The Toes That Bind


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"All right, my protector, my spare shoes are in the bottom drawer of the desk, on the right. They may be heels, but they've got to be more comfortable than those damn boots are. I have got to take those back!"

Michael leaned over, keeping Lynn's feet on his thighs by holding them under his arm, and opened the indicated drawer. He took out the heels and set them on the floor next to himself. Lifting Lynn's right foot with his right hand, he held her foot up while his left hand captured her right high heeled shoe and brought it to her waiting foot. Lynn wiggled her foot briefly, and Michael couldn't tell if it was playfully or for some other reason. He looked up at her and their eyes met, his questioning hers.

"Sorry," she giggled, "my foot was just enjoying its last few seconds of freedom."

Michael chuckled at that, and then he looked back down to her foot as he prepared to imprison it in the shoe. He sighed, and the hand holding the shoe stopped, inches from her toes. He hesitated to put that shoe on her foot. He looked up at Lynn again. His eyes searched hers, he bit his lip, and he blushed again.

Lynn was searching his face as well, looking for whatever had caused him to stop. She noticed his eyes were going back and forth...first looking into her eyes, then returning to her toes, then to her eyes, her toes..... She needed to know what was wrong.

"Is there a problem?" she smiled, though a bit confused, "Why did you stop?"

Michael's eyes stopped their back and forth movement, focusing on Lynn's eyes. His blushing increased, until he was as red as he was the first time he blushed in her presence. He took one last glance at her nylon-encased toes and then his eyes met hers with a conviction in them. His lip, still trapped between nervous teeth, was now not only being bitten, but chewed on as well. He was nervous as hell, but he'd made a decision. And whatever the outcome, he was going to go forward with it.

"Lynn, I'm sorry if this offends you, or upsets you....but......I'd......I mean....could your soother and protector ask one final favor of you?"

"Oh," Lynn smiled, pretending to disapprove, "is my knight getting greedy now?"

Michael smiled, seeing through the game.

"No,'s just....well....your feet really are beautiful. I mean that."

"Thank you, Michael," she replied softly, smiling, pleased, "but that can't be all. What is it you want to say?"

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He was determined to ask, even if it backfired and blew up in his face. He just hoped Lynn wouldn't hold it against him if that was what happened. He took a second deep breath. And then he went for it.

"Your feet are really adorable, Lynn..." he started.

"Uh-huh," Lynn interrupted, getting mildly nervous herself, "you already said that. My feet are beautiful. What is it, Michael?"

"Well, I was just wondering....if you wouldn't mind...and if it didn't offend you or anything....well...." another deep breath, "okay, here goes..... I find your feet to be so gorgeous - I know, I already said that - but they really take my breath away, and they make me want to......oh, hell......Lynn, I'd really consider it an honor - and I'd consider myself the luckiest man on the planet - if you'd consent to letting me just....well.......kiss the tips of your toes.....before I put your shoes on." When he finished, he felt stupid....and his eyes fell down, staring at the floor. He braced himself for Lynn's condemnation.

"Are you serious, Michael? You want to kiss my toes? That's what all the suspense was about?"

Michael felt colder than Lynn's feet were when he'd first removed her boots. He wondered how he was going to slink out of her office in shame and then be able to ever look her in the face again. He wondered if Lynn was now going to tell everyone they worked with and he'd have to resign in shame. He cursed himself for his lack of control and his unwise decision. But Lynn brought him back to reality.

"Wow....I really am flattered, Michael. You like my feet enough to want to kiss them? God, that's so romantic! It's so deliciously erotic!" She was bubbling over at the thought of it. And that warm, wet feeling was starting again between her legs. Many times she'd fantasized a strong man romantically and sensually kissing her feet, adoring and worshipping her...and them. And here was a man, young and handsome, almost pleading with her for just that chance. If she even thought of saying no she'd never forgive herself.

"Michael, I'd really be flattered if you kissed my toes. I mean it. If you really want to, you can definitely kiss my toes. I wouldn't mind in the slightest. In fact, I'd love it!" she beamed.

Michael's nervous face softened. His eyes looked into hers with an undying gratitude. He couldn't believe he could be so lucky! This beautiful woman, with such luscious, beautiful feet, actually wanted him to kiss her toes! He immediately thought he must be dreaming. But no, this was real. The feet in his lap and hand were soft and warm and real. And he wanted to kiss them so badly that nothing else mattered, except getting Lynn's permission...and he now had that!

He shook as he lifted her right foot with his hand, the high heel still in the other. He leaned forward and his eyes focussed on the toe seam of her stocking. They followed it's path from small toe to big, the crimson painted toes waiting for his lips to caress them. He brought her foot closer. He could smell the scent of the warm nylon. His head reeled as his lips touched first one toe, then the next. He shuddered with an erotic chill as he kissed from toe to toe, his lips never leaving that lucky seam, only pressing a bit harder each time they found a succulent toe beneath them.

Lynn watched Michael kiss her toes. His warm breath was nothing compared to the sight of his lips pressing into her toes....the look in his eyes (when they were even open) as he kissed each toe with total worship. He sighed at each kiss, looking as if he might pass out. Not only did his hand tremble on her heel, but she felt a slight trembling each time his lips found a toe to adore. She was mesmerized once again, watching Michael now kiss her foot instead of rubbing it. The massage had been wonderful, but this..this....Michael's lips literally worshipping each of her toes....was sensually erotic...exciting....arousing.

When Michael finished kissing each toe - which took awhile because he did so very slowly as if his lips were reluctant to leave each one - even for the joy of moving on to the next - he sat back and sighed yet again...staring down at the toes he'd just been lucky enough to kiss. With still another sigh he lifted and placed the high heel on that desirable foot. He slid it over her toes slowly and gently, as if afraid of damaging such a treasure.

He then lifted Lynn's left foot and repeated the entire procedure...sighing, kissing, trembling, looking sublimely content yet appearing again as if he might faint. When his lips had glided across the last of that toe seam and had tasted the final toe, he again sadly slid high heel over enchanting foot. Again he sighed, his heart aching to see such beautiful feet trapped in uncomfortable shoes.

"Michael....I don't know what to say....that was incredible! That was so.....God, so erotic! Do you really like my feet that much?!"

Michael could only nod, his face flushed - this time with a sexual glow - and his entire body trembling. He could barely breathe, let alone speak. And the glassy look in his eyes said it all. Lynn sat there, her feet now covered with both nylon and shoe leather, and stared down at Michael. Their eyes locked. Lynn was smiling happily, but Michael was still recovering. And Lynn once again noticed the large bulge in Michael's pants. Finally, Michael found a voice.

"Thanks, Lynn. That was really nice of let me do that. I couldn't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it."

Lynn smiled broadly, saying, "I think I can tell how much you appreciated it. Words aren't necessary." Michael's eyes followed hers to his tightening crotch, and he blushed again. But, ultimately, he didn't care. He'd experienced something like nothing else he'd ever experienced before....and he didn't care if she was aware how much it had all turned him on. Even if it never happened again......for now, it was pure heaven.

Michael, hindered by the lump in his groin, got awkwardly to his feet. Lynn sat there watching him, her eyes shining and her lips smiling. She felt warm in many places and knew Michael did too. And though this particular episode might be over for now, she knew she wasn't going to let it end here. Yes, she was getting very fond of the young Michael....and if he didn't make any moves toward her, she had every intention of making moves of her own. She was not going to let such a lovely man get least not without a fight.

Michael, brushing himself off, smiled at Lynn. She smiled back. And he noticed she was just very slightly licking her lips through that smile. He liked that a lot. His shyness with Lynn and her lovely feet was over. She was not only beautiful, but understanding and extremely sexy as well. He planned on getting to know her better...if she was amenable to it...and he thought she would be.

"It's too bad we have to work," Michael said.

"Yes, it is," Lynn replied.

Lynn started to get up, to show him to the door. He stopped her, putting his hands on her shoulders to keep her from rising out of her chair.

"That's okay, you relax. I can show myself out. You go ahead and get your work done." After saying that, he took her right hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing her fingertips. "Thanks," he said, "for everything....for probably the most memorable morning of my life."

"You're quite welcome," she replied, and then added, "Don't be a stranger, Michael. You know, I might just keep those boots, and wear them to work again. Then I'd need a knight in shining armor to rescue me from them again, wouldn't I?"

"Yes, you would. And maybe I'll just happen to be passing by and come to your rescue again."

"I hope so." Lynn smiled.

"Maybe I'll just have to come in early from now on....just in case." Michael said with a wink.

"Me, too....if I don't oversleep."

"That's okay," he said, "you'd be worth waiting for."

As Michael reached the door and turned the knob, unlocking it, Lynn added, "Yeah, I think I like these boots a lot now. I'm going to wear them to work again tomorrow. Will you be working tomorrow, Michael?"

He laughed and said, "Lynn, even if I'm not scheduled for tomorrow, I'll be here to rescue you any time you need rescuing from those evil old boots."

"That's it, then...I'm wearing the boots tomorrow. I hope my knight is here to save me."

"He'll be here," Michael said, "nothing could keep him away. But, first things first. Lynn, would you like to join me for lunch today? I know a really quiet, romantic little restaurant a few blocks away. I'd really enjoy your company."

"That'd be great, Michael."

"Noon okay for you?"


"Great...I'll be the one with the armor and the white steed."

They both smiled, and Michael reluctantly walked out into the hallway, sighing.

The rest of Lynn's day went smoothly, and her lunch with Michael was a pleasure beyond words. After a mach five drive home to get that pesky forgotten paperwork, she hurriedly pieced herself back together for their lunch date.

The restaurant he'd taken her to was quaint and old-fashioned, and romantically lit. His excellent choice was duly noted by her, and the atmosphere made her feel safe and did the chivalrous Michael himself.

While a shy man, Michael also had an inner fire that Lynn became quickly attracted to. And the few times that their conversation had turned toward his affection for Lynn's feet, he at the same time blushed and got a wicked grin on his lips while his eyes danced with a smoldering desire above those lips. The two of them found they had some things in common, and their talk was both comfortable and free flowing. Not once was there an awkward pause or silence in their conversation. Lynn was very smitten by Michael.....and he with her.

At one point Lynn even felt comfortable enough with him to slip off her shoes and first run her stockinged foot up Michael's pant leg for a bit, smiling and teasing, and then plop her feet in his lap as she sat back in the antique style dining booth and folded her arms across her chest.

"Would my knight in shining armor mind massaging my feet just a tiny bit before we go back to the office?"

Michael smiled, and began rubbing without a second's hesitation. "I'd be honored to rub your feet anytime, Lynn. I really would. But, then, I'm sure you've figured that out by now, right?"

"Well, you haven't exactly hidden your interest in my feet, Michael. But, that's okay....I can live with that."

They laughed again, as they had many times together ever since he'd helped her with her boot that morning. And then Michael turned his attention to Lynn's feet in earnest.....while she turned her attention to watching him. He openly admired her feet again, but never slowed his hands in carefully but firmly massaging them. He even bent to gently kiss her toes from time to time, raising her feet as high as he could before her calves were stopped by the underside of the table top. And he didn't seem to care that they were in public. Lynn, enjoying the attention too much to care herself, watched him soothe and adore her feet.

It was only when the waiter brought the check that Michael was forced to come back down to earth. He smiled sheepishly at Lynn and stammered out an unnecessary apology. Lynn, for her part, had had a total blast....both the lively and entertaining conversation and the pampering below her ankles. She was a tiny bit disappointed when Michael stopped rubbing and kissing her feet, but it was getting late and they had to get back to the office. So she sighed when it was time to leave.....and this time when Michael insisted on putting her shoes back on her feet for her, she gave only token resistance.

He had to get down partially under the table to restore Lynn's high heels to their place of honor, but that didn't seem to matter in the either of them. Before placing each shoe on its silken foot, Michael looked about quickly and took two quick puckered pecks on each luscious foot, the first on the tip of the toes and the second on her insteps. Only then did he once again confine their beauty in the cruel footwear.

When they returned to work, Michael walked Lynn back to her office. As they stood at her office door, it felt almost as if they'd been on a date, and he thanked her for being so kind as to join him for lunch. Lynn, in response, did something she rarely did. She reached out and held his head in her two hands and brought his smiling face to hers. She kissed him full on the mouth, slowly but with only a tiny bit of passion, though she felt much more.

"No, thank YOU, Michael. Lunch was lovely, as was the company. And," she winked, "as I said before, you can rub my feet anytime. A scrumptious meal, wonderful companionship, and getting my feet massaged. Could it get any better than that?"

"Well," he laughed quietly, "if you liked it so much, maybe we should make a habit of it. I know lots of restaurants, I'm a perpetual gabber, and I've never rubbed a sweeter pair of feet in my life. What's not to enjoy?" They laughed yet again, and this time it was Michael who advanced upon Lynn, holding her by both sides of her jaw and gently kissing her lips, but for quite some time. Eventually, their arms crept around each other, and they kissed openly in the doorway. When they separated their lips, they both could see deep in each others eyes that this was only a beginning.....and like a newborn their relationship would grow rapidly.

It had been some nine or ten weeks since the morning of the stubborn zipper. Michael was now going in to work early every morning, hoping Lynn would again need "rescuing". It had become a ritual with them...a tradition. Michael would meet Lynn early in her office to talk and start her day off with a foot rub. And while she rarely wore those too tight boots, she never did get rid of them.....they had sentimental value now, and every once in a while she did wear them to the office, and Michael would smile as he removed them for her. Never again did either zipper get stuck, but sometimes he would pretend it did, and once when Michael had removed her boots, he held up the boot that had "gotten them together" and actually kissed that now cooperative zipper and thanked Lynn's open amusement.

But one morning MIchael's and Lynn's relationship was to take an odd turn. During the course of her morning foot massage, when Michael started kissing her toes and insteps, Lynn realized that she had a mild yearning for something more. On this particular day, the weather being a bit warm, she had decided not to wear nylons to work. And as Michael's lips caressed her bare feet, she had a realization. She realized that she had the urge to slip her toes into his mouth, to wiggle them inside it, to feel him suck on those wiggling digits. The urge was very, very strong, and she suddenly found herself wishing fervently that he'd start doing just that...sucking on her toes.

But the urge and the wish were just the beginnings of her realization. She then realized that in the more than two months that she and Michael had been "an item", he'd rubbed and kissed her feet on many occasions - sometimes for hours at a time - but he'd never done more than that. She had never brought it up because she wasn't aware that she even wanted him to do it, but she now found it odd that he so enjoyed her feet, rubbing and kissing them every chance he got, but he never once tried to suck her toes or even lick them! It just seemed odd to her.

Then she thought that maybe he was too embarrassed to ask if he could suck her toes. Maybe he felt that was going TOO far. Maybe he figured she wouldn't like it. Well, since the urge had hit her anyway, Lynn decided to take the initiative. With Michael sitting there again, rubbing and kissing her feet as always, Lynn said, "Michael, this just came to me. Your lips are so warm and soft on my toes, I was just wondering about something."

"Oh?" he asked, "and what would that be, beautiful?"

"Well, your mouth is just so dreamy on my toes," - she held her feet up in front of him and wiggled her toes - "I was wondering if you'd like to do more than just kiss them."

"More?" he smiled, looking puzzled.

"Yes, more.....I don't maybe you'd like to suck on them or something? I understand a lot of guys with foot fetishes enjoy that a lot. You can suck my toes if you want to, Michael."

"Oh, wow, Lynn, that's really open-minded of you....."

"Great, then," she said before he could finish, "go ahead. I'm eager to try it myself. I just think it'll feel delicious." She wiggled her toes and pushed her feet forward in the direction of Michael's mouth. She was beside herself anticipating the feel of it. Michael had a wonderfully talented mouth and tongue - as he'd shown her on many previous occasions, though not on her feet - and she couldn't wait to see what it could do on her toes.

"Uh...ok, sure," he said, as if dazed. He took one foot by the heel and opened his mouth to admit Lynn's happy toes. He sucked them gently, looking into her eyes as he did. She was enjoying it immensely, and after a while she sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. Michael slowly and thoroughly sucked her toes, not missing a single inch of any one of them. Lynn alternately moaned and squealed with glee. She was surprised at herself. She never in a million years thought she'd enjoy having her toes sucked so much. But,enjoy it she did. It even got her aroused. She now wanted more from Michael, and chastised herself for picking this time, here at the office, to try this experiment and getting herself excited when she and Michael were under time constraints and she was unable to get her needs satisfied. But, she thought, tonight.....tonight....when she got home, she was going to have Michael come over and she was going to put her toes back into his mouth and wiggle them cheerfully between his sucking lips until she was begging for his tongue - and other parts of him - on other parts of her body. Just the thought of it was making her squirm.
