The Story Pt. 02


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"Did you marry her, did you say suicide, I'm still confused."

"That night we didn't use protection okay. She got pregnant. Karen came clean with Bill and he threw her out, no warning. Then he told her family and friends that she was having an affair with a black man. Karen called me and picked me up after practice one night crying, Karen told me everything. That she couldn't have the baby, couldn't face her family.The next thing I knew she was telling me she didn't want to live. Before I could calm her down and before I knew it, she veered off the highway into an overpass support. Karen was killed and my football career came to an end. Bill ruined my life, don't you understand."

"Michael are you saying the reason you started to see me is because of Bill. To get even with Bill."

Michael had painted himself into a corner. Michael tried to answer but the words would not come.

"You don't even care about me do you Michael, is any of what you just said true. Why should I believe you and if what you say is true how are you any better than Bill."

"It did start out that way, I did want to hurt him. He fucked my life. But I do care, hell I love you girl."

Jenny's head was spinning. The information overload was to much. "Michael I don't know what to believe, I need time. I have to talk to Bill." Jenny started walking to the door.

"Jenny I want you to stay here, don't go to that asshole." Michael took hold of Jenny's arm. just as she reach for the door.

"Michael let go of my arm."

"Jenny if you leave we're through." Michael released Jenny. With out another word Jenny turned and left.

Chap 18

Jenny drove slowly to the office as she tried to weigh how her life was unraveling. The more she thought about what Michael had told her the stranger things seemed. How could this whole thing be coincidence. Was Bill in on this, none of it made sense. Worse she was late for her period, for several days. A test this morning had confirmed it she was pregnant. Jenny had planed on telling Michael, after all it was probably his child. Jenny parked her car in the space reserved for her and was confronted by Shelby in the parking lot.

"Jenny your husband is waiting in your office and he seems very pissed off. I made up some story about you going on a personal errand. That you had just left. He was real ugly with me and didn't believe me."

"Jesus, now what. What a horrible day. Thanks Shelby for trying."

"Jenny is there anything I can do?

"No honey, this is my mess."

Jenny walked up to the office. Jenny couldn't believe this was happening. Bill was sitting behind her desk rifling through her drawers.

"Bill what in the hell do you think your doing."

"Trying to find your niggers address. I want to know were your going everyday."

"You better stay away from him Bill."

"Why you afraid I might hurt your lover boy."

"No on the contrary Bill. For your own good just stay away from him."

"Bill stood up visibly angry. "A woman called me said your fucking Michael all the time, that your in love with him, is that right."

"What woman?"

"So it's true."

"Bill calm down, first all this was your idea. What did you expect?" Bill stood up, his body language clearly suggesting a loss of control.

"I didn't expect you to fall in love with the guy."

"Oh you mean like your first wife Karen, did you want her pregnant too. Is that your fantasy to have your wife impregnated by a black man."

"What the fuck are you talking about Jen."

"Michael told me everything Bill, didn't you know he was the man that got your first wife pregnant. You didn't know that did you?"

"That's not possible Jen."

"What was the man's name, Karen's boyfriend what was his name Bill."

"I don't know, I mean I never asked."

"She got pregnant the very first time she was with him right?"

"Yes but."

"She was killed in a car accident wasn't she, suicide."

"It was a car wreck, I don't know about suicide."

"Oh Christ it's all true. Bill tell me I have to know, how did you meet Michael. Was it in response to your story?"

"No it wasn't him Jen, it was another guy named Andre."

"Andre, what did you tell him."

"Look Jenny, don't turn this thing around, your the one that's fucking around."

"Bill what have you got us into. How dare you blame me, I only did what you wanted. Now your playing the part of the indignant husband. Well I think you should know I'm pregnant. You going to call my mother, the Board of Regents', how about the Statesmen."

"Your pregnant, it must be mine? Besides Michael told me he had a vasectomy unless you've been fucking some one else. that's it isn't it, your fucking some one else. Who that first guy Ty, your fucking him too."

"You still believe Michael was telling you the truth about anything. God your unbelievable, who are you, I don't know you. I feel like I'm going crazy. Bill are you listening to yourself."

"Yeah and I'm through listening to you. Tell you what if your pregnant you better hope it's mine or we are through. I'm not parading around with any black baby you got that."

"Bill all of this is your doing just get out."

"Jenny I'm sorry, look I love you I didn't mean those things."

"Bill I said leave."

Bill slammed the door as he left. Jenny stood staring at the door in disbelief. Jenny slumped in her chair and laying her head down on her desk she began to cry. When she felt Shelby's hand on her shoulder she Jumped.

"It's okay Jenny, I heard everything. Listen get your purse and come with me to my place, it's small but comfortable."

"No I couldn't impose like that Shelby."

"Jenny it's okay now come on, get your stuff and come home with me. No way your going home, not to him."

Shelby hadn't lied about the place not being much. A couch and chair, cinder block entertainment center and a small kitchen table made up the living area in the living room. A queen size bed in the one bedroom. Jenny didn't want to hurt Shelby's feelings so she didn't say anything. Jenny figured it would just be for the night and then she would make other arrangements. What Jenny didn't know is that Shelby plans didn't entail more than one night.

"Jenny now that you've had the tour, let me get you some shorts and a t-shirt to wear."

While Jenny was changing Shelby prepared some green tea. Sly had promised her a thousand bucks for her help. Dropping the powder into the tea, Shelby stirred the mixture and gave it a slight taste. Perfect no hint of any flavor, Sly was right, Shelby thought as she picked up the cup and took it to Jenny in the bedroom, this would be fun. As Shelby walked she felt moisture building in her cunt. Wicked things always made her hot. Shelby couldn't wait to see if this Mickey would work like Sly said it would.

"I brought you some tea to calm your nerves."

Jenny followed Shelby into the living room and sipped her tea. "Oh this is good."

The women made small talk for a while. Shelby began to think the drug wasn't working when she noticed Jenny staring at her breasts. Sly had told Shelby about Jenny's weakness for other women. Shelby leaned over giving Jenny a better view.

"I'm glad you came over Jenny and I'm glad we're friends." Shelby tenderly brushed some of Jenny's hair from her face. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" Jenny tried not to look down Shelby's blouse but found it impossible. When Shelby leaned over her ample cleavage was evident and Jenny got a glimpse of Shelby's pink little nipples.

"Have you ever made love to a woman." Shelby was now caressing the nape of Jenny's neck. In response Jenny closed her eye's and leaned her head over on to Shelby's hand. The drug was having it's desired effect. Shelby smiled to herself. this was going to be easy, looking over her shoulder she nodded at Ty to join her. Ty snapped a few picture as Shelby began unbuttoning Jenny's blouse.

Chap 19

Bill sat in the car outside Shelby's apartment. Confused, he didn't know what to do. Bill recognized Ty when he let himself into the apartment. That was less than half an hour ago. It was dark now and several of the other tenants had already noticed him sitting there. Bill felt like a stalker, but he didn't have the courage to go to the door.

"Fuck it," Bill said out loud to himself. Gathering all his will power he forced himself out of the car and to Shelby's apartment door. At first he knocked softly on the door, but after a couple of minutes with no answer, he pounded on it. It was Shelby who answered, still rapping a robe around herself.

"Oh it's you, what do you want?"

"I want to see my wife." Bill look around Shelby into the small living room of the apartment. Jenny's shoes were by the couch. There was no other sign of Jenny, except that a door leading to another room was slightly ajar.

"She doesn't want to see you."

"Well she needs to tell me that herself," Bill said as he pushed past Shelby and started for the partially opened door.

"Hey you fucker you don't come into my house like that," Shelby screamed.

Bill rushed to the door and pushed it open. Lying on the bed was Jenny spread eagle in a semi comatose state. Jenny cunt was gaping open and wet with white sticky cum. Ty was rolling off the bed and he was nude. Ty huge black cock was rapidly shrinking from Bill's sudden appearance. Next to the bed was a small digital cam corder, it's red L.E.D. still blinking.

"Jenny, Jenny are you okay." Jenny's eye's opened slightly, she muttered something and closed her eye's again.

"Hey get the fuck out of here, I'm going to call the cops. Ty get him out of here."

"You heard her get the fuck out of here," Ty said as he pulled on his jeans.

Bill ignored Shelby and Ty as he rapidly rapped a sheet around Jenny and helped her to her feet. Ty made a move to block Bill's path. Bill paused momentarily and looked up to the taller man. The look said everything and Ty stepped aside.

Ty watched Bill and Jenny drive away. Turning to Shelby who was now questioning his manhood he shouted, "Jesus woman shut the fuck up." Shelby for the first time in her life became quite, fear replacing anger. Pushing Shelby back into the apartment he closed the door behind him.

Chap 20

Michael had to hand it to Shelby, the little bitch really knew how to get even. The photo's of Jenny with Ty had hurt, hurt a lot. Fuck, what a time to find out he was actually in love with some one. To bad Jenny had felt the same way about him. It didn't seem like a year had passed since the last time he'd been with Jenny. Yet Michael couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Michael what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing Sly."

"You thinking of that new girl Sonia at the club, the one that looks like that mexican whore Jenny." Sly couldn't pass up the chance to dis Jenny. Sly loved Michael and never wanted to come that close to losing him again. Having Shelby send the pictures had done the trick. Michael had been furious. Sly had underestimated how much Michael had cared. Sly had to do a lot of talking to keep Michael from going to Shelby's. Michael was bent on giving the girl a ration of shit. Clearly that would have been a disaster. Once Michael started asking the little co-ed question, she would have implicated Sly. That would have been the end of her and Michael. Fortunately , she calmed Michael down and talked him out of going over to Shelby's.

"I've told you Sly not to bring her up anymore, got it. So shut up about her okay."

"Jesus you still holding a thing for that stupid slut. Christ Michael get over her."

"You know what, why don't you get out of my face and leave. Now."

"I'm sorry Michael I shouldn't have said anything. I just figured that after you saw those pictures of her fucking Ty That you would get over her."

"Wait a minute how did you know she was fucking a guy named Ty."

Sly knew she had just fucked up, but tried to cover her ass. "You told me his name Michael."

"Sly this was your doing wasn't it?" Michael crossed the room quickly taking Sly by the arm forcefully. Michael had never struck a woman before, but Sly didn't know that. Terrified Sly confessed.

"Okay yes, I told Shelby about her thing for girls, so what, it doesn't change anything Michael, she's a slut. I love you Michael what did you expect me to do, sit back and lose you to that mexican whore. She spread her legs for the first black man she ran across after she dumped you."

"Sly get out." Picking up her purse Michael opened the front door and tossed it into the yard. "Go Sly, before something happens we both will regret."

"Michael." Sly was left standing on the front porch as Michael slammed the door shut in her face.

A few day's later Michael turned over and noted the right side of the bed was empty. The redheaded dancer had apparently left during the night. Michael's head hurt and he made his way to the bathroom. There he popped 3 Advil and brushed his teeth. Turning on the water in the shower he waited for it to warm before climbing in. Michael let the hot water course over his body as he waited for the Advil to kick in.

Soon he found himself thinking about Jenny. After the incident with Sly he'd driven by Jenny's house. Michael was about to walk up and knock on the door when Bill drove up. Rather than make a seen Michael decided to drive off. Maybe today he would drive by again. Michael hadn't decided when the door bell rang. Michael tried to ignore it, but who ever it was was persistent. Rapping a towel around his waist he made his way to the front door.

Michael opened the front door irritated that his shower had been interrupted.

"Yes what do you want," Michael voiced before realizing it was Jenny standing before him.

"I saw you yesterday parked in front of the house."

Michael's heart began beating rapidly. Jenny was holding an infant in her arms, the head covered with a baby blue blanket against the morning chill. Jenny smiled and gently lifted the blanket revealing the Baby's face. Michael with some sixth sense knew the child was his.

"Michael this is your son Nathan. I named him after my grandfather."

"Why didn't you tell me Jenny. Come in please." Jenny entered the house as Michael closed the door.

"I was going to tell you, but we had that fight and then some stuff happened and , well it's a long story Michael. Anyway would you like to hold him?"

Michael took the baby into is arms and sat on the couch next to Jenny. Jenny didn't know what she expected to happen by this visit. All through the pregnancy she had wanted to call Michael. To tell him about the baby. At the same time, it was Bill who was there for her. Seeing Michael with his son was a good thing Jenny thought. The boy needed to know his father. No matter how Bill protested Jenny knew Bill would never accept Nathan as his own. Then there was her feelings for Bill. Jenny loved Bill, the problem was she couldn't stop thinking about Michael. Now with Michael in nothing but a towel, Jenny found herself squeezing her legs together.

"Does Bill no your here?"


"What would he say."

"I'm not suppose to see you Michael, that was the arrangement."

"Arrangement, what arrangement."

"Michael what could I do, pictures of me having sex surfaced at the university right after our argument. I had no place to go, it was Bill who took care of me and Nathan."


"Another long story, I know you cops have heard it all but I was drugged."

"Drugged, by who."

"Look I need to go. I'll call you about visitation." Jenny took the baby from Michael's arms, as she stood to leave.

"Jenny wait."

"Michael I can't, I really need to get going."

Michael leaned over the baby and tenderly kissed Jenny. Then braking the kiss, Michael said, "Jenny lie the baby down on the couch."

"Michael." Jenny never finished the statement as Michael placed his fingers over her lips and motioned with his eye's to the couch. Jenny flush and hot with excitement obeyed. Jenny placed the child safely on the couch and turned around. There Michael stood before her nude, his black cock engorged with blood, thick and long. With out direction Jenny dropped to her knees and took Michaels shaft into her mouth. Jenny went wet as she opened her mouth wide to engulf Michael's huge cock head. Jenny had been fantasying about Michael every time she made love to Bill. Now that she had Michael's cock in her mouth she could no longer deny her feelings.

Michael stared down at Jenny as she hungrily sucked on his cock. Jenny's long nails dug into his ass as she pumped his cock with her other hand. Michael felt his cock stiffen. Drugged, that went along with what he knew had happened at Shelby's house. The pictures, well that secret he would keep to himself. Michael had published the pictures he'd received to Jenny's employer and to Bill's employer as revenge. Now that he had a son things would change, maybe he could change.

"Oh baby that feels so good. I'm gonna cum. Swallow my cum baby, show me you love me baby." Jenny began pumping on Michael's cock even faster. Michael's expanding cock pulsed as his cum exploded into her mouth. Jenny swallowed jet after jet of Michael's thick sperm, her body quivering with an orgasm as she too came.

"Did you like it," Jenny said squeezing his cock as she licked the cum that oozed from the slit of Michael's cock. Jenny's eye's were locked on Michael's wishing his approval.

"Oh that was so fine baby. I think we need to go to bed now."

"Michael about us, were is this going."

"That's my son right."

"Yes, you know it is."

"You love me right."

"Yes, more than anything but Nathan."

"I love you too baby. I've been think about that a lot. So it's settled you move in with me, I'll fix up the spare room for Nathan."

"Really move in, that would be perfect, I want that, more than anything, but what about Bill."

"Later baby, later. Let's see if we can give Nathan there a little sister."

Chap 21

Bill saw the e-mail from Andre and opened it.

last night jenny and i made love three times. she is one fine woman bill. i can't thank you enough. you'll be interested to know jenny wants another black baby. attached our some photo's of jenny to remember her by. Thanks again Andre oops I mean Michael

Bill pondered the e-mail. It all came together now. What were the odds, that his first wife's lover would put two and two together. Worse that he would use the Story Bill wrote to seek revenge. Bill hadn't slept the night before. Jenny hadn't come home.

Pathetically he jerked off as he viewed the pictures of Jenny from that night at Shelby's. Bill wondered how Michael had obtained the pictures. No doubt it was Michael who published the pictures. Unfortunately it was too late now to prove how the black bastard had used him. Even if he showed the e-mail and photos to Jenny she wouldn't believe him. Jenny would simply think Bill had fabricated the e-mail, everything. No he was fucked. Bill had lost the love of his life for a second time to the same man. No one would ever believe this could happen to someone. It was like a Story someone made up.

Bill deleted the e-mail and began typing. Well at least the new story would be easy to write. Wondering about the title, Bill paused and typed


Hell it was as good a title as any, why not.


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