The Switch

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Filling in for her sister, Avis meets the man of her dreams!
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Avis dearly loved her sister, but many times, she acted like a spoiled brat. This was one such time.

"Please Avis," she begged. "You have to do this for me!"

Avis looked at Erin the way she always did when she made that kind of comment, with a look that would wither plants. "Oh no, I don't," Avis answered with more than a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Just why is it you can't go on this date with Cole in the first place?"

Avis' sister was very much the kind of girl who wants the see what the grass is like on the other side of the fence. It came as no surprise to Avis when Erin said "Daniel wants to take me to a concert tonight and he's really hot. He's a big shot in the music business; maybe he could introduce me to some rock stars. Come on Avis, do this for me. I'll even pay you and let you wear anything you like from my closet."

Okay, that was not playing fair. Erin was a buyer for a large department store chain and had a closet of clothes to die for. Avis loved about 95% of everything in her sister's closet.

"You don't think he'll notice I'm, like, 4 years older than you and 3 inches taller?" Avis asked her, trying to be rational about all of this.

"It's our first date, we've never met in person," Erin told her older sister. Avis knew only the barest fats about Cole. He was in his late 40's, successful and her sister had met him during a business conference over the Internet and they had hit it off. "Maybe he won't remember me describing how tall I am but I don't want him being stood up. You think on your feet. Can't you think of something to tell him? Tell him I was fudging some details or something. If Danny doesn't work out, I can apologize to Cole, no harm, no foul."

THAT was Avis' sister in a nutshell. She expected people to forgive her for any little slight because she was cute and pretty. She wasn't at all considerate of anyone's feelings, save for her own. Avis loved her because she did have some good qualities -- hard pressed as she might be to think of them at that moment -- but she didn't alwayslike Erin very much.

Still, there were three things making Avis consider helping her out. One was a cute red blouse and skirt she had been dying to wear, although the skirt would barely cover her rump. Two was the fact that Cole was considerably older than she was and Avis had always been attracted to older men. Her most recent boyfriend had been 15 years her senior. Three was Avis' recent split from that selfsame boyfriend, so recent she didn't even have her own apartment yet. Avis guessed that she owed Erin for the free rent the past month, so she agreed to her scheme. Erin spent the next several hours filling Avis in on Cole and the more she talked, the more Avis thought she was nuts for skipping out on the date. He really sounded like a winner. Tall, gorgeous, intelligent, funny and he owned his own business. He was well-read and articulate and interested in sex. In other words, everything Avis' jock ex was not. The only book Gary ever picked up was theSports Illustrated Swimsuit issue and he'd even skip the articles in there. Avis still had no idea why she agreed to go out with him in the first place, let alone live with him for two years. Then, she remembered. He was good looking and a strong, long-lasting fucker with a nice-sized cock.

Avid needed a night out and the restaurant where she was to meet Cole was a nice one, so she agreed to the switch. Erin took her sister to her favorite salon and got her all fancied up, she hadn't indulged in pampering for a while and it was kind of nice. When 7 PM rolled around, Avis had to admit that she was really anxious. She hoped he'd like her -- Erin -- whoever she was supposed to be.

Avis walked into the restaurant on 4 inch heels and looked around. If she expected to find some kind of guy who was nothing like he had told Erin he was, she was in for a surprise. Walking towards her was an absolute god.

No kidding, a living god, Apollo or Adonis or someone like that. Tall, wavy blonde hair, good looks, smiling face, buff and broad-shouldered. The kind of man who makes men like Robert Redford at his prime look like a "4". Avis couldn't believe that Cole was twenty years her senior, they appeared to be only a few years apart. He neared Avis and handed her a rose. "You said you were a pretty redhead, so I'm hoping that you're Erin?"

She nearly got lost in the deep blue pools of his eyes but was able to snap back to reality. "Uh yes, I am. Hello Cole, it's nice to finally meet you," Avis said as she extended her hand. He took Avis' hand and led them to a private booth. She was impressed so far, this man had class and he deserved way better than her sister -- me. "Funny," he commented. "I didn't think you'd be this tall."

Avis chuckled. "I fudged a few details, please don't be too angry. I'm also wearing the highest pair of heels I own. They're not the most comfortable but since I got a good look at your baby blues, they're worth a bit of discomfort."Hah! Score one for the pretty redhead! He was smiling broadly and Avis knew that if he was as nice a person as he looked, there was no way in hell her sister was getting him back.

"I don't believe you're 26 either," Cole said to me, smiling that smile that made him look like Adonis or Apollo or one of the beautiful men in statues. I thought we were busted until he smiled and said "I'd say you're 22, tops." Zing! This man knew how to flatter a girl.

"I'm a bit older than that, but I accept the compliment," she said to him with gracious humor. "I'd love a glass of wine if you're going to have something."

Cole nodded and asked Avis if she would mind him ordering. Every time he spoke to her, he kept putting his hand on top of hers. He could have asked Avis to take out the trash and she would have smiled and nodded. He was gracious and charming to everyone, even their sommelier bent over backwards to please him. The Merlot was wonderful and the company, even more so. The time just seemed to fly by as they ate an exquisite meal and got to know each other better.

"I'd like to see you again," Cole smiled at the end of the night. Avis nodded her head and decided Erin's loss was her gain. She would deal with her younger sister when she got home later that evening.

"How was the date?" Erin wanted to know immediately on Avis' return.

"Very nice, how was yours?" Avis said, hoping to change the subject.

"Okay, we didn't make the concert, his buddy didn't come through on the tickets," Erin sighed. "We just went to his apartment and made out for a bit. Did Cole ask for another date with you -- me -- again?"

Avis should have known, you couldn't distract her sister from something with a keg of dynamite. "Yes, he did and I'm going. Sorry kid, but he's great and I want to see him again. I'm going to tell him everything and hope he forgives me, but you passed up a truly nice guy," she said, turning and leaving the room. She could hear Erin sputtering behind her but knew her sister would get over it. Erin thought of men like some people thought of busses, there'd be another one along in a minute or two. Avis was enchanted by Cole and she really, REALLY hoped he wouldn't be angry over the deception.

Her next date with Cole was at an amusement park. Even thought their date was casual, he still dressed in a nice pair of slacks and a good shirt. She decided to tease a little and wore a crop-top, leather pants and high-heeled boots. She was proud of her firm midriff and she had recently gotten her navel pierced. Cole told her she looked hot and the evening was off to a good start. They walked the Midway and ate junk food and if Cole wasn't the sexiest, handsomest man she had ever met, then he was good enough until she met a real god sent from the heavens. She stayed close to Cole as much as she could and felt his strong muscles through his shirt. Was there anything about this man that wasn't perfect? Oh yes -- he was too tall and blocked out the sun, that was it, she giggled to herself.

"I'm having such a good time, Cole," she said to him. "This was a great idea for a date, much more interesting than going to a movie or dancing."

"I'm glad you're having a good time," he said to the pretty redhead. "Were you ever planning on telling me that you're Avis and not Erin?"

Avis stopped dead in tracks, nearly dropping her cotton candy. "I'm not going to deny it and I apologize for the deception. How did you know?"

"I knew a few minutes after meeting you," Cole said as he squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not angry about the deception. I'm having a blast with Avis and I'm really not sorry that Erin blew me off."

"But how ...?"

"Your sister has some good qualities but a good memory is not one of them," Cole laughed as they began walking again. "She told me she had a sister a few days after we started talking and she described you -- almost to a T, as it turns out. When you showed up, I wanted to see what you were pulling but ten minutes into our date, I didn't care." He did a little mock bow and said "Hello Avis, it's nice to meet you. I'm Cole."

For some reason she didn't understand, Avis pulled his face close to hers and kissed him. "Nice to meet you, you handsome nut. I'm glad you didn't mind the substitution and thank you for forgiving me. Shall we get on with our date?"

"What do you want to do next?"

"Let's go somewhere and have dinner, let me treat. I know a great Chinese place, it's inexpensive and the food is great." He nodded so they got in Cole's little MG and made the short drive to the restaurant. Now that she didn't have to be "Erin", Avis could be even flirtier. If the rest of the date went this well, she didn't think she'd be going back to her sister's apartment tonight. Avis wasn't like her sister as regarding sexual matters. Erin freely admitted to being a bit of a slut. Avis did not fuck on the first date or the second; usually it took her a while to warm up. With Cole, she felt as if she were on fire.

"Great dinner, thanks for treating," Cole commented as she paid their bill. "What's next? It's still early."

"Do you live far from here?" She asked.

"No, only about a twenty minute drive, why?"

"IF you don't mind a woman being forward and IF you think you'd be interested, I'd like to back to your apartment and get out of these clothes and into a nice, big bed and fuck," she told him bluntly. "IF my being forward isn't a problem for you."

"It might be, but I'll try to get over it," Cole said as he nuzzled the side of her neck. "God, you smell good."

"I taste good too, but you'll find that out for yourself," Avis flirted. "I should have jumped your bones on the first date, God knows, I wanted to. I plan to make up for lost time, think you can handle that?" She asked as they drove to Cole's home. She was startled when she saw it. Far from a typical "bachelor pad" it was a nice, three bedroom house with a beautiful lawn and nicely landscaped everywhere. Cole let them in and then swept up the tinier Avis in his arms.

"Think this will be the start of a beautiful friendship?" He asked, nibbling her ear.

"It sure might be if you keep quoting that movie, I loveCasablanca," she told him. "It's such a romantic film, maybe one of the best ever made."

"Well, here's looking at YOU, kid," Cole joked as he hugged her close and kissed her full, red lips. She nearly melted in his arms.

"You can do a lot more than just look once we get to your bedroom," Avis teased. "I'm so hot for you that I'm burning up, let's go!" They ran for his bedroom and Avis had her top off before Cole even caught up to her. He marveled at the tiny perfection of her breasts and her wavy, red hair. Her skin was as soft as satin and as she joined him on the bed, he reached to touch her. She got out of her tight leather pants next and wore only a tiny thong. That was kicked away and now his new young girlfriend sat naked beside him. She started fumbling with his clothes which knocked Cole out of his little fugue. Did Avis not know how stunning she really was? The two of them kept on kissing while she got his clothes removed. Then, they tumbled around on the bed until the lovely redhead was on top of him. She moved down his body with her lips and hands until his cock was twitching near her mouth. Avis licked her lips and slid his thick manhood into her mouth. She had known it would taste good and she sucked and bobbed and weaved, hoping to achieve her goal of getting him off. Avis wanted the night to be a long one and she bet that Cole would be the kind of lover who could deliver that promise.

Cole returned his lover's erotic attentions until she was shaking and gasping with pleasure. He made her cum three times before letting her up. She straddled him and watched him as he rolled on a condom. Her body thrilled as she slid down on his cock and began to fuck him. Cole was a great fuck and he didn't just lie there and let her do all of the work. His hands were not idle for even a minute. He played with her body and had her trembling as she moved up and down on his shaft. She liked the fact that Cole's masculinity didn't seem threatened by her taking a measure of control. Her body thrilled to each sensation he provided for her and when she was done and hit her fourth orgasm, she knew Cole needed to have a bit of fun himself. She got on her back and saw his handsome face beaming down at her as she wrapped her heel-clad legs around his back. He was perfect in this position, not too hard and not too gentle. Cole fucked a girl the way she needed to be fucked and she needed to be fucked again. He had not cum yet, where had they made this man and did they break the mold after? After about 20 minutes of impressive sex, Cole finally allowed himself to cum. Avis moved close and snuggled in his arms. Something happened to her that had never happened before, not with any lover. She fell asleep, completely secure with this lovely man. When she awoke, it was nearly 11:30 PM and she could smell fresh coffee. She put her clothes back on and joined Cole in his kitchen. They talked for a long while. No promises were made, yet both knew they shared some kind of connection. Cole offered to take Avis home, but she ran upstairs and he followed a trail of clothes. "I'm a big girl and I don't have a curfew," she laughed. "Let's go a few more rounds, IF you think you can handle me," she grinned.

He could handle her all right and did so two more times. It was after 3 when she returned to Erin's. Her sister had been home all night, after discovering her date wasn't the "music executive" he had claimed to be, merely a clerk in a music store. Erin's bad taste in men continued. As for Avis, she had Cole's number in her pocket and another date set for Friday. Her sister had done her another favor and she owed her big for introducing her to perfect Cole. Avis thought that perhaps if she and Cole had kids, maybe she'd make Erin Godmother to one of them.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it! Good job.

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Good Read****

A little short, but still very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 11 years ago
Nicely done

I like that Avis got the good guy and her sister wound up with the dud for a date.

The thing is: Avis probably wouldn't have any trouble finding dates since she is a sweet loving girl.

Thanks for the read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

' The kind of man who makes men like Robert Redford at his prime look like a "4". '


That was the moment I exited the story silently closing the door.

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