The Velvet Tango Room

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A late night visitor, a bizarre private club.
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"Let's switch," Ellie panted.

"Okay," I grunted, pulling my cock out of her then rolling over onto my back. The bed sheet was damp with her sweat; the window was open but the only thing that came in was marginally cooler air and a yellow glow from the street lights outside. It was 2 am, and the city was asleep, Ellie's soft moans the only sound. Even during sex her melodious moans sounded like singing.

She swung her leg over my hips and reached for the tip of my cock. Despite coming two times already, I was hard as a rock.

Her creamy body hovered over me like a ghost. With a long exhale, she slid down onto my erection.

"You feel so good," she whispered. Her lips met mine and I dug my tongue into her sticky mouth. Her breath was hot and thick. She rocked slowly back and forth, working my cock in and out of her. My lower abdomen was smeared with her juice. I reached around and held onto her ass as our thrusts intensified. Her breathing became louder, faster. She was about to come.

"Oh god..." she huffed, then wrapped her fingers around my lips and devoured my mouth. She pulled my lower lip down with her thumb then worked her tongue furiously around my mouth.

She planted her palms on my chest and pressed her hips downwards, pushing my cock deep inside her. I came hard. She leaned backwards and let out a long moan as she came. When it was over she fell forward onto me and lay there panting. I wrapped my arms around her sweaty back, her hot cheeks pressed against my shoulder.

"Oh that was so good," she whispered in my ear. "You are amazing." She kissed me lightly on the ear.

"You're not so bad yourself."

"Hmmm, I'm glad you think so."

We lay like that for several minutes then she sat up suddenly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's so freakin' hot in here. Let's sit out on the roof and get some air."


Ellie got up from the bed and stomped around the room. After rifling through a dresser drawer she pulled out a pair of white shorts and slid them up her legs. They were tight 70's-style gym shorts with red piping along the edges, their length ending at the V of her crotch. She reached on the ground and picked up the ribbed tank top she had been wearing earlier and slipped her head through the opening.

"Fuck," she uttered as she struggled to pull the rolled up fabric down the sides of her sticky body.

When she finished getting dressed, she stood there looking sexy as hell, her body barely covered by the skimpy clothing; her fair skin almost the same color as the fabric.

"You going out there naked?" she asked.

"No," I laughed, then grabbed for my underwear and shorts. Then I found my shirt.

"Well, I suppose no one is going to see us anyway this time of night."

I followed her out the casement window and onto the little ledge of the recessed dormer. The metal sheeting creaked and groaned beneath our feet.

"You sure it's safe up here?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I go out here all the time."

She sat down with her knees pulled up to her chest and hands clasped around her legs looking out into the night. I sat down next to her. All of a sudden she felt distant, like I was intruding into her private space.

We sat in silence for a while. The outside air was not much cooler than her apartment, but it felt good.

"It's very peaceful up here," I said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm-Hmm," she responded. "I could go for a cigarette, how about you?"

"I didn't know you smoked?"

"Only sometimes. Well, only when I come out here. I'll be right back."


As she got up, I watched the bottom of her shorts slide up into the gap of her thigh and hip like a bikini. I caught her scent and contemplated how much of my seed I had emptied into her so far tonight.

When she came back a cigarette was glued to her lips. She placed a small glass ashtray down between us and handed me a cigarette.

"Here you go."


The match came to life with a snap as she drew it across the side of the box that she had cupped in her hand. It cast a halo of light around her face. The white stick hung lazily between her pursued lips. I watched the tip ignite, the orange dot growing in intensity as she she inhaled deeply.

"Here..." she said, aiming the match in my direction.

I leaned over the flame and lit my cigarette just in time before it burned down close to her fingers. With a flick of her wrist, she extinguished the flame. I took two quick puffs relishing the bittersweet taste.

She leaned back resuming the bent-knee position, but this time with a burning cigarette clasped between her fingers. It was a contemplative pose that had the ease of habit.

"How often do you come out here?" I asked, struggling to get comfortable on the hard metal. My body was not as not as deft as hers.

She put the cigarette up to her lips and took a long drag. The fiery tip swelled as she sucked in a mixture of air and smoke into her lungs. I watched the downward arc of the orange dot as she flicked some ashes into the ashtray.

"I don't know," she replied while blowing out a long stream of smoke. "About once a week, I would say. Whenever I need to think and unwind. Sometimes when I can't sleep."

I nodded, then took another drag.

"It's peaceful out here, I can see why."

"Very much so."

We sat and smoked in silence for a while. I watched the empty street below looking for signs of life. Not a soul. The dark rectangular windows in the building across the street stared back at us.

"Don't you ever think someone is watching you when you are out here?"

She shrugged, flicked an ash into the ashtray, then replied, "I suppose, but I don't really care."

I scanned the windows across the street again looking for something in them, but there was only darkness.

"So, do you still think you'll move to Spain?"

"Not sure yet. Depends on many factors."


"That's one."

She drew her cigarette around the inside wall of the ashtray, rotating it in her hand and forming the tip into a cone.

"Do you love her?"

She shrugged, "What is love?"

"I suppose it's a complicated emotion."

"I like to have sex with her. Is that love?"

"Could be."

"I have sex with you, too. Are we in love?"

"I'm not sure. You are a complicated person."

A laugh. "Please..."


"What are you sorry about?"

I shrugged.

She reached over and took my hand.

"I like your hands," she said.

"I've never had anyone say that before."

"I like the way you touch me."

"I like the way you feel."

"I suppose that makes it easy for you."

"Very much so."

She took my fingertips and rubbed them softly against her lips. The sound of a car engine hummed off in the distance followed by the glow of headlights. A taxi was visible at the end of the street then it crawled slowly in our direction.

"Seems like he is looking for someone, or someplace." I commented.

"Strange things happen in the middle of the night. Better to not knock yourself out trying to make sense of it."

"I suppose you're right." We watched the taxi below for a moment then I continued, "a friend of mine once said, that anyone out this time of night is either up to no good or is looking to get laid."

A little laugh. "I suppose."

The taxi slowed down in front of Ellie's building. She seemed not to notice nor care. I felt the wetness of her tongue graze my fingertips. I took a huge inhale of my cigarette and held the smoke deep into my lungs.

"You sound like you're smoking a joint," she commented with a laugh.

"That feels good."

"I told you I'm a very oral person."

"Yes, you did." The memory of the blowjob she gave me to start the night off flashed in my mind. How she worked her tongue liberally around the swollen head then closed her mouth tight around the shaft while looking up at me with those big blue eyes while she sucked; her mouth the color and shape of a glazed donut.

The taxi sped up again and continued on its way.

Looking over at me she then sucked each one of my fingertips in succession until all five were covered in her saliva. Blood flowed into my cock.

The taxi stopped at the end of the street and I thought I heard a car door open and close.

"I think someone's getting out of that taxi," I said.

"Like I said, don't concern yourself with stuff that has nothing to do with you. You're better off that way."

She rubbed out her cigarette in the ashtray then put her hand over the bulge in my shorts. I took one last puff of my cigarette then smashed it in the ashtray.

She scooted over to me and undid the button of my shorts then pulled down the zipper. Reaching inside my underwear she found my cock and pulled it out with a tenderness as if she were picking up a newborn puppy from its litter. I leaned back against the weathered metal of the dormer. She took my erection into her hands and stared at it.

"My favorite dick," she cooed.

Lowering her head, she started to lick the oozing tip with circular swirls of her tongue. Even though it was in the middle of the night, I was a bit paranoid that someone might be able to see us. A quick look over at the dark windows was not very re-assuring; they were empty but it felt like the city had eyes. When she plunged the entire length of my shaft into her mouth, I immediately forgot about my concern.

I leaned back and watched her feast on my cock in the muted street light. The city at night had a certain smell--dirty, gritty, forbidding,almost black, if black had a smell. After a while, I reached between her thighs and slipped my hand up the leg of her shorts. My fingers found the opening of her snatch and I slipped two of them inside. She moaned.

A noise like the crackling of a fire echoed through the damp air as I worked my fingers in and out of her cunt; a sound that seemed like it was reverberating throughout the city.

I watched the fuzzy halos around the yellow streetlights in the heavy night air. Sweat ran down my neck and pooled in the dip above my sternum. I watched her soft, full lips wrapped tight around my prick like an O-ring on a cylinder. She worked her mouth up and down my shaft, occasionally looking up at me with blank, indifferent eyes, almost like she was performing some private business that involved only her and my cock; me, a bystander who could only watch.

Then I shot my first jet of semen into her mouth. She kept sucking, drawing out the fluid as my cock spasmed. When I was done, she sat up then pushed her hair back off of her face with a quick swipe of her hand. She sucked some air in through her nose and I imagined the glob of my come dissolving slowly down her throat. Her mouth opened then she licked her lips.

"Did you like that?" she asked.

"You were incredible."


She smacked her lips. "I usually don't like the taste of spoodge, but you don't taste too bad actually."

"Thanks," I said tentatively.

She grabbed my cock and gave the tip a few more licks in attempt to pick up some more of my come.

"Let's go inside. I need some water, how about you?" she asked. Any form of arousal that she had experienced from me fingering her had obviously passed, the only need she had to satisfy now was thirst.

"Sounds like a good idea," I replied while getting up.

After we climbed back in through the window, the door buzzer rang.

"Shit," Ellie blurted out. It was obvious it was someone she knew since whoever it was had to have had the code to get in through the front door from the street. She looked through the peep hole quickly then opened the door. It was Kaja. I had never met her before, but I knew her from pictures. I recognized immediately her sandy-red hair and light freckled complexion. She was wearing a thin nylon skirt with a pattern of white and red flowers on a black background and a pink cotton tank top that was cut like a corset with a strip of stitching that went down the front. Pink lipstick matched the color. Her ample breasts pushed out from the top.

After letting her in, Ellie turned away as if indifferent to the intrusion then got herself a glass of water from the kitchen sink. She pushed a second glass towards me and said, " your self."

I took the glass and took some water from the spigot. So far she acted oblivious to Kaja's presence.

"Do you want some, too?" Ellie asked Kaja, almost as an afterthought.

"Sure," Kaja replied in a German-accented English.

"So, why did you come here?" Ellie asked while handing her the glass.

"I wanted to see you."

"Okay, well, this is Simon. Simon, meet Kaja," she said while making introductory gestures with her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Simon."

"Likewise," was all I could say.

"So, as you can see, I'm a bit busy tonight."

"Yes, I noticed. I saw you on the roof."

Ellie shot her a look. I thought about the taxi earlier and the person who got out at the top of the street. And Ellie brushing off my concern. I wondered how much she saw.

"Want to sit down?" Ellie motioned to the sofa.

"I want to talk to you alone for a moment."

Kaja's German-ness was coming through. Her accent, her use of the word moment, and that sturdy voluptuousness that seemed to give German girls their peculiar sexiness.

"Well, I suppose," Ellie replied while looking at the digital clock on the microwave. It was 02:34 am. "Excuse us..." Ellie snapped in my direction then the both of them disappeared into Ellie's bedroom.

I took a seat on the sofa and tried to not listen to their conversation. Whatever it was that had come between them I was sure was not going to enhance my life in the least. I knew Ellie was bi, she told me so when we met, which was quickly confirmed when we had a threesome with the cute little Dutch girl who Ellie often sang together with.

Although I never met Kaja before, Ellie talked often about her, the conversations they had, the things they did together. Kaja seemed to be the only one who was able to penetrate Ellie's enigmatic mind.

I picked up the framed black and white photograph of Ellie and Kaja sitting on the table next to the sofa. It was a double head shot, both of them smiling at the camera with the look of pure joy in their eyes. Ellie told me it was taken at one of their Democracy Now outings. It was through that organization by which they met, both of them being politically active, and if you ask me, also a bit idealistic and naive. But these were attributes that made Ellie so particularly alluring and full of contradictions. A feminist with an insatiable appetite for the male anatomy, socially liberal who believes in openness, but yet so closed and impenetrable as a person.

Then there was her singing. She had a voice that I could not get enough of, both hard-scrabble and sweet, she sang songs that delivered an emotional quality that made her style so compelling. I'll never forget the night she sang, Billie Holliday's I'm a Fool to Want You at the Nefertiti bar, standing up there on stage delivering the words with her eyes clenched shut as if Billie Holiday herself had took possession of her soul and filled Ellie with all the pain and emotion that Billie herself had inside her. The crowd loved her. Everybody she came into contact with loved her. And I wondered how much longer I had with her.

She was contemplating a move to Spain with no real plan except to get a job working at a touristy cafe on the Costa Brava and then see what happens. Jobs like that were easy to find, with the constant flood of vacationers from northern Europe flooding to Spain every season, the local establishments were always looking for help, especially if they spoke the same language as the clientele.

I could just picture Ingird in tiny cut-off jean shorts with her hair held back with a white scarf serving sangria's to sun-burned German tourists and groping Englishmen. Probably she would share a small two bedroom flat somewhere on the second floor of a white stucco-ed house with another dreamy vagabond girl from somewhere in Europe. They would have sex of course.

But what about Kaja? Will Ellie just end things with her just like that? In Ellie, Kaja found a kindred spirit--strong, independent, quirky, and propelled by an internal desire to change the world. Driven by a mutual interest in social activism, they took to each other right away.

I knew Ellie was a free spirit and I had no illusions that we were going to have any type of conventional relationship. To her, sexual expression was not confined to gender. I always thought that I was competing against Kaja for Ellie's affection, but now with her impending move to Spain, I see that both of us took second place to whatever plans Ellie had in her impenetrable mind.

The murmuring in the bedroom got louder and I couldn't help but pickup on snippets of their conversation. They seemed to be arguing about Ellie going to Spain. Kaja was apparently trying to talk her out of it.

"Everything we fucking had, means nothing to you, then?" Kaja's voice.

"It was beautiful, Kaja. We shared a lot of wonderful moments, but I need to move on. I've got to be me. You know that."

Kaja uttered something in German. It was meant so Ellie couldn't understand.

"Kaja, please..."

"I loved you...."

"I know Kaja. But I told you from the very beginning not to go there."

"Fuck you, then."


More German from Kaja followed by the sound of heavy footsteps. Ellie's bedroom door opened and Kaja emerged. Her face twisted in anger. We stared at each other awkwardly and I felt a strange sense of compassion for her.

"Kaja, wait!" Ellie grabbed Kaja's arm.

Kaja looked back at her.

"Wait...please," Ellie repeated in a softer more compassionate voice.

Ellie's charisma is too much to resist. Kaja stops, her demeanor softens.

Ellie takes Kaja's hands and brings them up to her face and kisses the backs of them.

"I don't want to hurt you. Oh God..." Ellie says, almost crying.

Kaja moves closer then they kiss. Their kissing becomes more passionate and they move closer to the sofa. Ellie pull off her white shorts and tank top then sits spread eagle on the sofa.

"Take turns eating me," she huffs.

Kaja nods to me indicating that I go first. I kneel down then lean in close to Ellie's face as if there were some kind of absurd obligation to start with an innocent kiss before progressing to eating her out. Our mouths met, cigarette smoke on her stale breath. I kissed the sticky skin of her neck, sucked her tits for a little bit, then licked my way down her salty belly to her pussy. Her snatch stunk to high heaven; all the sex we've had so far tonight in the stifling heat turned her honey pot into a oozing swamp.

But I devoured her anyway.

Kaja sat down next to us and watched.

Ellie cooed in soft tones as I ate her out.

"Not bad for a guy," Kaja commented matter-of-factly.

Ellie let out what sounded like an attempted laugh.

"Here, I think it's my turn now," Kaja said while slipping down off the sofa and kneeling next to me. She smelled of alcohol and sweat.

I pulled back from Ellie's cunt and wiped her juices from my chin. Kaja pushed a lock of reddish-yellow hair back from her face then pushed in between Ellie's legs continuing where I left off.

"Yes," Ellie moaned.

Watching Kaja eat Ellie was an incredible turn on. I had seen Ellie get eaten by a girl before, the Dutch girl, Saskia, but Kaja was something else. Eating Ellie was a form of expression for her, almost like art.

Ellie lay back with her face tilted up towards the ceiling, eyes closed. Like she was in a trance. Then her whole body convulsed as the clutches an orgasm grabbed a hold of her. She pushed on the back of Kaja's head, then fell limp

Kaja finished up by lightly kissing the inside of Ellie's creamy thighs. Then she ran her fingers through Ellie's caramel-colored thatch like the forks of a farm combine slicing through a wheat field..