The Twins Go Camping


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The next morning after breakfast, we began breaking camp and loading our backpacks. As the final act in our camp, Michael poured enough water over the fire to douse the coals. The four of us put on our backpacks and started the long hike back down to the car.

Again, Michael and I would strike off on our own, and then stop and wait for Mom and Dad to catch up. Whereas Michael had been so talkative on the climb up, now he was quiet. My attempts to engage him in conversation always fizzled.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Spill it, Michael. Why aren't you talking?"

Michael sighed. "It has been a great week, but it is over now. I am torn up about that."

I said with a little sarcasm, "I didn't know that an end of a camping trip affected you so."

Michael gave me a look. He said with an ache in his voice. "We're over. You'll be going out with your dreamboat Jason Lewis. You'll be his girl for the rest of the summer, and all I'll have is memories."

"What about Maddie?"

"Maddie is not you."

I was glad that Michael was miserable. I was glad that he was sad; that he was grieving over us going back to normal. I had been worried about what I was going to suggest but not now.

We hiked without speaking for a while after that. I ran over and over in my head what I wanted to say to get it right. I wanted a large block of time for our next conversation, so I waited until Mom and Dad had caught up to us and we had set off again. When I was certain we were well out of earshot of Mom and Dad, I said, "Michael, did you ever see Drew's house?"


"It's really big, almost as big as Maddie's. I always loved going over there. Have you ever seen Jason's house?"

"No." Michael looked confused. "Why would I?"

"It's huge. It looks like a small castle. The front doors are huge, probably eight feet high. I think you could get an elephant through them. And the inside - it's beautiful. All this intricate woodwork. It's the most gorgeous I've ever seen. I want a home like that someday."

Michael gave out a confused, "Okay." He was obviously wondering why I had brought this up.

I asked, "You know what my plan was for having a home like that?"

Michael shrugged. "No idea."

"It was to marry someone like Drew or Jason. That was the type of guy I had always dated."

Michael was quiet for a while and then said "So?"

"Now that I've been kicked out of The Gang, I don't think that plan will work. I've realized that guys like Drew and Jason are going to look for someone from the same background as them when they want to get serious. I was just a fun fling as they were growing up."

I knew that this didn't make any sense to Michael. He didn't know how to respond. He eventually said, "All right."

"But I still want a home like that. So I have a new plan for getting one. You want to know what it is?"


"To kick ass in college. To get great grades. I'll do one year at my college and then transfer to yours. I'll get great grades there too. I know how to make great connections. I'll use them and my great grades to land a great job. I'll kick ass there, and, eventually, I'll make enough money to buy my dream home."

During this conversation, I had been looking ahead instead of at Michael. Now, I turned to Michael and smiled. "And you know who's not a part of that plan?"


"Jason," I said triumphantly. "You were right. He'll keep me from doing what I need to do this summer to excel in college this fall. He's not what I want in a boyfriend for the summer."

Michael looked a little shocked and then smiled. "Good to hear."

I smiled and said, "But having a boyfriend for the summer is definitely part of the plan. I know exactly the kind of guy I want as my boyfriend."

We hiked on. I was enjoying this. I didn't want to rush it. I was nervous, but things had gone as well as I could have hoped for so far.

Michael said, "So what kind of guy do you want as a boyfriend?"

"Someone smart. And not just smart. Someone who knows how to get better academically, particularly in English and social sciences." I was committed now. "I'm going to be anxious about trying to bring up my academic skills so fast in such a short time, so someone who thinks I'm smart and will reassure me that I can do this."

I stopped. Michael stopped. We turned to face each other. I reached up and put my hands around the back of his neck and then said, "And someone who I already love very...very...much."

I kissed Michael. It was awkward with the pack on my back, so I kissed him briefly. When I pulled back, I turned to face down the trail and held out my hand. "What do you say?"

Michael took my hand. "I'd say I'm a very lucky guy."

As we hiked down the trail, Michael said, "We'll keep this a complete secret, right?"

"Right. I hear you have a lot of experience in keeping how much you make out a secret from your girlfriend's parents." Michael laughed. "We're going to be very, very bad this summer."

"And enjoy it immensely."

* * * *

We held hands and kissed on the hike whenever we felt it was safe. We eventually reached the car and loaded our gear into the car. When Mom and Dad arrived, we finished loading and started the long car drive home.

On the drive home, all of us talked about how great the week had been. We had been lucky and hadn't had a single day of bad weather.

I said, "You know, I had such a great time that I would like to go again this summer."

"Heather," said Dad, "I would love to do it again, but your mother and I can't take another week of vacation. I would say we could do it on Labor Day, but we will be taking you to college then."

"Michael and I could go camping by ourselves."

Mom said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Joyce, it will be fine," said Dad. "Michael is an Eagle Scout, for crying out loud. They're adults now."

"Well..." said Mom.

"If it will make you feel better," said Michael, "every other day, we'll hike down until we get enough of a signal on our phones to call you to let you know we're still alive."

Mom sighed. "I guess that will be fine then."

I squeezed Michael's hand, the only time we touched on the drive home.

* * * *

Sunday, I went to the mall with Jason. When he tried to hold my hand, I told him, "Whoa. I just want to be friends."

Jason was incredulous. "You just want to be friends after the way you kissed me at the party?"

"I had too many beers and got carried away. I didn't mean anything by it. Hell, I even kissed Michael at the party."

Jason was pissed off the rest of the time we were together. I suspected that he wasn't used to a girl telling him no. It felt good. I knew that I had made the right decision.

* * * *

Monday morning, Maddie called. I told Maddie about the camping vacation and going to the mall with Jason.

Maddie cried, "I can't believe you rejected Jason!"

"It wasn't going to work with him vacationing in Europe. Now, if I was vacationing in Europe with him, that would be the summer of my dreams."

Maddie told me about what she had done. I heard the garage door. Michael had driven Mom to work so that he and I would have a car. As I talked, I heard Michael re-enter the house. A few moments later, I saw Michael enter my room. Michael hugged me from behind and began nipping on my neck as I stood talking with Maddie.

Maddie said, "Heather, I'm thinking of having another speeding-dating party this Friday."

Michael slipped a hand under my nightshirt and cupped my tit. I fought to keep from moaning.

"With Jason still on the market," Maddie went on, "this will give me another chance at him. Do you want to come?"

Michael slipped his other hand down my stomach and into my panties. He slipped his finger into my slit. My knees buckled.

"No thanks, Maddie. It was a lot of fun, and I am glad I did it, but I don't want to do it again. I've got to go."

I ended the call. "You're so bad," I said to Michael. "Trying to distract me like that." I tossed my phone onto the bed while staying in Michael's arms. I then spread my legs to give Michael better access to my slit. "I'm going to the library this morning to get some books on fiction writing. But the library doesn't open till ten. What shall I do until then?" I smiled.

"Let's try to think of something," Michael said as he dipped his finger down to get some fluid from my already-wet pussy and brought it back up to my clit. He added, "Maybe you should start taking off your panties when you get up in the morning."

"Particularly on Monday morning?"

I twisted my torso and kissed Michael. His tongue slipped into my mouth as his finger continued rubbing the area around my clit. I moaned as we kissed.

The position was too hard to hold so I faced forward again. Michael went back to nibbling on my neck. I wondered if Michael could make me come standing up like this.

Michael asked, "Do you wish you could tell Maddie about us or do you like keeping us a secret from her?"

"I like keeping us a secret from her. She was my rival for your affection, and she lost to me once again. Now, she's chasing the entitled shit that I rejected. It sucks to be you, Maddie."

Michael chuckled. His nibbles and his finger were driving me wild. I thought about letting him make me come like this, but I decided to stick to my plan.

"Take off my panties, Michael."

Michael pulled his hands out of my shirt and panties, and then I could feel him grab my panties. I brought my feet back together as he slowly slid my panties down from my waist. I felt Michael kneel behind me as he pulled my panties to my ankles. Then I felt him softly kiss my ass cheek. Then another kiss. This time, he pulled a little bit of my ass into his mouth as he kissed it. He slowly kissed his way across my ass and back. He stopped briefly to say, "You're so beautiful, Heather," and then he was back to kissing my ass.

I loved it. I loved the feeling that Michael was worshiping my body.

I felt Michael standing back up, sliding his hands into my nightshirt and cupping my tits again. I leaned back into him, giving him free access. I loved going slow like this. I turned my head and kissed Michael along his neck as he played with my nipples. I felt so right being in his arms.

"Michael," I said when I reached the tip of his chin, "I think we should try out positions that don't require a bed. We don't know when we'll have an opportunity to have sex with Mom and Dad around..."

"Particularly on the weekends..."

"...and it'll look odd if we are regularly retreating to one of our bedrooms with the door closed."

Yesterday, I had thought a lot about having sex with Michael. Having sex in different positions, different places. Not the same old missionary fuck where Michael rolls off me as soon as he comes. It had excited me. I was so ready for Michael to fuck me.

I slipped out of Michael's arms and moved to my desk. I leaned forward, put my elbows on the edge of my desk, and then moved my feet backward as I spread my legs. I reached back with one hand to pull my nightshirt far enough to expose my ass. When I looked back, I saw that Michael had slipped off his shorts and underwear. He moved toward me while wearing a T-shirt, shoes, and socks.

I wiggled my ass back and forth slightly. "Put your dick right here."

Michael placed his dick in my ass crack.

"Now lean forward," I said.

Michael leaned forward, putting a hand on my desk. The other went to my pussy, spreading my pussy lips with his finger and then sliding up and down, just as I had envisioned him doing yesterday.

"Make me come, Michael."

I rocked my hips slightly up and down, making Michael's dick slide up and down between my ass cheeks. I liked the feel of it there. It was kind of like he was fucking me but at the same time, it was very different. My nightshirt fell down over the top of Michael's dick. If we were interrupted now, I could go to the door in my nightshirt and stall the person while Michael pulled on his shorts and underwear. I was so fucking devious.

I closed my eyes and focused on what Michael was doing to me. Michael's finger was working circles around my clit. He wasn't trying to bring me off yet but he was pushing me close to being ready for that. His dick was still fucking my ass cheeks as I slowly rocked my hips up and down.

"Go slow, Michael," I moaned. "I like slow."

I wanted the pleasure to slowly build and build until I finally came. Michael would get his in a little bit, but I wanted it now to be all about me. And Michael was cooperating wonderfully. He seemed to be picking up my little signs quickly.

"Like that, Michael," I said as he worked my clit. "So good."

As I continued moaning, Michael changed to concentrating more on my clit. Each rub was pushing me closer to coming. On the other side of me, his dick with each slow stroke was making me more and more eager to fuck.

I bent my head forward to the point that it was almost touching the desk. I was panting. I was close, so very close. Michael was working hard on my clit now. I had stopped moving my hips as I was totally focused on Michael's finger. I felt like a giant bubble of pleasure was building in me...

...And then it burst, flooding me with pleasure. My knees buckled and collapsed on the desk. Another incredible orgasm.

As I lay there, Michael ran his hands up my legs to my ass, where he lightly squeezed, and then back down again. When I straightened, he asked, "Are we going to fuck like this?"

"No." I stood up, pulling myself together. I turned around, pulled off my shirt, and threw it on the bed. I then climbed on the desk and said, "I want to see you fuck me. I want to see you make me happy. I want to see your face as you come in me."

I put my left foot on the far edge of my desk and I put my right foot on the seat of my chair. I then leaned back on my arms.

Michael said, "You're so beautiful, Heather."

I smiled. I loved hearing that. "Fuck me, Michael."

Michael moved up to me. I gripped his dick and guided it to my entrance. One slow, steady push, and he was buried inside of me. I moaned. God, he felt so good. Then he started rocking his hips back and forth, plunging into me and pulling back.

This was what I wanted - having sex because I loved Michael and enjoyed sharing my body with him. No pressure, no expectations. I was in charge. Not so much in charge but steering; steering things into how I wanted them to go.

Michael continued fucking me slowly, almost tenderly. I could lift my ass off the desk easily so I'd swing it toward Michael as he thrust toward me. Our bodies made a slapping sound as they collided. I moaned a high-pitched "Ah!" each time Michael hit bottom.

I looked up at Michael. He was panting lightly. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he smiled at me.

"Like this?" I asked.

Michael said between pants, "Awesome. Crazy. Special."

It was special. On top of Eagle Mountain had been special. And crazy. And awesome. Michael and I were setting a high bar for fucks.

We soon developed a steady rhythm. I could picture Michael and I having a quickie like this while Mom and Dad were busy somewhere else in the house. But we were making too much noise as it was. I knew that I could suppress my cries of pleasure, but the slapping was too loud. I experimented with changing the timing and distance of my swinging to meet Michael. I eventually found a technique that minimized the sound. We were ready now to fuck when Mom and Dad were at home. The thought of that excited me.

I knew that Mom and Dad would think it was wrong for Michael and me to fuck. But it wasn't wrong for us to fuck. It was perfect. He loved me, and I loved him. We completed each other. Mom had once told me that she wanted me to only have sex as part of a happy, long-term relationship, and, as long as I did that, she didn't care who I had sex with. I wanted a long-term relationship with Michael. I wanted to be lovers with him forever. Mom and Dad didn't need to know who was making me happy.

And Michael was making me happy. His every stroke sent thrills through my body. Every time he plunged into me, he rocked my world a little bit more.

Michael leaned forward, cupped the back of my neck, and gently pulled my head forward onto his chest. He held me to him tenderly for a few moments and then let me go to resume fucking me. It was a small gesture, but it said so much to me - that he wanted to hold me lovingly close while fucking the hell out of me. I felt like I was more in sync with Michael than I ever had been with Drew.

Michael had been keeping one hand behind my back to help hold me up. Now, he grabbed me about the waist with both hands, forcing my legs up over his arms. Then he started pounding me. I looked up at him, and his eyes were closed as he concentrated on fucking me.

"Are you fucking me hard now?" I asked.

"Hell yeah."

"Can you fuck me harder?"

"I'll try."

Michael slipped his arms outside of my legs and pinned them to his side with the inside of his elbows. He cradled my ass in his strong hands and lifted me slightly off the desk. I put as much weight as I could on my arms which were behind me so that Michael could freely swing my body. He slammed and slammed and slammed into me, taking me hard with each stroke. My head lolled back as I savored how hard he fucked me. He was gasping for the exertion. God, he was giving me a great fuck.

Then he made one last hard thrust and leaned forward. I felt his dick expand inside of me, and he was coming inside of me, filling me with his sperm.

Michael wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight to him. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

"I love you, Heather."

"I love you, Michael. And I think we're going to have a great summer together."

Author's Notes:
* A huge thanks to those who contributed to this version of the story: AJ, djrip, Jalibar62, OhDave1, Tennessee Ted, and TM. Also a big thanks to the editor of the original version, Gunter99
* Please vote and comment! They are my only "payment" for this story
* If you find any typos or grammar problems, please PM them to me and I will post a cleaned up version of this story
* If you send me a PM, please have a valid email address on your LitE account so I can reply back if I choose.

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Coochielover71Coochielover71about 2 months ago

Is this it? What happened with the other chapters?

GrouchbearGrouchbearabout 2 months ago

This was hot. The right place, the right turn of phrase, the right emotions... Gimme more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Read pretty much all your work and figured I’d add my thoughts.

First, don’t take the haters and the nitpickers to heart. You’re a darn good writer. “The people who can’t create, criticize.”

Second, stick to your creative guns. There is far too much total schlock incest content; either poorly written, or lacking any believability or depth. I think you’re one of the top writers in this area. Unfortunately (IMO) the lack of quality content may drive readers to only want to read a certain type of (fluffy/happily-ever-after-ending) story from you. I don’t know that for sure, but having read some of your author’s remarks, it sounds that way. Which isn’t to say I don’t like that myself, but if your vision is otherwise, go with that. I’ll also go against the stream and say that I liked the original version of Heather&Michael best. Yes, they were heading for a tough spot as a couple, but I think it was solvable from a storytelling perspective and would’ve made for a satisfying resolution when/if they overcame the obstacles. Or maybe they didn’t and it ends as a bittersweet love story.

Thanks for your effort.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

It's making me wish I'd had a sister..........

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