The Speedo Doesn't Lie Ch. 04

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Scheming bull sets the cuck hook for his big-titted coach.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/08/2019
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This story is posted on the Literotica website; the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This is the fourth story in a multi-chapter interracial cuckold story. I encourage you to read the first three chapters also, but I'm confident you'll enjoy it as a standalone too.

I am conducting a straw poll at the end of this chapter, please take a few minutes to vote...


Fall 2017

"Well, one fall practice in the books," Justin said as he raised his beer glass and toasted it with Abbie's.

"Yeah, hopefully the rest go more smoothly than the first one," his gorgeous wife replied as she returned the gesture with a cute grin.

Justin laughed. "Yeah it was brutal when Nick Thomas basically belly-flopped on that first dive. I thought Tommy and his buddies were going to lose it. I have to give Nick credit for keeping his cool when Tommy made that snide remark about belly flops not scoring very well at state finals!"

"I know, but I did notice the death stare Nick gave Tommy afterwards!"

"Yeah I'm really glad that didn't escalate, probably due to Amber's admonishment of her boyfriend. I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but it was very apparent she was laying into him about making the belly flop comment. And Nick doesn't strike me as the type who would take too kindly to being made fun of like that. It's not like he is some freshman diver who might just chalk it up to young guy hazing."

"You're right about that, he's basically the same age as Tommy and the other upper class guys. Good thing the rest of his practice went better than that first dive!"

"Yeah, he really showed off some of his superior physical gifts after that. I can't wait for us to start working more with him one on one. The raw talent is there, I think it's really just up to us to bring it out. Did you see the height he got on his spring dives?"

"Yes, how could I miss it? I think he actually got higher than Tommy, but he really needs some help with his mechanics."

"Yeah I agree. Hey speaking of help, what was with that comment he made regarding your help with his problem last week?" Justin asked.

Abbie had hoped her husband hadn't picked up on the passing thank you Nick had made to her regarding his Speedo alterations. "Oh that," she responded trying not to make it sound like a big deal, "Yeah, he came to me about a problem with his Speedo order and I helped him get it resolved. I didn't tell you about it? I must have forgotten."

Justin looked at his gorgeous wife suspiciously, "No I don't recall you saying anything about it, what was the deal?"

Butterflies formed in her stomach, "Oh that's weird, I thought I did," Abbie lied, "Anyway it really wasn't a big deal, he just needed some alteration help." She held her breath hoping he wouldn't probe further.

She wouldn't be so lucky. Sensing something intriguing, Justin asked, "Alteration help with Speedo's? I've never heard of that before, what gives?"

Now wishing she had told him about it previously, Abbie took a swig from her beer hoping to come up with a reasonable explanation, "Uh, I guess when his Speedo order arrived, they didn't fit right..."

Sensing his wife wasn't telling him everything she knew and hoping this conversation would lead to a more provocative outcome, he probed further, "Didn't fit right, those things are usually just small, medium, and large. This isn't his first time diving, I'm sure he must know what size fits him?"

"Yeah...uh...I think the problem wasn't in the waist size..." Abbie answered before nervously taking another drink from her beer.

A light bulb went on and Justin now had a very good idea what they were talking about. His cock began to stiffen in his pants as he thought to himself, "I don't think it's a coincidence he brought this 'problem' to Abbie not me..." He put his wife on the spot and asked with a straight face, "I'm still confused, if it wasn't the waist, what else could it have been?"

Abbie cringed, not believing she was having this conversation with her husband and he wasn't already comprehending what they were talking about, " understanding it had to do with how they fit in"

Suddenly Justin allowed a knowing realization to form on his face, "Oh my God, he had to get his Speedo's altered to accommodate his junk?"

The beautiful coach subtly nodded her head, "Yeah I guess that was it."

"Holy shit! Was he wearing one of those altered suits today?"

"I don't know, I assume so," she lied. She didn't want to tell him, but she had picked up Nick's altered suits at the seamstress the previous afternoon on her way home from work. The young diver had stopped by her office earlier in the afternoon to collect them.

"Well I don't know if it was altered or not, but he sure stood out from the crowd at practice!" Justin laughed.

That fact hadn't been lost on Abbie as at one point, she actually thought Nick saw her checking out the lump in his trunks at practice. She wasn't the only one, coincidently she had overheard a couple of the older girls giggling and commenting on the size of Nick's huge bulge as he stood on the three meter board visualizing one of his dives.

"OMG, look at the six-pack on that new guy!" Gina Peterson gushed.

"Fuck the six-pack, check out the size of his package. I'm gonna look a lot more forward to practice this year!" Senior Christina Chin joked and they both laughed.

In response to Justin's previous statement Abbie now asked, "What do you mean," not wanting to make it obvious she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"C'mon Ab, everyone was talking about it. Say what you want, but the dude's got some serious junk under the hood!"

Abbie rolled her eyes with a nervous smile, "Justin..."

"Wait Ab, getting back to the Speedo thing, why did he bring his problem to you? His mom is only 40 miles away."

She cleared her throat, "Yeah...he said his mom had a friend that altered his suits in the past, but she moved this past year. I guess he came to me because I'm a woman, he probably thought I could best help him find a seamstress, which I did."

"Hmm, that had to have been a little awkward?" Justin asked with a suspicious tone in his voice.

Abbie did her best to downplay the question with a straight face, "Not really, I just connected him with a place I found on Yelp, I stayed out of the details..." She lied.

"Oh...okay..." Justin responded, suspecting she wasn't telling him everything. He then thought to himself, "This guy obviously has huge nuts, but pulling Abbie into this shitshow was a pretty ballsy thing to do, especially with me in the mix. He clearly has an ulterior motive!" His thoughts turned to the story about Nick getting expelled for fucking his married high school math teacher and knowing there was a precedent for his current actions.

To Abbie's relief, it appeared Justin was going to let the subject drop, but to be sure, she pushed the conversation in another direction, "You know there was something about this situation that really did concern me honey. When he was in my office, at one point he pulled a huge roll of bills from his backpack! It didn't look like something a college student would normally have."

"Oh is that right?" Justin asked, surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, I only saw it for a minute, but it was a huge wad."

Although it was a potentially concerning development, Justin still had to fight the temptation to joke about his wife mentioning Nick and a huge wad of anything, finally he replied, "I suppose there are plenty of viable explanations, but it does seem odd."

"Yeah honey, I sure hope he isn't selling drugs or something!"

"I don't think we should jump to conclusions, but we certainly need to keep our eyes open. I'll be so disappointed if he blows this opportunity by doing something as stupid as selling drugs."


Two months later

"Oh come on Abbie, you've really never been to a male dancer show before?" Her friend Sydney asked.

"No, it's not my kind of thing, but I'll go along if it's what Brie wants to do for her birthday."

"Shit girl, you don't know what you've been missing. All that muscle covered hotness, practically naked, thrusting and grinding right in front of you or better yet, touching you if you're lucky, it's intoxicating...not to mention the aroma of all that testosterone. And all those guys are hung; I'm getting wet just thinking about it!"

"Oh come on Syd..." Abbie laughed " I heard they are all gay anyway."

"They're not all gay Abbie. I've heard lots of stories of women hooking up with guys after the shows...and besides I don't care if they're gay are or not, I like looking and feeling them up, just imagining doing it with one of those guys is enough to get me off."

"Jeez Syd, you sound kind of hard-up!" Abbie giggled.

"Hey, all I know is Danny doesn't resemble any of them with his clothes off. But I have to admit, that aside from flirting and having fun at the show, I doubt I'd actually have the guts to hook up if the opportunity presented itself, but I sure like thinking about it. Having the image of all that cock and the memory of feeling up some of it will be enough to get me through until the next time I go back," Abbie's co-worker responded with her own laugh and a naughty smile on her face.

"You're scaring me Syd," Abbie joked. "So since I've never been to one before, are all these shows the same? I've heard of Chippendale's and Thunder from Down Under, but Masked Masculinity sounds sooo Sacramento. Is it as cheesy as the name implies?"

Sydney laughed, "Yeah I thought so too, until I saw it last spring. Those other shows have nothing on this one; the only difference is these guys all wear famous dude masks...actors, athletes, musicians etc. I know it sounds kind of weird, but once you see it, you won't feel that way; probably because you won't be looking at their masks anyway! I think having their true identities hidden, gives them more confidence to let their hair...and everything else down. I might be wrong, but I also can't help but wonder if they get more hot guys to strip, knowing no one will know who they really are."

"They're really that hot?"

"Oh my God, you have no idea Abbie! I promise you will leave there wanting to go home and tear Justin's clothes off."

Abbie giggled, "Okay, I'll take your word for it, but I'm still skeptical..."

"Trust me girl, you'll love it!"


The following week

"Yeah honey, remember I told you a few weeks ago that Anna and Sydney invited me to go with them for Brie's birthday to that male dancer show downtown this weekend. I feel silly even thinking about it, but it's how she wants to celebrate and I don't want to be the buzz kill."

"Baby, you ought to go and have a good time, I bet you'll have fun. I heard the ladies at those shows get a lot wilder and get away with a lot more than guys do at strip clubs. I saw somewhere that touching and groping is more condoned than at men's shows, seems kind of backward if you ask me. But knowing what I know about Brie and some of your other friends, I bet they'll get really into it - you ought to do the same Ab. You know I won't mind if you cop a feel or two along the way!"

"Yeah right Justin, you know I would never do that, I find the whole thing kind of weird...grown women throwing themselves at cheesy dancers, most of whom are probably gay anyway!"

"Who gives a shit if they're gay, they're out there to show off their goods and if you want to have a little fun groping man meat, you know I'm okay with it!"

She gave him a disgusted look, "Justin, why would you possibly want me to feel-up another guy?"

"Baby, you know I love you more than anything in this world...but I've always fantasized about seeing your beautiful body being pleasured by a truly endowed man. So why should I care if you grope one?"

"Oh, here we go with this creepy topic again, I can't imagine you would actually be able to handle it if I brought home one of those dancers. I bet you would freak out and have a meltdown!"

"Only from arousal!"

"Oh bullshit Justin, I don't buy that for a second," Abbie responded before deciding to test him. "You mean if I brought home some muscle covered hunk and took him in our room and had sex with him, you wouldn't have a problem with it?"

"I don't think long as I got to watch." Her husband replied with a guilty grin.

Abbie stared at him incredulously, "C'mon babe, if I walked in with a stranger, both of us hot and excited from making out in his car, and I took him into the kitchen and made us both a cocktail and then I hopped up on the counter and he moved between my legs until I could feel his massive bulge against me, you would just sit on the couch and let it happen?"

"Depends on what happened next." Justin replied excitedly, hoping it would spur her on to tell him more of the story.

Abbie, still trying to make sense of her husband's disturbing fetish, decided to play along, "He would bring his lips to mine and we'd start back up where we left off in his car. His tongue would slip into my mouth and I would moan and wetly suck on it, all the while he'd be grinding himself between my legs. I wouldn't be able to control my excitement at his size and hardness as my hands would reach around and pull his rock-hard butt closer to me."

"Jesus Abbie, then what?"

She rolled her eyes before continuing, "His big hands would reach up and squeeze my boobs through my shirt. He'd groan his approval and tell me he can't wait to taste them. My nipples would be so hard they'd start to hurt from pressing against my bra. Sensing my discomfort, he would say, "Let's fix your problem baby, get this shirt off!"

She continued, "Something about his directness turns me on so much that I immediately start to sexily unbutton it for him. He moves away, takes a big swig from his drink, and watches as I strip for him. I see his eyes grow as he sees my lacy bra appear and he nods his approval when I finally get my shirt undone and it parts, exposing my breasts to him. He loves the way they look over my flat tummy - he tells me to show them to him!"

"Fuck, what am I doing while this is all going on?"

"I have no idea, I'm only focused on him as he removes his own shirt and the sight of his muscle covered chest and huge arms makes me gasp out loud. I reach down and slowly unclasp my bra and he cockily smiles his approval as I slowly spread it and show him what he wants to see!"

"Son of a...fuck Abbie, this is too much. My dick is so hard right now!"

"Not as hard as his as he moves back close and tells me to touch him. My hands can't get to his pants fast enough as I excitedly rub between his legs. I think back to how big he felt when I groped him while he danced on stage, but now he is rock hard and his size is...well...captivating! One of my hands cups his huge testicles while the other rubs along his penis until I find the head about halfway down his thigh. I breathe into his ear and tell him I love how big he is and ask what he wants me to do next."

"What does he ask you to do honey? And please use dirtier sex words to describe it!" Justin replies, excitement building in his voice.

Abbie again studied her husband incredulously, she couldn't believe he was really getting into this. However, as awkward as it felt to describe the encounter, she had to admit it was turning her on too. She continued, "He doesn't ask me anything...he tells me...he tells me to climb off the counter, get down on my knees and suck his big!"

"Oh my God Ab, do you do it? Do you suck that huge thing?"

"Of course I do! By then I'm so horny Justin - I can't wait to please him!"

"Damn honey, since when are you so submissive and into giving head?"

"At this point, all I want is his dick and I'll do anything for it. I'm now completely topless, and as I jump down from the counter, I can tell he likes the way my tits jiggle and bounce as I kneel for him. From my knees I kiss along the outline of his cock through his pants while my hands rub along his rock hard abs and up to his chest. I can feel the wetness in my panties as I reach for his belt; I excitedly get it and his pants undone and pull them down to his ankles. When I look back up, my mouth is only inches from the most beautiful dick I've ever seen in my life!"

"Oh my God big is he?"

"Huge...way bigger than yours. It's indescribable...long and thick and so hard! I try to wrap my hands around it, but my fingers can't even touch. The heat coming off nearly burns my palms until he tells me to get it wet. I lower my lips above the head and let my spit ooze onto it. I slide my hand up and cup my saliva and palm the slippery head. But I realize quickly, the heat and size are too much, so I spit on it again. This time I keep hold of it and run my wet tongue slowly from the sensitive flesh just below the head all the way down the underside to his huge balls. He nods and tells me to do it again as he takes my hair in his hands and guides my mouth along it."

Justin had never heard his wife talk this way, he didn't even know she could, but he fucking loved it and didn't want her to stop, "Jesus Abbie, how does he taste?"

"Like a man should...musky and masculine. I inhale his scent and my nipples get harder than they've ever been. I can feel my wetness soaking the inside of my thighs. I can't wait any longer to take him in my mouth. He groans and grips my head firmly as I swirl my tongue around and around."

"This is so good Ab, does giving him head turn you on?"

"Of course it does, but you watching starts to creep him out. After a while, he pulls my lips from his cock and leads me to our bedroom. He closes the door behind us and tells me to get on the bed."

"I don't get to watch?"

"I tell him my husband wants to watch us, but he says he can come in later, he doesn't want you getting in the way."

"Getting in the way...fuck that guy!"

"He says your husband can listen to us fuck through the door. He says to let him use his imagination to envision how good I'm fucking you when I make you moan and scream out loud!"

"That's fucked up Ab, of course I want to watch...but if I can't, tell me what happens after the door closes?" Justin asks, basically accepting the new rules.

She rolls her eyes and laughs, "You snap out of this crazy fantasy and finally realize how messed-up it is that you get aroused thinking about your wife having sex with another man!" Abbie says exasperatingly. "Maybe I shouldn't go to this show - you'll be too disappointed when I come home alone!"

"Shit Abbie, you can't stop now! It's just a fun fantasy. C'mon, tell me what happens after the door closes."

Abbie looked at him incredulously, but she couldn't deny that making up the story sparked something erotically intoxicating in her as well. After a brief moment of indecision, a naughty look came to her face before biting her lower lip. She moved close to him and let her tongue slip from between her lips as she moaned in his ear, "Let's go in our room and I'll tell you the rest!"

Justin was blown away that his conservative wife was actually playing along with this naughty game.

Once inside, Abbie crawled up on the bed, "Since he isn't here, you get to play his part! Aside from not know..." she teased as she looked down at his dick. She didn't need to say anything more, they both knew she was referring to his average size, "...Do you think you can handle it?" She asked with a giggle and a playful smirk.