The Vicar's Wife Ch. 02


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Peter said excitedly. "It's just clicked. This change is something to do with what happened to you this weekend."

"Why? What happened to her this weekend?"

"Her Michael fell down a rock face on Saturday, and he had to be brought down by rescue men in a stretcher. So while he spent Saturday night in hospital, I guess Shirley was on her own."

"Come-on then Shirley, tell us what happened," said Brian.

"Nothing happened, Michael fell, and these men went up and rescued him. That's all."

"Now Shirley, we've both known you for a lot of years now, and even if Brian was a bit crude with his summing-up, you have to admit he was pretty damn accurate. I knew you were on heat, but for the life of me I couldn't understand why. It must have been something to do with what happened this weekend; you weren't like this last week."

"Please, don't keep going on. I can't tell you. And please, I'm begging you; don't breathe a word about what we've just been doing to anyone."

"You know we wouldn't tell a sole, would we Pete?"

"She knows that. But if you only tell us what's happened, maybe we could do something to help you. But if you want to keep it to yourself, that's your choice. But next time you're on heat don't leave it so long, no need to feel embarrassed, just tip us the wink."

"Oh no, it won't happen again, I feel so ashamed."

"Don't be silly, as Pete said don't leave it so long next time, you never know who will take advantage. At least with us, you know we'll keep your secret."

"Ok, thank you. But I really don't think it'll happen again. Now by the sound of the bells in the yard, I think we must have a queue of customers a mile long."

"Well I promised I'd bag some spuds, so I'd better get on and do some, or dad'll wonder what our Shirley has been playing at all day. And if the number of customers is anything like it was at dinnertime, you'd better help Shirley to serve them."

"Well I guess that's not much to ask in return for the fucking she just gave me."

"Come-on Brian, there's no need to make her feel uncomfortable."

"I guess your right, sorry shirl; I didn't mean that nasty like."

With my head bowed down in shame, I replied. "No Brian, I'm the one who should be ashamed. You were right; I did go a bit wild."

He lifted my chin with his outstretched fingers, and planted a soft kiss on my lips, and said, "Never mind who fucked who, thank you love. That was the best I've ever known."

Then as he walked away, Peter walked up, and lifted my chin in the same manner, and his kiss was longer, and more intense, we even mingled tongues. "Thank you. He wasn't exaggerating, you are exceptional."

Well with that, we left the barn, at first, with one of them either side of me, arms around my back, and both of them with hands on my bottom. I felt such an inner glow, not just as a result of the fucking, but enhanced by their wonderful comments. Then as we left the barn, and walked out into the yard, as I'd expected from the number of times I'd heard the bell ringing, there was a yard full of cars. So they let me walk ahead lest anyone should see then getting too familiar. But all the way back up to the farm shop I could feel their eyes burning into my bottom as they watched my every footstep intently.

When I arrived at the shop doorway, there was a queue of customers waiting. We all three started to serve them, but as the queue began to shorten, Peter went into the potato shed and began the bagging, so his dad wouldn't wonder what I'd been doing all day. Brian and I carried on serving, and the customers kept coming. I'm sure we served as many in this one day as I'd normally serve in a week. And I'm also sure, Brian brushed himself up against my bottom deliberately as he passed behind me, more times than I could count. Nothing came of any of these fleeting caresses, and I don't think any of the customers noticed anything, but my pussy sure did.

Five o'clock, which was Finishing time, came and went, and we still had customers arriving. As I knew the farmer Mr Holmes would want to take advantage of this, I phoned Michael and let him know I'd be late home, and then carried on serving. Mr Holmes (his first name was Brian the same as his son, but I always called him Mr Holmes) arrived back in the yard around six thirty, and by now we were down to only one or two people to serve. He was amazed to see me still here, and when he looked at the till receipts, his smile was almost ear to ear.

He left me to serve the last few people while he talked to Brian. While I was serving, I could hear Brian telling him all about my weekend (or at least the version that had been printed in the paper), and about how my being in the paper had boosted trade. Then Peter came in from the potato shed to join them, and as all three of them left the shop to go up to the farmhouse, Mr Holmes said, "When you've finished serving the last few people, lock-up, and then come up to the house to see me before you go home."

I finished serving, locked up, and made my way up to the house, wondering just what he wanted to see me about. Mr Holmes lived in the house with his two sons; his wife had died some ten or more years ago. When I knocked on the door, Peter opened it. "Come in. Dads in the front room, you go on through."

When I walked in, both Brian and his dad were watching TV, but as soon as Mr Holmes saw me, he clicked the remote shutting the TV off, and then turning to Brian. "Can you go and find something to keep yourself busy, I've got to talk to Shirley in private." Brian left without comment, and closed the door behind him as he went.

"Come on love, sit yourself down. Can I get you something to drink or eat before we start?"

"No thank you."

I was now very curious to know what he wanted to talk to me about. Had peter told him about me and that machine? Or had Peter or Brian told him about the goings-on in the barn?

"Don't look so worried my dear, I've only asked you here to see if I can help you."

"Help me? Help me with what?"

"Don't you remember me giving you those maps?"

Yes, come to think of it, he had given me some maps when Michael and I first began our fell walking. Maps of recognised walks and climbing locations.

"Yes, thank you. We've used them a few times, they were handy. But..." He held his hand up, and I took it as a sign I should let him speak.

So as I stopped mid-sentence, he said, "The reason I had them in the first place, was because I used to be a keen climber in my younger days, and although I no longer have any use for them, I'm still a member of the climbing club; in fact I'm one of only two of the original members. And it was lads from our club that came to your Michael's rescue this weekend."

As he was talking it began to dawn on me he must know what kind of thing those rescuers got up to whenever they encountered helpless females. And as I became alerted to his awareness I must have began to colour-up bright red.

"Now now my dear, don't go getting all worked-up. I can guess what you've been put through, and I can only apologise. But believe me; I will do my best to put things right for you."

"Please Mr Holmes; I don't want to talk about it."

"I can understand how you feel. Well me'be I can't, but I know how I'd feel if you were my daughter. You know, I sometimes look on you as the daughter we never had." He paused for a second, then continued, "I know you'll think I'm as bad as those men who helped your Michael, but at least let me explain."

He went on to tell me how he and a few other climbers many years ago, set-up this club. Then as some of them got experienced, they set-up their voluntary rescue team, and it was originally just that; a genuine rescue force. But about five years ago, on advice from a central England rescue body, they were advised to adopt the nanny-cam procedure, following a case of improper conduct brought against a rescue member in Wales.

This they did, and on only the second time of using it, completely unintentionally, the woman got aroused, not to the point of orgasm, but enough to plant the seed of a devious idea in one of the medics heads. Apparently he played the video back to club members. And five years ago, the membership was down to fifteen in total, and the club was in danger of disbanding due to lack of interest. Well the ten or so members that were present when the video was played, all got pretty worked-up watching this girl in the video, and someone suggested sending her a letter, suggesting she could come to the club to collect her video, and adding if she didn't, maybe they'd pass it on to her boyfriends work-mates.

It was obvious blackmail, knowing she wouldn't want her boyfriend to find out about her getting worked-up whilst being examined by a medic, especially finding out from his work-mates, who'd seen her on screen. But it was worded so they could just say; they meant they'd return it to her via the work-mates and then the boyfriend. Well needless to say the poor girl arrived at the club some nights later, and was taken advantage of, as Mr Holmes put it, by the thirteen men who were present. She then witnessed her tape being smashed into pieces, and she left, never to be bothered again.

Mr Holmes says he only found out what had happened some time later, and by then, two more ladies had been compromised. And both of these were being forced to attend the club once a week each, and were being taken advantage of by all members that were present. And by now the membership had risen by five. He said he tried to stop the practice, but couldn't bring himself to squeal on these men to the police. Especially as some of them had been involved in a rescue some time in the past, that had saved his life. So he managed to get them to agree to a kind of compromise. A set of rules was drawn-up, the most important of which was to limit the number of times anyone is called to the club to once only.

There was also a rule that if any family member ever got involved, they'd automatically be excluded, but as he said even though he looked on me as a daughter, he couldn't get me excluded using that rule. So he explained, that he had done as much as he could to try to protect the women who his friends ensnared in their traps, but he hadn't actually prevented them carrying on with their wicked amusement. He begged me not to think too badly of him, saying his only alternative would be to turn traitor to his once friends.

He then assured me he would be going along to the club tonight to see exactly what sordid video of me they had, and try to prevent me being brought back to the club like all the other ladies had been, and hence prevent me being gang raped. He asked me to tell him in detail everything that had taken place on the weekend, as he said the more he knew, the more chance there would be of him being able to negotiate on my behalf. And even though the whole episode made me cringe with embarrassment, I knew he'd be seeing the video and talking with the men who'd fucked me, so I did as he'd asked, telling him every sordid detail, even telling him how my own body had connived against me, making me putty in their hands.

So off home I went, some three hours later than normal, to see my Michael and find out what kind of day he'd had. Not that I was about to tell him anything about mine! Well it seems the vicar Michael works for, had been in contact with the bishop of the diocese, and the pair of them had seized upon Michael's unfortunate accident as a means to get publicity, and maybe hold some kind of event to raise money for the Bell Tower restoration fund. The up-shot of all this, was that next Saturday, there would be an abseil event, held at the church bell tower.

They'd contacted the members of the rescue team, and they were willing to organise it, with all monies made being split 50/50 between the church and the rescue team. Their idea was to haul people to the top of the bell tower on the outside of the building, using a rope chairlift. Then once safely onto the bell tower parapet, they would be put into a harness, and with a skilled climber accompanying them, they would be allowed to abseil down the tower wall. For this dubious privilege, they would pay five pounds (about eight dollars).

Well all this simply washed over me, my head was still wondering what was actually going on at this moment at the climbing club. But then Michael said something that focused my attention, and sent a chill through my body. "The vicar and bishop will both be there, and they want me to bring you along as well."

"Me? Why? Surely I'm nothing to do with this? And I really don't want to meet those men again."

"I'm sorry, but they're trying to make as much of this as possible, and they've contacted the local TV people. It was them who suggested you should be there. You know what TV shows are like, they have to have a token woman in the program, even if the item is all about men doing mountain rescue, and vicars trying to refurbish bell towers."

"Please Michael, make some excuse, I don't think I could go there, especially if the men from the climbing club are the same ones that rescued you."

"Well those four men will certainly be there, but there might be a few more as well. And as for you not going, I'll tell the vicar you have made other plans, but he won't be pleased."

"I'm sorry Michael, but at this moment, pleasing your boss doesn't come very high on my list of priorities."

Well with that, we both sat down and had the very late meal I'd just prepared whilst we'd been talking. Once we'd finished the meal, and I'd cleared everything away and washed-up, I was about to put the TV on, to try to calm myself down. "Don't bother with the TV, I think with all that's gone on today, and this ankle of mine throbbing, I'm going to go up now and have an early night."

"Ok darling, but its only nine o'clock, I think I'll just watch TV for an hour before I come up."

"I was hoping you'd come up with me."

His words were asking, but his look was an instruction. I guess I could have made something of it, but like the dutiful wife, I just turned the TV back off, and followed him up the stairs. It was daylight, and even with the bedroom curtains drawn, the bedroom was light. So if I'd stripped in-front of him, he'd notice the sexy knickers I was wearing, and this might raise questions, so I took my nightdress into the bathroom with me, and when I came out I just slipped my used clothes into the wash basket.

As I slipped into bed alongside him, he said, "It's been a hot day today." A very weird remark to make, especially after almost instructing me to come to bed so he could fuck me!

"Yes, it was sweltering working in those farm buildings."

"Wouldn't you feel cooler without your nightdress?"

This was definitely not the Michael I knew. He'd never seen me naked, well not until last Saturday when those men were fucking me!

I was about to slip it off without making any comment, but then the devil began to play with my mind, and I thought I'd try teasing him. "If you're too hot, I can go and sleep in the spare room, if that'll let you get a better night's sleep."

"No, I didn't mean I'm feeling hot. I just thought maybe you'd be more comfortable." I began to slip out of bed. "Where are you going? I said there was no need for you to go to the spare room."

As I walked across and stood by my wardrobe so that he could get a full view of me. "Don't worry. I don't want to just drop my nightdress on the floor and have it getting all creased up." And with that I stood there and slipped it off, revealing myself in total nakedness. I took my time putting the nightdress into the wardrobe, and then turned to face him. "Is that what you wanted to see?"

"Shirley! My god woman! Why are you behaving like this? Get into bed quickly."

"But Michael, there's only us two here, and you're the one that wanted me naked." I'd made my way back to the bed, and taking him by surprise, with one swift whoosh I pulled the light quilt from the bed, and it floated across the room and landed over by the windows.

For just a split second, he lay there, naked, his hands encircling his rock hard cock as it stood to attention pointing to the ceiling.

"God woman! Have you gone mad?"

He turned to one side, trying to conceal his erection from my view, but his movements were still hampered by the strapped-up ankle and I guess the pain it gave him when he moved quickly. But I wasn't, I moved quickly, and in seconds I was on the bed, stood with my legs astride him, presenting him with a view of my pussy.

"For gods sake Shirley get down." And with that he reached up and as he took hold of my hand he jerked me down onto the bed. I fell in a heap alongside him, and he rolled over, so he was now propping himself up on one arm, and leaning above me. "Look here Shirley, you've got to stop this silly behaviour. I know last weekend was a trauma for you, but it's about time you started to get yourself back to normal. I'll say prayers for you, and it wouldn't hurt for you to do some praying yourself, before you lose all sense of morals and decency."

Then he got off the bed, and hobbled across to retrieve the quilt which he then spread across the bed, covering me up. He then got back into bed, and as he slid under the quilt he placed his arm around me. "Now come on, let's do it like decent folk, with a sense of decorum." I didn't speak, and in truth I was on the point of laughing at his stupid pious attitude. He didn't say anymore, he just mounted me, and began his manic thrashing. And as I'd expected, it lasted no more than a couple of minutes, before his gasping and moaning signified he'd had his satisfaction. Then as before he just rolled off me, and within minutes he was snoring.

I got up, showered, and sat in the bathroom, legs open, and my fingers working my clit. This was my first try at getting myself off, and though not anything special, it was certainly better than laying in bed feeling frustrated. So next morning I once again sorted out a pair of sexy panties to wear, and I still had my spare panties in my bag. I also sorted out a spare pair of my normal cotton knickers, just in case I needed to make myself look decent for some reason.

As I left for work, I said goodbye to Michael who was still in bed, and I arrived at the farm by eight o'clock. As I approached the shop, I could see someone had already unlocked the door. When I looked inside, there was Mrs Miller, a lady aged about fifty from the nearby village. She only normally served on weekends, or when I took my holidays.

"Hello, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Ah! Shirley my dear. I was waiting for you to arrive, Mr Holmes phoned me last night, and said he would be going out on some business trip today, and as he needed to take you along with him, he wanted me to come and look after the shop, so here I am. He said to send you up to the house when you arrive."

"Well I can't imagine why he needs me, but I guess I'd better go and find out. See you later."

That was a lie, I could imagine why he wanted me, I assumed he'd got something sorted out last night at the club. I was knocking at the back door, he opened it.

"Come in love, let's go into the parlour. That's it sit yourself down. Right my dear, I haven't managed to get you off scot-free, but I've got the best deal I can for you."

"Thank you."

"Well let's not get into the thank you business yet, I haven't told you what they are asking for. They seem to be saying you're a bit special, the performance you give when you cum." I coloured up, and put my hands up to cover my face. "Sorry Shirley, I know it sounds vulgar of me, but it's the way the lads were all raving about you. And I have to say, on that video, they hardly even touched you before you were going wild. I've never seen the like before, that fanny of yours opening and closing as it sprayed out cum. Sorry love, but that's what I saw. Well all the lads in the club have seen the video, and the very least I can get you off with, is to come to the club, and let them get you off. They all want to see you give that same performance for real."