The Theft of Our Lives -- Samantha

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Betsy's wife Samantha takes a fall.
30.3k words

Part 3 of the 24 part series

Updated 01/18/2024
Created 09/19/2021
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Disclaimer: This is a side-story set in the Theft of Our Lives universe. I call it side-story because it revolves around an ancillary character and doesn't drive the main plot. The chapter dates to just after the office party. More of the main story will be coming soon.

This story, all characters and entities are fictional and merely a fantasy. Any resemblance to entities or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This is a multi-part story containing various sex acts between adults, including cuckolding, interracial, lesbian, non-consensual, and incestuous sex. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral, illegal, and not condoned by the author. All characters are 18-years-old or older. All rights reserved.


Samantha Fitzgerald needed money -- a lot of money, and she needed it now.

To the legitimate business community, Sam, as she was commonly known, was a smart, dedicated, and highly competent independent consultant specializing in financial compliance for large corporations, always willing to take on the toughest assignments and seeing them through successfully.

After earning a business degree and working several years at a large accounting firm, the lesbian professional struck out on her own four years ago with the encouragement and support of her wife, Betsy, and their 18-year-old son, Robbie. Now, she was the sole source of income for the family after the couple decided Betsy should stay home raising their son.

Less honorably, Sam was also a notorious skirt-chaser.

At 38, she'd never outgrown her passion for seducing women, especially straight women. It was the thrill of the improbable conquest driving her desire to corrupt beguiling beauties, often married, always young, and sometimes even bi-curious, along with the adrenaline rush that came with the challenge.

Traveling frequently for business, Sam attended several conferences annually, providing ample opportunities to feed her obsession for the chase, training her considerable social skills on unsuspecting businesswomen in attendance and more often than not successfully charming her way into their beds and between their legs.

Many in the industry knew of her addiction to the game of seduction, and Sam developed a reputation among the older women, especially those who'd succumbed to her beguiling ways, recounting her impressive oral skills in glowing terms.

Fortunately, the conferences always introduced new attendees ripe for the plucking -- young women just out of college or fresh to the industry and open to the guiding hand of an experienced mentor assisting their careers. These women were invariably her prey, catching her attention and marked for the chase the moment she checked into the hotel.

In love and unquestionably trusting, Betsy knew none of this side of her beloved spouse, and Sam took great care ensuring she never found out. She truly loved Betsy, but simply couldn't control the impulse for extramarital diversions, knowing the revelations of her infidelity would crush her sweet wife and very likely destroy their marriage.

That simply couldn't be allowed to happen, so Sam limited her pursuit of heterosexual women to business trips while playing the devoted wife and mother at home.

Striking out as an independent consultant was a financial risk, requiring a substantial upfront investment and ongoing daily expenses keeping the business going. Added to that was the cost of attending conferences drumming up business and engaging in her less pure quest for pussy.

Sadly, despite her business acumen, Sam struggled building her client list. Business was hit or miss, with intervals between consulting gigs longer than she'd want forcing her to take almost any job that came along. Frankly, Sam's business was failing, and she was up to her eyeballs in debt.

Taking a second mortgage on the house was known to Betsy as co-signer and Sam's caring wife was supportive of that obligation. Unknown to Betsy, however, Sam had also maxed out their credit cards, taken a payday loan using their car as collateral, and more dangerously, borrowed from an irreputable private source at usurious rates.

Now, the cretinous loan shark was threatening violence of an unspecified nature against Sam and her family if he didn't get paid soon. Currently in a lean period, and with those mounting debts hanging over her head, Sam needed money, and therefore, she needed work.


Timing is everything and Sam thought perhaps luck was turning her way upon playing the voicemail from Hank Allenby of Allenby Consolidation, thinking he was the solution to the temporary lull in business and her financial distress. A large concern, Allenby is a very successful company providing significant opportunities.

Of course, Sam knew I held an executive position with the firm, and very likely suspected I was instrumental in my boss throwing her a bone. If she had only known the truth, she'd have erased the message at once.

Unsurprisingly, Hank knew of Sam's skirt-chasing reputation, attending many of the same industry conferences as my sister-in-law. Employing the services of a private detective, he also knew of her financial trouble. Together, the twin weaknesses provided the perfect leverage for ensuring her cooperation with his evil design for her future.

"Ms. Fitzgerald, an urgent need has arisen in my company due to the dismissal of our in-house compliance officer. I'd like you to submit a proposal directed to undertaking Allenby's corporate compliance work until I can find a permanent replacement," the company president requested with businesslike proficiency.

"Can you put something together quickly so we can meet for lunch tomorrow?" he extended the invitation Sam was pleased to accept.

"Please, call me Sam, and sure, I'm happy to submit to Allenby," she replied, tamping down her excitement to maintain a professional demeanor while not realizing the hidden meaning of her unfortunate choice of words.

My relieved sister-in-law had no way of knowing Hank terminated compliance officer Shannon Lewis only that week, claiming criminal malfeasance for falsifying mandatory government reports, and placing the company in jeopardy with federal authorities.

It was a set-up, of course, with the pretty, late-20's blonde completely innocent, but in inimical fashion, Hank hoped to parlay her alleged misdeed into an opportunity securing Shannon's less than professional services.

Threatening prison and an inglorious fall from grace, Hank harangued and cajoled poor Ms. Lewis unless she cooperated just as many women had over the years. Insisting on her innocence and much to her credit, Shannon refused to surrender to Hank's demands and was promptly fired, with a call made to the U.S. Attorney's office.

Bravely, Ms. Lewis had the backbone to stand up to my boss, but sadly, she was now unemployed and awaiting trial, leaving her integrity intact but her future perilously in doubt.

Perhaps focused too much on her own problems and predilections, Sam was oblivious to Betsy's submission to Hank and his deviant games of debauchery and manipulation. She had no idea Betsy spent most of the past month on her knees or her back in service to Hank, giving her curvaceous body to the degenerate man and whomever else he chose.

Sam never suspected Betsy's frequent trips to our house were satisfying Hank's demented command she re-educate herself in the art of fellatio, unhappily practicing on the cock of their 18-year-old nephew, Kellen, while also imparting her extensive knowledge of cunnilingus to her bountiful older sister, Emma, and pretty 19-year-old niece, Kerri.

Blithely unaware of these travails and anxious to score a well-paying job lasting months, while more importantly keeping her menacing creditors off her back, my preoccupied sister-in-law arranged to meet Hank at a local restaurant where he'd ensnared unsuspecting women over the years.

That evening, Sam mentioned nothing of the call to her wife.

"How was your day, sweetheart? Any new prospects out there?" Betsy inquired politely, genuinely interested in her adored spouse's career.

"It's more of the same," Sam told a little white lie, wanting to surprise Betsy when she got the job but not building expectations until she'd secured the deal.

"Don't worry though, Bets, we're okay. It'll turn around," the lanky blonde fibbed again, understanding well the Fitzgerald household's precarious financial condition.

Protecting her own dark secret, Betsy just smiled, certain Sam was completely unaware of her subservience to my boss -- an evil necessity keeping she and Robbie out of jail.

Sam smiled too, excited at the prospect of providing for her family again and placating her creditors, but mostly thrilled about how happy the sweet woman she'd fallen for in college would be upon learning the good news.

With that, the family spent a comfortable evening together, with Robbie staying up late while his two mothers retired to their bedroom, making romantic love before falling asleep.

Despite the unpleasantness of the sex forced upon her of late, for Betsy nothing compared to the pleasure experienced between the long, outstretched legs of her enticing wife. She knew Sam felt the same and the level of their passion was every bit as high as when they first met at the university.


The next day at just past noon, Sam showed up at the restaurant, exactly on time, and neither too early nor too late. She was dressed to the nines in an immaculate two-piece forest green business suit with a loose-fitting pleated skirt down to her knees, a black belt, and matching black, medium heels.

It wasn't her usual attire of slacks or a pantsuit, but was the only truly feminine dress she owned, and reserved only for business meetings. While tall at six feet and quite slender, that didn't stop Sam from wearing heels. If it made the other person uncomfortable or put them in an inferior position, so much the better.

As usual, she wore little make-up, just mauve lipstick and a touch of mascara. Her naturally strawberry-blonde hair, expressing her mixed Irish-Scandinavian heritage, was short and spiked with gel.

The butch woman's clear-skinned face was somewhat long, with angular, chiseled features highlighted by striking blue eyes above narrow, high cheek bones. She wasn't a classic beauty, but she was sexy, aided in no small part by her cocky attitude and glowing confidence, generating an erotic air difficult to ignore.

Sam knew she looked the role of a tomboy playing dress-up and simply didn't care. She was proud of her sexuality and her marriage to the 'straight girl' she'd won over years ago in college.

Spotting Hank waving in a corner booth, she walked with assurance in his direction.

Although not owning the curves of her voluptuous wife, Sam's slender hips nonetheless swayed sensuously without effort in the heels and the modest V-neck bodice of her dress revealed a slight trace of the tops of her C-cup breasts.

At 38-years-old, she was a mature, upbeat businesswoman who knew herself and what she could do.

"Welcome. I'm Hank Allenby. I'm so glad you could make it on such short notice. I'm sure your schedule must be jammed," my boss stood and graciously offered his hand in polite greeting, while at the same time studying my lithe sister-in-law with a salacious grin belying his intent.

"Hi, Hank. I'm Samantha Fitzgerald, and please, call me Sam," she returned in a pleasant tone, taking her place in the booth across from Hank. "It was fortunate I had an opening, but I guess some things are meant to be, right?"

Sam didn't want to tip her hand to the recent lack of business -- a fact Hank knew about as exposed by the private detective searching for weaknesses or personal shortcomings, and content letting his unknowing prey maintain the illusion of success by simply allowing the comment to pass.

"I hope you don't mind my having a cocktail with lunch, Sam?" Hank interjected casually. "Please feel comfortable having one yourself, if you're so inclined? I promise it won't affect my decision-making process."

After ordering gin and tonics for them both, Hank continued with the pleasantries before earnestly settling to the business at hand.

"I have to tell you Sam, your work comes highly recommended by your brother-in-law, Ray. It's unfortunate our previous compliance officer had to make such a sudden departure, but when I told Ray about our needs, he immediately mentioned your name," Hank lauded genuinely.

"I'm certainly glad he did," he then added in a remark tinged with salaciousness.

"Well, I appreciate Ray's good words, and I can assure you Hank, I'm completely capable of fulfilling the needs of your company," Sam returned the courtesy.

"I have no doubt you can," my lecherous boss concurred in a veiled allusion she didn't catch. "By the way, I had the pleasure of meeting you wife Betsy once at Ray and Emma's house. A beautiful woman. You must be very proud."

Sam nodded her appreciation of the compliment, thinking it somewhat out of place, but pleased he knew about and accepted her alternative lifestyle, so let it go.

"Let me tell you Sam, I'm a successful businessman because I always do my due diligence before I make decisions," Hank informed her in a suddenly serious manner. "I like a well-rounded team with a variety of talents."

"Yes, I think due diligence is wise, Hank," Sam agreed heartily, mistakenly assuming he was referencing the importance of corporate compliance to the fiscal and regulatory welfare of a company and not her sexual proclivities. "If you hire me, I assure you only the most thorough and honest representation of your business interests."

A brilliant negotiator and dealmaker, after setting the course of the conversation in his desired direction, my conniving employer pressed onward with his plan -- exposing and then tapping into my unsuspecting sister-in-law's vulnerability to acquire her as the newest addition to a growing list of unfortunate women in his service.

"As part of that due diligence Sam, I took the time to investigate your background before meeting," Hank stated bruskly, looking directly into her piercing sapphire eyes for any hint of alarm.

Sure enough, he got it when Sam raised her eyebrow at the revelation.

"I found your thoroughness to be unquestioned, and you certainly understand compliance matters," he told her before a pregnant pause.

Sam fidgeted at the silence.

"I'm not so convinced you know much about running a business, however," my boss charged, forthrightly setting out what he knew about her financial condition, including her 'off the books' debt. "You're in deep, aren't you, Sam? Real deep. Too deep, quite frankly, and not just to the banks, but to some unsavory characters as well."

Sam gulped visibly, unsure where he was going with the revelation and surprised he knew her financial predicament.

"How did you know?" the spikey-haired strawberry-blonde conceded after thinking through the accusation and deciding simply to fess up.

"It's not nearly as difficult getting bank records as you might think when you know the right people, plus I have ears to the streets too," Hank deadpanned, sending the message he knew the level of her jeopardy.

"Yes, well, I'm hopeful things turnaround. I'm not concerned," Sam lied, shaken by his intimate knowledge of her threatening financial condition but doing her best not to let on, hoping to impress him with her confidence.

"You should be. Concerned, I mean," her prospective client replied ominously.

Sam swallowed hard again with the implication, squirming in the seat with a nervous flutter of her eyes.

"Of course, perhaps I can help, if you're the right gal for the job," he suggested, hinting at an ulterior motive for his coming proposal. "You know, I'm willing to pay top dollar for the right skill set and, well, attitude towards your duties."

The wheels were spinning in Sam's head, uncertain about the unusual allusion but thinking this may be her ticket out and not saying anything to upset the apple cart.

"You know, Sam, I was very taken by your wife. She's so carefree, yet passionate for life and her family. I'd certainly hate seeing anything unfortunate befall her and your son simply because you owe money to the wrong people," Hank sympathized, keeping her awful plight at the forefront of her mind.

"Yes, I'm doing what I can to keep them out of my business situation," Sam concurred, coming close to admitting the truth of her exposure, pondering the horrible prospect, and slowly accommodating herself to the idea of taking the contract regardless of what it paid, or what it required.

"That's wise, and I know you have just the talents I need on my team. Plus, you'll be a consultant, so you keep your independence. Well, for the most part," the deceptive business titan lured, dropping a contract on the table.

Sam took a moment looking the document over but immediately focused on the important element of compensation.

"Um, wow, generous, but what's with the payment schedule?" Sam gasped at the eyepopping number but questioned the unusual terms.

"Sam, you're a savvy businesswoman," he explained. "You understand I require continuing assurance of performance."

"So, you're offering to pay off my, um, 'personal loan,' but nothing else? Nothing to the banks?" she questioned, naturally skeptical and still determining what he wanted in return.

"Well, I can't very well have that guy menacing you or your family," my boss pointed out. "Everything else you can earn as you go. I mean, I can't just pay you a lump sum and expect your cooperation in carrying out your other duties."

"Other duties? We are talking about compliance, right?" my suspicious sister-in-law asked, growing cautious but not realizing the dual meaning of what she was asking.

"Oh, we're talking compliance, alright. Your compliance," Hank agreed, nodding lasciviously, with his classic smarmy grin conveying his plans for her retention and the duties she'd perform, understanding her doubts about the terms.

"My compliance? Compliance to what? To whom? What exactly do my duties entail?" Sam challenged, growing taciturn at the direction of the conversation.

"Sam, I'm gonna cut to brass tacks. I want you and I'm willing to pay for you, but you'll be performing compliance and other duties beneficial to my company," he proposed succinctly. "Special services befitting a woman of your particular orientation and interests."

Now, he really had Sam's attention.

Patient and enjoying her disquiet, Hank let this as yet undefined revelation of his expectations sink in momentarily.

"You're an impressive woman. Artful in pursuit of your 'hobby,' let's call it, and I need a woman with guile and charm capable of catering to special client needs," he continued calmly, his look sending the message these particular needs were not typical of standard business operations.

'Where's he going with this?' Sam wondered, turning pale at the implication but not wanting to admit to herself what he was truly suggesting.

Honestly, the befuddled consultant was unable to fathom why he was so interested in her specifically, putting her off her normally self-assured stride.

"Yes, indeed, I'm quite taken with you," my boss' elucidated, with each word adding insight to his intent. "That you're gay only enhances your forbidden appeal."

This type of disrespectful remark usually sent Sam into a fit of sanctimonious rage at his temerity. Under the circumstances, however, she sat still, grinding her teeth more in fear than anger.

Hank paused once more, allowing his now-reeling target time to process what he was saying.

"You really are damn sexy with the whole unavailable lesbian thing," he smiled obsequiously. "I have to say, I wondered about you when I first met Betsy. You know, what kind of a gal it took to turn such a pretty, and well-built, I might add, straight girl kinky? Now that I've met you, I understand."