She could feel the buttplug uncomfortably inside her.

Hunter secured her wrists together, then her ankles as well.

"Wait here until your prospective buyer comes for you," Hunter said and sat the crop down on the table in front of her. She had no choice but to look at it.

"Yes, Master," Lida said.

Hunter left her alone and went back to his guests.

Lida knelt, listening to the noise of the house, wondering when someone was going to come in and take advantage of her. She did a quick check, again, to see if she could go anywhere. The answer was, just like every time before, was no. She might be able to stand, but with her wrists and ankles bound, there was no where she could go.

No, she was here, naked and helpless. That thought gave her a little shiver. So many of her fantasies began this way, but this was real and was going to happen. She rode the arousal, though, knowing she needed to be wet and eager to ride out was promised to be a busy night. She was a slave now, and she was to be used like a slave. She thought back on how she had used her slaves when she was at the Farm and looked for any regrets and did not find any. She used them because they were slaves, she was getting used tonight because she was a slave. She was not planning on harboring any bitterness to the man for something that he was perfectly in his rights to do. No, all her anger she saved for her husband. She was going to enjoy her time as a slave as much as she could, but someday she was getting payback.

The door opened. She had to make herself relax, this was going to happen.

"Hello, Lida," a voice with a hint of an accent she could not place said to her. "I have been told that you might have what it takes to be of service to me."

He looked like a violent man, was Lida's first thought when she saw him. He was shorter than her at about 5'11", but he carried himself taller. He had compact, powerful shoulders and arms, a handsome face starting to show signs of weathering. She would guess he was mid 40s, with a tanned olive complexion and a full head of black hair that was starting to grey at the temples. A prominent nose gave him a vaguely aquiline look, but strong, clean shaven cheeks helped to balance it out.

He circled her, looking her over with the care of a prospective buyer.

Lida closed her eyes. She wondered what her life was going to be like to be his slave.

Suddenly she cried out as he whipped her across the back. What was that for? She had not done anything wrong. He whipped her again, twice more, and paused to check out his handiwork.

"Very nice," he muttered to himself. She cried out as he brought the whip down four or five more times across her bare back. Tears were running down her face as he stepped around to her front.

"Please, sir," she started to beg, but he flicked her nipple with the tip of the crop.

"No talking," he said absently. "Lift your hands above your head."

"Yes, sir," she said warily and obeyed.

He suddenly lashed her exposed breasts with the crop. Even as the pain flashed through her, she was impressed that he had managed to hit both nipples with the same blow. Instinctively, though, she dropped her bound hands to try to protect her sensitive skin.

"I didn't say to put them down," he growled and swung the crop around to lash her back again.

"I'm sorry, sir," Lida cried and quickly raised her hands again, ignoring the stinging coming from her nipples.

"You'll learn to be a lot sorrier," he sneered then quickly whipped her sore tits again. Lida almost dropped her hands, but, with all the willpower she could muster, she kept them up as he used the crop on her again and again.

She was sobbing when he finished, hoping for anything but that.

He pushed her face down onto the table then whipped her exposed ass a few times before setting the crop down beside her face.

"Put it in your mouth," he told her. In her confused state, she thought he meant his cock, bit quickly realized he meant the whip.

"Yes, sir," she managed in between sobs. She leaned forward and put the crop which had so recently savaged her sensitive flesh between her jaws.

"Good," he said, "it looks like you can do at least one thing correctly."

She tensed up again as he began working the buttplug out of her ass. She wasn't ready for this; she knew there was no way he was going to be gentle to her. This was going to hurt, and, if he bought her, she would be doing this often. He had the plug out, Lida tried not to close back up, to let the loosening work of the plastic in her ass do its thing. But she was scared and in pain.

She let out another yell as his cock roughly penetrated her anus. He had not even started with her pussy, but went straight for anal. In one deep motion he buried himself into her. She could tell that he was big, not huge, but certainly big enough to hurt when his unlubed cock was rammed into her ass.

He took her measure then began to move inside her, quickly picking up the pace. He was brutal as he fucked her. He rammed into her over and over, taking almost as much pleasure from her pain as he did from the sex itself. She endured it, not begging or trying futilely to get him to stop. But her cries of pain and violation echoed through the house. She tried to relax and let it happen, but the pain and humiliation was too much and all she could do was wait for him to cum inside her.

When he finished, he pulled out, leaving her lying there in a pool of sweat, tears, drool and cum. He dressed and addressed her.

"I am going to buy you," he said. "You will be taken away tonight and given to some associates of mine. They will show you what it means to be a slave, to be an owned sex object. You will understand when they are done with you that your body no longer belongs to you. After that, you will start your training. I expect you will be very good."

He gave her back a caress then left the room.

She cried softly, realizing that this is what it meant to be a slave. Hunter said he would keep her and break her in, but he had been offered a lot of money and she was to be turned over to this sadistic brute.

Lida made a resolution that night to be a good slave for as long as she was a slave. If that meant enduring nights like this, she would do it. But her core reason for going on was to get payback on her sleazy husband. Before, she just wanted to hurt him. Now, she wanted him dead and dead by her own hand.


Hunter was in the living room watching a Premier League match with Bruce and Bligh when Dominick Nikitaras came back down with a satisfied look on his face. The yelling from upstairs had ceased and they had turned the tv volume back down to normal levels. Hunter had taken all of Lida's cries and screams as a good sign for the deal, everyone who knew much about Nikitaras knew he had a cruel streak in him. He was curious as to his future plans with her.

"I'll take her," he said and poured himself a drink. "Score?" he asked.

"One-one," Bligh answered.

"Think she'll work?" Hunter asked.

Nikitaras shrugged. "Maybe. She's got the body and she's tough. We'll have to see how she responds to training."

Hunter went over to the table where a stack of papers was waiting. The two men went through the arcane rituals of signing and initialing that went with any Association sale. When they finished, they shook hands and Lida was sold.

"Are you taking her with you?" Hunter asked and capped the pen.

"No, I have to head back home right away," he said and pulled out a card. "Deliver her here, please. Naked, bound, collared and plugged, if you can. The people there will know what to do with her."

He bid his farewells and went out to where his car and driver were waiting for him.

4-Amanda Melanie

The next morning, Melanie was ebullient, the load of Brad had been lifted, the load of ever having to go back to her hometown lifted, and she bounced into the Xterra. Frankly, just not working two jobs had her feeling better. She had no idea what was going to happen next, or even why this intriguing redhead was taking her on an adventure, but she knew she was free of everything that had ever happened to her before now.

Melanie watched the scenery go by with an intoxicated grin on her face. Even the Great Plains were interesting just because they were new to her. She had made it out of her town, finally escaped the gravitational pull of that little hellhole and reached escape velocity. She had no idea what was next. She really did not know much about Amanda, but she figured she would find out soon enough. All that mattered to her was that the world was open, she did not ever have to go back. She could see new things, do new things, be a new person, a person who was true to who she really was. She did not know how she was going to make a living, or where she would live, but it would be somewhere else. She would see redwoods; she'd live someplace new.

And there was the matter of the mysterious redhead who had rescued her from being whored out by her piece of shit boyfriend. Melanie was fascinated by Amanda, and she was willing to admit the feelings might be a bit deeper. The woman had burst into her life, taken her away from her home and nearly killed her last scumbag boyfriend. Melanie realized that if Amanda tried to kiss her, she would let her. Melanie had never been with another woman before, but had always been curious about it. But she leaned back, looked away from the scenery and watched Amanda. What was she feeling? She knew at home she would have thought these feelings were wrong, but on the road alone in a car, she realized they were not. And having those feelings without the reflex self-loathing was wonderful.

Freed of the guilt, she let her mind wander in that direction, happily daydreaming about sex, like she always did. In a way, she felt like she belonged to Amanda now. Since Amanda had faced down and almost killed her last owner (why did she think in terms like that?), she should naturally be Amanda's to have and control. She felt her pussy get pleasantly moist at that thought. Just as she was starting to talk herself down from this line of thinking, Amanda reached over and stroked her bare thigh.

"You've got great legs, Melanie," Amanda said. "You deserved better than to be stuck there. The world needs your beauty out in it."

Melanie blushed and squeezed Amanda's hand in thanks. Amanda did not know what Melanie was thinking, but given the arousal and submission Amanda was picking up, it was sex and submissive sex at that. She wanted to keep that line of thought going.

'You really think so? I mean, the 'hot girls' in town always had huge racks and bubble butts."

"And the braindead hicks drink Natural Light and think McDonald's is a great burger. Oooh!" Amanda squealed excitedly, "you've never had an In'n'Out!"

"Oh, come on, you know I'm not a virgin," Melanie said and blushed again.

"It's a burger joint, silly," Amanda gave her thigh a squeeze. "So, where was I?"