The Visitor

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A couple meets an older man and take him home.
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Though the village had its share of gossips no one in the pub worried when Lisa, the 25yr old shy housewife joined the business-suited fifty-year-old man in a cosy corner. She was being friendly and anyway they knew her husband Colin would be along shortly. Often Lisa would arrive first to enjoy a quiet drink knowing the little inn would be full of people she knew, villagers and local farmers, and, as was the case tonight the occasional traveller seeking refreshments or a room.

The man was a salesman, outgoing and gregarious who had already chatted away incessantly to the locals, buying them drink, but nevertheless they were very glad to give their ears a rest when he and Lisa retired into an alcove to sit by the fire. Colin looked around when he entered the pub confused that his wife wasn't sat with friends at the bar but a gesture from the barmaid pointed him in the right direction. Big Bill the businessman shook his hand eagerly patting him on the back before buying another round of drinks. It seemed Colin had no choice but to accept the company and generosity of the jolly man.

Lisa, Colin noticed, was very comfortable with the guy – unusual for her as she was normally very shy with strangers. The young husband too became relaxed with this man who fussed over his wife entertaining her with stories, some bawdy but all very amusing and interesting. He was away from home, liked to flirt with and impress ladies and sought out company to avoid getting lonely, decided Colin, therefore was harmless. The husband went off to answer the call of nature happy with that thought though knowing his brain was under the influence of drinking too much of the single malt whiskey the guy had kept putting in front of him. Colin was really a beer man and had mixed the spirit with his usual five pints of strong local ale.

How cosy his wife looked almost cuddled up to the prematurely greying man thought Colin on his way back from the gentleman's room. His ears picked up the conversation that made his senses perk up. The pair sat giggling at one of the man's more ribald comments.

"How did you manage to get talking about wife-swapping?" Colin asked in his broad country accent.

"Bill told me some stories about it earlier," Lisa informed her husband, "More about wife-watching really."

She was being very bold, unlike her normal self.

"You've come across it then?" asked Colin to the man.

"Of course, it's very common," said the experienced man, "Don't get me wrong I'm not ridiculing the practice. There's nothing wrong with it – it's just another way consenting adults can have some fun and experience something very erotic."

The phenomenon was discussed at length until Lisa, very coyly told the man, "We've read about it in magazines – I've often wondered about it but I don't think it goes on in these parts."

She had 'wondered' about it - this was certainly news to Colin.

The woman giggled, "The men around here are all farming stock – they would think it a slur on their manliness if they saw their wife enjoying herself with another man."

Bill laughed and nudged her with his elbow, "Otherwise you'd give it a go eh?"

The look Lisa gave her husband caused his stomach to jolt and his head to spin. It was a brief look but said volumes – no words were needed. It appeared her mood now changed, as though when she looked at her husband she was seeking signs, answers to some unasked question. Her husband looked back, trying to convey to her that though he knew what the question in her head was he didn't know the answer.

"So all kinds of people try it out then, this wife swapping and sharing, watching thing?"

Bill suddenly became quite serious and quietly explained in great detail what it was all about, including the pitfalls of jealousy and suchlike.

"You have to know what you are getting into," he said watching for Colin's reaction. "It's a case of remembering to treat each other respectfully and being honest about things."

Lisa stared hard at her husband but her comments were addressed to Bill, "The men round here treat their women like part of the livestock - possessions."

"No problem then," joked Bill, "Farmers watch their animals fornicating don't they?" His laughter at his own witticism filled the room.

"Yes," said a still half serious Lisa keeping her eyes fixed on her husband, "But they wouldn't like it if they saw their wives enjoying it!"

Colin, was becoming agitated, "By 'they', are you really referring to me?" he demanded of his wife. "I've never seen you like this before, so outspoken, you're usually very shy!"

Bill sensed the tension and laughed quieter now but couldn't resist another smart quip, "It's because she's turned on with all this talk about sex with other men!"

He laughed alone until he noticed how the young housewife had coloured up and was now looking very guilty like her innermost private secrets had just been made public then he stopped his guffawing noticing how Colin too was quite taken aback. Lisa smiled and mumbled, embarrassed but didn't deny the insinuation of her sexual arousal instead simply asking the men to not embarrass her. The atmosphere however, rather than being spoilt had a tingle, an electricity and Colin now laughed out loud attempting to cover the intrigue he felt on seeing his wife almost apologise for her open display of sexuality.

"Oh my, it's got very warm in here!" she laughed.

Colin smiled back to his wife and turned to Bill as though showing that no offence had been taken. They all chatted a while longer until aware most folks had already left they thought that they too ought to drain their glasses.

"Have you far to go?" asked Bill, who had already booked a room in the inn.

"Just a couple of hundred yards," said Colin who then went on to describe the cottage they lived in.

"Sounds really nice – the perfect country cottage!" said Bill.

" We could have showed it to you, couldn't we Lisa – if it hadn't got so late." His voice faltered and tailed off as though waiting for her to make the obvious suggestion.

They all wobbled to their feet, the alcohol taking its full effect now they had stood.

"Think how bad we'll be when the night air hits us!" laughed Colin.

"I'd better walk you both back home!" laughed Bill who, not having mixed his whiskey with beer was reasonably sober.

Colin was still functioning mentally though his legs and eyes told otherwise – he caught the look on his wife's face. She giggled, "You'd better had 'cause if he falls I'd have to leave him in the road!"

"Can you manage a nightcap back at our place?" Colin asked Bill.

They staggered out of the door with Lisa whispering to her husband, "Is he coming with us then?" The affirmative answer pleased her immensely.

They hadn't gone far before Bill wanted to pee.

"Should have gone in the pub," he cursed.

Colin directed the man into the toilets on the village green. Right away the young husband held his wife close and kissed her passionately.

"Colin!" she exclaimed, "You aren't usually as tender as that!" She moaned and giggled when she felt his cock pressing into her belly.

"Did you really get turned on in the pub?" he asked.

She buried her head in his chest before answering shyly, "Yes, he made me feel relaxed and able to express my feelings. Anyway – all that talk about husband's watching their wives."

"You like him a lot don't you?"

"Oh Colin – don't make me feel guilty – yes, it's probably because he's older and like a father figure."

"It's more than that girl!" said her husband.

The man pushed her toward the men's toilets.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

"It'll be fun if you go inside and watch him pee!"


Nevertheless the young wife allowed her husband to push her through the door and into the men's urinal. Lisa stood in the half light, slightly scared but fortified by the alcohol excited as her eyes adjusted to the dark making out the outline of Bill's cock held in his hand and the sound of his piss splashing on the porcelain.

He pretended not to see her at first then said, "That's very naughty of you!"

He turned toward her while he shook the drips from the tip before pulling the foreskin a couple of times, then he waited, holding his dick like he was giving the young wife chance to see it begin to grow and stiffen. He asked Lisa where her husband was; she told him Colin was probably strolling on ahead. Delaying as long as he dare for he wasn't sure of Colin he put his cock away back inside his trousers. Lisa had frozen to the spot, very excited but disappointed now that the dick was now out of sight. She didn't register how he approached her and kissed her, feeling her arse cheeks before running his hands over her tits but the act left her breathless and greatly aroused.

Colin had waited patiently at the door but had spied his wife being kissed. The party went on their way all a little quieter and more thoughtful now. Just a few minutes later they arrived at the cottage with Bill jokingly pointing out how glad he was Colin hadn't fallen down after all.

Lisa sorted the drinks before her husband came up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Why don't you go and get ready for bed."

She looked back at him annoyed asking why he wanted her out of the way.

"No," said Colin, indulgent of his wife being slow to catch on, "I mean – why don't you go and get ready for bed – then come back downstairs."

Lisa stared unbelievingly at her husband, "Colin, are you sure you know what you are saying?"

Lisa's husband snuggled up to his wife kissing her neck, still whispering in her ear, slowly and suggestively, like he was attempting to persuade her to indulge in something very wicked but exciting. "It might be fun if you flirt with Bill – show your body off for him a little." Col took a deep breath before adding excitedly, "Let him kiss you – touch you! I saw you when you watched him peeing – how you let him kiss you." He felt Lisa tremble and go weak in his arms, "Oh Colin!" she whimpered.

The man took hold of his wife and kissed her very passionately though a little roughly. Lisa put it all down to the alcohol but when they heard Bill's voice and knew he was watching the wife saw how her husband reacted, showing an intense excitement and arousal kissing her neck and nibbling her ear as he worked her body against his crotch running his hands over her breasts.

"God, that's a sexy sight to behold!" uttered Bill in the background.

Lisa felt her husband's hand drop to her arse and play between her legs and she knew Bill could see every detail as he watched Colin's lewd behaviour; she couldn't help but become excited and aroused herself and wiggled her bottom that was firmly clad in tight jeans against Colin's hand. Eventually Col kissed her ear and whispered again that she ought to go and get changed. Breaking away from her husband Lisa looked coy and giggled as Bill teased her but Col noticed she wasn't aware that her shirt had come undone revealing the sight of her flimsy bra. The husband watched how Bill's eyes focused on his wife's tits and behind the smile the telltale signs of sexual desire and lust as he almost undressed her mentally. Colin felt a new type of sexual thrill knowing that this stranger was sexually attracted to his wife and that she was the cause of his arousal.

"You have a very pretty wife Colin!" said a thoughtful Bill when she had left the room.

Colin agreed knowing that the word 'pretty' wasn't really part of the man's thoughts. His heart raced a little faster as he wondered how far he would be prepared to let this go. The men made small talk and drank until Bill suddenly cursed and announced that he had forgotten to get the key to his room back at the inn.

"Not to worry!" said Colin, " I'll ring them and run back to collect it for you before they go to bed – I'm sure they won't mind, they know me well enough."

The husband had an ulterior motive. After seeing how easily his wife had succumbed to another man's kiss he had experienced a mixture of emotions, and amid them was one of sexual excitement. Now he had an overwhelming urge to want to repeat the experience though he was confused as to why, after feeling the expected jealousy and surprise at seeing Lisa's obvious enjoyment of being touched sexually his cock had stiffened and he felt thrilled. Colin went off on his errand implying that the talkative landlady at the inn would most likely delay him though secretly he intended to run as fast as he could – and peep through the window after leaving a convenient gap in the curtains.

Before he reached the door Lisa appeared announcing casually and calmly how better she felt now she was in something more comfortable. Her justification of change of dress sounded a little contrived but her husband's attention was on the way his heart beat faster as he detected a large expanse of naked flesh under the loosely tied towelling bathrobe. Having to leave his wife alone with this man, in her state of undress, knowing they had already willingly stolen secret kisses aroused Colin greatly, particularly when he spotted the glint in her eye after she learned h e had offered to go back to the pub.

He just had to have a quick peep through the window before he dashed off to retrieve the key; to see how and where they sat, watch their mannerism; maybe they would fall into each other's arms! Heart racing he looked in noticing Lisa's nervousness and self consciousness though in spite of that she seemed like she was flaunting herself as she swanned around the room before sitting in a chair opposite Bill. Col took in air between his teeth when he saw her intentionally part the lower halves of the robe to show tops of stockings. The watching man mumbled, thinking out loud expressing his shock that his wife had not donned a sexy nightdress but instead had chosen provocative lingerie that until now had been reserved for his own bedroom titillation.

"You look gorgeous Lisa!" Bill's voice was clearly audible as having been a warm day the window had been left open a notch.

"Thanks!" giggled the shy woman then happy to be complimented she crossed her legs. Her cheeks coloured up and she looked coy for she knew that the man would now be able to see far more and it would be no secret now that her suspenders could be seen, that she had not dressed to retire for bed but to entice and arouse – and that it could only have been with the intention of exciting their new friend. Nervous and shy but intent on playing the part Lisa let the end of the gown slide up to bunch at the top of her crossed leg showing the man several inches of lily white flesh.

"She's really wanting something to happen!" he told himself.

Fast as he could he returned to the inn and excusing his manner snatched the key and bolted back down the road.

"I'll have missed it – they will have had a quick grope and be sat innocently expecting me back through the door!" he cursed.

Scared his breathlessness would be heard inside he fought to control his lungs and with an agonising effort he carefully peered again through the window. Now, for a completely different reason his breath laboured; Lisa, sat now with the robe above her belt pulled aside was happily displaying her breasts showing how her nipples were hardly hidden by the transparent lace patterned half cup bra. The bottom half, draped either side of her legs showed the waistband of her little panties and only her crossed legs prevented the man from seeing what she had between her legs.

"You're really cheeky!" she was heard to giggle, "That's as much as I'm going to show you!"

The couple in the room teased each other and Lisa let her hand run along her thigh drawing the man's attention to her sexual parts.

"Colin will be back soon!" she warned the man sounding almost disappointed.

The man ogled Lisa making her giggle and restless accusing him of being a dirty and wicked man telling that she knew very well what he was thinking. He retaliated by pointing out that if she could read his dirtiest thoughts then she must enjoy them because she was giggling and then he openly pointed out that it was obvious that showing him her body turned her on. Lisa now looked serious and shocked but didn't deny the accusation or bother to cover up.

This would be as far as it would go, thought Colin. Scared of being caught doing something he disapproved of they would go no further. If he rejoined them then maybe, or maybe not, Lisa would be willing to titillate for him in front of him but Colin realised that the Lisa he watched through the window was one who would never be truly revealed in his presence. He wanted desperately to see the hidden side of his wife. A plan came into his head. Taking out his cell-phone he moved out of hearing range and made a call.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I've got stuck here sorting out something for Peter and Ann – and they insist on giving me a couple of drinks on the house – I'll be a while – if it's okay with you."

Colin listened to his wife reassure him then moved as close to the window as he dared. Lisa had said she didn't mind and already he saw her legs swaying suggestively as she visibly relaxed.

"How long do you think you'll be?" she enquired.

"Oh, about - three quarters of an hour to an hour. I have to measure something up and give an estimate – should be leaving it 'till I'm sober, but you know what Pete is like.

"About an hour? Okay then, ring me if anything changes – but – it's okay."

As she spoke the last words Colin watched how she slowly uncrossed her legs and removed the last obstacle that prevented the middle aged man from seeing the crotch of her dainty panties. Her face had a strange expression, one Col had never seen before.

"That was Colin," she told Bill in her quite serious voice, "He'll be gone for another hour."

With both her feet planted firmly on the floor and her robe still adrift either side of her legs Lisa blatantly parted her knees and shyly covered part of her face with her hand nibbling her fingernails nervously. Bill sat sipping his drink clearly enjoying not only the view but also the new development – he was not a man to hurry.

"I can just make out that you hardly have any pussy hair!" Bill told a shocked Lisa.

She blushed and covered her face but steeling herself looked back at him, saying with a tremor in her voice, "Can you?" She didn't bother to close her legs but took in a deep breath allowing one knee to sway making the gap between her legs gape even wider.

"All the men round here must lust over you," Bill told her. Lisa laughed softly letting her leg sway a little more.

"I found it quite a turn on having you watch me take a pee," he said, "But I expect it's not new to you living in the countryside, seeing men working in the fields. I bet you've watched lots of men pissing – seen their cocks."

It was half statement but half question. Colin swallowed hard, his nerves on edge as he had noticed right away Bill's change of tone and his vocabulary altered from pee to piss, his emphasise on the word cocks was pronounced. Col saw that Lisa had noticed too by the way her eyes widened but what the husband was really interested in was her answer.

"Quite a few," she admitted very quietly still biting her nails.

Colin felt his brain numb for a minute then began to wonder not just when his wife had seen such things but how she had managed to be in such a situation! His stomach turned a somersault.

Putting down his glass Bill stood up and walked over to a trembling Lisa. He took her hand and bid her to stand up. Her face showed the level of her excited, apprehension at the expectancy of what might now transpire between her and the middle-aged man.

"Come over here and sit with me on the couch," he said.

Col watched Lisa obey, slowly but showing no reluctance. As they reached the couch Bill kissed her lips softly and sat down motioning that Lisa should sit on his right. Now as Lisa had moved round forty-five degrees from her husband's viewpoint Colin too was able to see just how provocative his wife looked as he made out the triangle of lace between her legs.