The Taking of Susan


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"Billy last night was so, so nice. Susan is an idiot. I know you don't want to hear this, but after last night I'm glad she's out of your life. Like I told you last night, I've had a crush on you for a long time."

Susan out of my life, I wondered if that was true. Dede is Cuban and looked mighty good against those white sheets. I popped the two Advil and chugged half the beer. Dede took a short pull from her beer and set it down on the night table. Leaning over Dede drew back the sheet that covered me, took hold of my balls and began sucking on dick. Now that time with Brenda had caught me off guard, but even with a headache, a man having a morning beer will find a sun burnt Cuban girl that looks like Dede, flat irresistible. In moments my headache was gone. I came so hard that Dede made me forget our quest to find Susan.

Dede and I knocked off a couple more beers that morning and made love two more times. Athletic, she was a wonderful and caring lover. One thing for sure there's something about making love to another woman that eases the pain of a broken heart. Dede had been telling me for days to forget about Susan, how Susan wasn't worthy, and I was beginning to believe it.

About one in the afternoon Dede suggested we hit a small hotel called the Atlantic Shores. According to the local's the place served killer Pena Collada's by the pool( they float Meyer's Rum on top, ) and clothing was optional.

When Dede and I arrived at the Atlantic it was hopping. Dede and I secured the last two lounge chairs by the pool, and ordered drinks. People watching seemed to be the thing to do. The crowd was a great mix of the uninhibited, gay straight, married and single. Dede never the shy one removed her top with my blessing. I was in the process of rubbing oil on Dede's bare back when I saw Andre.

Andre was on the opposite side of the pool, facing a woman who's back was to me. I did a double take, because I didn't recognize the woman at first. the woman was extremely dark from the sun and was wearing a tiny thong bottom, no top. The twin orbs of the woman's perfectly shaped ass contrasted perfectly against the white string of the thong. The woman's hair was brown with blonde streaks, and plaited with beads woven in the hair. I really didn't think it was Susan at first, though the ass looked familiar. Andre then turned to talk to another black guy and put his arm around the woman's waste. Something was said and the woman appeared to laugh and in that instant I knew it was Susan. I stood up and started to make my way around the pool.

"Hey were are you going Billy." I turned to Dede and pointed in Andre's direction. Dede saw who I was pointing at and sat up. I continued walking toward Susan all the while weaving through the crowd. Turning the corner of the pool I saw her face. Susan was very dark and by all indications had spent the last five days catching lots of sun. I had never seen Susan look so good, I took a few more steps and she spotted me. Susan reached up and touched Andre's arm and motioned towards me. Then leaving Andre she walked over towards me. Susan was topless, her breast's were with out the once prominent tan lines, now they were dark and evenly tanned. As my eye's trailed over her body I saw she had acquired nipple rings on each nipple. The heavy silver ring pierced her thick nipple's and as she got closer I realized that connecting the ring was a round black onyx stone with the silver initial A on it.

"Billy what are you doing here, I don't want to talk to you, so please don't make a scene."

"Susan I'm your husband," I said, trying not to stare at her tits, "what do you want me to do. At least give me a chance to explain. Please just a minute, no more, I promise I won't make a scene. Jesus what are those," I said indicating her nipple rings.

Ignoring my question, Susan looked over her shoulder at Andre who was talking to his friends and then back at me.

"Okay Billy, tell me about Brenda." so it was the Brenda thing, in a way I was relieved. At least she wasn't in love with Andre, or so I thought.

"It was a one time thing, it happened so fast, I mean I know I should of told you. it was nothing though. What about you an Andre, I forgave you Susan." I tried to act rational, but between the booze and everything going on around me I wasn't explaining myself very well.

"What about all the times you called her. What about leaving me at the club to meet up with her. You pushed me to be with Andre, Billy. If you would have taken me home that night nothing would have happened."

"Hold on who told you I called Brenda, Andre, he's a fucking liar Susan. Susan he black mailed me into letting him take you home."

"Billy don't blame Andre, he never said one bad thing about you. It was Brenda who told me everything. She called the house last Wednesday morning. Brenda told me she was sorry, that she was drunk that day at the pool party when you cornered her in the bedroom. Afterwards she told me that she told you she didn't want to go out with you because you were married. Jesus Billy, you told Brenda we had an open relationship, how could you Billy. Then that night at the club you left me there to go out with that waitress. Then you wonder why I went to bed with Andre. Billy we're through."

"Susan that's all a lie. Look at me Susan, I'm your husband, I love you more than life. Your my soul mate, this is all wrong. None of what they told you is true. Think about it, Brenda works for Andre, then out of the clear blue sky she calls you to confess. That's bull shit!" I could see the wheels turning in Susan's mind, for the first time I felt she believed me. Then disaster struck, Dede walked up and put her hand on my shoulder, her bare tit's pressed against my arm.

"Nice jewelry Susan, nipple rings huh, is that A short for black cock. Very classy where did you get that, Sack's." Susan didn't blink an eye or raise her voice. Susan's eye's darkened as she gave Dede the once over.

"Have a nice life Billy, I can see from the company you keep your standards have dropped precipitously, oh and Billy I believe Brenda was a better choice." Susan turned around and joined Andre and their friends. Glancing over his shoulder at me, Andre grinned and slipped his hand around Susan's waist

"Who's Brenda and what did that puta mean by that!" Dede was a little buzzed and that puta word turned a few heads. I took Dede by the arm and led her back to our seat. When we got back to our chairs I saw that Susan had slipped on her bikini top and a rap. Looking over at us, Susan gathered the rest of her things and walked out with Andre.

Needless to say things couldn't have turned out worst, my trip to get my wife back had ended up a complete failure. Dede and I stayed through Labor Day and returned home Tuesday. Sure I was angry with Dede, but what had happened between Susan and I wasn't her fault. To be honest I needed someone to comfort me and Dede was there.

On Wednesday I returned to work, got home late and sat in the living room with the lights out and a bottle of scotch. I had hoped that Susan and Andre would have returned from where ever they were staying, after a week. On Thursday I went to work with a hangover, wondering if I would ever have the chance to talk to Susan again. That evening I worked late and got home around seven.

The moment I walked into the apartment I knew Susan had been there. On the dinner table were divorce papers. I rushed into the bedroom and found Susan's cloths and personal belongings gone. On the bed was a hand written note.


The lawyer said if you sigh the papers the divorce can be final in a month. I don't want anything extra, just what belongs to me. There is no point in arguing anymore, clearly if you had been sincere about wanting to get back together, you wouldn't have fucked my friend. What were you thinking. I was a little surprised that my friend Dede was such a back stabber. Did she tell you how she encouraged me to go out with Andre. I can only imagine what she told you, you deserve each other. Susan

Looking over at Andre's apartment, the curtains were shut and the lights were out. I grabbed the phone and called Susan's cell, the announcement indicated it was no longer a working number. Sitting on the couch I read the note and the divorce papers over and over. The fact that Susan and I were splitting up just wouldn't sink in.

Susan was staying with Andre, I knew this because her car was in the parking lot. It was a good ten days before I saw Susan again, it happened on a Saturday. I had gone into the office that morning and upon returning to the apartment changed into a swimsuit and decided to check out the pool. Andre was having one of his get together's and Susan was there.

Susan still deeply tanned was wearing a white bikini, that was minuscule. Upon seeing me she said something to Andre and walked over to were I had taken a seat.

"Hello Billy, have you signed the papers."

"No Susan I haven't." I tried not to stare at Susan tits but it was impossible. The material to the Bikini top was so thin, the outline of her nipples and the rings piercing them was prominently visible. Andre had marked Susan his for every one to see.

"Why not?"

"Why not, because I still love you Susan. This is a mistake Susan. Look you know this guy for how long. You met him lets see, not quite three weeks ago and now your living with him. You don't even know him."

"Billy don't raise your voice or this conversation is over. I just thought it would be better to agree to a divorce, than pay lawyers. Billy we need to get this divorce concluded and quickly."

"Jesus Susan didn't you hear one word I just said."

'Billy what will it take for you to understand we are finished. I love Andre and he loves me. So sign the papers, please, the sooner the better." I felt as if I'd been kicked in the stomach. Susan turned and walked away, leaving me standing there. I wanted to run up and punch Andre, but knew that would accomplish nothing, especially with his friends present. I gathered my towel and returned to the apartment.

About eight that night the party shifted to Andre's apartment. There were several couples and they were watching some game. Around eleven o'clock the last couple left and I could see Susan cleaning up in the kitchen. I was sitting in my living room with the lights out, just watching. Andre walked out onto the balcony and stared in my direction for a few seconds. I guess he was trying to decide if I was watching. then he turned around walked to the couch and called Susan to come over. They were to far away for me to hear them, but I could see into there living room clearly.

They spoke for a while and then Susan glanced in my direction, Andre said something to her and she sat down on the couch next to him. Wanting to get a better view, I retrieved my camera and it's 200mm lens. Taking the lens cap off, I walked to the bedroom window moved the curtain aside and peered through the lens at the two lovers. With the camera lens it was like being in the room them. Susan had removed her t-shirt and was in the process of taking off her bikini top. Then Susan stood up and kicked off the bottoms. Zooming in I could clearly see the thick nipple rings piercing my wife's nipples. Andre had his shorts off and was stroking his black cock with his right hand. Susan then kneeled down on the couch and took Andre's cock into her hands. With both hands clutching his cock Susan began licking Andre's cock head. Susan would lick then suck on Andre's cock her eye's often focused on Andre's face.

Right up until then I thought I would get Susan back. I guess it was the look in Susan's eye's that changed my mind. Susan had this look of complete dedication and devotion to Andre. There was Susan trying her best to please this man and she didn't care if I watched. Hell, I figured the show was for my benefit. Another man might have run over to Andre's and banged on the door or got a gun and shoot the son of a bitch. Me, I figured right then it was over so I might as well enjoy the show.

Susan licked and sucked on Andre's cock for a few minute's. Then Susan picked up a tube of something off the coffee table and smeared a jell all over Andre's cock. Andre then stood up and with Susan on her hands and knees, positioned his cock over her tight anus.

I couldn't believe it, Susan my conservative little wife into anal sex, but it was clear Andre had done this with her before. Andre slowly worked his stiff cock into my wife's anus. Inch by inch Andre's cock penetrated Susan's ass with resistance. I couldn't believe my eye's. Andre pumped his cock in and out of Susan's ass until he had all ten inches buried to the hilt. Then just before he came he pulled his cock out of her ass and buried it in Susan's cunt. Andre bucked several times as he emptied his thick load of seed in Susan's pussy.

For the first time in a while I wondered if Susan had taken any steps at birth control. I had to hand it to Andre his not so subtle message was clear, Susan's pussy and ass belonged to him now. Looking back on that night it was kind of funny how I went from a broken hearted husband to a voyeur. I jerked off as if I were watching two strangers fucking. I guess I didn't know Susan any more.

Over the next two weeks Andre and Susan put on several shows. I took pictures one night which I would look at from time to time on my computer. Living at the apartment became uncomfortable to say the least. I moved out three weeks later. The divorce became final a month after that.

Initially I had stopped seeing Dede after the trip to the keys Once I moved out of the apartment Dede and I started seeing each other on a regular bases. While I cared for Dede quite a bit, I thought about Susan often.

About four month's later I saw Susan and Andre at the mall and she appeared pregnant. I don't think she saw me and I didn't approach her. Seeing Susan woke up a lot of old feelings that day. About a year later I ran into Susan at the grocery store. Susan looked fantastic, she was wearing tight faded jeans and a cropped shirt. Susan was pushing a carriage and I got my first glimpse of Andre's son. The boy was very dark like his father. We chatted and she told me she and Andre had broken up. I don't know why but I asked if I could see her again. Susan seemed skeptical, but agreed.

On our second date Susan asked me to stay over. Susan had changed quite a bit in the fifteen months we were apart. Physically she seemed harder more assertive. Susan spoke with more slang and her general accent definitely had a street quality to it.

Susan's apartment was sparsely furnished, according to Susan, Andre was helping very little with child support. Susan and I kissed and then with very little foreplay she led me into the bedroom and started undressing. Susan still had the nipple rings with Andre's initials.

"That A stand for Andre."

"Yes, I've been meaning to change them, but Andre junior has kept me so busy. Plus I'm not working right now. Come here Billy it's been so long."

Susan stood before me in a black thong. I took her in my arms and kissed her trembling with lust, it had been a long time. Magically I felt my trousers fall to the ground, then my shorts were pulled down as Susan knelt before me. Susan gently took my dick in her hand and licked the head as she looked up.

"Like that."

"Oh yeah," I mumbled, as I closed my eye's. I could feel Susan's tongue licking at the slit of my cock head, the feeling like an electric charge coursing threw my body. Susan's hand was wrapped around my dick as she nibbled on the head.

"Do you want to cum in my mouth," Susan said as my dick pulsed in her hand. The question caught me off guard, mostly because Susan never asked me something like that before. When I didn't respond right away she went back to stroking my penis as she sucked on the head. Watching Susan suck my dick really excited me. The way she stroked my dick and sucked on my cock head felt so good that I was on the verge of coming. Susan sensing the nearness of my orgasm stopped and smiling up at me said, "I forgot how easy it is to excite you, your ready to cum aren't you?'

"Oh yeah," I responded feeling the cum boiling in my balls. The next thing I knew Susan returned to sucking and I exploded in her mouth. Susan stroked my penis rapidly milking me completely. Then smiling up at me dabbed a drop of cum from the corner of her mouth and licked it off her finger. Standing up, Susan wrapped her arms around me and gave me a deep tongue kiss. My dick deflated started to thicken, Then Susan took me by the hand and pulled me into bed.

I removed her panties and then with a nudge from Susan moved down between her legs. Susan's cunt was shaved completely. When we were married Susan had always maintained a small trimmed patch, that had changed. The other thing I noticed immediately was the another ring like those on her nipple's which pierced her clitoral hood. A small but prominent silver A on a black onyx bead. It seemed like everything about Susan had changed so much in such a short time. Susan took my head in her hands and guided my mouth to her cunt.

"Oh that's it Billy lick my cunt baby, that's right. Now take the ring in your mouth and pull on it. Gently, gently, oh that's good, I like that. Oh your making me wet Billy. Now take your fingers and fuck my pussy with your hand Billy. Keep sucking on my clit, oh Billy that's good. Now put in another finger, deeper Billy." I was completely and totally in love, in an instant all the old feelings washed over me as I ate Susan's pussy.

Finally unable to contain myself, I moved up Susan's body and mounted her. Susan's pussy was wet and felt so wonderful. My body trembled with desire as I piston in and out of her. Susan was bucking back hard and fast.

"Oh god I need this so bad, it's been so long Billy, fuck me, fuck me Billy, deeper, fuck me deeper, harder Billy I'm getting close." Susan moved her hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit hard. "Fuck Billy, fuck me with your cock, harder, harder, cum now, let me feel your cum."

I shot my sperm into Susan, as I came harder than any other time in my life. My body convulsed with the intensity of the orgasm. Exhausted I cuddled and kissed Susan for a while, then Susan went down on me again. When I was good and hard Susan took out a tube of KY jell and smeared it on my dick. Three times was like a record for me, but Susan seemed insatiable.

"Do my ass Billy, I really love that," Susan said as she turned over on her stomach and offered me her ass. That night was the first time I ever participated in anal sex. Susan's anus felt tighter than her pussy, but I had no problem burying my dick to the hilt in her ass. As I fucked Susan, the image of Andre doing the same thing kept flashing in my minds eye. The experience was new and very exciting and I didn't last long before I came again. This time I sensed a little disappointment in Susan, but not because of anything she said, it was more in the way she got up when we finshed and disappeared into the bathroom without a word. I wondered if Susan acted like this when Andre fucked her, in the back of my mind I knew the answer.

I began seeing Susan everyday after that second date. I avoided Dede for the first week, by not going to work or taking her calls. That plan ended when Dede cornered me that first day back on the job.

"Your seeing Susan again."

"Yes," I answered, "We're getting back together Dede, I'm sorry."

"Your sorry, Billy how can you be so stupid, your going to give me up for that slut. Me, did you forget I was there when you needed some one, your sorry, I can't believe this, for that puta."

"Dede please don't call her that, it's not like that at all. You know you weren't exactly honest with me at first either. Look I'm sorry I've hurt you. That's all I can say."