The Telecast


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There was that look again. I think she was starting to get the picture a bit but again she recovered nicely. I did think though that I saw a little mistiness in her eyes as she turned and left the room. A bit later I heard her leave the house and drive away.

Later on she wanted to talk and I told her to just leave me alone. That ended the day and we both retired to our respective rooms.

Monday morning I got up and headed out of the house without seeing her or talking to her. My cell rang, I answered it and she tearfully said, "Dick, I am so sorry. I love you and I hate it that this is happening."

"We will talk about all of this when I get home tonight," I said and I disconnected the call.

I called my boss and told him that I was still going to be off for the day, but that I would handle the Monday Night Football game as previously planned. He was happy that I was going to be available for that. He also asked me how things were going and I said they were going as good as could be expected.

My next stop was the LaQuinta Inn in Roswell.

There was a young fellow sitting behind the check-in desk when I walked into the lobby. I walked over and noticed that his nametag said he was Kevin. I asked him if he would do me a favor. He looked a bit skeptical but asked me what I needed.

I told him the truth. I said, "Kevin, I am certain that my wife is fucking another man and she will be here fucking him tonight and I want to catch them at it so I need to be able to get into that room."

He said, "I can't let you go into that room while they are there. I could get into a lot of trouble."

"I know you could, but I actually just want to put a microphone in there so I can record what they are saying. If you will let me do that, I will get you a couple of tickets to the next Falcons game?"

The little shit had the nerve to say, "Four". I really didn't care since I did have four tickets from the station that I could give him. I agreed and he gave me the key to the only whirlpool suite in the motel.

What he didn't know is that I was not only going to place a couple of mini microphones but I was also going to plant a couple of micro cameras like I had at the church offices. I also put a bug in the phone so you could hear both sides of any conversation.

When everything was set up I tested it to make sure I was getting good transmission and good views of both the whirlpool and the bed. I knew the images would be awesome if I had it set up right and I would have all the evidence I needed. I double checked to make sure that they were all relatively invisible and left the room. On my way out I stopped at the desk to drop off the key to Kevin and gave him the tickets that I had promised him for next week's game.

"Thanks Kevin, I hope this all works out. Enjoy the game."

Now I had a lot of time to burn so I decided to take care of a few things that I would need to have ready.

I went to our bank and got cashier's checks for half of the money in our checking account and half of the money in our savings account.

I called and cancelled our joint credit cards.

I called my broker and arranged to meet him shortly after lunch. I told him I wanted some changes made to our investment accounts and he said he could have everything ready by the time I got there.

I called my attorney and told him I would need his services for a divorce and other matters to be determined. I made an appointment for later on that afternoon when he said he would have time to meet with me.

Then I drove to the Planters' National Bank in Marietta, GA and opened new accounts in my name only and deposited the cashier's checks.

I went to lunch in Marietta but didn't really feel much like eating. When I finished I drove to my broker's office and we discussed the papers he had drawn up for me. They in essence split our investment portfolio into two equal parts without the necessity of selling any assets and creating unwanted tax consequences. All I would have to do is sign my name and get Sharon to sign hers.

I took the papers with me.

By then it was time to meet with my attorney and we went over the divorce papers he had prepared. I agreed to file a no fault divorce and split everything equally if she would sign them immediately. If she wouldn't sign them immediately, I had him include a provision whereby I would file for divorce on the grounds of adultery. I was pretty sure she would sign them immediately.

Everything I could think of had been taken care of and all I had to do was get a bite to eat for dinner and then head to the station to oversee the Monday Night Football broadcast.

When I left his office I turned my cell phone back on and had a couple of messages from Sharon.

She said, "Dick, I don't know what is going on with you but you are scaring me. Why don't you come home before the game and talk to me about it?"

"I love you so much and it is tearing me apart that you are acting like this," she continued. "Please call me."

I knew what she was going to be doing tonight and she knew and yet she could say the things she did to me. I thought, "I must be the biggest fool in the universe to have loved and trusted this woman."

I had made up my mind. The only thing that was going to save my marriage is if she did not show up at the motel tonight. If she didn't go to the motel I would know that she cared enough about me to try to salvage our marriage. I would know that she sensed that our marriage was in trouble and she couldn't let it go any farther.

At 8:00 p.m. I put the system into the fully automated broadcast mode and Monday Night Football began. I then set up the system to monitor my feed from the motel room.

At precisely 8:15 Bastard Bob walks into the room and makes the call. "Hey baby, I am in the room. Get over here as quickly as you can."

"Okay honey, I will be there in a few minutes," she replied.

He muttered a few more things after he hung up and I was certain that I picked it up but would have to listen later to see exactly what he had said.

Well so much for my marriage I thought but I really didn't expect that she would break it off anyway. It did hurt me though and hardened my resolve to make them pay.

I pulled out my list of people I wanted to call and started dialing. It took me almost a half an hour to reach everyone on the list but it was done.

Sharon had arrived at the motel by then so I went back to monitoring the video and the audio.

"Oh God Bobby, I get so excited thinking about you fucking me that I am dripping wet. I am so happy we get these nights together, " she said.

"Come here you little slut," he said. "I am going to fuck you silly tonight just so you know. My cock hasn't been in your hot pussy for so long that I am just going to let it soak in there forever tonight."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me Bobby. I want to be your slut. Make me your slut. Fuck me really good tonight, please fuck me long and hard baby. Make me cum until I can't cum anymore. Give me your hot sperm stud. Fill me up with it."

I wanted to be sick. Here was a pastor and a church secretary, my sweet loving wife sinking into the depths of depravity like I couldn't believe. In those moments and the minutes to come I would discover how sick they could be. What they were going to get tonight, both of them deserved. They deserved it big time.

She was on her hands and knees on the bed with her beautiful tits hanging down and on full display. Her ass was facing directly into the camera and I do believe she was right. I saw the moisture glistening on her pussy lips just before Bastard Bob plunged his cock deep into her in one thrust.

"Oh God baby, oh god, oh god, fuck me you bastard (she had that right) fuck your slut good baby. Fuck meeeeeee."

"I am going to plow right into you for an hour you whore. By the time I am finished with you Dick wont have enough cock to ever fill you up again. You will never want to fuck him again," he bragged.

Sadly she never said a word about that degradation he laid upon me. She only moaned and grunted all the more while he fucked her sopping wet cunt.

"Fuck me Bobby, fuck me, fuck me, make me your slut for the night. I'm going to cum baby, fuck me. I'm cummmmming oh so fucking good oh oh oh oh oh fuck meeee."

I could see his ass tighten up and he drove his cock home one more time and I could tell he was unloading his cream deep into my wife. My ex wife. My slut whore wife. The dead love of my life. He emptied himself into her and I knew there was never going to be an us again. I was in total agony but my rage kept me focused. If the two of them could have seen me at that moment I think they would have shrunk away in fear and trepidation. There wasn't much humanity left in me at that time I would destroy them.

When he pulled out I saw a gushing of his sperm and he flipped her over and rammed his still hard cock into her once again. Then he pulled her legs up over his shoulders and started hammering her with all his strength.

"OH OH OH OH OH" was about all she could say. He was a machine and it also hurt me that I could see she was getting fucked better than I had ever fucked her. I knew why she went back. I knew why she wouldn't quit. He didn't love her, all he did was make her cum and cum and cum over and over again until the sweat was pouring off her and she was a quivering mass.

I would never have been able to compete with that. All I could do was love her and make love to her and yes make her cum. But never had I made her cum like he did. She was his slut. She wanted to be his slut. And I was nothing in her sexual eyes any longer.

After forty five minutes I had had enough. It was halftime in the game and time for the halftime show.

I switched the system to "live assist" mode and patched in the recording of Bastard Bob and Slut Sharon from the beginning.

It only took a couple of minutes before the phone started ringing off the hook. I ignored all of the calls and took out my cell phone.

I dialed Sharon's number and I could hear it ringing on the monitors. She glanced at it and said, "It's Dick. Well this time I am not going to answer his call and see how he likes it. Fuck my honey, fuck me good while he is hanging on the line."

I hung up and dialed it again. "Well, I suppose I better take it" she said and I could see her taking it out of her purse.

"Hello Dick," she answered, "What do you want now."

I could literally hear the venom dripping out of her mouth.

I said, "Sharon, where are you? What are you doing?"

"I went shopping since you didn't call me earlier and I am going to stop for something to eat then go home soon."

"So, you are shopping now?" I asked.

"Yes, and I am going to spend a bunch of money too," she responded.

"Well that is just great, thanks Sharon for being such a great wife. What man could ask for anything better than I have in you."

"Don't talk to me like that you bastard, I sure don't know what has gotten into you. Goodbye."

There she was calling me a bastard again. No Sharon, the bastard is Bastard Bob right there in your motel room.

As things wind down, and she is taking one last shot up her cunt and I figured I would love to interrupt that. I knew she wouldn't answer her cell phone again so I dialed the motel number. "Kevin, this is Dick. Are you watching Monday Night Football? No? You should be."

"Could you ring the whirlpool suite for me?"

After two rings he picked up. "Hi Bastard Bob, can I speak one more time with Sharon/"

"Dick, what are you doing calling here?" she said as she came on the line.

"Well Sharon, you see it is like this. I know you are a cheating slut and I know where you are and I know what you have been doing. I am going to file for divorce and throw your ass out on the street. I am sure some very bad things will also happen to Bastard Bob."

"What are you talking about Dick? I sure can't understand you lately. What has gotten into you?"

"Sharon, the jig is up. I think you ought to turn on Monday Night Football and enjoy the halftime show. I will see you later. Goodbye."

On the live monitor of the room I could see her go to the television set and turn it on and tune it to MNF.

"OH MY GOD NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she screamed when she saw the streaming video of her and Bastard Bob fucking. There was a time delay from the live video so she saw plenty of what the whole Atlanta area had been seeing. "Oh no, Oh no, Oh no" was all she could say as she hurriedly dressed and ran out of the room.

Bastard Bob was in no less of a hurry to get out of there and was cursing the entire time. "I will kill that son of a bitch. I will kill him," he mumbled. Bastard Bob should learn not to mumble things. They would all come back to bite him.

As soon as they were out of the room I shut down the monitors and let the video stream to the end. Then I switched off the "live assist" mode and put the system back into the fully automated broadcast mode. I pulled the tape and left the broadcast booth. It would probably be the last time I would be in the building so I took a few things from my desk that I would want.

Now you are up to speed. I spent the rest of the night at Frankie's and yes my halftime show was the talk of the bar. After the game ended I was headed home in a cab.

When I got home Sharon was sitting in the living room with all of the lights off. The phone was off the hook and I could tell that she had been crying her eyes out.

She cried a lot but I didn't care. It was over as far as I was concerned.

"How could you do that to me Dick?" she wept. "After all the years we have been together, how could you?"

"No Sharon," I replied, "The correct question is: 'How could you do that to me?'"

"I am drunk and I am going to go to bed. We will talk tomorrow."

She didn't move as I walked out of the room and down the hall to the spare bedroom.

In the morning when I got up with a pretty bad hangover she was still on the sofa with dark circles around her eyes. It looked to me like she had not slept at all but again, I really didn't care. She did this to herself. I had nothing to do with it.

I walked over and put the phone back on the hook and it almost immediately started to ring.

For the next hour and a half I answered calls from family members including her mother and father, friends, church people, my boss or should I say ex boss, and both of my daughters. They were terribly upset about what they had seen and nothing I said to them would calm them down. I knew it was cruel for them to have seen what they did but they are adults and will get over it.

And oh yes, there was a call from Mrs. Bastard Bob too. She wanted to know if I kept a tape of the whole event and I assured her I had a tape in safekeeping and would give her a copy if she wanted it or needed it.

It was plain that everyone I had called had watched the Monday Night Football halftime show. They were all letting me know it. Some were angry with me because it was XXX rated of course and some like her mother and father thought I was horrible for putting her on display like I had, but most were sympathetic to me and understood. It was a pretty trying ordeal actually but the price I had to pay for what I did.

Sharon just sat there crying again during the entire time. Finally I left the phone off the hook again and went to make myself some coffee.

When I came back I offered her some coffee and took out the divorce papers and the investment paperwork she needed to sign.

"Sharon, I am divorcing you. After what I found out and saw last night you have been cheating on me for at least a year or more and there is no way I will stay married to you. These are divorce papers and if you read them in their entirety you will see I am asking for a no fault divorce and am agreeing to split our property evenly."

"In order for that to happen, you need to sign the divorce agreement now and the agreement to split our investments evenly now. There will be no negotiations and no altering of these papers. They are totally fair to you. I will give you until 5:00 p.m. tonight to see an attorney and verify what I am offering to you and that it is a fair offer. At 5:01 p.m. that deal is off the table and I am filing for divorce on the grounds of adultery and I will seek a property distribution based upon both what I brought into this marriage which was in excess of what you brought in and based upon our respective earnings. In short, I will go after everything I can get."

"Make no mistake, this is the best deal you can get so take it."

"And in the end, it would be a little foolish of you to fight a divorce based upon adultery when all of Atlanta will know it is the truth. Everyone will know you are a lying cheating slut whore. It is what you wanted to be, I heard you tell Bastard Bob that, so you have your wish and now everyone knows it."

"Take the deal Sharon."

"Dick, I love you and I want to stay married to you. Can't we try to work this out?"

"That may be true Sharon, but it doesn't matter. Love has nothing to do with it. I will not stay married to you. Our marriage ended when you decided he was more important than me and believe it or not, you did make that decision when you gave yourself to him when you fucked him like a common whore."

"Now, I would suggest you get yourself cleaned up and go see an attorney. Your time is short."

Later that afternoon she returned home with the papers.

"My attorney recommends that I sign these papers Dick. He says you have made a very fair offer given the circumstances and he thinks I should jump at the chance for this settlement."

"Dick, can we talk? Can you listen to me and maybe see if you can forgive me and work together to make this marriage work?"

I told her that I would sit and listen to her because I really wanted to know why she did what she did. I also wanted to know if she had done that before in our marriage.

We sat down at the kitchen table and she explains everything to me. There had been no others. It started a short while before she went to work for Bastard Bob. She said she didn't really know why because she was totally happy with me but couldn't deny that something had attracted her to Bastard Bob. It was probably his charismatic demeanor. She felt he loved her. I agreed with her that Bastard Bob was charismatic but I burst her love bubble when I played back the two sound bytes I had saved of him.

Here is what Bastard Bob had muttered that first day. "That stupid cunt had better not let her husband find out that she is fucking me. I don't care if she does have the sweetest wettest pussy, or that she is as easy to fuck as a bitch in heat, she will be gone. She is so fucking dumb it was a piece of cake to get between her legs, but I think she needs to be history pretty damn soon."

The second sound byte was from the room just before she arrived. "I am going to fuck this cunt blind tonight. She won't know it but tomorrow I am going to fire her dumb ass and dump her. If she raises a fuss I will threaten to tell Dick. That will keep her in line. I can't take a chance on that slut whore's husband finding out about us and fucking everything up for me."

"So Sharon, not only did you destroy our marriage but you were mistaken about Bastard Bob's feelings for you. All you were to him was a fuck toy. You were just a slut that he could demean and get his nuts off in. I saw how he treated you and how you liked it. I never made you cum like that and I never could because to me you were a loving wife and not a slut."

"No Sharon, there is no way I could ever stay married to you for two reasons. First, you cheated on our marriage vows and I cannot live with that. And second, you would never be happy with me again anyway. I would never be able to satisfy you again. No Sharon, no matter how much either of us loves the other it wouldn't be enough to get past the baggage that you created in our marriage."