The Talk Ch. 05


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"Well you certainly did a good enough job of hiding it until your father found out," Kathy interjected.

Susan nodded once, placidly. "And that's a fair cop, Mom, you're right. But we did that only to spare you two any grief. We love you and we want you to be happy for us and with us. If it means we'll have to find an alternative to pursue our own needs outside of the house, then so be it, but we'd rather that the whole family get on board with this. Dad's agreed to it and you have, too, if only just for the sake of logic and unity, which are laudable reasons, Mom. But you're not REALLY okay with this, are you? Your cultural programming is still enforcing itself. You're still letting society tell you that incest is wrong when we all know, in REALITY, that it isn't."

"Mom," Dave said, "I'm not exactly crazy about the idea of you seeing me and Sue together, I gotta admit, but if it'll help you to feel better about us, then I'd do it right here and now. And, to tell the truth, this wasn't at all my idea of how I thought my life would go. It's all caught me by surprise, too. But now that things are the way they are, I really don't want to turn back the clock. I LIKE this deal."

"Well, of course you do," Kathy quipped, "You get your rocks off and you don't even have to leave the house."

David shook his head. "That's not true, Mom. For the most part, I agree with all your rules and conditions. I have every intention of pursuing a relationship outside the family and, hopefully, someday starting one of my own. But for now, with me working so much and not really having a place of my own and not much time to be sociable, I really don't see how this is hurting anybody. Except you. Like Sis said: it's obvious that you're afraid. And if there's anything Dad's books have taught us, it's that fears are best resolved when you face them head-on. So if it'll help you get over your fear of us being hurt or anything like that, I'd be more than happy to show you just how good it really is. We're not going to get over the discomfort until and unless we GET comfortable with it."

Kathy leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through her sandy-blonde hair, hair which looked almost identical to her daughter's. "God, I can't believe this is happening," she breathed. "I... I just don't know, kids. That's... asking a lot."

Finally, I reinserted myself into the conversation. "Honey, again, I think the kids might have a point here. Maybe you SHOULD watch them, just this once. If you'd like, I can leave the house for a few hours and give you all some privacy." The discussion that Kathy and I had had earlier, before the kids got home, was still fresh on my mind. I'd made a joke to her that she might reconsider the idea of seeing them have sex openly if she got to see David's penis. It was a joke at the time, but she realized that there might have been a grain of truth to it. She also noted that while I have my lust for Sue, she doesn't have any sort of external desire of her own and she felt that, just maybe, she deserved one, if only to keep things "even" between us. And here we were, faced with that opportunity, practically wrapped up in a box for us.

Kathy shot me a glance and said, "Not on your life, buster! If *I* have to watch, then so do you." She glanced at David, whose brown-gold eyes shone with a special sort of expectation as she said, "After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Right?" Then she looked back at me. "But you, YOU stay right by my side. No touching, no talking. YOU just watch and stay glued where you sit."

Both David and Susan glanced at each other in confusion. "I don't get it," Susan said. "What's the deal with Dad all of a sudden?"

I closed my eyes, knowing what would come out of my wife's mouth next. "Your father's got a crush on you, sweetheart," Kathy answered. "If we're going to sit here and watch the two of you have sex, I just want to make SURE that he knows who he's with: me, not you."

Susan rolled her eyes and dropped yet another bomb in front of us. "Well, duh! You think I didn't know that?"

"You mean, you DID?" I asked with surprise.

Susan let out a terse laugh. "OF COURSE, I knew! Geez, Dad, you think I wouldn't notice the way you've been checking me out for the last week and the conflicted look on your face every time I mentioned me and Dave being together? You think I missed the envy and the barely-controlled lust in your eyes. Come ON, Dad. I'm a cheerleader, for crying out loud. I see that stuff almost every day at school. I've gotten to the point to where I can spot it a mile away."

"And it didn't bother you?" Kathy asked.

"Are you kidding me? Of course not. A pretty girl LIKES the attention as long as it doesn't come off as being desperate. And you, of all people, Mom, should know that Dad's not exactly repellant. He's handsome, smart, kind and, more importantly, he's my daddy. He loves me. I'm flattered that he's got a crush on me!" She smiled proudly at finally being able to say that, but the smile quickly faded. "But he's your husband, Mom, and while I might flirt with him from time to time, I never had any intention of taking him away from you. At least......"

Kathy narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "At least what?"

"At least, not without your permission," Susan finished quietly. David looked at her from where he sat like she'd sprouted another head, but he remained silent. I just stared at her with my mouth hanging open, speechless.

Kathy held her hands out as though to ward off evil beings. "Whoah! Hold on, young lady. We are NOT going there! Tonight we're talking about you and your brother. THAT'S IT. We've got more than enough to worry about already without bringing your father into the picture."

"What about you, Mom?" David cut in.

"What ABOUT me?" Kathy rejoined.

"Well... obviously, you knew about Dad's attraction to Sis, so there's no way you haven't given it some thought. And if you're like anyone else in this family, you've already got a game plan in mind. So what is it? How do you feel about it?"

Kathy's eyebrows nearly jumped off her forehead. "About your father and sister fucking each other? Frankly, I'd rather THAT happen than the two of you hooking up. But not tonight."

I almost fell out of my chair as I turned to face my wife. "WHAT?!?"

Kathy looked at me, a whole new and strange look on her face. "Paul: it's time to shut up now."

Now it was MY turn to almost lose my eyebrows as they arched somewhere past my hair line. Nonetheless, I capitulated. "Yes, dear."

"All right," Kathy said. "So here's where we are: you kids can continue fucking each other, in the house ONLY, you should at least TRY to date other people and, Sue, we're going to get you a Depo shot tomorrow. Honey, how religious have you been about taking your pills?"

"Damned religious," David answered for his sister. "I've been keeping tabs on that and won't let her slip up even once. Same time every morning, like clockwork."

Kathy looked at her son approvingly. "Good. Then I see no reason why we can't get this show on the road now, tonight. Kids, you've had to hold off for a week solid. I'm just shooting in the dark here, but my guess is that you're ready and raring to go, the sooner the better. Right?"

"She shoots, she scores," Susan answered enthusiastically. I could see that her left hand already had a tight grip on her brother's thigh in anticipation of Kathy's next declaration. I, myself, was suddenly very caught up in the excitement.

"Fine," Kathy said. "David, if you're up for it- no pun intended- now is as good a time as any to take your sister, if she'll have you, while your father and I watch." She glanced over at me. "Are you up for this?"

"Are YOU?" I rejoined.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose," she said blandly. "Nervous as kittens, but willing to see this through." She looked back at our children. "Kids?"

Susan looked at her brother with a huge smile on her face, leaned in and kissed him passionately. Meanwhile, her hand had left his lap and moved to his groin. When their kiss ended, she said, "Oh, yeah. We're MORE than ready!"

David stopped short and said, "Wait. Here? In the KITCHEN? We've never done it in here before."

Susan sighed heavily. "Does it fucking MATTER? Bro, I've been waiting all WEEK for this! Come ON, already!" She began to unbutton her blouse hurriedly, her cleavage already becoming exposed while she grinned from ear to ear.

"Hold on, Susan," Kathy said and she looked at David. "Honey, would you feel more comfortable if you did it in a bed?"

David shook his head and began to pull his shirt over his chest. "Not necessarily," he said as the garment came off, "I was just pointing it out, that's all. Frankly, I'd do it in a foxhole at this point." When his face was once again visible, he wore a smirk similar to his sister's.

"Oh, you'll definitely be doing it in a foxhole, all right," Susan quipped as she stood up to lower her ankle-length summer skirt. Now she stood before us in nothing but her bra and panties, her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes shining brightly under the kitchen's overhead lights. "This is going to be SO much fun!" she said as she reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra. A second later, her 34-C tits bobbed free, firm and her nipples erect. As she bent down to push down her panties, her globes swayed languidly with every move she made. When she stood up, I saw that she had dutifully maintained her shaven mound. I could see, just barely, that there was a slight bit of dew on her lilly, a clear sign that she was not only excited but ready for anything.

Kathy and I remained silent as we watched the kids disrobe in front of us, while Kathy held my hand in a tight vice-like grip. I could feel the tremble of her body as she sat next to me and took in the sight of her son's well-muscled body and our daughter's smooth, toned curves. She let out a soft, tense breath through her teeth. I returned her grip to let her know that, yes, I was still there and I would see this through with her to the very last moment. Hell, wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from that kitchen.

David stood, unbuckled his pants and shoved down his boxers along with them. His penis was, as expected, fully engorged and ready for action, its tip purple with excitement. Both kids bent down to loosen their shoes and remove their socks and, once they were finally, fully naked, they embraced each other warmly and passionately. Both sets of hands roamed each others' backs and they moved in for another brief, lust-filled kiss.

"God, I can't believe we're doing this in front of our parents," David admitted to his sister.

"I know," Susan gushed after a quick glance at us. "Ain't it cool?"

"Kids, do us a favor, please?" I said. "Just pretend we're not here. Flies on the wall, that's what we are. Say, do and think whatever you normally would if we weren't here. Got it?"

Susan glanced over at me while she was still crushed up against her brother's hard body. Her large breasts mashed into his chest, but not enough to cover them completely, for one of her nipples, hard as an eraser, stood out proudly and was clearly visible. "Don't worry, Daddy. In a few seconds, we'll likely forget you even exist. No offense." She reached down and grabbed her brother's cock firmly. "Now, David, what I feel here, in my hand, is a tool. Ya wanna put this tool to work and show your loving sister just what kind of craftsman you really are?" She kneeled down and eyed her brother's manhood appreciatively. Like myself, David was rather well-endowed, I'm proud to say. Genetics was good to him. I would have hazarded a guess at that point and estimated it to be easily seven inches in length and, perhaps, three or four inches around in circumference, which made it both long and thick, but not extraordinarily so. For a small-framed young woman like my daughter, who stood a mere 5' 3", it would be a tight but perfect fit. Kathy's own body, which wasn't all that different from our daughter's, never seemed to have any trouble accepting my girth when we made love.

My daughter stroked her brother's penis firmly and she gently cupped his cum-filled balls as she looked up at him from where she kneeled. He looked down at her, smiled playfully and ran his fingers through her soft blonde hair. Without another word, Sue sank her lips down over her brother's shaft as she continued to look up at him with a sparkle in her eye. She didn't take him in fully, maybe 2/3 of the way down, but her cheeks immediately caved in as she began to suck him off in front of us.

My wife's grip on my hand tightened even more, almost painfully, as we watched Susan slowly move her head back and forth in her blow-job. I took in a sharp breath of air when Susan pulled completely off, letting David's tumescent member pop out into the open air, glistening and shiny from her saliva. She snaked her tongue out and flicked the tip gently, letting the tip of her tongue linger for just a moment as she probed the slit for precious drops of pre-cum.

"Mmm!" Susan said happily. "I'd almost forgotten what it tasted like!" With that, she again slipped her lips over his member and resumed her bobbing up and down a few times.

"Keep that up, sis, and I'm not gonna last long," David said cautiously.

Susan pulled her lips off her brother's cock and said, "I know. That's the point. When you're ready, just go ahead and let it go. After that, we'll get you hard again and we can do this properly." She didn't wait for a response as she fell upon David's throbbing penis with renewed vigor, causing her brother to moan out loud in appreciation.

"She's pretty good at that," I whispered to my wife quietly. I noticed that her breathing had become faster and more shallow as each moment passed and I wondered how long she would last before needing me to satisfy her after this show. "Where do you think she learned it from?"

Kathy snapped her head around to me. "Shh!" she hissed. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and her eyes had the glassy look of lust burning within them. She turned her head back to the show, but her hand surreptitiously moved to my groin and gripped my cock through my pants tightly. With that, I almost jumped out of my chair, but stayed where I was. Clearly, my wife wouldn't accept anymore interruptions, so thoroughly engrossed in this display was she that any distraction would be met with the most vicious response. My balls ached as her grip on my hardened member tightened. A second later, she relaxed her grip and moved her hand back to mine.

David began to subtly move his hips back and forth as his sister continued to suck him like a pro, fucking her mouth gently. His hands found her hair and he tangled his fingers up in her trusses as his muscles began to tense. "Sis! I'm almost there!"

"Mmmphf mmm!" Susan replied, not taking her lips away. She pulled back a bit, enough to keep just the head of her brother's penis firmly lodged between her full, luscious lips, and I could see the tell-tale signs of her tongue moving within, stimulating him quickly. As a little bit extra added incentive, she began to gently roll his nutsack in her palm, not roughly, but enough to let him know that she was eager to bring him off.

David threw his head back, stood on his toes and cried out, "Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhh! Ah! YES! OH, SHIT! HERE IT COMES, SIS!" His hands clenched into fists and he gripped his sister's hair tightly as he unloaded his sperm into her mouth and she greedily swallowed every last drop of it.

Susan continued to suck hungrily on David's cock and, when he had completely emptied himself, slowly resumed her blow-job until she was sure that she'd gotten all of his essence. When she was done, she turned to look at me and her mother. "Phase one, complete," she said simply as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then reaffixed her lips to her brother's semi-erect penis. While she fellated him, her right hand found her nipples and began to tweak and twist them gently while her left hand disappeared from view to her crotch, where I was sure that she'd begun to masturbate. As soon as I heard the squishy sounds of her fingers running through her shaven pussy, my suspicion was confirmed.

Kathy leaned back in her chair and put her hand to her cheek. "Oh, god," she breathed. "That was... was... I can't... you two..."

I swallowed hard and said, "Honey, I believe the word you're looking for is 'wow.' Yes?"

Kathy looked back at me and said, "I said no talking, buster. But, yes, wow covers it nicely. Now... shut up. Don't distract the kids."

Susan pulled off David's re-emergent penis and laughed out loud. "Ahhh hahah! I can't believe you two!" she said between giggles. "You're NOT distracting me. Truth be told, the only thing that would get us to stop NOW would be a firehose!" She looked up at her brother and caressed his backside from her kneeling position. "Did I do you right this time, Bro?" She looked back at us and said, "I'm still kinda new to that, really," she informed us. "But Dave's been giving me pointers every time."

Dave gently caressed her hair lovingly and said, "That was perfect, Sis. Absolutely perfect. Thank you."

Susan stood up and hugged her brother just as lovingly as he had petted her head. "You're welcome," she said happily. "And, believe me, it was my pleasure. And speaking of firehoses, you came like one. Been saving yourself or something?"

David blushed. "Yeah," he replied. "I haven't touched myself all week. I didn't think Dad would take this long."

At that, I rolled my eyes but kept quiet. Kathy, meanwhile, giggled softly.

Susan smiled sweetly and kissed her brother. "That's so sweet," she said. "You've been waiting all WEEK for ME? Oh, bro, I wish I could say the same. I've been doing myself like mad ever since our last time."

"It's okay," he said. "You can cum as many times as you like and not really lose anything. I, on the other hand, need a little time to build up a decent load, which I know you love." He leaned down and kissed her neck playfully. "God, you're sexy!"

Susan leaned her head back and gave her brother better access to her neck and cleavage as she sighed contentedly. Sure enough, once her beautiful breasts were within reach, Dave's hands began to caress and maul them gently. Seconds ticked by and he planted his lips to the nubbin of her right nipple, which elicited a pleasure-filled moan from his sister. "Ohhhh, yessss!" Susan sighed as her hand again found his member and began to stroke it lightly. "Oooo!" she said with surprise. "Already hard, I see. And so quick, too!"

David pulled his mouth from his sister's nipple and said, "I'm sorry. Is that bad? Should I think about something else and make it go away, maybe?"

Susan held his chin in her free hand sternly and said, "You do, and I'm outta here, buck-o. Remember: *I* haven't gotten my release yet, so you had better be prepared to do me up right now."

A sly grin slipped across David's face. "Right now? As in RIGHT now? You want me, Sis? Here? At the kitchen table with Mom and Dad watching us? Huh? NOW?"

Susan leapt upon him and kissed her brother with such unrestrained passion that I thought she'd come right out of her skin. She pulled and yanked on his cock as she writhed against him sexily and moaned pleadingly into his mouth as their tongues danced wildly. "I can't wait any longer, Bro. Now or never!" She pulled away from him and leaned over the table, her bounteous orbs pressed into the surface of the dinner table as she faced her mother and I with a look of unbridled lust on her face. "Show time," she told us as she eyed us like an unleased animal. She looked back at her brother, who was in the process of getting behind her. "I'm so hot, brother, that I could fuck the entire football team and not even flinch. Put that thing in me NOW!" She looked back at us and winked playfully.