The Trapped Couples

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Two couples get blackmailed.
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This story is about the narrator, his sister, his wife and his friend and brother-in-law (husband of narrator's sister and brother of the narrator's wife). But before going into the humiliating, erotic and sexual part of the story one should have some background information.

I am Dipak, 28 years, married and well settled. My classmate Nurul and I joined service in a renowned multinational company at the age of 24 through campus selection.

Although both of us could have got posted at our home town or near it, we preferred to stay far away from our home and for next two and half years we planned and waited for our sisters to complete their B. Tech courses successfully.

We four, me(Dipak), my sister Payel, my friend Nurul and his sister, Rezia wanted to be away from the conservative environment of our respective families and our local town because nobody there would have approved my marriage with Rezia nor it could accept Nurul's marriage with Payel.

You have heard of love-jihad in India where some morons persecute the couples for inter-religious love or marriages. We four were clear examples of love jihad. The orthodox of both the communities were after us and wouldn't have spared our lives if they got chances. But we gave them no chances and were out of the reach of the morons of both the groups.

All of us knew what might be the reaction within our families as well as in the locality. So we were happy to be in a new environment away from our home town where people hardly bothered about our religious identity.

After Rezia and Payel appeared their final exams we brought them to our place where I and Rezia registered our marriage while Nurul and Payel registered theirs. The day court formalities were over, Rezia and me shifted to the first floor of the rented house while Payel and Nurul shifted to the second floor of the same house as new couples.

Much to the shock of our families we informed about having married outside our faith. Both the families knew about my and Nurul's atheist nature but couldn't imagine how and when we had influenced the apparently religious minded daughters of both the families. But one surprising similarity in the reaction of our grandfathers was that my 80 years old grandpa reportedly told my mother, "I was always doubtful about his intimacy with Nurul. Now by marrying his sister, Dipak could take as much beef he wants. If he comes, don't allow him to enter in the worshipping room."

Nurul's grandpa, who was around 72 years said almost the same thing, "He has married the Hindu girl so that he could taste pork. I know Nurul, he is greedy about food."

As we heard these reactions we four laughed a lot as if we got married outside our religion just for either beef or pork and love had no role at all. For four of us religion was not an issue at all and we all respected individual choice about food habits. There was no compulsion about food and other practices on either side.

My love for Rezia was since she was in Class IX. She was beautiful, not very much bright complexioned but had a glowing skin. By the time Rezia was in ninth standard, she was blooming. I and Nurul were then in HS standard and we often played and gossiped with Rezia and Payel. Our sisters were classmates like us. In the HS final, we both had secured positions within the first ten in the state board. There was a spirit of celebration in both the families and in the wake of that jubilant mood, I confessed to Rezia my love for her.

Rezia looked admonishingly at me and asked if she should share it with Payel. I pleaded ardently not to share it with anyone. Rezia agreed on condition that I would not bother her further over this. Both me and Nurul cracked the entrance to manage admission in one of the most prestigious Engineering institutes. Our hostel life started but I couldn't forget Rezia.

I and Nurul came home nearly after two years having appeared the fourth semester. Though at home, I didn't go to Nurul's house for a week to make Rezia feel that I was not happy with her for her cold response to my proposal of love earlier.

Rezia and Payel had by that time appeared their twelfth final exams and were preparing for JEE. On the seventh day of our arrival, Payel came to me to tell me that Rezia wanted me to visit her house to help her about Physics. I told Payel that her friend should take guidance of Nurul. Payel laughed and said, "She has something else to tell you that can't be told to her brother. However, it is up to you."

Payel left leaving me curious. In the evening when I visited their house, we maintained formal conversations about her problems in Physics and as I was coming away, Rezia stealthily handed over an envelope and said, "You were angry for not responding to your proposal. I have responded now. If you don't trust, ask Payel, she knows how I felt."

I came home flying and was eager to read what Rezia had written. But Payel wouldn't leave me alone. Finally, I had to open the letter in front of her. It was a simple confession of love from Rezia and a request not to misunderstand her for not responding two years earlier. But there was something more that made Payel blush and none of us expected this.

Rezia wrote, "I'm older than Payel by two months. But I will be so happy to have her as my bhavi (elder brother's wife). Bhaijan(Nurul) told me about his feelings for her but couldn't say it to her considering the turmoil it would create in two families. Already you and me must be ready to face resistance from all corners except from Payel and Bhaijan. Bhaijan was too ashamed to ask Payel about her feelings towards him, but as her friend I know Payel also loves him. Is religion that important to deny our love? Can you talk to Payel about this? In case I understood her right, we four shall make a paradise of our own somewhere far away so that no religious fanatic can separate us."

Along with me, Payel was also going through the letter. She was enjoying and teasing me so far as we read the first part where Rezia coveyed her love for me. But Payel didn't expect Rezia to write about her and Nurul and the last part made her blush and hide her face. Her reactions were enough for me to understand her feelings for Nurul.

Following afternoon, we four met in park quite stealthily so as not to arouse anyone's suspicion and decided that no one should doubt anything about our relationships. Both Rezia and Payel made it a condition that they would get married only after completing their B. Tech courses. That afternoon was a memorable day for me as Rezia took assurance from me that I would make no physical advances till married and as an incentive for agreeing to her condition, her tender lips gave a feather touch kiss on my cheek when we were behind the bushes. I had no idea if Payel too imposed similar condition on Nurul but as I and Rezia came out from behind the bushes, the two were sitting on a concrete bench of the park like two strangers.

So with that background of love, opposition of families and threat of the fanatics, we started building our owm paradise dismantling all religious prejudices. I and Nurul were 26+ then and Rezia and Payel at 24. We decided that Payel and Rezia could look for jobs after we get settled as couples.

Much to the dissatisfaction of our families and anger of neighbours, we registered our marriages and settled as couples at our place of posting. I can't say about the experiences of Nurul and my sister Payel but with Rezia, I was in heaven. I had known her as the sister of a friend but as a wife I found her warm, caring and submissive. What impressed me on the very first night was her choice of perfume. She had used erotic but mild perfumes for the occasion and I was absorbed in her fragrance. However, she was ashamed of taking off her dress on the first night and I too didn't insist that we should have physical union on the very first night and we went on gossiping for hours. Rezia was so impressed at my gesture that she whispered to me, "Whatever my family might think, you're more gentle and understanding than I thought."

I smiled and teased, "Don't you think you are giving the certificate too early? Who knows what I might be after the first night? "

Rezia lightly embraced me with her tender arms and coyly said, "I'm sure my Dipak will provide me light and warmth always but will never dazzle my sight nor burn me in heat."

I lovingly pulled her nearer to me: she didn't resist but responded and as we had kept the lights of the room on, I saw her glossy purple lips parted like petals of flower and her pearl white teeth appearing from behind. I was lying on my back and pulled her to be on me. Rezia's body came on mine and we looked deeply at each other's eyes. Her face was just near my neck and I adjusted our position slightly so that our faces were facing each other. Suddenly she blushed and shut her eyes in shame. I could feel her desires and reservations and assured her, "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything against your wishes."

Rezia's face stooped further, her soft feather like lips touched my lips sending electrical sensation throughout my body and she whispered, "I don't know anything about the things that couple do on the first night. You guide me and make me yours in every way you wish."

Those words ignited the fire that both of us were suppressing so far and we started playing the primitive game. Rezia was very submissive and enjoyed the amorous game. Thrice that night we became one and by the time it was 3.30 AM, we were too exhausted and didn't have energy to put on our dresses and slept in each other's arm completely nude.

Next morning, we woke up after 9.30. Both me and Rezia laughed finding us on bed without any clothes. Rezia left bed promptly and dressed herself. She threw my dresses on bed and asked me to cover myself lest Nurul and Payel knock at our doors. We refreshed ourselves and I offered to prepare coffee for both of us.

Rezia decided to call her brother and bhavi (elder brother's wife) and as she called Payel, the latter responded in a wrapped and sleepy voice. Rezia said to her over phone, "Get up, dear. It's going to be ten. Your brother is preparing coffee for all of us."

"What time is it?" Payel responded from the other end, "Oh my God, your brother didn't wake me up. We're coming in minutes."

Rezia winked at me as she teased Payel,"How can my brother wake you up? Aren't both of you sleeping? My respected Bhaviji, it is not healthy to sleep so late. We are waiting for you to have the coffee together. Be fast."

Disconnecting the call Rezia started to smile and said, "They seems to have over exercised and are more exhausted than us."

I smiled too while stirring the coffee. Rezia came to collect the coffee cups from me. I slightly removed the tray away from her and said pointing to her lips, "Pay for the coffee. It's love on delivery."

Rezia understood the gesture, made sure that the door is locked and then without any hesitation curled her arms around my neck and planted a deep lip to lip kiss. For ten minutes we were busy sucking lips of each other and then hearing footsteps on our floor we disengaged and opened the door to welcome Nurul and Payel. Both Rezia and me noticed the drowsiness and lethargy on their faces. But we gave no impression of our feelings and all the four cheerfully had our coffee. We leisurely gossipped for about forty minutes and as they were about to leave, Payel teased us, "Thank you, Rezia, you really taught my brother how to prepare refreshing coffee. Has he taught you anything in return?"

With the suggestive words they left for their own room. Our marital lives went on happily but soon we discovered that both at office and in the neighborhood we were being treated as an exclusive group and people avoided mixing up with us. Slowly it dawned on us that people actually disliked us since as a Hindu man I had married a Muslim girl and equally shocking for them was that my wife's brother, who is a Muslim had married my Hindu sister and that two pairs of couples were mixing with each other freely, living in the same campus, exchanging foods etc. We understood that though we ran away from our home town, the conservatism and bigotry of society were haunting us at the new place also. What surprised both Nurul and me was how our identities and details of our inter-religious marriage came to be known to the neighborhood. We were sure that it was only from someone in the office that the details could have leaked. However, we didn't bother about these.

After about two months of our marriage, the company hired more engineers and both Rezia and Payel got employed in the same company where I and Nurul worked. Our marital life and service life went on smoothly and was full of cheers. So far as I and Rezia were concerned our love life reached new heights of pleasure as we always explored each other like adolescent lovers and achieved new delights. In all probability, the love life of Nurul and Payel was also at the similar height of enjoyment as Rezia often pointed out to me secretly to notice marks of hickey on the bare arms, nape, neck and cheeks of both Payel and Nurul.

About two months lapsed since Rezia and Payel joined their jobs. They had to deal with various contractors of the company as part of their jobs. One day we four were gossiping in the afternoon when over some official issues we started discussing about the contractors. In the course of discussion both Rezia and Payel referred to a contractor named Shamser Singh and both were critical of the man. Although Shamser Singh was one of the top contractors of the company but the 50 years old man was disliked by Rezia and Payel for he often talked with sexual connotations and sometimes with direct reference to sexual matters. When Payel and Rezia joined newly, Shamser Singh used to appreciate their dresses and complimented on how fresh or beautiful they looked till one day when Payel told him that she didn't like such compliments from a stranger.

Rezia also didn't like the man but she refrained from telling him anything and he continued to compliment her till one day he was roughly snubbed by Rezia when referring to a loose factory periphery Mr. Shamser Singh compared that to his wife's aged boobs. Both Rezia and Payel felt that although Shamser Singh had stopped talking loose to them, they were aware that his glances were not good. Both Nurul and I suggested them to avoid the man as far as possible.

Nearly eight months after our marriage when we all were relatively settled at our jobs, we decided to go for honeymoon trip. We choose Kathmandu as our honeymoon destination. The boss of me and Nurul, Mr. Sanjeev recommended a few hotels. So on the scheduled date we two pair of couples boarded flight for Kathmandu. Mr. Sanjeev had already booked our hotel reservation in a posh hotel. We four visited a lot of places and so far as I and Rezia are concerned we had regular mating sessions at night.

Something odd occurred two days before our departure. It was around 9.30 PM. Having completed our dinner both the couples had retired to their respective rooms. I and Rezia were standing in front of the big mirror and smooching each other when there were knocks on the door. We disengaged and checked our dresses and opened the door. There were five persons in uniform who identified themselves as customs officials that came with a search warrant. They explained they had a complaint against us for carrying contraband items. Since we were not carrying anything we offered them to search. They didn't allow us to contact Nurul or Payel or anyone till the search was over. The room was locked from inside.

We had only two luggage and the two men started pulling out the things scattering them in the room. We particularly didn't like the way those two men brought out the netted bra and panties and camisoles of Rezia and examined them. To our shock and surprise, at the bottom of her bag, they discovered five small packets that contained powder like things and they identified them as narcotics and grilled us about them. We really had no idea about how and where from they came. The senior officer regretted that he had to issue arrest warrant against both of us for carrying narcotics. We pleaded our innocence but they wouldn't relent. After much request the senior officer discussed with his juniors that since we were tourists and carrying very small quantity of narcotics, they would not arrest us on sympathetic ground but would make us sniff the drug as a punishment and seize the remaining packets. We had never sniffed such things but to avoid arrest and public disgrace we agreed to compromise. We didn't even know the art of sniffing such items and the search team taught us to place the powder on aluminum foil and they provided heat from below and ordered us roughly to keep sniffing. That was the last thing we remember.

Following morning when we woke up, we felt drowsy, our heads were heavy. We were on our bed. I was fully dressed but we were shocked to look at Rezia. Rezia was wearing a knee long skirt and tops. All the buttons of her tops were open and her bra was unclasped. Her boob's were exposed. Her skirt and panty were lying on the floor with her clean shaved pussy totally exposed and it bore the marks of wet discharge. Rezia cried looking at her condition, "Dipak, they drugged us and raped me."

I tried to console her. Then it struck to both of us that there were no mark of violence on her body nor did she had any pain in her pubic area, which she would have normally felt in case of forceful penetration. It took time to calm down Rezia who couldn't reconcile to the fact that she was sexually abused by some strangers. For quite some time Rezia was lamenting that she was raped. I tried to console her and assured that whatever might have happened it won't bring any difference in our conjugal relationship. Later, looking at her pussy I begged her permission to explore her hole and surprisingly, though she was wet I found no trace of overflowing semen. We came to the conclusion that Rezia was molested by the strangers after they drugged us. Rezia was very ashamed and upset and requested not to share it with anyone, not even with Nurul and Payel.

There was naturally a break in the delightful mood with which we two pairs of couples came for our honeymoon. Perhaps Nurul and Payel guessed something from our disheartened looks and low spirit and didn't ask us anything. Somewhere my sixth sense felt that they were also slightly depressed. But because of Payel's ardent request I avoided discussing anything lest it brought out the humiliation we had undergone.

We returned to our place and all the four joined our respective duties. Though initially we lacked the spirit after the bitter experience, and was in loss of erstwhile cheerfulness, slowly it started to return and we two pairs of couples were slowly returning to our original happy days.

Nearly three months lapsed after we returned from Kathmandu. Nurul and Payel were transferred to a nearby location, about hundred kilometers away from our existing place due to an ongoing new project. Every weekend either we used to go to their place or they would come to our place and thus spent the weekends together. This continued for about 3/4 months after which Payel informed Rezia that due to health reasons they wouldn't be able to visit us for sometime. This time Rezia's sixth sense disturbed her: she was guessing if Payel got pregnant or if her brother, Nurul was unwell. When Rezia talked to them, both Nurul and Payel laughed away and avoided telling anything. The noteworthy thing was that they didn't also invite us either to their place.

It was the first gap between the two couples since we got married. Sometimes thereafter, the contractor Shamser Singh invited us for a party he hosted in a nearby resort on the occasion of successful completion of a big project. Rezia and I disliked the man but for official courtesy we had to go. It was a nice party and by 11 PM the guests started departing. Mr. Samser Singh requested us to wait for some important discussion he had with us.