The Village Society

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William and his sister undergo a forced initiation.
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Ashley lay in her bed, the first morning of the summer vacations. She was nineteen and she'd just finished her first year at university and had thoroughly enjoyed it. Academically she'd done well, had made some great friends, some of whom she just knew were going to be there for life, and she felt she'd really matured since she left home as an insecure virgin 9 months earlier.

Oh yes, and she was no longer a virgin. She'd resolved to get rid of that as soon as she could, who waited for Mr Right to come along these days, so she'd set about it as soon as the Fresher's week parties started. It hadn't been a great experience, it had hurt a bit, and she didn't really enjoy the sex that much, well not the first time, but it had got better, a lot better.

She knew she'd like sex, but she hadn't realised quite how much she'd like it. Masturbation had melded seamlessly into proper sex, with a real proper cock inside her. Not that she'd had that many, she wasn't promiscuous, but she rather thought her parents would be horrified if they actually knew how many men had been in her bed, and her pussy.

Her mind ran through them, reliving her experiences and unconsciously one hand started to fondle her breast, teasing her nipple through her pyjamas as the other descended to her pussy and started to stroke it. She felt a little juice trickle down inside her, and not hearing any noises in the house thought she'd got plenty of time to squeeze one out, what better way to start the holidays.

Gently rubbing her fingers in circles over her pyjama clad pussy, she felt the warmth start to glow inside her, little tingles emanating from her clit and running through her body, as her nipples reacted in the same way, like two sets of ripples in a pond coalescing. She slid her hand inside her pyjamas, down over her pubes and onto her pussy, her fingers feeling just how wet she already was. She always leaked copiously, finding it embarrassing sometimes when she had soaking wet panties, but the pleasure more than made up for it.

She began to feel warm and pulled the covers back, lifting the top of her pyjamas, freeing her breasts to the cool morning air. She wished they were a bit bigger, they were a nice shape and her nipples were slightly puffy which most of her boyfriends had enjoyed, but just a bit bigger would have given her that really drop dead gorgeous look.

The elastic of her bottoms was getting in the way now and impatiently she tugged them down as far as she could reach, immediately feeling less restricted. She began to stroke more vigorously, allowing her fingers to slide up and down her slit, gliding over her pee hole, down to her pussy then back up to her clit. She wondered if men's cocks were as sensitive as her clit, what a feeling that would be!

Her mind flitted to the last cock she'd had inside her, her latest boyfriend, he'd not been all that big, but he knew how to use it and she'd had three orgasms before he'd cum inside her. She loved that bit best of all, feeling all that hot cum filling her up, then seeping slowly out of her. She shivered at the memory and pushed two fingers inside her, sliding in deep until her palm was pressing against her clit, sending quivers through her.

She rolled over onto her stomach, her hand sandwiched beneath her and started to hump her hips against it. Sometimes she put a pillow under her as well but today it felt just right without. Imagine if someone came into her room now, her mother or father, seeing her naked arse up in the air, humping her hand, or even worse her brother. With a jolt her orgasm burst on her, wracking her body with tremors, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her, her face buried in her pillow, gasping for breath as she slowly calmed.

She pulled her fingers out, bringing them automatically to her nose, smelling that familiar pussy smell on them, then pulled her pyjamas up and settled back down again, drawing the covers over her, relishing that post orgasmic glow. She was surprised she'd cum so quickly, normally she could manage to make it last longer, but then sometimes the quick ones were the best ones.

In the room next door, her twin brother would have been surprised to know what she was thinking, he'd always thought her to be a bit of a wet blanket, they'd never had those intimate conversations about their bodies and sex that all siblings, especially twins were supposed to have. They'd never played 'I'll show you mine...' as kids, and they'd hung about in different groups growing up.

William had lost his virginity just after his eighteenth birthday, long before he'd finished school, it wasn't quite a 'behind the bike sheds' occasion, but it wasn't far off. He'd been at a party and he started kissing a girl, buoyed by the alcohol they'd been drinking. He'd tentatively reached out to feel her breast and had been surprised by her reaction, pretty much throwing herself at him. They'd gone upstairs to one of the bedrooms, uncaring that here seemed to be at least two other couples in there, in various stages of having sex. She'd taken her knickers off and had pulled his trousers down, holding his rock hard cock in her hand.

After assuring him she was on the pill she'd pulled him down on top of her and he'd managed to fumble his way inside her, helped by her guiding hand. It had felt truly wonderful, but despite his best efforts he hadn't lasted long, she didn't seem to mind, and she'd played with his flaccid cock for a while until he was hard again, and they'd done it again. The second time was better and she'd told him she'd enjoyed it.

He'd got better at it, and by the time he'd gone up to university he considered himself quite a cocksman, with several notches on his belt. University had been paradise, everyone seemed to be at it and he was in a different bed almost every night for a week, until strangely he began to tire of it. He'd become much more selective and found that quality was much better than quantity.

Now he lay and reflected what he was going to do for sex during the holidays. They lived in a small village, a church, a few small stores, two pubs, a golf course surrounding the local manor house and that was about it. He could drive, but had no car so would be reliant on borrowing his mother's, no way was his father going to let him drive the Jag, and then of course he'd be restricted to soft drinks. His parents had always seemed straitlaced, so any sleepovers he had were going to be awkward to explain and so perhaps he would just have to resort to his hand. He'd had plenty of practice at that of course, whilst he didn't actually have calluses, he'd occasionally had to refrain from masturbating for a few day due to the intense soreness of his cock. Oh for a nicely lubricated pussy he thought as his hand automatically started to stroke his morning wood.

Aside from a few friends the only females around were his sister and his mother. Like any young man he'd tried to see their naked bodies, he'd been more successful with his mother, she was more careless with showing her body than his sister, the most he'd ever got to see there was her in a bra, but he'd seen his mother's tits a couple of times last summer, and once her whole body naked, but only from the rear.

In fact that was what was coming to his mind now, her large breasts with big dark nipples he remembered, and a round bum, he tried to imagine what her pussy would look like, but images of past conquests kept overriding his imagination, He tried to superimpose his sister on porn actresses he watched, that seemed to work, and he found his cock starting to respond to his rhythmical stroking and he felt himself cumming. Quickly he pulled back the covers as his cum spurted out, covering his stomach and chest in white blobs.

With a grimace he cleaned himself up and swung his legs out of bed, then pulling on a robe, strode out and over the landing to the bathroom where he peed and washed his hands. Emerging he bumped into his sister, dressed in her pyjamas, wondering who wore pyjamas these days, but appreciating her form in them nevertheless. She went in and closed the door as William made his way downstairs. His mother was there, still in her dressing gown, busying herself in the kitchen and he gave her a kiss on the cheek, then pulled her into a big hug, feeling her breasts squash against him.

"It's good to be home Mum," he said, meaning it.

His sister followed him in and gave her mother a kiss then sat down at the table. Their father followed shortly afterwards, greeting them in a slightly formal manner. He was a local solicitor, and both his children thought he belonged in a different era. William swore he'd wear a sports jacket with collar and tie at the weekends if he could get away with it. Notwithstanding their views, both children loved their parents, they'd had a really happy childhood and now were beginning to feel as though they were being treated as young adults.

"You haven't forgotten we're going to a Village Society do this afternoon have you?" reminded their father. He'd mentioned it yesterday when they'd arrived home. He was sorry but it was something neither he nor their mother could really get out of. They'd be home late, but it was just one of those things.

"What is it then Dad?" asked William, "I've heard you mentioned it before, but you've never really explained what it does."

"Oh, it's nothing much really, just a few people from the village who get together and talk about matters of mutual interest and concern. It's run by Richard and Sarah from the Big House, and you know what they can be like, a bit up themselves sometimes. They make it all formal, black tie believe it or not, but the drink and buffet usually make it worthwhile going."

"Doesn't sound too bad," said Ashley, "perhaps we could tag along, it'd be nice to meet some of the old stalwarts of the village again."

"Oh I don't think so dear," replied their mother, "it can get a bit bitchy at times and it does tend to drag on. We'll have plenty of time to catch up properly on Sunday and you are home for a couple of months after all."

They left it at that and William and his sister took it in turns to use the bathroom to shower, then dressed. It was a nice day and good to be home and they amused themselves catching up a bit with their lives. William thought that Ashley had grown up considerably, and some of the things she intimated she'd got up to at university were positively racy for his sister of old.

For Ashley's part, she thought her brother was still pretty opinionated, particularly about himself, but he had matured physically, gone was the gangly youth of a couple of years ago, he'd filled out nicely and was actually, she almost blushed at the thought, quite a hunk.

They all had lunch together, then their parents disappeared to get ready for their Village Society meeting, saying goodbye to them as they set off for the Big House. It wasn't far to walk and although William offered to drive them in the Jag, any chance to get behind the wheel, they declined, saying they'd probably see them later that night, but not to wait up.

Nice though it was to be home, there was still painfully little to do and by mid-afternoon boredom was beginning to set in, which didn't really augur well for the rest of the summer. Ashley suggested a walk, "Come on Will, let's go and see what changes they've made around the village. Then we can call into the pub and have a drink, it'll be nice to be legally drinking for a change."

"Sis, it hasn't changed in a hundred years, so it's not likely to have changed in the last two months. But OK, better than hanging around here."

They grabbed their phones and keys and ambled off, taking a circular route round the village. Both of them had half forgotten how pleasant it really was, not chocolate box pretty, but a real picture of English rural life. They'd built a by-pass some years back that had turned a once traffic clogged high street into a pleasant back water.

"What's all this about a Village Society?" asked Ashley, "All seems a bit strange to me, and what's the big secret about it, all this dressing up in the middle of the afternoon."

"Well you know Richard and Sarah, they still think they are Lord and Lady of the Manor. Ever since their father died and they inherited, they've tried to demonstrate they're better than the rest of us."

"Still, if they're helping keep the place alive then that's got to be a good thing hasn't it?"

A footpath took them out over some fields, then round and back over the golf course, its manicured fairways and greens looking quite smart. The course had been laid out by the local landowner some hundred and thirty years before and a couple of the holes strayed quite close to the manor house, a footpath running down the side of one of them from which they could hear a low rumble of chatter, interspersed with some laughter.

"I bet that's Mum and Dad getting pissed," suggested Will.

"God, can you imagine the two of them having more than a small sherry and half of bitter before lunch on a Sunday?"

"Let's go and have a peek?" suggested Will impishly, "See them with their lah-di-dah friends."

"We'll never get in, that's the walled garden they're in."

"Trust me," William said, taking his sister's hand and leading her through some bushes and up to the wall which was about eight feet high, he followed it for a short distance, coming to a shallow dell. "There," he said, "look!" A tree grew up against the wall, its braches overhanging the wall. "All we've got to do it climb the tree and slid along then drop down. It's all in trees the other side. We used to do it as kids and then smoke or drink there. I even had sex there last summer."

"You did what?" asked his sister astounded, "Who with?"

"With whom, sister dear. Trish."

"Trish? My friend Trish who swore to me not two months ago she was still a virgin?"

"The very same, only she'd certainly shagged four others I know about. Shush now, let me give you a push up."

William helped his sister up and then followed as they crawled along the branches and dropped quietly down, The hub-hub and chinking of glasses was stronger here, and they crept quietly through the trees until they could see out into the walled garden. There was a mass of people there, all dressed formally, standing and talking in groups.

They started spotting people they knew, as their Dad had said the great and good of the village were there, together with some people that they vaguely recognised, newcomers who had bought up some of the better properties in the surrounding areas. Faces seen in the pubs and shops.

"Look, there's Mum and Dad." Ashley pointed them out, and as they looked, a bell rang and people started to file into one of the larger buildings. "That's where they have the weddings," said Ashley, "I got some part time work there last year, remember?"

"Come on, let's go and see what they're up to in there."

"It'll only be a boring meeting."

"Then why are they all dressed up?"

The two of them made their way cautiously to the end of the building and found some windows that they could just about peer into. There didn't seem to be anything going on, just people congregating, then a gap appeared and they drew in a collective gasp. "Fucking hell," breathed William. There before them was a raised platform and on it a naked woman, one that neither of them recognised. She was young and had large breasts, her legs were apart and the lower parts dangling down over the edge of the platform.

As they watched someone in a cloak approached the bottom of the platform and shucked off the cloak, he too was naked and his cock was sticking out prominently in front of him. He manoeuvred himself between her legs, then sank his cock into her. A collective gasp went round the room, then two men unzipped their flies and approached either side of her head, she grasped their cocks in each hand and began stroking them, then turned and sucked one into her mouth, switching to the other and back.

William ducked down, finding his hand squeezing his cock through his trousers, pulling his sister down with him. "What the fuck do you think they're up to?"

"I don't know, but I think we'd better get out of here."

William knew that was the sensible thing to do, but something held him there, and he slowly poked his head above the window sill again. The group was breaking up now, although the original three were still ramming their cocks into the woman's pussy and mouth.

He looked around the room and saw people in various states of undress, as she watched he saw a middle aged woman remove her bra and panties and kneel in front of a naked man, taking his cock into her mouth. With a shock he recognised her as the Head Teacher of the School and him as a local businessman. All around clothes were being discarded and he scanned the room for his parents but couldn't see them.

"Jesus Christ!" his sister exclaimed, "They're fucking!" William looked over and saw Ashley staring wide-eyed into the room, he followed her line of sight and saw couples engaged in sex, some on top of each other and some doggie. Everywhere he looked there were naked bodies.

"Just what the hell do you two think you're doing?" Came a harsh voice from behind them. They looked round to see two bulky men dressed in black tee shirts and black trousers, carrying radios. "This is private property and you are trespassing alongside about ten other offences. You'll have to come with us."

"You have no right..." started William but the men grabbed them and marched them off towards the main house. They were led into one of the rooms, and pushed in, the door closing behind them. In the middle of the room was a bed, and on the bed was another naked couple, the woman on top, riding the man below her vigorously, her breasts bouncing on her chest as his cock slammed into her. Beside the bed, sitting on two ornate chairs was a couple dressed in cloaks with golden masks covering the top of their faces. Despite the masks William recognised them.

"Richard, Sarah, what's going on here and why have we been brought here. I demand you let us go."

"Address us as Master and Mistress," commanded the man, "What are you doing here?"

"Caught them spying into the main hall, Master," said one of the men.

He turned to the couple on the bed, "Leave us," he commanded and they disengaged and left. "I ask again, what are you doing here on private property?"

"Come on Richard, you know both of us and so you know that both of our parents are here involved in....whatever this is."

"I told you to address me as Master. Yes I know who you are, and you will have to face your punishment for what you have done."

"You have no right," interrupted Ashley, "now let us go."

"I have very right, you were trespassing on my land, you were caught in an act of voyeurism and I'm sure we can add several other offences to that list. There are several police officers and magistrates as my guests today and I can summon those if you wish. Just think what criminal records will do to your future prospects, not to mention being put on the Sex Offenders' Register."

William looked at Ashley, both of them realising how catastrophic that would be.

"Or," continued Richard, "perhaps we can settle it another less disagreeable way. What is it to be?"

"Which way Master?" asked Ashley, recognising that a little compliance might help.

"Take their phones and check them for photos and videos." Their phones were taken and they were made to unlock them. The guard scanned through them and reported them as being clean.

"Right, now strip." he commanded.

"No, no way," protested Ashley.

"Do you want that criminal record, and all the shame that will go with it, especially for your parents?"

They looked at each other and recognised that they'd just have to do as they were told, otherwise the future did indeed look very bleak. Wordlessly they turned away from each other and kicked off their shoes. William pulled his shirt over his head and then pulled down his jeans, taking his socks off with them, then stood disobediently in just his briefs.