The Snowy Forest Party

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My wife's cunt becomes the center of attention at a party.
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A snowy forest. Two huge bonfires. A big waterfall raging below us. Right in the middle of it all was a party full of half-dressed, fully drunk or stoned people.

The site itself was one of those "hidden from the tourists" spots that only the locals who worked in the national park even knew existed.

The party was one of those that you only even knew about if you were one of the few chosen to be party-hearty enough to attend.

My wife and I had earned this honor when we had spent the night having sex with another couple who had worked in the national park for ages and were well known for their party-ability.

Before the party was over, I'd watch my wife do things I hadn't imagined in my wildest dreams.

But, I get ahead of myself. A little background to bring readers up to speed...

It was the late 70's and my wife and I had moved to a national park in California because I had a job with the big concessionaire that was running the hotels, restaurants and shops there. It was actually a pretty good opportunity, and getting a job was hard back then as the economy sucked.

My wife was from Los Angeles and I was from a small town in the Midwest – we weren't mountain people. I was an business major and she was, well, cute and sexy and the light of my life.. but not very well versed in anything that would pay the bills. We hadn't really fit in at first.

Eventually, Sherry (my wife) had gotten a job in a little shop at a hotel in the park, and there she had met Terry – and when Terry invited us to her home to meet her husband, we hit if off pretty well. So well that it ended up being the first time that I saw my wife having sex with another man (his name was Ed), and I ended up having sex with Terry.

Ed and Terry, it turned out, were pretty engrained in the community up in the forest – a community that consisted of (mostly women) service workers who were employed at the hotels, shops and restaurants in the park or park rangers, forestry workers and the type of guys that fought forest fires and trapped bears and such. It was a pretty wild bunch – and somehow our evening with Ed and Terry was our invitation to join in their adventures.

We quickly found after our night with them that our status changed and we got invited to be part of a wilder, sexier circle of park workers.

So back to the story...

Getting to the party had not been easy. It was a few miles of fairly gnarly uphill slog with about 20" of snow on the ground. That got us to the bottom of the falls. The final leg was an absolute diaper filling final 400 yards on an ice-coated cliffside trail that went to the top of a waterfall. It was not for the meek.

Sherry and I probably would have been dead meat rotting at the bottom of the falls had we tried to get there without Ed blazing the trail. He had provided the ice axes and crampons, and the ropes we used that made us feel safe enough to even try to get up that last part of the trail.

We had started the hike well before sun up – and it was around 10:30 when we got to the destination. We were positively amazed when we were met by perhaps 40 partiers who seemed to take the snow and 20 degree weather as a bit of a minor inconvenience and were busy smoking dope, drinking beer and basically being happy people.

Two really big fires were raging – so big that they threw out a ton of heat but actually evaporated snow flakes as they entered the area and had melted a circle in the snow big enough that we could all stand or even sit on the rocks that were abundant in the area.

Most of the revelers had shed the snow suits and other winter gear they had worn on the trail. The wet stuff was hanging from sticks to dry but most of it was just in piles here and there on rocks and hanging from trees. Everyone was pretty much in underwear or less, lending a uniquely sexy feel to the whole place.

Girls being girls, Sherry and Terry had to pee when we got there and left together to go find a tree. Ed helped me off with my pack and outer layers before digging into his own pack and pulling out a few cold ones to drink. A few friends of Ed's pretty much immediately surrounded us and there were some introductions all around.

It was probably not even 10 in the morning, but people were hitting the dope and booze pretty hard. There were already some pretty partied people hanging around the fire. I couldn't imagine that being safe – we would all have to go back down that ice covered trail to get back to our cars later – and said so. That's when Ed gave me "the rules" which were pretty easy to follow.

First was that we should do your drinking and doping early and cut yourself off by about 1 in the afternoon. By 5PM you'd want to be sober and sound to make the descent back into the valley and be ready to do that bottom part of the trail in the dark using just your Tac lamps. (I had to ask – that's what they called the little flashlights that you strapped to your forehead or climbing helmet.)

Also, you had to stay far away from the edge of the waterfall or headwater as it was slippery as a whore's pussy. No one had ever survived a trip over those falls ever.

Finally, don't walk away too far from the fires – a rule they didn't need to tell me twice. Getting lost in the forest was a death sentence this time of year. If they didn't find you by midnight, you were dead for sure from expsoure, but you didn't have to worry about that as a wolf would get you or you'd stumble over a cliff as soon as it got dark.

Otherwise, go have a good time.

Those were remarkably easy rules to follow – as I didn't see any need to walk away from the fires. It was amazing how much heat they threw out. I cracked a beer and just took it all in. Great views – sexy people walking around in their underwear – and a warm fire. It was a great day to be alive.

I hung out just taking it all in – enjoying every minute of it because it was just so bizarre - and finally realized that Terry and Sherry had been gone for too long to have just popped your basic squat. I had a momentary panic that perhaps they had gotten lost or made the slide down the falls, but then spotted them at the next campfire over. They had both lost their outer layers and had joined the underwear crowd.

Sherry was drinking what looked like a wine cooler and smoking a joint. I couldn't hear what practically anyone was saying over the roar of the fire, but I instantly wanted to know what the conversation was when Sherry for some reason pulled the waist of her long johns bottom away from her body and three women peered down at her hoo-haa.

It looked like a "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" type of game that I vaguely remembered from childhood.

It got better when one of the girls actually stuck her hand down past the waistband and gave Sherry's crotch a bit of a feel. I wasn't ready to run over there to see what was going on – that wouldn't be cool – but I was intrigued. Another of the women standing with Sherry took the plunge with her hand – this time with some attitude –and Sherry laughed and got that look on her face that I loved so much. You could tell that she had liked the touch.

There was a bit more conversation and then Sherry nodded over at me. The three women all looked across at me and smiled. At this point my interest was piqued so I went over.

Sherry gave me a kiss – a fairly enthusiastic one for that hour of morning – and introduced me around.

"They like your grooming techniques" she explained. There were laughs all around at that.

I guess to explain the joke – back in the 70's the bare of hair vagina look was just starting to show up – even in porn. It was very rare. No waxing parlors in the strip mall – no special razors or lotions available at the local grocery store. To keep a bald vag required a partner and it was a labor of love. So people had pubic hair – usually a lot of it.

Sherry had had a big bush when we got married. We both loved when I went down on her, but I'm a lover not a fighter. I loved licking her pussy but hated fighting my way through the tangled mess to get to it. So one night I took her into the bathroom and spent an hour or so meticulously shaving her from ass crack to belly button as good as I could get it, and I'd kept it maintained that way throughout our marriage.

That baby smooth cunt required me to be diligent with my work – I was down there at least once a week – but there's something about having your wife bent over with her ass in the air on a regular basis that keeps the marriage on the right track.

I must have had a little buzz – I blame the high altitude – because I told that story pretty much verbatim to those women and everyone else around the bonfire. I didn't even realize how many people were listening until I got done with my long monologue and I heard people laughing and saying things like "preach brother."

After that, everyone wanted to see – and after a bit of coaxing Sherry simply dropped her pants and let everyone look. There was a few hoots, and whistles and then a round of applause. Sherry was that kind of girl and it was that kind of crowd.

After that, it went back to being a party, and everyone had a way to start a conversation with me whether it be a sincere question like how long it took or whether I'd ever nicked her ever to some strange questions like "Doesn't it feel like you're tongue fucking your little sister?"

It was all good natured – and usually the questions came as we were passing around a joint or a bottle or something – so I enjoyed the attention and getting to know people.

Sherry and I drifted apart for a while off in our own little cliques – but I kept an eye on her and it seemed like periodically some girl – and a few times a guy – would put his hand down her panties and take a feel of her. A lesser many might have been jealous – but it just made me proud.

It got to be about 1pm'ish and most people started toning down the drinking. This event was kind of a celebration of the first snows – everyone was talking about moving the party back down to the village before they got too crazy, but no one was ready to leave yet as no one was ready to take the trek back to the trailhead.

The crowd was thinning somewhat though. I'd seen more than a few couples pairing off and heading into the tree line. I couldn't imagine trying to have sex with snow on the ground, but these were pretty hearty outdoors folks. Sherry finally re-emerged at my side somewhere around 2:30ish and let me know that she was downright raw from having people touching her but could probably put up with it if I wanted to throw her a fuck. In fact she kind of insisted.

The temperature dropped about 60 degrees as we left the bonfire area and I did my best to try to talk her into going back to the fire and fucking there. I was getting to know this crowd and didn't think anyone would mind.

She laughed at that and let me know that she was looking forward to grabbing a tree and bending over for me. It would be fun she said – and she had already been finger banged by half the crowd that day and didn't want anyone to think she was giving them an invitation to turn it into a gangbang or anything.

I did not want to get lost so we investigated nearby trees and found out more often than not they were already occupied. (The snow covered branches created little enclosed areas where we found couple after couple involved in various states of coitus.) We finally found one that wasn't in use and Sherry performed as promised – grabbing the trunk and arching her back.

I reached down to play with her ass and cunt through her underwear and found that she was already quite wet. I had to catch up a bit – it was cold and my penis hadn't quite risen to the occasion – so I took a few minutes to just worship her beautiful round ass with my mouth. I really did love eating Sherry's ass and pussy. God she was just so beautiful and had such a nice shape that I couldn't think of anyone I'd want more – and soon enough I was ready and took my place behind her to give it my all.

I moved to enter her and found that she already had her fingers in her love hole, she pulled them out and pulled me in – but kept her hand around my cock so that I wouldn't slip out in the semi-awkward position we were in. As a rule I wasn't one for sex standing up and certainly not one for sex standing in snow in 20 degree weather. We made it happen though – but not without some unforeseen repercussions.

Sherry had great big boobs and nice curvy hips that I just loved to manhandle during sex and so I grabbed on and went to work and in the process my pants slipped down to my ankles. It made it easier to fuck her – and it was a very active if brief coupling – but put them into direct contact with the snow at our feet. When I went to pull back up my shorts I got a crotch full of ice to the balls, which made me yelp and Sherry laugh. (Sherry was wearing more form fitting long underwear so she had rolled her waistband to just below her ass and so she didn't have the problem.)

We followed the noise and smell of smoke back to the bonfires and found that the ground around the fires was actually dry enough to sit – though we put our snow suits down below us as it was still pretty cold. Others did the same. A few of the women hadn't even bothered to put back on their clothes after a visit to the woods – so there were naked people and a few that had already put back on their heavy snowsuits and it made for an odd combination.

We laid around for a while, talking about nothing and generally just being flirty and fun all together until soon enough it looked like the sun was starting to creep over the wall of the steep valley. Once dusk hit, dark came early this time of year, so everyone pretty much suited up and some of the guys moved around enough snow to extinguish the fires.

It was a long conga line of revelers down the cliff trail and onto the trail below, and sure enough the sun was down well before we hit the trailhead where our cars were parked and we had to use those forehead flashlights.

No one wanted to go home – but it was quite a crowd of people and we all lived in smaller cabins. There was a central village of smaller tent accommodations where some of the single people lived, and while it was normally frowned upon to party there because it was close to some of the visitor services, this time of year the park was practically empty and the recent snows had made it hard to even get to the park. We decided to chance it.

Another bonfire. More cold weather. People could stand around the campfire with a beer in their hands, but if you wanted to smoke dope you had to be in one of the big tents – and since they were pretty generic and people moved in and out of them a lot, no one was particularly proprietary about it if you went into one or the other as long as you wiped your feet and were cool about things.

My wife and I were big pot smokers then so we took up residence in one of the tents. It was warmer in there than I thought it would be, so everyone took off the heavy outdoor gear and sat around in our underwear again. We would come to realize after time that for most of the rank and file workers, they had their work clothes and perhaps one or two sets of clothes for when they ventured down the mountain to town. They had neither storage room nor money for more, so hanging around in your underwear or less was pretty standard.

We smoked and held court for a while and finally one of the women told us that she had thought about cutting off her pubes for years and asked Sherry if she could get a closer look at her bald vag. Sherry was remarkably accommodating about it all – removing her underwear completely and spreading her legs so that the everyone (and there were like 8 of us in the big tent) could get a good look.

I had a certain pride in it all – her hairless pussy had been my hobby for a long time but this was the first time I actually had ever been able to talk about it. Sherry had an incredible body in general – the curves and color of a Mediterranean beauty – and the shape of her vagina was perfect once shorn of hair. Tight as a drum and just neat and tidy. There was a reason I was so attentive.

The woman who wanted to see Sherry wasn't at all shy about her inspection. She commented on the fact that I had done the job all the way front to back and Sherry had an amazingly attractive asshole – which was true but it seemed like an odd comment at the time. She asked if she could touch it – and how could Sherry say no – and before it was over she asked if she could give it a lick and Sherry pretty much grabbed her by the hair and put her to work.

I had watched Sherry have sex with other men a few times by now – we had kind of been introduced into the lifestyle and it was prevalent in the park. We weren't as active as many, we had just nibbled around the edges of it – but that had happened.

Sherry with another woman though, was kind of a new concept to me. I had seen her in bed with Terry and her husband. Terry had made a big deal about eating Sherry's box, but it had all about Ed and I. I had kind of dismissed that as a playful show. It wasn't a lesbian thing in my mind. But this was Sherry wanting it and she wasn't afraid to show it in front of a tent full of people.

Sherry just had a body that attracted women as well as men – and it pretty much seemed that whether we were skinny dipping at the lake or sitting in someone's hot tub naked, if she went bottomless, eventually someone would be sticking a tongue in her cunt and it was more often a woman than a man.

I'd get used to it eventually – even grow to consider it kind of a compliment – but right then I didn't know what to think so I just sat there and watched as Sherry mashed this woman's face into her sex. It was so raw. She was vocal about telling her what she wanted.

Maybe after the day of having everyone playing with her privates she just felt like it was time to take her due, but she was all over that woman's face – telling her even to tongue her asshole at one point which I had never heard her ask for before.

I don't think the poor girl was ready for what Sherry was doing to her. She tried to pull away a few times, but Sherry had her by the hair and would not let go. (I asked around later, and while most said she was a "sport" no one said she was a lesbian or even bisexual, but there she was eating my wife's ass and cunt.)

The word had gotten out fast and others ventured into the tent to watch, and by the time Sherry had climaxed there were perhaps 20 people watching and more were hearing about it I was sure.

I kind of felt sorry for the woman – her name was Robin I found out later – as when Sherry was finished she kind of pushed her away. Robin appeared stunned and I had to take a minute to make sure she was okay. I offered to actually help her get her initial "haircut" which was an offer I didn't even think about the implications of. She kind of looked at me like I was crazy and just stood up and walked out of the tent. I didn't see her again that night – but she did eventually take me up on that offer. (A story for another time.)

The raw sexuality of what we had all witnessed had been mesmerizing, but now we were all just a bit embarrassed or perhaps concerned about the woman we had just seen my wife face-rape. People drifted out quickly, and once Sherry got her senses back about her, she put back on her clothes and was ready to go. I was pretty buzzed, but the roadways where slow and we got home okay.

I found that I had a raging hard-on and a need for sex like I have rarely had before – but Sherry was disinterested. I wasn't sure if she was upset with herself for her boarish behavior or just satiated from having been eaten to orgasm. Regardless, she gave me a very tepid blowjob, let me blow off between her tits, then wiped herself with the bedspread and rolled over and went to sleep. I was satisfied - even a tepid blowjob is a blowjob.