The Toy Maker


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Miss Downey leaned down and gave Tom a slow kiss on his cheek and then she slowly licked all the way up the side of his face. "Mmmm," she moaned.

His cheek was covered in latex but somehow he still felt the warmth of her kiss and the wetness of her tongue. He wanted to taste her lips even more but it was clear that she was the one doing the tasting. Miss Downey took a few steps back. Her heels clicked again as she slowly circled Tom, taking in her prey.

Tom could see that she was completely naked except for heels, black elbow length latex gloves, dangling diamond earrings and a shimmering diamond necklace. Her nakedness was startling to Tom. He was used to seeing girls in panties and lingerie. Nakedness came when the lights were dim. Instead Miss Downey walked around him in a brightly lit room. Her pussy lips were completely exposed, with no pubic hair to hide them. It was raw and vulgar. Miss Downey circled him slowly with the confidence of a lioness. Her breasts pointed out, her head up high, her eyes taking him in. She was the queen of the jungle. Her nakedness was natural, intimidating, and exciting.

Miss Downey's hand slid up his thigh and over his crotch. Her latex glove gently squeezed the latex bulge and she looked into Tom's eyes with a playful grin. Tom wanted to say something but his mind seemed frozen. He was still trying to process how he got into the situation. He remembered being taken by Miss Downey. He did not know how, but he knew that she took him, that he belonged to her.

Miss Downey's hand slid inside the latex suit through what seemed to be an invisible flap. Her latex fingers grasped his hard cock and pulled it through the flap. The cool air felt good on his hot cock. Miss Downey carefully adjusted him so that his balls were exposed along with his cock. Now Tom was the one looking vulgar with his cock pointing straight up.

Miss Downey's latex glove slowly moved up and down, stroking his cock. "Now, that's much better Toy, don't you think," mused Miss Downey in a sultry voice.

She did not expect an answer. Tom knew that. In fact, Tom sensed that he should not speak at all. He was not even supposed to move. He was here to be her toy. Somewhere in his subconscious mind he knew that.

After a few strokes, Miss Downey said, "I shall have lots of fun playing with you tonight toy." Then she clicked over to the side of the room and returned with a large glass bowl. She placed the bowl on Tom's stomach and then started adjusting different levers and handles above his head.

As she worked she explained. "Julia has done a fantastic job training you to be obedient and subservient to women. Your training is just beginning toy. I expect more than obedience. You will learn to worship women. Not just Julia and me, but ALL women. You exist to serve and worship the Female."

The idea of worshipping women did not seem strange at all to Tom. In fact, the more Miss Downey talked about it, the more aroused he became. The only thing that seemed strange was the contraption above his head. He was looking up at large plastic funnel. Above the funnel was another larger funnel. Both funnels had a knob at the bottom of the spout.

Tom was trying to figure out the purpose of the contraption but his thoughts were interrupted instantly when Miss Downey pushed a metal device into his mouth. It was a brace that forced his mouth open. Miss Downey swiftly secured a strap behind his head, locking the device in place.

"There we go Toy. Your mouth is now open for my enjoyment. Wide open for me to put anything in it that I want."

Tom was now understanding the purpose of the contraption. He wondered exactly what Miss Downey would want to pour into it and what it had to do with worshipping women. He would get his answer soon enough.

Miss Downey stroked his cock again, bringing him to a heightened state of arousal. "One of the best ways a slave.....a toy....can worship his owner is to consume her golden nectar. You will learn to do that tonight toy."

Tom could not believe what was happening. Miss Downey stood on top of the table and squatted over the bowl that rested on his stomach. Tom was staring straight at her naked pussy. He watched in amazement as she peed into the bowl right in front of his eyes. There was no shame or embarrassment from Miss Downey. She perched over Tom like a beautiful Queen and released her golden nectar for him to consume.

Tom watched the bowl fill with the golden liquid. It did not repulse or disgust him. Quite the opposite was happening. The sheer kinkiness and perverseness of the situation caused his arousal to grow. His mind was dropping into deep submission and preparing to worship Miss Downey. Tom's cock twitched with excitement. This did not go unnoticed by Miss Downey. While she peed she gently petted Tom's cock with her gloved hand and said, "Yes my toy. I know this excites you. It is exciting to be beneath me, worshipping me with your eyes, and ready to serve me. You are such a dirty boy and I love that about you."

When she finished peeing she got off of the table, lifted the bowl up and poured the liquid into the large funnel. Then she turned the knob at the bottom of the funnel draining enough of the liquid to fill the smaller funnel below it.

Tom's mouth remained open, ready to take in the liquid. His heart was beating wildly in his chest from excitement and from uncertainty. He was not sure what to expect or whether or not he would like it.

Miss Downey caressed the side of his face with her hand and in a sweet voice said, "get ready to worship my golden nectar toy."

Golden nectar sounded appetizing to Tom. He prepared himself for the liquid. Miss Downey turned the knob on the bottom funnel and a stream of pee rushed out and into Tom's mouth. Tom did not expect it to come so fast. It hit the back of his throat and he coughed. Miss Downey turned the knob off and laughed at his predicament. "Come on toy. Relax. You can do it. I don't want you to drown in my pee."

Miss Downey turned the knob again, releasing another rush of the golden liquid. This time he took it in without coughing but he struggled to keep swallowing it fast enough. After a few seconds Miss Downey stopped the flow. Tom sensed that she was amused and pleased with seeing him struggle.

"Good boy," she said. "You are getting better. Let's slow it down a bit so you can enjoy it. I want you to savor the taste of my pee."

Miss Downey turned the knob slightly so that her pee dripped at a steady pace out of the funnel and into his waiting mouth. "Ahhh....much better," she said. "Drip, drip, drip, right into your mouth toy. There is nothing you can do about it. You must lay there helpless and drink my pee." Tom liked it better when she used the words 'golden nectar.' That sounded more noble and enticing. He was certain that her choice of words were deliberate. He could tell that she was getting off on his predicament and humiliating him by using the more vulgar words. Miss Downey fingered her pussy and played with her nipples while she stared at her toy. This only excited Tom more. He was eager to please her and wanted her to be excited by his humiliation.

Miss Downey crouched beside Tom. Her eyes watched the steady dripping of the warm liquid into his mouth. She whispered, "drip, drip, drip.....every drop that you consume brings you closer to me. Every drop makes you weaker and more submissive and obedient to me. Worship me toy. Drink the golden nectar of your Goddess."

The steady dripping was soothing. Her words were mesmerizing. Everything she said made sense to Tom. Each drop that splashed into his mouth took him deeper into submission. He craved to worship her. His arousal grew and grew the more he drank.

Miss Downey turned the knob on the upper funnel allowing it to slowly drip into the bottom funnel. "This should keep you busy for awhile toy. I need to go check on my puppet."

Tom's eyes looked over at Miss Downey with confusion. 'Did she mean Julia' he wondered. Miss Downey's gaze was waiting for him, expecting the confused look. "Yes, know who my puppet is. You probably noticed the camera."

Tom's eyes followed Miss Downey's upward gaze. A camera hung from the ceiling, pointing directly at him. He did not notice it before. There were too many distractions and too much excitement for him to notice it earlier.

Miss Downey explained, " Julia has been watching everything through that camera. Let's just call it a training video," laughed Miss Downey with amusement. "you are not the only one being trained toy. I bet her pussy is dripping wet by now. I think I'll go have a taste."

The clicking of Miss Downey's heels grew quieter as she walked away. Tom could faintly here them walk down the hall. Soon the only sound was Miss Downey's pee dripping from one funnel to the next and into his mouth. Tom had no sense of time. He did not know if it was night or day. He had no idea how long he had been sleeping earlier and he was unsure how much time had passed before Miss Downey came back into the room. He had consumed all her pee by the time she returned. Miss Downey was pleased at this, even though Tom did not have much of a choice in the matter.

Miss Downey cheerfully said, "All done I see. Good news...Julia was so excited at what she saw that she just insisted you have some of her golden nectar."

Tom watched helplessly as Miss Downey poured a bowl of pee into the upper funnel. The dripping into his mouth started instantly. His cock still pointed straight up, hard and aroused. Miss Downey gripped it with her hands and pulled and played with it. Her fingers rubbed over the slit causing him to flinch with pleasure.

Miss Downey commented, "Still aroused I see. That is good. Judging by the wetness of your wife's pussy, I would say that her pee will become a regular part of your diet." Miss Downey laughed condescendingly. Then her voice lowered to a whisper. "By the way, her pussy tasted delicious. She is a good treat. You two will both make great additions to my collection of toys."

Her words and the images that she conjured up in his mind caused his cock to twitch in her hands. The image of Miss Downey naked and licking his wife's pussy was a thrilling thought. Tom also felt a strange arousal at the way she referred to him as a toy. He was just part of her collection. It was another exciting thought.

"Let's speed things up a bit toy so we can get onto some other fun stuff," announced Miss Downey. She increased the flow of Julia's pee so that a steady stream of gold poured into Tom's mouth. When it was all consumed, Miss Downey leisurely broke down the contraption that held the funnels. She was in no hurry. It was just another day of fun and pleasure playing with her toys.

The mouth brace was also removed from Tom. He was glad to stretch his jaw. "Thank you Miss Downey," he whispered.

"" don't talk," reminded Miss Downey gently. "Toys remain still, silent, and compliant. You are here solely for my pleasure. A mindless object to play with anyway I want."

Tom remained quiet and still. The only thing he could not control was the throbbing and twitching of his hard cock. Miss Downey was exposing him to new pleasures and a deep submission that consumed his body.

Miss Downey slowly circled Tom for the second time of the night. She stared at his helpless body deciding how to play with it. It gave Tom another wonderful view of her nakedness. Her nipples were fully engorged. They were bigger than any nipples he had ever seen before. The more he stared at them the more he craved to lick and suck on them. Her pussy lips were swollen with arousal. They were more pronounced than what Tom remembered earlier. Tom craved to put his tongue between her wet crevice.

Miss Downey loosened the straps that were just above his knees. Then she moved down to his ankles. She turned a knob that was below the table and lifted a handle. As she raised the handle, Tom was surprised to see his right ankle raise up. He had assumed his ankles were strapped to the table but know he discovered they were secured to a telescoping pole on the side of the table. Miss Downey raised his leg up about two feet. She repeated the process on his left side and Tom was left lying on his back with both his legs raised up at his ankles.

Next she moved another lever and pushed the poles forward about 1 foot towards Tom's waist. This caused Tom's legs to bend and his knees to fall slightly outward. Miss Downey pushed the lever back again to lock the poles in place. Having his legs bent was much more comfortable but now he felt even more helpless and vulnerable with his ass pointed outward. To make matters worse Miss Downey unzipped a zipper that was conveniently sewn into the latex over his ass crack. Once unzipped, the crack of his ass was exposed.

One of her fingers lightly grazed his ass hole, causing him to gasp and flex his pucker hole. Miss Downey smiled devilishly and laughed. She knew that slight touch sent off a wave pleasure in her toy. She knew her laugh implied to her toy that she would be having fun with his ass. She moved away from his ass, letting her toy ponder the possibilities. She liked to tease her toys like this. She wanted their dirty perverted minds to dream up the many was that they could be used by her. Undoubtedly they always thought of extreme scenarios that made them nervous. This was the game the she like to play to weaken them and make them more obedient. The more she could plant dirty thoughts in their minds, the easier they were to accept her sinful desires. While Tom's mind reeled with thoughts of what might happen to his ass, Miss Downey's fingers found two hidden zipper over his nipples. She unzipped them, exposing his nipples. Her fingers roughly pinched and pulled them causing Tom to gasp and wince in pain.

"Quiet! Toys don't talk," demanded Miss Downey.

She pinched again. Tom winced but silently gasped inside his head. Miss Downey was pleased with his obedience. Her pussy pulsed with excitement at the control she had over her toy. She retrieved a chain which had nipple clips on each end. Carefully she clipped one clip to his right nipple. Tom winced again in quiet pain.

"Mmmm...suffer for me toy," said Miss Downey seductively.

She stared into his eyes as she applied a clip to his other nipple. Her pussy grew wetter at seeing the pain in his eyes, followed by a look of submissive arousal. Miss Downey climbed on top of the table and sat on Tom's stomach facing him. Then she grabbed the chain that was clipped to his nipples and pulled it in the center, causing his nipples to stretch. Tom winced at the pain. Miss Downey laughed and let go of the chain. She repeated this a few times, toying with his mind.

After a few minutes, she hopped off the table and retrieved a small black anal plug. Tom's ass tingled at the sight of it.

"I know you have seen one of these before," said Miss Downey mischievously. "Mistress Julia has told me that you just graduated to a medium size plug. That's good for you toy. It will make it much more pleasurable for you when I fuck your ass."

Miss Downey pushed two lubricated fingers into Tom's ass and started fingering him. With his ankles tied and his legs spread, all he could do was lay there and accept it. He was completely vulnerable and at her mercy. Miss Downey added more lubricant and continued to finger him. The slicker his ass became, the more pleasurable it felt. Mistress Downey spread her fingers inside his ass, stretching his sensitive insides. His insides were not meant to stretch like that but it created wonderful new sensations inside Tom. She twisted her fingers back and forth inside his ass causing his mind to shudder in electric pleasure.

"Mmm. I just love seeing my toys squirm as I finger them like dirty sluts. It's not supposed to be pleasurable for a boy is it? What would your friends say if you confessed that you like to be fucked in the ass?" Miss Downey laughed. She knew Tom was conflicted with all the emotions he was feeling. She continued toying with his mind. "Don't worry slave. Be happy that Mistress Julia opened your mind to a new pleasure. It's a pleasure that most boys are too afraid to experience for fear of being called gay, but once they do....they crave it forever.....just like you crave it right now. Isn't that right toy?" Tom moaned, "yes." Miss Downey was turning his insides into erotic lava. His cock was throbbing and oozing cum. With her free hand, Miss Downey scooped up the cum dripping from his cock. Then she pushed her slick finger into his mouth. "Suck it toy."

Tom obeyed.

"Good toy," complimented Miss Downey."Keep sucking." She started pushing her finger in and out of his mouth. Tom sucked and could not help but think that Miss Downey was imagining him sucking a cock.

Miss Downey lubricated the plug and it easily slid into Tom's ass. She attached a tube to the base of the plug and squeezed a black rubber bulb that was attached to the tube. Tom felt the plug expand in his ass. Miss Downey explained, "As you can see, this is a special plug. I like to call it a training plug."

She squeezed the bulb two more times and Tom felt the plug fill his ass. "It will train your ass to take my nice big strap-on."

Two more pumps and Tom gasped. Miss Downey ignored his distress and continued. "It will mold your ass into a perfect pussy for me. Soon you will my perfect fuck toy."

Miss Downey pumped the bulb three more times. The plug painfully stretched his ass causing him to moan and wiggle uncomfortably. Miss Downey let him suffer for several long seconds. Then she turned a small silver knob. Tom heard a hiss and he felt the plug deflate. She let enough air out to eliminate the pain but keep the discomfort.

"No pain, no gain," she giggled. Then she said, "You'll get used to it toy. Little-by-little your boy pussy will be stretched and molded until it's ready to be fucked."

Tom lay there taking in her words. His body was tingling, overcome with an abundance of emotions from the plug in his ass, the clips on his nipples, and the taste of pee and his cum and in his mouth Tom was already completely broken down and mindless but Miss Downey was not done with him yet. She declared, "I just need to add a few accessories to my toy and then your wife and I can play."

Miss Downey brought over a strange harness that had a large dildo attached to it. She placed it over his face. The dildo pointed straight up over his mouth. The harness fit comfortably over his nose and face. Miss Downey secured straps behind his head, holding the harness in place. She grasped the dildo and jerked it up and down causing Tom's head to move up and down. She did not say any words. She just laughed and moved down toward his real cock.

"My, my, my. This is so swollen and drippy. It must be ready to explode. We can't have that. Toy's don't cum. They merely exist for the female's pleasure. I'll have to take some measures to insure no accidents happen. Can't ruin our play time."

Miss Downey started rubbing a cream all over Tom's cock. The smooth cream felt incredible. He felt an orgasm rising. Tom tensed his body, holding back his orgasm. Then he heard the devilish laugh from Miss Downey. "Don't get too excited slave. It's not going to feel good for long."

Miss Downey stopped stroking. She retrieved two red condoms. "I like red," she said, "The color is playful and it makes your cock look like a dildo. That's really all it is now. It's just a dildo to be played with."

She rolled the first condom over his cock. Tom could barely feel the rubber sliding down his cock. Miss Downey pulled the second column over the first. Then she said, "Between the numbing cream and these two condoms, you should have no accidents." She flicked his hard cock and giggled, " a perfect dildo to play with. "