The Speedo Doesn't Lie Ch. 03

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Young bull seeks married coach's help with his big problem.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/08/2019
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This story is posted on the Literotica website; the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This is the third in a multi-chapter interracial cuckold story. I encourage you to read chapters 1 & 2 first if you haven't done so already, but it's not necessary, I'm confident you'll like it regardless.


September 2017

Team Orientation Meeting

Now as their 2017/18 Sacramento State Hornets talented dive team assembled in the classroom, coaches Justin and Abbie Dawson made small talk with the kids sitting near the front, including team leaders Tommy Wilson and Amber Tisdale who were sitting side by side.

New recruit Nick Thomas was the last person to filter into the room. Justin and Abbie both looked up in time to see his entrance; the black 20-year-old wore dark sunglasses and partially visible large Beats headphones underneath a charcoal-colored hoodie. He had on unlaced red Jordan high tops, a tight tee and a torn pair of jeans that rode way too low on his hips, being held up by only his belt (and probably his cock). He truly looked more like a gangbanger than a college student.

Murmurs filtered through the room as most turned to observe the previously unknown new member of the team. Everyone in attendance assumed the hoodlum had wandered into the wrong room by mistake. Abbie Dawson shot a concerned gaze over at her husband who had a similar look on his, immediately questioning if he'd made a huge mistake in recruiting someone from such a significantly different socio-economic background than the rest of the team.

Nonetheless, the coach called the meeting to order. After welcoming everyone to the team and giving a brief pep talk, Justin covered housekeeping items including how to access the team blog, communication expectations, and the fall (offseason) schedule. He reviewed the team rules, including travel guidelines, cell phone usage on the pool deck, and finally a very strict no cursing policy.

He then turned the meeting over to his gorgeous wife. Abbie stepped forward with her business casual low-thigh form fitting dress and 3" heels on. Her hair was up and she wore her new sexy librarian glasses. Justin admired her lithe neck and the swell of her big tits under the navy dress. He didn't get to see her dressed up too often as most of the time they both wore sweats and other casual clothes when they were in coaching mode. She looked exceptionally hot at the moment. As he stepped back to let her take the lead, he watched as most of the boys in the room stared intently at their sexy coach. Justin glanced to the back of the room and noticed Nick Thomas remove his sunglasses for the first time. Over the next twenty minutes, the coach observed as the new recruit appeared much more engaged when his wife spoke.

Abbie circulated a flyer from the apparel company for the 2017/18 Hornets dive team wearables. She stressed that one of her and Justin's most unbending expectations was that the team would look like just that...a team. Offseason practices were no exception, all members were expected to attend the first team practice on September 20th with the Hornet authorized suits and warm up gear. She reminded them that time was short and if they wanted to avoid higher shipping costs and/or team fines for improper attire, they would need to get their orders placed as soon as possible. When after asking if there were any questions and not getting any, Abbie again welcomed everyone to the team and turned it back over to Justin.

The head coach spoke, "Obviously, we have quite a few new names and faces on this year's team, so we are going to close tonight's meeting by going around the room and having everyone introduce themselves, state your class level, talk briefly about your background, and then share one of your season goals with your new teammates. Any questions?"

"Okay, why don't we start here in the front, Tommy you go first..."

The handsome shaggy blonde senior stood, "Hi, as ALL of you know, I am Tommy Wilson, I'm a senior, I'm one of the leaders on this team, I was a STATE CHAMPION in the 3 meter last year and my goal AND EXPECTATION is to be a repeat champion this year!"

He received a smattering of half-hearted applause.

After hearing him talk and observing the response from his teammates, Nick Thomas quickly formulated his opinion that while the guy might be a good diver, the pretty boy in the front of the room was a braggadocios tool.

Nick's thoughts quickly turned to someone far more interesting when the next person rose to talk...

"Hi my name is Amber Tisdale; I transferred here last year from a JC in Southern California and I'm so happy and proud to be a senior Sac State Hornet. I'm from Orange County, but there is nowhere I'd rather be than with all of you here in Sacramento." She looked over at Tommy with a proud smile on her face, her boyfriend returned her gaze with an uncomfortable smirk on his. Amber then looked back out on her teammates, "My goal this year is to not only lead by example, but to help each and every one of you achieve your individual goals and to help lead us to another conference championship!"

Everyone in the room, including Nick applauded loudly.

For the next 30 minutes, Justin went around the room, giving everyone a chance to introduce themselves, discuss their backgrounds and state their goals. Most of the responses were canned and fitting for each person's role on the team.

Finally it came to Nick Thomas' turn to speak.

Everyone felt an uncomfortable sense of anxiety as he rose; now fully realizing he was not some homeless guy, but actually a member of the team. Nick slowly removed his hoodie and the sunglasses he'd replaced after Amber finished speaking. He looked around before he spoke confidently, "My name is Nick Thomas, I just transferred here from San Joaquin Community College in Stockton," he looked right at Tommie Wilson and said, "NONE of you know me, but you all will soon." He then pointed at Amber and said, "My goal this year is have her help me achieve my individual goal of beating that guy in the 3 meter!" He pointed at Tommy Wilson with a confident smile on his face.

Amber's eyes got really big; she turned several shades of red before covering her mouth from embarrassment. Tommy hadn't been listening to most of the divers talk, instead obliviously studying his Instagram on his phone. But when he heard the oohs, ahs, and murmurs after Nick spoke, it suddenly registered with him what he had just heard. He stood and leered to the back of the room only to see a gang-banger looking black dude pointing in his direction with a cocky grin on his face.

The room fell silent for a moment before snickers and light laughter permeated through it. Everyone wondered who this new guy was who had the nerve to call out the state diving champion and imply that he was going to beat him with his own girlfriend's help.

Abbie glared over at Justin with an "Oh shit, what have we done?" look. Justin acknowledged the concerned appearance on his wife's pretty face, but as he glanced around the room, he observed most of the team staring curiously at the handsome black man in the back of the room.

Nick Thomas' big smile only grew. Then he took a bow.

A handful of team members snickered again and a smattering clapped light-heartedly before he sat back down.

Justin thought to himself, "Maybe, this is exactly the person we need on this team!" But sensing a need to stem the uncomfortable situation, he spoke loudly to the group, "Well, it looks like we are not going to have a shortage of confidence on the team this year. I like that, but let's not forget we are a team first and foremost! We will see all of you on the 20th. Go Hornets!"

As the team rose to exit, Justin called out to the new junior recruit, "Hey Nick, can I have a word with you?" The coach watched as his team filtered out of the room and as Nick and Tommie cautiously eyed each other as they passed one another in the center aisle.

When the last of the team members exited the back door and Nick approached, Justin asked, "So Nick, how's it going here at the school so far?"

"Fine coach!" He answered as he stared unblinkingly at Justin before looking over at Abbie.

"That's good to hear, it always seems like transfer students like yourself acclimate so much faster than the freshman."

Nick nodded, concluding quickly the coach didn't ask him to stay after the meeting just to talk about his schedule or living arrangements, "Was there something else you wanted to discuss coach?" He again looked over in Abbie's direction, she nervously dropped her gaze, but not before feeling the glare from his mesmerizing hazel eyes.

"Yeah Nick, I just wanted to say again, that I am the first to encourage confidence by all athletes who dive for this university, and I'm glad to hear you have the goal of being a state champion, but I also think it is important that as a new member of this team, you show respect to the leaders who have paved the trail for team success at this school, does that make sense?"

Nick looked at both Justin and Abbie, "Are you referring to that exchange I had with the pretty boy in the front of the room?"

Abbie had held her tongue long enough, "That pretty boy happens to be the state diving champion; he has earned the right to be respected by everyone on this team!"

Justin subtly glared at her, they had agreed while the team was filing out of the room, that he would do the talking.

Nick looked at Justin, not Abbie and spoke, "All due respect coach, but I didn't exactly get the sense everyone in the room respects that dude. He might be a great diver, but my mom taught me a long time ago that if you have to tell people you're a leader, then you aren't a leader at all. True leaders lead by example...that girl who talked next...what's her name?"

"Amber...Amber Tisdale."

"Yeah Amber, she seems like a lot stronger leader, I could tell she has the respect of everyone on the team."

Justin glanced over at Abbie with an 'I-told-you-so' look. This kid from the other side of the tracks had clearly assessed in a couple of short hours the team leadership dynamic challenges that had been a source of countless discussions between the two of them since the end of the previous season.

"Your mom's a smart lady Nick, I...uh...we...couldn't agree more and you might be onto something, but there is always a time and place for establishing leadership hierarchy's, you might want to temper your opinions for awhile, at least until you've had a chance to get to know everyone on the team. That said, we like your confidence, we'd love to see you challenge a state champion in his best event, competition like that is good for the whole team."

"Yeah, I get it coach, sometimes I get a little overzealous when I see something I want!" Nick acknowledged as he subtly glanced in Abbie's direction. She lowered her eyes again.

Justin picked up on the exchange.

"Well, we are looking forward to you bringing that confidence to the pool in a couple of weeks; we'll see you on the 20th Nick!" The coach voiced as he patted the muscled athlete on the shoulder.

Nick smiled at both coaches, "You can count on it!" He grabbed his stuff and headed out of the classroom.


Justin and Abbie stopped by a recently opened new brewery as they headed back to their Citrus Heights condo. After ordering a couple of IPA's Justin asked, "What'd you think of Nick's challenge to Tommy?"

"I'm not going to say I told you so, but I can't say I'm surprised. I just didn't think he would have the balls to do it so soon and worse yet, bring Amber into it!"

Justin got a sly smile on his face and quipped, "Well we both know he has the balls..."

There was a brief moment of silence before they both busted out laughing.

"Okay, that might not have been the right choice of words, but it doesn't change the fact it was a disrespectful thing for him to say!" Abbie clarified with a cute smirk.

"Yeah, but there is something about his cockiness I really like, and besides, we both know Tommy isn't exactly the pied piper when it comes to leading the team. I think if we can manage the team through it initially, it could turn out to be a good thing. Competition brings out the best in everyone!"

"Are you totally sure about that? It will be interesting one way or the other," his gorgeous wife replied with a nervous smile, "I think we are going to have to do some of our best work this year Coach Dawson!"

He smiled and lifted his glass for a toast before lowering his voice, "I agree for me, but you already did some of your best work in our bedroom last Saturday baby!"

"Ssshhh!" She giggled embarrassingly.

Justin leaned close and whispered in her ear, "What do you say tonight we watch one of those videos I teased you about last weekend? And I'd really like to watch you touch yourself again..."

Abbie playfully slapped him on the shoulder, "You're terrible Justin Dawson, do you ever think about anything else?"

"No, all I could think about tonight when you were standing up in front of that group talking so confidently with your sexy glasses and form-fitting dress on was getting you back home and tearing off your clothes! I don't think I was the only one checking you out either, the guys all seemed to get glossy-eyed when you were up in front of the group."

"Eeww Justin, I'm their coach and like 5-6 years older than most of them, I'm sure they are much more interested in the girls their own age like Amber and Christina!"

"I know they are interested in them too, but there is no way any of them weren't checking out your tits in that outfit, I know I couldn't take my eyes off them."

Abbie giggled embarrassingly again, "Just because you're a perv doesn't mean all of them are!"

He laughed, "You might be onto something there, but I did notice that our newest recruit seemed a lot more engaged when you were talking than when I was..."

"Who? You mean Nick? He was all the way in the back of the room with his sunglasses on. As far as I could tell he didn't even appear interested in any of it until he stood and spoke at the end!"

"You must not have picked up on it, but he removed the shades when you and Amber both addressed the group."

Abbie swallowed nervously, before lying, "No, I didn't notice that, but even if he did, I'm sure it was just a coincidence." The beautiful coach had in fact observed when their newest recruit removed his glasses. As much as she had tried to avoid it, she and the handsome black man locked eyes several times during her portion of the presentation. His gaze had seemed so intense that she felt like he was looking right through her clothes.

A knowing smile came to Justin's face before he responded good-humoredly, "Yeah, I'm sure you're right, it was probably just a coincidence... Hey, you didn't answer my question about those videos?"

Abbie actually appreciated the change of topic, she giggled, "That is all you think about Justin Dawson! No promises porn boy!"

"So you're saying there's a chance?" He answered in his best Jim Carey impersonation from one of his favorite movies, Dumb and Dumber.

Abbie laughed again and rolled her beautiful eyes, "You're hopeless."

They tipped back another IPA before heading home. Although it was a work night, Justin popped a bottle of cabernet and the two of them sat out on the patio listening to one of their favorite bands and fellow UCSB alumni, Rebelution, for over an hour before Justin headed inside. Abbie told him she wanted to finish up going through some stuff on her Facebook and would be in in a bit.

As she sat looking at her phone, Abbie's thoughts turned to Justin's observation that Nick had removed his sunglasses only when she and Amber spoke. She tried to convince herself it was just a coincidence. Still, she couldn't get the intense gaze that Nick had exhibited out of her mind.

She polished off the last of the wine and was feeling pretty drunk when she went inside.

When she entered their bedroom, it was dark except for two dimmed bedside lights. Justin was sitting up in bed with his shirt off and the covers pulled up to his waist, "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to come in?"

"Oh you were, were you?" She responded with a knowing smile. She then noticed one of his favorite black lace teddy's laid out on the foot of her side of the bed. His gaze followed hers to the sexy lingerie, "I don't remember leaving that out..." she questioned playfully.

"Hmm...I'm not sure how it got there if you didn't..." He played along, hopeful his suggestive ploy would be met with interest. His cock was already hardening under the covers at her initial promising reaction.

Abbie moved towards the bed, retrieved the small garment and tantalizingly held it up to her face before breathing deeply, "...uuummm...smells like me doesn't it?"

Justin's cock practically lifted the covers, he didn't know who had abducted his previously conservative wife and replaced her with this new provocative version, but he wanted to shake the person's hand, "I can't smell it from here, but I'd be willing to make an educated guess..." His voice cracked excitedly before he admonished himself internally for not being able to come up with something more erotically profound.

His wife held back a laugh as she ignored the odd remark, knowing the affect her playful banter was having on him. She responded in a deep sexy voice, "Trust me lover it does...I guess I need something to wear when I get out of the shower...I hope this will do?"

"Ya...Yeah...hun, I'll be fine with that!" He replied excitedly, practically hyperventilating that his preemptive move was being met with approval.

Abbie took the lingerie into the bathroom before coming back into the bedroom and nearing the bed, "You sure you won't be asleep when I come back out? She teased.

"I can guarantee it!" He said as he admired her swollen tits underneath the mid-length dress she'd worn to the meeting.

"Can you unzip me baby?" Abbie asked flirtatiously as she leaned down backwards against the bed.

Once undone, she took a couple of steps away so he could see the entirety of her body. With her back to him she slowly slipped the straps from her shoulders and let the upper half sink around her waist. Justin eyed the slender lacy bra that pressed against the skin of her narrow shapely back. From behind it was obvious the petite garment was working hard to support the contents on the other side. Justin could see the rounded contours of his wife's spectacular tits around the edges of her sinewy ribcage.

She shimmied the dress over shapely hips and let it fall to the floor.

Justin's cock swelled to full throat. His hot wife was rocking a thong and the depth of her tight bubble-shaped butt cheeks practically obscured the thin strip of material that defined the rear portion. Abbie wiggled her ass ever so slightly before bending at the waist until her chest was practically pressed against her rigidly straight diver's legs, "Here, let me get this dress off!" Abbie teased as she impressively slipped the dress off both of her heeled feet one at a time without falling.

" can you do that're so fucking flexible? Are you sure you need to take a shower?" He asked distractedly as he stared at her camel toeing pussy lips with his tongue hanging out like a thirsty dog. "Why don't you skip it and come closer to this bed."

Abbie giggled again before responding sexily, "I'll be out soon stud, I promise..."


Twenty minutes later Justin Dawson's stunning wife exited the bathroom dressed in the black lacy teddy and three-inch heels. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he ogled every inch of her, wondering to himself how he'd actually gotten this woman to marry him. She hadn't wet her hair and had kept it up while putting the sexy librarian glasses back on. He loved the look on her, she reminded him of one of the hot models from one of those Victoria Secret catalogs. He let his eyes fall to take in the rest of her.