The Sultan's Hospitality Ch. 03


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"Yes, I guess so."

"Also, it's much more fun if the girls start off dressed. Undressing them or watching them undress is part of the excitement."

"Yes, I suppose that's true."

"Though of course as you already know, they don't wear panties or bras when they're expecting to be fucked. They only wear panties when they're unavailable."

"Well, I wasn't aware of that, but it makes sense."

The aide arrived with the food, so they changed the conversation. After they'd eaten, the Sultan announced that he was going to spend the night with his first wife. "So, I'll see you at breakfast."

"What time?"

"Erm, well, we've got someone from Manhattan Metrixor coming at 10:30 and then Fyzal Developments in the afternoon. I must check when. Have you done any preparation you need to do before the meetings?"

"Yes, I think so. I read all the files in Geneva. A quick twenty minute flick through the relevant ones again should suffice to refresh my memory. We've already decided earlier what we're doing about Manhattan Metrixor and Fyzal Developments seem fine, albeit, very expensive."

"Okay, in that case, why don't we push breakfast back to 9:00?"


Alex returned to the harem and looked at the rota. Amanda was next followed by Vivian. He decided to have them both together, so he went into the Admin Centre and spoke to Jane.

"I'll send them to you straightaway."

"Thank you."

* * * * *

Amanda and Vivian arrived together.

"Which of you is which?"

"I'm Amanda," said the platinum blond. She had a fuller figure and was sporting some significant looking mounds under her top.

"And I'm Vivian," said the other. She was another red-head with a similar figure to her friend.

Both looked like they knew how to please a man and both had a bit more to hold on to while being fucked. Alex couldn't wait to check that out.

"Well, erm ..."

"Can we have what the other girls had?" asked Vivian.

Her friend giggled. "That's what I want too."

"Uhm, well, if that's what you both want, maybe you should undress."

Amanda giggled again, then both started a little dance and before long, both were naked.

"Why don't you come over here?"

The two girls walked over to him. He reached up and fondled their tits -- not quite as shapely as some of the others he'd enjoyed but bigger ones are often like that, he decided. After mauling their tits for several minutes, he dropped his hands down and felt their slits.

"So, who's going to go first?"

The two girls looked at each other. "Uhm ... You decide."

"Alright. Lie on the bed."

He undressed slowly, making them both wait and then walked over to the bed. As he approached, both opened their legs for him. Jesus -- I wish all girls were this willing.

He picked the nearest one and gave her the standard treatment, including two orgasms, while her friend looked on in astonishment. Then after a short recovery period, he repeated the same treatment on the second girl. Whilst fucking them, he had paid special attention to their tits -- after all, he needed to confirm his earlier observation that both had a bit more to hold onto than average.

"Wow!" said Vivian after her second orgasm. "That's what I call being fucked."

"Yes," added Amanda, "world class and a first for me. I've never come with a man in me before -- the Sultan doesn't allow it."

"I know."

After resting, the two girls dressed and thanked him. He sat on the bed and watched them leave.

* * * * *

"How many's that?" he asked himself. "Six last night and three so far tonight -- that's nine. Should really have another one, but that selfish Suzanna persuaded me to fuck her twice and now I'm knackered." He looked at his watch: not yet eleven -- early really. I'll have a nap for an hour or so, then go and find the next one."

He went to the bathroom, had a quick shower and got ready for bed. He then returned to the bedroom, put the light out and climbed into bed. But he didn't drop off quickly as he had hoped.

Twenty minutes later, Alex heard the door creaking open. He was lying on his back, naked because of the heat, He turned his head to the side to look and caught sight of the movement with the corner of his eye. Who the hell's that, he wondered.

Someone stepped in and closed the door quietly. It was too dark to see much, but judging by the silhouette of the person's long hair, it was a girl. Various thoughts went through his mind, like it was a girl, who for some reason, was jealous and she'd come to get her revenge. But there was no sign of any weapon, so he decided to wait.

The girl stood by the door for some time then very quietly undressed. When she turned to the side to lay her clothes on a chair, he caught sight of a fair sized tit. Interesting -- interesting!

The girl crept over to the bed and climbed on to it slowly, as if trying not to wake him. She felt her way up his leg with one hand and then bent forward and took his cock into her mouth.

Alex just lay there pretending to be asleep. Jesus, I wish we had intruders like this back home.

Like all the harem girls, she was good at what she was doing and soon he was ready again for action. Very slowly, she swung her leg over him and lowered herself down onto his cock. Immediately, she started to bob up and down, slowly at first but soon building up to a proper cowgirl ride.

Alex could pretend no longer. He brought his hands up and mauled her tits. After doing so for a while, he put his hands behind her and pulled her down onto his chest so that he could roll her over onto her back.

Once in position, he lifted her legs onto his shoulders and pounded away as hard as he could. She started to breath heavily.

Alex pounded away inside her cunt, building both their passions. "Aaaaarrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaarrrgghhhhh." She came and he followed soon after, flooding her cunt with his warm cum. After they'd both calmed down, he rolled off her.

Without saying a word, she slid off the bed, made her way over to where her clothes were, dressed and slipped out the door.

Alex just lay there. Who the heck was she? Had he dreamt it all? No, he could smell her perfume on his arms. It had to be hers because he'd showered after fucking the previous two. What's more, he recognised the perfume. He remembered the Sultan telling him that each girl used a unique perfume that none of the others were allowed to wear, so it had to be one of the girls he'd already fucked rather than a new one that was trying to jump the queue.

"Who the hell was she?" He drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

Half an hour later, he was woken by the door creaking open again. As before, he remained silent and just watched. There were now two girls standing there in the semi-darkness. Jesus Christ! These girls are trying to finish me off.

One of the girls started giggling, but the other whispered "Shhh." Silently, they both undressed and made their way towards Alex, who reached up for the switch and snapped on the light. It was Suzanna and Fiona.

"Good evening girls, what can I do for you two tonight?"

He looked at them both, standing there naked in front of him. Being somewhat embarrassed just made them look even more fuckable -- Fiona in particular with her 'come-fuck-me' eyes looked simply irresistible. Wow! Where does the Sultan get them from?

"Erm ... We, er, ... Well, we just wanted the same as we had last time."

Alex groaned and looked up at the ceiling. I'm shagged out and completely knackered, but they're so bloody fuckable. If only I could spread the fun over a month or two.

"I'm really sorry girls, but there are only a certain number of times I can perform in one day."

Both girls looked really disappointed. "But, you're the great Mr. Alexander!"

"Jesus, girls! I'm only human."

"Not even a little fuck?"

"For both of us," added the other.

"Jesus -- I doubt whether I could manage another one, let alone two."

"If we can get you hard, will you at least try?"

"Oh, alright, go on then."

They pounced on him. Both went straight for his cock; one took it into her mouth while the other licked his balls. He reached down and felt their tits -- such perfect tits. Their perfume was making his head spin. He groaned again in despair as his cock quickly grew to its full size. He'd forgotten: these girls were so well trained in the art of cock sucking that they could make an elastic band hard.

"You're ready," announced Fiona.

He groaned again. As the Sultan had said, it was a hard life.

"Okay." He pushed Fiona onto her back and climbed between her legs. He would have preferred some other position, but he was far too tired. After licking her for a few minutes to build her excitement to near boiling point, he crept forward and pushed his cock in. After ten minutes of hard fucking, she came: "Oh, Mr. Alexander, oh, yes. Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh."

As soon as she had finished coming, he pulled out. "Alright, Suzanna, your turn next."

He moved over to her and went down on her like he'd done with Fiona. Again, he built her excitement up before giving her a good ten minutes of hard fucking and she came just like her friend had done. He rolled off and lay on his back between them.

"Okay, girls. That's it. I need to get some sleep now."

"But you've not come yourself with either of us, yet."

"I know -- it's a real shame, but I'm empty."

"Okay, Mr. Alexander, we understand -- many thanks -- same again tomorrow night?"

Alex groaned again. "Give me a break, girls. There are several more girls here who haven't had it once yet, so you're not being very fair to your friends."

Both girls looked a bit sheepish. "Yea, I suppose so, but if you change your mind, you know where we are."

They hopped off the bed, dressed and were gone. Alex just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Jesus, what a waste! Two absolutely stunning, perfect girls, both desperate for me to empty my balls in them, but I had nothing left to give them. What a fucking waste!

He went to the bathroom and was just getting back into bed, when he remembered he hadn't booked a morning alarm-fuck yet. Better do that, I suppose. He put his dressing gown on and made his way to the Admin Centre.

* * * * *

"Good evening, Mr. Alexander, what can I do for you?" asked Jane, who was currently on duty there.

"Erm, could you please ask one of the girls to wake me at 8:00?"

"Of course." She looked at the rota. "Yotokoko is next on the list."

"Where's she from?"

"Not sure exactly -- somewhere in the Far East."

"Okay, fine."

"She's very pretty."

"They all are."

"8:00, then. I'll tell her."

After thanking her, Alex returned to his own room and was soon asleep.

* * * * *

Bang on 8:00, his door opened and Yotokoko entered. She undressed and then set about waking him as she had been trained to do. The next thing Alex knew was a glorious feeling between his legs. He opened his eyes, looked down then stroked her jet black hair.

She stopped sucking him and looked up. "You like me suck Mr. Alexander?"

"Yes." But what he really wanted was to fuck her, so he gently pulled her off his cock and turned her over. Far eastern girls weren't normally his type, but he had to admit, this one was stunning -- just like all the others. But then, Raquel, who he'd fucked in Geneva, had also been partly far eastern and she was stupendous.

He started to go down on Yotokoko, but with a panicked look on her face, she snapped her legs shut. "Sultan no allow. Girls for please man. No man for please girl."

"Okay, no problem. Your choice."

"But fuck is good. Sultan say: 'Mr. Alexander fuck Yotokoko'."


She opened her legs again and he climbed between them. As soon as his cock was in her, she started the famous harem hip action. She then followed this by squeezing her cunt muscles. Jesus Christ. This one's like a cross between a robot and an industrial vacuum cleaner.

He pumped away for five to ten minutes before emptying his morning load in her. Once he'd finished, he looked down at her again. Yes, Jane had been right: she was very pretty with her chin length jet black hair and round face. Very pretty, but too mechanical. There was something missing -- no joie de vivre. He decided he preferred more animated girls. Ah, well, you can't win 'em all.

After she'd gone, he shaved, showered, got dressed and went for breakfast. For the first time, he was at the table before the Sultan.

* * * * *

"Good morning, Mr. Alexander." Alex made to stand up, but the Sultan pressed him down again on his shoulder. "No need to stand."

Alex returned the greeting and the two men started their breakfasts.

"So, how did you get on last night?"

He replied that he'd enjoyed Amanda and Vivian first, then he had tried to get some sleep, but one of the girls had crept into his room and fucked him.

"Who was it?"

"No idea."

The Sultan couldn't stop laughing. "I never thought I'd be able to cope with another man fucking my harem girls, but it's just been one laugh after another. So you've no idea who she was?"

"None whatsoever, though her perfume seemed familiar. Then after she'd gone, I fell asleep and was woken later by two more girls. This time I put the light on. It turned out to be Suzanna and Fiona."

"What did they want?"

Now it was Alex's turn to laugh. "What do you think they wanted?"

The Sultan didn't answer, but after a small delay, both men started laughing.

"There's a rumour going round that you've been providing the girls with extreme pleasure."

"Erm well, I suppose so. Is that going to cause a problem?"

"No, no, but if it causes girls to creep into your room in the middle of the night, then clearly this is a technique I need to learn. Not that it matters in the harem, because they come when I send for them but it could be very useful when I'm travelling."

"Yes. If you want to fuck a girl a second time, the best thing to do is to ensure she really enjoys it the first time and since girls talk to each other, their friends often volunteer also."

"Well, that makes sense; we'll talk about it later, but now we ought to spend a bit of time talking about the project."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Two things: firstly, my solicitors have been touch with Manhattan Metrixor. They are not happy."

"Hardly surprising."

"Yes, indeed. Anyway, they have requested a postponement of this morning's meeting whilst they look into everything. If you can stay another day, we'll give them till tomorrow afternoon to do whatever they need to do."

"Erm. Yes, I guess so."

"Excellent, I'll set a deadline of 5 pm. tomorrow and arrange for your flight home to be postponed till the day after."

"That sounds good -- and the other thing?"

"Ah, yes. I asked my accounts people to carefully check the stage payments of the remaining contracts and guess what?"

Alex smiled: "You've found another rogue invoice?"

"Yes, indeed -- from Fyzal Developments. You did say they sounded expensive."

"Well done! Have you checked the registration details of the company on the rogue invoice?"

"Not yet. It can't be done on-line here, but I've sent someone to the place where they keep the records. We should have the documents before the meeting with Fyzal Developments this afternoon."

"Good. Let's see what they then have to say at the meeting."

"Yes. So, it looks like we've got nothing much to do this morning after all."

"I'm sure I'll think of something, if I go back to the harem."

The Sultan laughed. "Me too."

The two men finished their breakfasts and the Sultan called an aide over to discuss rescheduling the meeting with Manhattan Metrixor. Both men then rose and returned to the harem.

* * * * *

At the harem, the two men went straight to the Admin Centre. Mary was back on duty.

"Hello, what can I do for you two today?"

"Could you arrange for the next two girls to come to my room please?"

"Of course." She looked at the rota. "Wendy and Dominique will be with you shortly."

Alex thanked her and turned to the Sultan on the way out. "See you later."

"Yes, lunch is at 1:00."


Wendy and Dominique arrived shortly after Alex got back to his room. Alex studied them both, trying to decide which he preferred -- Wendy, the mousy blond with an average figure and average sized tits or Dominique, a platinum blond, who was a bit smaller. She had the prettier face, but eventually, he decided they were both equally fabulous.

"Are you going to fuck both of us?" Wendy asked.

"Yes, if, you'll let me."

"The other girls say you go down on them first and lick them. Are you going to do that to us?"


"Wow! I've never had a man do that to me before."

"Wendy! Watch what you're saying," interjected Dominique.

"Why, what have I said wrong?"

"You'll give all our secrets away."

Alex laughed. "So, you've experienced it before, but just not with a man?"

Both girls looked down at the floor and neither said anything.

Alex studied them both. "Why don't you show me?"

"What? Are you serious?"

"There's nothing to be shy about. Lots of girls do it to each other."

The two girls looked at each other, but neither spoke.

"I'll tell you what," continued Alex, "I'll do it to you first and then if you follow my instructions and do it to each other, we can do something special, that none of the other girls have experienced, which I'm sure you'll really enjoy."

The two girls looked at each other again, then at Alex. "Alright."

"Get undressed then."

Alex watched them undress; his cock was rock hard. Once they were naked, he too undressed. He walked over to them and fondled their tits for a few minutes before telling them to lie on the bed.

"So who's first then?"

"Me," replied Wendy.

He climbed between her legs and started to lick her.

"Oh, god yes! Men's tongues must be much coarser than girls' ones. That's fantastic."

Dominique laughed. "You always say it's fantastic when I do it to you too."

Alex licked away for several minutes and gradually, Wendy got more and more excited. When she came, she cried out: "Oh, god, yes! Aaaaargggggghh. Yes, that's wonderful." He licked her for a few minutes more, gradually lowering her back down to earth, then moved over to Dominique and did the same to her. Like her friend, she too soon came.

"Wow, that's incredible -- it's true what Wendy said, you do have a very coarse tongue -- just perfect for clit-licking."

"Okay, girls, time for the next part. One of you lie on your back with your head near the edge of the bed and the other kneel on all fours on top."

The two girls moved into position, with Dominique underneath. "Wendy, you need to turn round so you can lick Dominique, while she does the same to you."

Wendy shuffled round to the sixty-nine position. "Okay girls, you know what to do."

The two girls started licking each other, while Alex watched. He gave his cock a few quick tugs. Once the girls were well into the sixty-nine action, he walked up behind Wendy and pushed his cock in between her cunt and Dominique's tongue. Dominique took him into her mouth. He allowed her to suck him for a while before pulling out and pushing it into Wendy. Dominique resumed licking Wendy's clit while Alex pounded away in her cunt. Every so often, Dominique stretched forward so that Alex's cock could feel her tongue near the entrance to Wendy's cunt.

Wendy meanwhile was going wild. She had long since given up any attempt to lick Dominique and instead just rested the side of her head on her friend's slit. Her whole body was shaking all over. "Oh, god! I've never ... oh, god! Aaaaaaarrrggggghhhhhh. Oh, god! Aaaaaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhh."

Alex continued pounding away until he too came. He delivered the first four squirts deep into Wendy's cunt, then pulled out and delivered three more into Dominique's mouth. Once his balls were empty, he rammed his cock back into Wendy and pounded away for several more minutes to ensure that she was completely satisfied.