The Voyages of Luscious Lucy Ch. 02

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The Luscious Lucy.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 02/21/2004
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Chapter 2: The Luscious Lucy

The walk from Raspberry's door around the marina to the boat would have been a long three blocks. I opted to drive around and park closer to the aging watercraft. At my age, walking was one the things I avoided as much as possible, even if my doctor did preach at me to great lengths about its value to my constitution, which had been taken to great test by whiskey and women.

As we approached, the aging vessel seemed to gain length and width. She was a lot bigger than she looked from across the bay. I stepped out of the car and stood with my knuckles perched on my hips and gazed at the huge metal houseboat. Printed across her stern, in garish black and gold letters, the name "Lucille" glared at me through the rust. Except for the fact that her hull was streaked from the constant rusting where the paint had been chipped away, the rest of the boat had been immaculately cared for. The wood trim had been carefully re-varnished and the chrome and stainless gleamed in the brilliant Florida sunshine. The windows were clean and the decks glistened. Soft music drifted from within.

Velda stepped up to the boarding ramp and removed her spiked-heeled shoes before stepping down onto the deck. She pointed at my feet and I followed her lead and removed my shoes too.

"Deborah Honey, it's me, Velda," Velda called softly through the open doorway into the lounge.

I gazed at her lovely haunches as she stepped inside. Dave was right. A woman's butt is truly a work of art. Velda's got a great rump. I followed her in.

Deborah's face appeared through an open doorway toward the front of the lounge. She burst into smiles and shrieked when she recognized Velda. The svelte young girl rushed into Velda's open arms and they came together in a hot open-mouthed kiss. It was obvious that they had also been intimate in the past.

"Oh God, Baby," Deborah gushed. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"I've missed you too, Sweetie," Velda breathed. "This is Mac."

Velda turned to the side and Deborah looked into my eyes. Her deep brown orbs immediately filled with tears and she broke down in a great howling. I had no clue what I had done to evoke this horrendous clamor from her.

"Oh," She sobbed, "I'm so sorry about Maureen. I just don't know what to say."

The howling continued. I looked at Velda and she collected the girl in her arms and soothed her. It took several minutes for the emotion to subside.

"What'd I do?" I asked, wondering why she had gone all to pieces on us.

"You're going to make me get out of here and I don't have any place to go," Deborah sobbed.

"He's not going to do any such thing, Honey," Velda assured her. "Are you McFadden?"

"Uh, I don't know," I sputtered. "I guess not."

"Mac, go and look at the rest of the boat," Velda urged. "I want to talk with Deborah, alone."

I looked forward and stepped through the door into the galley. The galley was spotless and fully equipped. All the pots and pans were neatly stowed behind rich mahogany doors, which were securely latched with bright brass hardware. From the galley, I passed forward into the wheelhouse. The main pilot's console gleamed with shiny chrome gauges and dials. A large wooden ships wheel hung vertically in the center of the console in front of the thickly padded leather captain's chair. The dark mahogany wood inside of the wheelhouse was flawless. I turned around and noted a cabinet full of radio gear and pigeon holes stuffed with numerous charts and maps. I also noted the boat was equipped with radar and GPS. It would seem she was ready to head for anywhere you might wish to take her.

I kept my hands to myself. I had no knowledge of the mechanics of a boat and decided that before I went motoring away, I'd need to be educated. A hatch and stairway led down into the bow of the boat from the wheelhouse into the master stateroom. A queen sized bed filled the middle of the room, with various cupboards and closets along the curving sides of the hull. To my left behind me was the head with a basin and shower. I was intrigued by the amount of headroom below decks. I could nearly stand fully upright, but I had to keep my knees bent or my head cocked just a bit to keep from hitting the ceiling.

Around the other side of the bulkhead was a door that led aft, to another stateroom which had smaller bunks on either side. A closet was neatly fit into the curving hull at the head end of each bunk, and storage cabinets overhead. A door opened off the back of this room and down into the engine room.

The inside of the engine room was as impressive as the rest of the boat. The twin, eight-cylinder Perkins diesel engines looked as though they had never been run. I could see no grease or even any dust on anything in the compartment. All the piping and wiring had been carefully painted and color coded for easy identification. Someone had painstakingly restored the inside of the "Lucille" to her original grandeur. Or maybe even better!

As I assessed the condition of the boat, it was clear that all she needed was a paint job on the hull and she'd be better than new. I was impressed.

"What do you think of her, Sir?" A timid voice asked over my shoulder.

"She's magnificent," I allowed, turning to stare down into the upturned face and red swollen eyes of young Deborah Mason. "And to whom do we owe the credit for all the tidiness of this ship?"

She raised her hand up. "I had to keep busy, so I just kept cleaning and painting everything." She squeaked.

"Well, I'd say you stayed very busy, indeed," I said. "Looks like we might have to haul her out and do the bottom before she sinks, though."

"She won't sink," She demanded, stamping her bare foot. "But I don't even have enough money for food, let alone paint for the bottom. Mr. Peacock came by and gave me some money last week but it's almost all gone."

"Well, Darlin', I don't think you'll have to worry about food," I said. "And I think I can afford to get her painted. But I'll want you to stay aboard until we decide what's to become of her."

Instantly her face brightened. And her mood became almost bubbly.

"No problem, Sir. I'll be happy to stay and do anything that needs to be done." Deborah said. "I mean, I'll do almost anything if I can just stay here."

She stepped closer to me and put her hands on my arm, stretched up and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Just about anything," She whispered in my ear.

"Does she run?" I asked, changing the subject before my dick got any farther out of hand.

"Oh, yes Sir!" She chirped. "Here, let me show you."

Stepping past me to a control panel situated on the starboard side of the engine room, Deborah flipped a series of switches and mashed one of two large rubber buttons, which set in motion a sequence of events which led to the firing of first the port diesel and then the starboard. As soon as both engines were idling smoothly, Deborah checked a panel of gauges and watched intently as the temperatures began to rise in the powerful engines. Shortly, a ventilating fan whirred into motion, drawing fresh air in from a vent on one side and exhausting the hot air out the other side.

Both turbo-charged engines idled as smoothly as any I had ever heard. After several minutes, Deborah turned, smiling broadly and looked back at me.

"My Daddy taught me all about boats," She beamed. "I tuned these babies myself. She'll run steady at fourteen knots for as long as there's enough fuel to keep them going. Right now, we're pretty low. Maureen didn't give me any money for that."

"Do you know how to drive it?" I asked stupidly.

"Of course, Silly," She giggled. "Do you want to take her out?"

"Not today," I quickly added.

Deborah looked disappointed. She began the ritual of shutting down the mighty diesels. Soon again it was quiet on the boat.

"I will you know," She said.

"You will what?" I asked.

"Do anything you ask me to," She whispered.

Deborah stood with her chin on her chest, staring at the engine room floor, waiting for me to say something. She was a pixie with great boobs, and red painted toenails.

"There will be plenty of time for that," Velda announced as she entered the cramped compartment. "I think we need to talk a little business, don't you Mac?"

I nodded dumbly and followed the two women out of the bottom of the boat and back to the lounge. Velda produced a bottle of whiskey and glasses while Deborah scampered into the galley for a tray of ice cubes.

"I'm assuming you have no immediate plans to sell the boat?" Velda inquired.

I had no immediate plans to do anything. Not even to go home. So, I simply shook my head.

"Good, then Deborah has a place to stay until you do have a plan." She stated. "As you can see, she has done a magnificent job of cleaning up the old rust bucket. And I can tell you; this tub didn't look like this, six months ago."

"Can either of you explain to me why Maureen failed to tell me about any of this?" I asked.

"Maureen needed some place where she could be the boss," Velda explained again. "With you, she was not in command. Here, she was. It was just something she had to have."

"I still don't get it," I grumbled. "But it's too late now to worry about it."

"That's a good boy," Velda soothed. "Everything will be all right."

I dug in the bottom of my wallet and found two moldy hundred dollar bills and gave them to Deborah to stock up her galley. My next stop was going to be the bank to negotiate some cash from the check I'd received from the lawyer. Not that it was burning a whole in my pocket; I just felt the need of some rustley green stuff in my pocket for a change.

I left Velda with Deborah on the boat and drove to the bank. Then I went home and called the insurance man and inquired about rates and he made reference to having the hull surveyed before he could write a policy. This was already becoming very complicated.

I lost the tie and long pants, found a pair of cut-offs, a t-shirt and sneakers and headed back to the boat, first stopping at the market for a few food items with which to prepare dinner for the ladies.

It was straight up six o'clock when I got back to the marina. The inhabitants of some of the other boats were returning from whatever it was they do during the day and activity seemed to have picked up. I parked, grabbed the two sacks of groceries from the back of the car and walked slowly down the dock toward the boat. I could hear giggling as I approached the rear deck and stepped aboard.

Deborah bounded out onto the deck and relieved me of the groceries. Velda followed, and asked if I wanted a drink now. I nodded my head and she disappeared inside.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Both of them had changed into the skimpiest of bikinis while I was away. Deb, who was slight and very tan, had on a white thong that consisted of mere scraps of cloth covering only her most strategic parts. Voluptuous Velda wore a red one which struggled to hold her soft melons within.

I wandered inside to find them at the liquor cabinet, mixing the drinks. They were rubbing against each other as I approached. The giggling continued.

"Gonna let me in on the joke?" I questioned, taking the glass from Velda's outstretched hand.

"Maybe," She cooed, "if you're real nice to us."

"How nice do I have to be?" I asked, taking a pull on the cold whiskey.

"Not very," Deborah squeaked in her tiniest little girl voice. "We've been naughty since you left."

I could just imagine what they had been doing since I'd left. The pheromones scented the air. All I had been hearing about was women having sex on this boat since I first learned of its existence.

"Don't tell me," I said, "let me guess. Somebody on this boat has been playing with somebody else's pussy. Right?"

"We can't fool you for a minute," Velda jibed, running her soft hand up my arm and stroking my neck with her fingers.

Deborah moved close to me, pressing her body against mine from her toes to her chin. Her arms went around me and I felt her wet tongue flick my ear. Velda's hands crept up under my t-shirt. She began teasing my nipples with her nails. Mr. Johnson extended his way down the leg of my cut-offs and strained to stand out straight.

As you might suspect, my hands started to tremble and the ice cubes tinkled in the glass I was holding. I reached out and set the glass on the counter to prevent myself from dropping it. I turned my head and Velda covered my mouth with hers. Her tongue wormed between my lips.

It had been a while since I'd enjoyed the attentions of a sweet smelling young creature toying with my affections. Now I was being engulfed by two naughty vixens, either of which could have reduced me to smoldering ruins with a bat of her eyes. I was in heaven.

Velda noticed me trembling first and said to Deb, "Let's go below to the master stateroom and see if we can encourage Mr. Kewl to let you stay on the boat for awhile."

"Good idea," Deborah agreed, pulling me forward toward the hatchway at the front of the wheel house.

As we descended the stairway, Velda pulled my shirt up over my arms and head from above while Deborah went down the stairs backwards tugging my shorts open and pulling them down my legs. I almost went over frontward in the process. I was herded over to the bed and pushed down on my back. Deborah covered my mouth hers and Velda gobbled my fully extended cock into her mouth. Velda's mouth was hot, and she went right to work on me.

It is usually my normal operating procedure to be the aggressor in matters of a sexual nature, but this time, all I could do was enjoy. Bikini tops and bottoms went flying and I was being ravaged by the two of them. If Velda didn't slow down, I was going to cum before I had a chance to treat either of them to any of my special talents.

I pushed Deborah up and tried to sit up. Velda made a valiant effort to push me back on the bed, but I out weighed her by a sixty or more pounds so she soon lost the battle. I shoved her aside and rolled her over on her back, wedging my knees between her legs. I pushed her legs wide apart and dove into her bushy copper colored pussy with my face. A long growl escaped her throat when my mouth swept across her soaking wet outer lips.

"Ooh, yeah! That's it, Lover! Make me cum!" Velda gasped.

Suddenly, I felt a hot tongue on my butt. Deborah had crawled behind me and was cupping my balls in her hands and nibbling on my ass cheeks. I felt her hot breath on my balls and then her tongue scorched me as she sucked first one then the other into her mouth. She massaged each gently and let it pop from her lips. Her tongue traced a path from my scrotum upward and circled the puckered flesh around my sphincter before piercing its way inside. My cock was as stiff as it had ever been in my life.

Velda squealed and erupted on my face, grabbing a double handful on my long brown hair and locking her legs behind my head. She bucked through her orgasm pulling me as far into her oozing cunt as she could.

Somehow, Deborah had managed to get under me kind of sideways and was pulling herself beneath me in an effort to get my cock above her pussy. I was about to run out of air when Velda relaxed her grip on me, allowing me to raise up enough for Deb to slide her pussy right under the object of her affection. All I had to do was lower myself and I slid balls deep in her hot wet hole. Then she started to move in all directions at once.

The willowy young woman's cunt fit like a second skin and she came alive under me. I started to return the motion with a steady thrusting of my own. After what seemed like minutes, we were slamming against each other with great smacking lunges. Velda's legs were still tangled through my arms and under Deborah's fanny, so all she could do was lay there with us fucking on top of her. Deborah's mouth was glued to Velda's drooling cunt, while Velda wailed through clenched teeth each time Deb's tongue hit her distended clit.

I had reached the point of no return and started to dump a monster load of thick hot man milk deep in Deb's clenching hole. Never before had I deposited such a river of cum. Of course, this was the first time in my forty six years I'd ever made it with two women at the same time. I instantly became addicted to it.


I realized that I'd had my eyes closed for a long time and when I finally opened them, it was dark outside. I could hear the soft heavy breathing of both women. One lay on each side of me on the bed. I rationalized that it should have been very warm but I felt a cool movement of air wafting over my naked body. Heat radiated from the body of each woman as they slept close to me. I had surely died and gone to heaven. But even in heaven, a man's got to pee, so I extracted myself from between them and proceeded into the head.

I could see quite well inside the unlit interior of the boat because of the bright moonlight streaming in through the windows. I went to the lounge, passing through the wheel house where the digital clock's glowing red numerals on the console indicated 23:15, which means 11:15 PM in real life. I paused in the galley long enough to retrieve a cold beer from the fridge on my way aft.

The marina was quiet. I sat naked on a stool at the bar, sipping on my beer, and looked out the windows at the other boats tied up in the slips. There were maybe two dozen watercraft of various length and description within range of my vantage point. Some were dark, obviously uninhabited, while others displayed signs of life.

Immediately across from the seawall bulkhead where we were berthed, a motor cruiser of fifty or more feet in length had lights on in every window. I could see two couples through the open side curtains. They seemed to be having a wonderful time as their laughter echoed across the stillness of the water between us. Taking a chance on being spotted spying on them, I crept out on the open aft deck on the boat and sat on the padded bench that ran across the stern. To my chagrin, the cushion was covered in dew, and cold as hell on my bare butt. But I endured and sat there with my eyes riveted on the people in the next boat.

I couldn't believe that I was sitting naked staring in through someone's window in the middle of the night. But, the four people on the next boat were all naked too, which gave credence to my voyeurism. It was difficult to ascertain what was going on, because I could only see them from the waist up when they were standing. If they sat down, I could only imagine what was happening.

"You're a bad boy," A voice whispered from inside the salon. "But if we go up on the fly bridge, you can watch them fuck."

Velda stepped out onto the deck. She had a thin filmy robe wrapped around her stunning body. She pointed to the ladder which led up to the steering tower on the cabin roof. She headed up the ladder first, with me hot in pursuit. The chairs topside swiveled around so you could face in any direction. Velda spun the chair closest to the other boat around and motioned for me to sit. She pulled several cushions off the benches and stacked them next to my chair, huddling close and hugging my leg to her nearly nude breast.

From here, you could see down into the lounge of the next boat and watch as the two naked couples engaged in every sexual act you can imagine.

The shorter of the two women had close cropped dark hair and a great thatch of dark pubic hair. She was busily taking the thick cock of a tall red faced man deep in her throat, while her taller blond girlfriend was stretched over a low table, either getting it doggie style or taking a hard dick in the ass from a dude with wavy grey hair and a tattoo on his shoulder. The blond was making a lot of noise so I figured she was taking it in her butt.

Velda clutched my leg firmly, and rocked gently on the pile of cushions in unison with the motion of the couple on the coffee table.