The Spirit of Water


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"Yeah, and you're magical deity women, I suppose?" Enzo returned.

"We are your life line to humanity. We called the spirit of the universal element into form. Before we did so, there was no you." she explained.

Enzo looked around, and saw that the other women merely waited, watching this conversation play out.

"No, I have lived my whole life before I even met any of you." said Enzo.

"You think you're Enzo, thirty five year old business man. And in a way, you are. We were aging, the era of -" he could only hear the edges of the word, as a peel of thunder cut through the air, the rest of the sentence was clear again, "was almost over, and we performed a ritual that could only ever be accomplished once. The ritual required one of a kind relics and dangerous incantations, in order to stop that aging. It called the water spirit into human form. It combined water with a fiery human form, and made you appear, as you are now, with all of your memories. They're not real." she said.

Enzo was reeling now. He felt dizzy, and stumbled. "Wha-what? How is that possible? Is any of this real?" he said.

"All of it is real, don't be silly. Just your past isn't." she replied. "The ritual created you, and put you into a place in life, matching up the real world with your false identity. When you woke up before your first day of work, everything was real since then. You showed up at exactly the right time, and took the place of another employee who never showed up, your home, and so on were also things that had been abandoned. The universe allows only the smallest of alterations, which is your coming to be, and lets the rest be filled in by cosmically orchestrated coincidence. After that, though, your relationships with people, your work, and so on, were all you. So, as I said, the only thing unreal is your past before that first day. As to your draw, the life giving spirit of water, and the fire energy that makes you tethered to this human form naturally, and irresistibly attracts women who are healthy, beautiful, and voluptuous. This is why these women cannot stay away from you. They are drawn to you on a deep, subconscious level, and they squirt when they're sexually stimulated by you, or even around you due to the raging fire inside you. It drives them wild, and over the edge of their sexual limits."

"So, you're the reason! You caused me to become like this? To make women obsessed with me?" said Enzo.

"No! You are the reason! We merely channeled energy that already exists, and it made you appear: a thirty five year old man, waking up for his first day of work. The universe spoke to us without words, and made us understand that the only way for us to stay young was for us to coax you into drinking our squirt while the fire element was aroused to full strength within you by sexual activity. This meeting of our sacred water, and your universal inner fire creates spiritual steam that merges with our souls and bodies, and it keeps us young and healthy. While all women want to be with you sexually, only we can make the sacred steam with your fire, because we summoned you. No other women can use you to stay young. Only us, the original ten, the ancients. We are eternally bound to you, and you to us." she said.

Enzo looked around again. The women were all looking at him, entirely seriously, and with longing, loving looks on their faces. He felt off balance again, and stumbled to one side, before righting himself.

"You're dying." she said.

"What!?" demanded Enzo, but, in a strange way, he knew she was right.

"You only last for one year. During that time, we water the sexual human fire within you. That is your connection to the human realm. Without that fire, you are just disembodied water energy. But, that fire burns so bright it soon burns out." she concluded.

"I don't want to die, though!" Enzo thought of his friends, his job, the things he liked, traveling, and Juliana.

"You keep us young forever. I love you, Enzo. We all love you. We need you. We will always be here for you. Sweet darling. Never be afraid. You will never be alone." she replied.

Those were the words! He'd heard them on the train. His mind was reeling.

"You have to choose, though. You help us, and now, we're ready to help you." she said.

Enzo looked at her, and considered. He said, "What will you do for me? Can you save me?"

"The fire that burns inside of you can be rekindled, but it requires a water ritual to reinvigorate the water spirit that makes up the outside of you. We have to cover your body, head to toe, in sacred water, and not a drop can touch the fire inside of you, as it would put it out forever. You have to want it though. You have to take part in the ritual, and kindle, and stoke the fire inside you." she replied.

"I do want it!" Enzo said.

"We will begin the ritual." she said. "Take off your clothes, and kneel here."

Enzo undressed, and stood in the middle of the semi-circle, where she had pointed. "Wait," he began, as a terrible, horrifying thought popped into his head. The women began to close the circle around him. He started to think, what was that word she'd said? The era of what? There was something there for him to understand, but he couldn't remember. He'd heard the word, or read it in an article about history, and knew it was the name of an ancient civilization. He was feeling light headed though, and he involuntarily dropped to his knees.

The women stood in a circle around him, their painted bodies glistening in the candle light. They masturbated, and as they did so, they chanted an incantation. The candles dimmed, the flames becoming barely visible in the darkness. All the air seemed to get sucked out of the room, and it became incredibly cold. The archaic symbols painted on the floor seemed to flicker under Enzo's form. Things got quieter, and quieter. Enzo felt like he was going to die, as he hunched over, and laid his head on the cold floor.

Suddenly, though, on his back, he felt a splatter of water in the darkness, and a feeling of raging heat shot through him. He lifted his head up, and sat back on his legs, feeling strong. Jets of spray were hitting him from all sides, he realized. For a second, he considered opening his mouth so he could drink it, but he remembered what the woman had said about not putting out the fire, so he kept it shut. He felt the fire intensify, and as he returned to full strength, the candles sprung back to life, even brighter than before, and showed him the whole scene. All ten women were lost in unimaginable ecstasy, as squirt gushed out of their pussies, and onto his body, drenching him. Their bodies sparkled all over, the light was reflecting off of the droplets which splattered off of him, and onto them, and made a beautiful, otherworldly image as it mingled on their skin with the painted symbols and designs, in the flickering fire light, dancing with the shadows.

The candles dimmed, again, now, and he saw the symbols start to run, and drip down the women, and onto the floor. Then they leaked across and mixed with the symbols on the floor. These congealed, and leaked over to his feet, and started to creep up his legs. He saw his own body disappearing, but being replaced by this inky, and now iridescent substance, a stark, glowing contrast against the darkness. It hit him, then, it was possible this had been going on for a long time. He'd no way to know. What if his memories reset every year? That ancient civilization name was the key. Had the women been around since back when that civilization existed? Or was this the first time? Had he been locked in a cosmic symbiotic relationship with these women for thousands of years?

Chapter 18

He woke up to his buzzing alarm clock. He shut it off, and looked around the room. He felt fuzzy headed. For a second he couldn't remember what day it was. Then, it hit him. He had to get to the forest!

He got dressed, and ran into the woods. He found several other people there, already working. "Hey, new guy!" said one of them, and handed him an axe. It was going to be a long day, he realized, as he started chopping wood.

After an hour of work he was extremely hot, so he walked down to the river, took off his shirt, and drank some water. He noticed a beautiful woman washing clothes in the river. She beckoned to him to come to her.


Juliana waited outside Enzo's house, and came back the next day, too. He stopped answering all texts and calls. She was heartbroken. Still, though, she figured, maybe this was for the best. He had ghosted her, but she had found that she got uncontrollably aroused when she was around him, and always found herself masturbating in the bathroom, or coming in her pants, as she had in the movie theater. She'd never squirted before, either, as no man had ever stirred such an explosive spirit within her. It scared her a little, being out of control, sexually. So, she told herself that she was better off without him.

Yet, she still thought about him, sometimes, when she was alone, and her hand started wandering.

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