The State Agricultural Fair

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The mating ritual at the State Fair.
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Every year at Easter time the State Agricultural Fair took place in the fairgrounds - they were in the same buildings and grounds that they had been in for over 100 years. It was a chance for all the farmers to bring their cattle, sheep, goats and pets for the annual show where they would be judged and proudly displayed by their owners. The stalls for the animals were set up so that there was a small elevated space where the owner could sleep and take care of their animal. It was primitive but everybody had a lot of fun. These were not young city kids who had grown soft - these were country kids who had grown up on farms and had a physical life doing chores around the farm. They were not the children of poor farmers, but rather farmers who had large properties and who raised pedigreed animals worth a lot of money. For most of them the annual fair was something to look forward to because it had become part of a mating ritual where they could meet the opposite sex.

Dating apps were useless in the country. Everybody generally lived a long way from most other people and if you found somebody you liked, you would've had to drive for a long while to meet them. The main problem was that most of the people on the dating apps were city slickers who had no idea of life on the farm and what it involved. These country kids of both sexes expected to inherit the farm or part of it and that's why they kept working there. It was the future. All you had to do was find somebody that you could make a life with on the farm. There was no doubt in their minds what that involved. They all knew from experience what hung like a horse' actually meant and knew the difference between B and a bull's pizzle. The girls knew that their destiny was between their legs and that was the source of sexual pleasure and babies. There was no avoiding it. The fellows knew what their role in all this was and happy to accept it.

Nobody ever actually said it that but it was widely accepted that the basis for a good marriage was a happy physical relationship and that meant you had to enjoy the other person's body and they had to enjoy yours. The window of opportunity to find somebody was not very long - you had a few days and if you didn't find a person this year you might have to wait a year for another chance. It put a bit of pressure on people but one good thing was that the parents of both parties were likely to be there and could talk to each other and give guidance to their kids. It was not an arranged marriage by any means but it had elements of it in that the parents were slightly involved.

At the end of the big Hall where they all slept, there were two large communal showers for males and females. The rules were that at 6 o'clock on the first night of the show, an hour after all the visitors to the show had left, all the young people over 18 who were looking after the animals would be able to go down to the showers - the showers were now uni-sex and after a shower they would all walk naked through the hall to a small judging ring whether they would mingle and then walk back to the showers. They weren't the only fair where this happened - necessity was the mother of invention and it was pretty harmless and it worked.

A long time ago, nobody knew when, about 20 of the farmhands in the hall had gone to the showers and walked down to the judging ring naked. Everybody was shocked out of their mind but when they did it the next night, there were a lot more people and when they did it the third night, practically everybody in the hall was there. The next year on the first night of the show, they did it again and that was the beginning of the tradition and soon it was the thing that everybody look forward to most. They all knew that college kids had their hazing rituals which often involved people running around naked. Why should they have all the fun?

After dinner there would be a dance and everybody would go dressed ready to attract a partner from the other sex. In theory it didn't look like a mating ritual that would work, but in practice, its success over all the number of years in uniting their parents overcame everybody's reluctance to get naked. None of the girls had seen so many dicks all at once and none of the fellows had seen so many hairy pussies.

In the showers everybody looked around nervously. They had never been naked in front of anybody before and all of a sudden they were surrounded by naked people. To look or not to look? To be embarrassed or not to be embarrassed? Within a minute or two any pretension to embarrassment was gone - what was the point - everybody was in the same boat. It didn't stop people being self-conscious as they looked around and compared their own bodies with everybody else's. Jed and Jessica were no different. Jed looked around comparing all the dicks - were they bigger than his, were they smaller, longer or shorter - it was hard to tell, some of them were already stiff. Jessica was the same, comparing her breasts with everybody else's - she was satisfied that that she didn't have the biggest breasts but they were more than adequate. It was really confusing when it came to pussies - some of the girls had no hair at all and you could see the slits - others were nicely trimmed and a few even had bows and tattoos. There were those who strode confidently and who chatted with others but quite a few who are rather sheepish about the whole thing. When the bell rang at 6.15 they would all slowly troop out of the hall.

The girl's eyes flicked from man to man checking their equipment and wondering which one they preferred. They were all shapes and sizes, long and short, cut and uncut - more than a few were standing out stiff and erect and of course they attracted a lot of attention. Was it good to have a husband who was hung like a horse or was something smaller preferable? The girls would discuss this at length but never able to come to a conclusion. The boys' gaze wandered from girl to girl assessing their attributes. It wasn't easy to make a comparison when you had to compare three things simultaneously on each girl - face, breasts and pussy. The girls could have tried to hide their assets behind their hands but they didn't - they wanted to attract somebody and they knew the best way to do it was to look sexy. You not only had to look sexy but had to look as if you wanted to have sex - that was a bit difficult but some of them managed.

Jed's eyes spotted a woman who looked very interesting from afar. She was easy to pick out because she must've been the tallest girl there. She had a nice smile, smallish breasts and he couldn't see the rest through the crowded bodies. Jed threaded his way towards her and she realised that he was headed towards her. All she could see was his head but when he got closer, she could see that he had an erection. It certainly wasn't the biggest dick there but it would be enough to satisfy her. Jessica's parents bred cattle and she knew the importance of cojones on a bull and you could see instantly that Ted was well endowed in that department. Other girls might think that a fellow with a big dick, good for two fucks per night was good but she knew that it was better to have a fellow with a small cock who could last many times in the night.

Jed introduced himself, "hi, I'm Jed. You look great. I've seen you in the hall a couple of times and I noticed how tall you were but I didn't know that you had such a terrific figure. You hid it well."

"Hi I'm Jessica. I've seen you around too;" A brief conversation followed and then everybody began to walk back towards the showers. Jed's parting words were, "I'll see you at the dance tonight."

"I'll look out for you."

After a few minutes mingling in the judging ring they all went back to the showers and got dressed, ready for the evening dance. At the dance they looked for each other again. This time they were dressed and Jessica was in a very nice dress that showed off her breasts to advantage. The dress was very short and when she danced and spun around you could see her panties underneath. Jed was turned on immediately and would have been happy to get into her pants straight away but that was not how things worked. You were supposed to take things slowly and get to know the girl properly before you did anything like that but the fact was that it looked like a case of love at first sight. Jed was dressed like a cowboy should be dressed and Jessica was smitten.

The next day they partook in the shower ritual again and Jed kept his eye open to see Jessica - she looked terrific and as they mingled in the judging ring, he said "let's go out for dinner. There is a nice Italian place in town."

"Great idea. I don't often get a chance to eat Italian and I love it."

By the end of the meal it was clear that Jessica had the hots for Jed. She was ready to give her body to him. Nobody had ever really been close to her physically before - just a few cuddles. It was probably her height that frightened most fellows, but not Jed - he was just a fraction taller than she was. "My parents drove down in a Winnebago and they won't be back for hours. It's in a camping ground not far from here. Would you like to come?"

"Are you sure they won't be back for a while?"

"Absolutely. They've gone out to a show and it doesn't finish till after 11 o'clock."


"Good, I can relax."

Jessica drew Jed towards her and they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. In spite of the fact that she liked Jed, Jessica had no intention of giving her body away to the first man who came along. She wanted to know much more about him before that happened. She had no problem going down to the bed and lying next to Jed fully clothed but he would have to win her. Not only was she a good-looking girl but her parents owned an extremely large cattle property and she was an only child. The person who married had to be able to pull his weight in running at. `They talked and kissed for quite a while until Jessica said, "I have to know that my parents will accept you before we go on any further."

Jed said. "I got the message. "

He jumped out of bed and grabbed his phone and showed Jessica the photograph of him accepting prizes at the agricultural College when he graduated two years ago. It then showed some photographs of him working around his father's property which was also very large.

Jessica said, "Okay. I'm sure you'll pass muster."

Confident that when Jed met her parents, they would accept him, Jessica decided to do everything with Jed except have sex. That could wait until he had met her parents. If they approved, then who knows. Jed came back to bed and there was frantic kissing and cuddling and they tore each other's clothes off in their haste to make the most of the short time available to them. Jessica had only been involved in what you might call light fondling with other boys up to now but now Jed's hands were all over her breasts and she was getting more and more excited. She didn't notice his hand leave her breast until she felt it between her legs and a finger in her slit rubbing her clitoris. It was better than anything she was able to do herself and she almost lost awareness of what she was doing. Jed took advantage of her absentmindedness and opened her legs, opened the hair on her crack and licked like it was going out of style. It was not the first time the he had done this with a girl but there was no doubt in his mind that Jessica had the sweetest pussy of all.

Jessica had had orgasms before but nothing like this. She no sooner finished the first one than she was on her way to a second and third. It would have gone on for a fourth except that she pulled his head away, "I can't take any more. I can't take any more. Oh God. I can't take any more." To all intents and purposes Jessica was wiped out and lay there staring into space. This had never happened with Jed before and he didn't know what to do or if there was anything to do except just to wait and see what happened. It might've been 10 minutes or 15 minutes before Jessica broke the silence and said, "Tomorrow I want my parents to meet your parents and we will go to that Italian restaurant that you took me to - it was really good. I'm sure they will like you."

Jed knew that if he impressed Jessica's parents, she would almost certainly accept him and they would get married. The dinner went well and just as everything was winding up, Jed took out a little velvet box with a diamond ring and proposed marriage to Jessica then and there. Jessica was delighted and accepted on the spot and they agreed to get married the next morning. Everybody went to City Hall and they had a civil marriage. It happened very quickly but Jessica was very organised and decisive and there was no doubt in her mind that Jed was the one for her. Straight after the ceremony they went to a hotel for their honeymoon.

Jessica took out two parcels - one for Jed and one for her. I'm going into the bathroom and I'll change into mine and you can change into yours. We're going to play charades. Jed had no idea what she was talking about but when she came out dressed like Annie Oakley from Annie Get Your Gun and he was dressed like Hopalong Cassidy there was no doubt that something exceptional was about to take place. They admired each other because in fact they did look terrific and then Annie started to undress Hopalong and Hopalong started to undress her and they were both completely naked.

Jessica whooped, " Rid 'em cowboy. Rid 'em cowboy. From the minute I saw you walking towards me in the judging ring and I could see that I had turned you on and you hadn't even touched me and I hadn't touched you, I knew that you were the one. I never expected that love at first sight would be part of my life but it is. I've never made love before and you're my first so we going to do it cowgirl but before that you are going to lick me like you did the other night and I'm going to lick you."

She lay down on the bed and pulled Hopalong down and rolled him over so that that beautiful penis that she had seen in the judging ring was now standing upright. She positioned Jed between her legs to lick her and had an orgasm and then Jessica positioned herself on top of Jed and opened the hairs of her crack and gently slid down on his penis. You would have thought that she would have had romantic thoughts going through her mind at that time but instead she was wondering just what a cow felt like when the bull mounted her - she must've felt nothing like Jessica was feeling then. It just kept going in - would it ever stop. Who cared - it felt good even if it was strange and tight. There can't be much more left - my body is hard up against his and now I'm going to lift up and down just like I've seen the other girls on porn.

"What do you think, big boy? I don't know about you but it feels perfect for me. "

"Won't everybody get surprised when we go back to the hall tomorrow and we're dressed like Annie Oakley and Hopalong Cassidy. Everybody will be stunned."

"You are right. What a perfect way to end the fair!"

Jessica climbed off and went into the bathroom to clean up and brought back a washer to clean Jed up. They lay next to each other fondling each other and it was not long before Jed was ready for another bout. Jessica just kept looking at it and staring and her fingers moved up and down over the crown and pulled the foreskin up and down. She must've done this for 10 minutes when Jed said, "I think you like looking at it. Do you like it?"

"Of course I do. I love it. What I'm looking at is so different compared to a bull's pizzle. A bull doesn't have that crown at the top. I understand Darwin's theory of evolution but I am finding it hard to understand how a cock without a crown developed into one with a crown. I can't see the evolutionary steps anywhere. I mean where does the crown come from? Where does the foreskin come from? You studied genetics in your course and you must understand a little about DNA. Was a DNA sequence for a human like 1000 poker machine reels and out of nowhere on one of the reels appears the DNA to put a crown of the end of the male cock and a clitoris at the top of a woman's pussy? And they just happen to be pleasure centres? I mean how did this happen? I can understand the logic of a giraffe having a long neck but there just doesn't seem any logic in having a crown or a foreskin.

It's not as if it gives you some advantage in opening me up and entering me. My vibrator doesn't have a crown and it has no trouble entering me so there is no advantage there. If Darwin's theory was correct there should be some way in which my pussy is designed to take advantage of your crown but I can't see it. Your penis can go in with the crown up or down, doesn't seem to make any difference. Did you know practically all other primates have a bone in the penis to keep it stiff but you keep it stiff just with blood pressure? Your penis is absolutely amazing. . This is our honeymoon and here I am raving on. Sorry. I just couldn't help myself."

"I was beginning to wonder whether you came to praise Caesar or to bury him."

"Who wrote that?"


"Something tells me you want to bury Caesar. That would be nice. I like it when we make love."

Jed needed no encouragement. All the talking had made him get more and more excited and he lifted himself up over Jessica's open thighs and plunged in. He didn't know what Jessica was expecting as the invader showed its power over her passive pussy. She felt his power and loved it. She felt it stiffen a little and then the pulsing of his cock as he emptied himself. They lay on the embracing each other for some minutes.

"You've been looking at me. It is my turn to look at you. Your pussy has got hair around it and has inner lips. A cow doesn't have that. You know I've never really looked closely at a woman's pussy before. Is it all right if I have a look at yours?"

Jessica was only too happy to show Jed her pussy. She wanted to be sexy and after all, her pussy was the sexiest part of the whole body.

"I love it the way you can just open your legs and separate your lips and show me everything and I'm the only one who has ever seen it. It makes me feel really good and now my finger is going to make you feel really good."

With that, Jed's finger began a complete examination, external and internal of Jessica's pussy which led to his tongue giving her clitoris a work out which led to an orgasm and more sex.

"Did it ever strike you as odd that when you look at me naked, you can see my penis but when I look at you naked standing up all I can see is your hairy triangle and the hint of your crack. It's only when your lay on your back and spread your lips that I can see your whole pussy. You've got a nice clitoris but why have you got a hood. Doesn't serve any purpose at all. You talk about evolution - why is that there? There are not many things I'm sure about in life but I'm sure of one thing - not much thought went into the design of the female pussy otherwise the clitoris would touch my dick when we fuck and it doesn't. What are the inner lips for? So many questions. I have to tell you you've got a sweet smelling pussy. Really nice. How would you like another fuck."

They never did make it back to the fair and hardly left the room for the duration of the fair. It was a fair to remember.

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