The Spy Who Fucked Me


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His balls were large and soft looking, the hair slight, keeping them almost bare without seeming naked, the skin wrinkled only a bit.

His pubic hair was dark and soft looking, abundant but far from bushy.

Her body suddenly grew excited once more and she scrambled to her knees with no dignity what-so-ever and took that perfect cock in hand. The heat was delectable and she couldn't wait to taste him.

Looking up from her position of docility she sought permission with her eyes, as she sensed he would like.

He smiled indulgently and nodded to her. "Go on then." He grinned.

Sanctioned to begin she opened her mouth and proceeded to lavish him with her attention. Bathing him with her mouth Nadja gave over to her deepest desire which was to gratify him as greatly as he had just done to her.

Knowing he would enjoy slavish devotion to him she proceeded to worship his member with every skill she had ever been given. Infusing her talents with as heartfelt a desire to please as ever she had experienced she happily flattered his ego by adoring him.

Using her mouth she anointed him with saliva, acknowledging his dominion over her. With lips and tongue she humbled herself, lavishing on him her deference to his manhood. This cock was deserving of so overt a spectacle, and even though she knew herself capable of anything he could do, in this instance she acquiesced to his ego and submitted herself to his cock.

When his pole was glistening and his pulse pounding all along his shaft she lowered her mouth to his balls and started over. Nuzzling her face into his flesh she kissed and licked his testes, taking them gently into her mouth and slurping on them adoringly.

As she did so she stroked his shaft tenderly keeping him stimulated while she gloried in his testicles. As she sensed his attention drifting she returned to fucking his pole with her mouth. Sliding along his length, taking him deep in she suckled him, her tongue gliding around the bottom of his knob exploring every ridge and swell of his perfect pecker.

Then as she knew he would eventually he reached down and held her still while he used her mouth to please himself.

He took her face and claimed her for his own. Now she became a receptacle of his favour, her mouth a repository for the reward he was about to bestow upon her.

It was all a game, but one that was wonderful for her to play. The prize, pleasure.

Nadja felt his body begin to tremble and his thrusts grew faster and less precise as his orgasm approached. When she felt his balls retract in her hand and the head of his cock expand on her tongue she shivered with the anticipation of his sperm spilling into her mouth.

The grip on her head tightened and he pressed further into her mouth as his first jet of jism erupted over her tongue. The hot cascade spattered over her tongue and the thick cream of it thrilled her.

When the gout shot right back into her throat she pulled back her head so that the rest of his cum would land near the front of her tongue. She wanted to taste it fully.

James made small grunts in the back of his throat as he fired even more thick cum into her face. Nadja used her sperm soaked tongue to caress his throbbing knob and urge more hot cream inside her suckling orifice.

She pumped his shaft and milked his balls as the strong flavour of him pervaded her sense of taste. His straining cock drizzled still more sperm into her and now she swirled it around her mouth coating his first few inches of cock with his own tangy jizz.

The flavour was complex and rich, like the food she had read he enjoyed eating so much. It had hints of sweet and savory, but was all man. The overall taste was familiar and pleasant, but the richer hidden essences were intriguing and she savoured the challenge of tasting them all.

As her tongue roiled around her mouth and slid all over his slippery knob she felt him shudder as the last drops of cum seeped out of his rigid shaft.

When he pulled from her slurping grip she sat back on her heels and continued to imbibe the subtle nuances of his semen while he staggered over to the couch.

When she had finished reveling in her reward for a blow-job well done she swallowed the remaining dribbles of sperm and crawled over to him slowly, letting him watch her abasing, seductive approach.

When she reached him she slid her face along his thigh parting his legs with the soft touch of her cheeks and when he opened fully she once more took his erection between her warm, soft lips.

Nadja looked up at him from her position of deference and gently she clasped him in the wet embrace of her mouth and slurped along his length. As her face was lowering and raising slowly her eyes locked on his, ready to do his bidding.

"Well now that's enough of that lassie. What say you hop aboard?"

Nada smiled with her mouth full of him and then let his hard-on fall from her grip. Shyly, sensing he was trying to test her, she stood and straddled his thighs. He purposefully left his thighs open wide making her step over him exposing her glistening slit to his hungry eyes.

Using every skill she had at reading people Nadja perceived that he wanted her to feel exposed and vulnerable, but that his seductive power overrode her reluctance. It was written subtly in every line of his face as he watched her position herself over his cock.

A more considerate man would at least have held his cock for her, aiming it at her opening, but he stayed still his hands on the couch.

Reaching shyly between her legs she lifted his recumbent member and pointing it at her slick juncture. She could see the amusement in his eyes as she blushed and bit her lip while lowering herself onto his tool.

Giving him the show he wanted she allowed a false modesty to battle with lust all through her body. She pressed his head to her opening and sat down on the thick knob easing his girth into her wetness.

Shuddering with delight and chagrin she filled herself with him, unable to look him in the eye for longer than a second as he leered at her sordid display.

Shuddering with passion Nadja wedged his big cock into her tight opening and using her training allowed a climax to swell in her body. Holding back the tide of pleasure she rode the edge of bliss as she ground down on him driving the last inch up into her small body.

When his entire length was shoved deeply into her slick recesses she squirmed her hips and pressed her clit to his pubic bone beginning to spasm in the seizure of an orgasm.

Knowing he wanted to observe a struggle she released just enough of her hold on her pleasure to allow her climax to take hold but not spill over. Then she clamped down on it only enough to make her body quake, shivering on the edge of release, but not enough to end the delight. It was a fine balance but she had been practicing it for years.

Trembling with the joy of being filled by him she glanced at him below her, the eyes of a woman self-conscious of her passion but unable to stop it. His grin told her he reveled in his ability to take her to this place.

Then he placed his thumb on her clit and she exploded. Writhing in place on his cock she trembled and bucked as her climax lashed her nerves with whips of pleasure. Squirming as he wiggled his thumb while his cock filled her to the brim Nadja came in waves of pure bliss.

Gasping with the extremity of her effort she eased herself down from the brink of rapture and spoke.

"Oh my god. You feel so good. I've never-, I mean this doesn't happen. I'm sorry."

"Nonsense my dear. This is the whole point of our evening. Remember? Easing tension, reaching harmony?"

"Oh James." She sighed and leaned in to kiss him.

As they kissed he lifted her on and off of his glorious pole and Nadja allowed herself to bask in the man's ability. He was a truly adept lover when he made any effort and they moved together like dancers.

Soon he rolled her over, never leaving the grip of her velvety pussy, and when he was on top, and she splayed across the couch he began to fuck her in earnest.

Her enemy, the man she was here to kill drove his hardness into her yielding core over and over, stabbing into her and driving her wild. Clinging to him Nadja squeezed him and opened to him alternately as her body clenched with pleasure.

They moved together in complete abandon and it was the best sex she had ever had. Letting her training speak to her in a constant whisper of instructions she surrendered herself to him and the splendor he sought to bestow on her.

Nadja had been unclear for ages as to what her body actually took delight in sexually. For so long she had been using her skills to determine what a lover desired that she had supplanted her natural pleasures with the delight she took in correctly assessing a target.

Tonight, with this man, her employer's worst enemy, she couldn't distinguish whether or not she was taking pleasure in being submissive or whether his desire for her to be pliant was making her lay back and luxuriate in his attention. But that is what she was doing.

As the superspy filled her with his wonderful cock, one or the other of his hands roamed her chest massaging, groping and caressing her tender breasts. His mouth took hers, filled it with his nimble tongue, kissed her lips, or nibbled, licked and grazed her neck.

Nadja gave her body free reign to take pleasure in all this, and her orgasms came often and powerfully.

At one point as her energy was flagging from so many climaxes James suddenly pulled out, leaving her momentarily forlorn, before his mouth was planted on her clit.

As soon as his lips touched her overly sensitized button she arched back in the most intense orgasm of the night. The entirety of her frame tightened; every muscle straining to contain the sheer volume of ecstasy that suddenly exploded along her ravaged nerves.

Her throat shut tight clenching around the scream she wanted to utter. Instead a series of low moans and grunts squeezed past the blockage. Her chest lifted high her lungs suddenly desperate for air, her nipples points of fire scalding the air with her joy.

Her hands gripped the couch desperate to hold on to something so that she could avoid flying up off the Earth and being lost in the stars that now filled her sight. Bracing her legs on the cushions she thrust her cunt up at the mouth doing this to her. Whether she attempted to push him away or envelope him in her exalting centre her body couldn't seem to decide.

The lapping tongue between her lips ravished her clit, flaying her senses with more delight than she could contain. She felt as if she were being ripped apart by the power of her own pleasure.

Just when she thought she might be able to ride the wave without using her abilities to clamp down on it before she lost herself utterly, he reached a hand for her breast and began to pull on her nipple sending more stimuli to her overwrought brain.

It suddenly occurred to her that he might be driving her this far down the path of pleasure in order to lower her guard and then extract useful information from her. Without missing a beat she squeezed her control a fraction tighter so that she could maintain a hold on herself and keep her wits about her.

Yet still she allowed her body to be buffeted by jubilation. He was making her feel wonderful and she wasn't going to deny herself this exquisite lover's focused attention. So few could do what he was doing so adeptly.

She walked the line so closely that when he changed tack again and lifted his face from her cunt and returned his cock to filling her she gave herself over to the sheer elation she felt. She did so knowing that when he looked in her eyes she could be sure he would see only the total abandonment he wanted to see.

An abandonment she very nearly felt.

If she hadn't spent ten years working on this control she would have lost herself now in the bliss of his lovemaking. She would never have had the power to stop herself from proclaiming her undying love for him.

Thankfully that was how she differed from other woman. Nadja was no slave to her feelings.

But he really was the best lover she had ever been with. The way he angled his cock and dove into all the right paces inside, the way his hands roamed her body, teasing her here, squeezing her there, touching her clit and bringing crushing orgasms seemingly at will was amazing. It felt as if she were an instrument and he the best musician in the world.

And then he began to cum.

His masterful strokes faltered, then sped up and grew frantic. He moved inside her merely for his own pleasure now and then he tensed and she felt the spill of his cum inside her, spreading warmth where there had only been heat before.

The seep of his seed accompanied a groan and clenching, sustained thrust as he pressed himself as far as he could into her. He buried his face in her neck and his breath blew warm and moist on her own fevered flesh.

Nadja allowed herself to indulge in one more climax of her own, relishing the feel of his sperm oozing inside her slippery slot.

Clinging to him, pressing as much of her hyper-sensitive skin as she could to his her orgasm felt like a need to absorb all of him, every molecule. She remained far more aware of her surroundings than usual when she climaxed, and it was a glorious change. Her skin became as much a conscious part of herself as she had ever experienced. Touch became like thought and she undulated her whole being trying to feel every part of herself simultaneously.

And then all too soon it passed.

Her orgasm subsided and she was merely herself again.

Her lover lay sprawled atop her breathing heavily, crushing her own oxygen deprived body. Her hands stroked his back still hungry for sensation. Her mouth too wanted more of him and she kissed any skin she could reach. His shoulder, neck and cheek she kissed over and over greedily.

He turned and gave her his mouth. They kissed passionately, though tiredly, both spent from prolonged delight.

A drowsiness blanketed her as she basked in the after-glow of amazing sex. Her body trembled and sweat tickled her as it dried.

When he rolled off to one side the cool air caressed her pleasantly after the heat of his skin following such exertion. Her left hand found his right and she clutched it, still needing contact with him. Her right hand lifted and began to trace light lines across her bosom, teasing her tingling skin.

"Thank you." She whispered gratefully.

"The pleasure was mine, my dear, believe me."

She rolled onto her side and snuggled onto his chest, hearing his heart beat in her left ear.

"You were wonderful." She spoke into the hair on his chest.

"Ah, so glad you enjoyed yourself. You've done your boss proud."

That seemed like an odd thing to say, so she mock bit him on the side. "Oh you're bad." She giggled, thinking that was a good continuation of the line of joking they had been following all day.

"Fancy a drink?" He asked and lifted himself up of the couch.

"Delightful." She murmured sleepily.

He went to the bar and began to mix cocktails. This might be the moment, she thought. She sat up and looked at him standing nude behind the bar.

"I'm going to the loo." She said and grabbed her purse, then tip-toed to the bathroom. In her purse she assembled her gun from the various pieces concealed as make-up case, lighter and pen.

She did in fact go pee, and squeezed out his spunk, even the pill could fail, she told herself. Then she found a courtesy robe and dressed in it hiding her gun in the ample pocket. Checking her face, and enjoying the smeared lipstick and flushed cheeks she primped her tussled hair and went back out to him.

"Your drink my dear." He said and passed her a martini like the one she had made him earlier. They kissed before she tasted it, and then moved back to the sofa. They sipped the drinks and she remarked how good it was when he made them.

"It is different than mine. What do you put in it?"

"3 measures of Gordon's Gin, 1 measure of vodka, 1/2 measure Kina Lillet, lemon peel for garnish, and a little something extra. My secret ingredient." He grinned.

"Oh. Won't you tell me?" Alarm bells went off in her head. There was no secret ingredient anywhere in the files.

"Oh, now. That would spoil the surprise." He leaned back and sipped his own drink contentedly.

"You're being mean." She pouted, trying to cover a growing panic.

"I suppose I am. But can you blame me, darling? It's the nature of our business."

"I thought we had fostered a friendship between our companies?" she purred, pretending they were still flirting. She held her drink up to be toasted by him.

"Your efforts went a long way to that end." He smiled and touched his glass to hers. The second he did so she allowed the pressure to tip her glass from her hand and spilled it over both of them, and as she did so her other hand pulled free her gun and aimed it at him.

Some instinct preserved him and his own arm swept the gun from his face spilling his drink and making her miss her shot.

They both leaped from the sofa and sought cover. She was between him and his clothes, so likely his gun too. She cautiously began to hunt him around the sofa, leading with her gun, aiming for centre mass.

He wasn't around the couch. Somehow he had gotten further than she when they leaped up. The bar? She went and darted behind the bar and found it empty save for the items used to make the martinis.

Where was he?

Then she felt a dizziness sweep over her and a tightness in her throat.

There on the bar beside the gin and vodka lay a much smaller bottle with a medical looking label. As her stomach clenched she stumbled to the bottle and read the label.

Botulin. Immediately her mind brought forth what she knew of that word. Botulin is tasteless and odorless . the victim won't know they have consumed the fast acting poison until paralysis sets in. which it was. Her limbs seemed sluggish and heavy. Her vision was cloudy and she staggered out from behind the bar knowing she was dead, but wanting to take him with her.

Nadja staggered around the room looking for her enemy but he knew he need only wait a few moments and she would be helpless. In half an hour she would be dead, suffocating because her lungs would no longer pump oxygen to her heart.

It took all her strength to get her dying body to the bedroom, and she began to weep helpless tears when the room was empty. Slumping to the floor, dropping her weapon, she was helpless to stop her fall, her body unable to perform the commands she begged desperately for it to do.

On her back on the floor she felt her heart laboring in her chest as she struggled to move, to do anything that would help her complete her task. She must kill him.

He never returned. As her mind grew black from lack of air she silently screamed. Suffocation was terrifying and she clawed at the inside of her own skull urging death now as she no longer got enough air to survive. But her suffering body would not relax and let her lose consciousness.

If only she had been able to shoot him. How had he known she was a spy? What had she done to give herself away? Why hadn't she c-...

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

very very good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

amazing. to make it even better, the storyline is genuinely amazing as well

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

nice story I really enjoyed it

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