The Widows of Willoughby Close Ch. 02

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James spends the night with Jasminder.
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/03/2021
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The Widows of Willoughby Close Chapter 2 -- Jasminder

In Chapter 1 James's grandmother leaves him her bungalow in Willoughby Close. The other residents are elderly widows, but James soon discovers that, despite being nearly seventy, Julia, his closest neighbour, is an elegant, sophisticated lady and a sensual lover.

She tells James that, while his grandmother was alive, the four residents of the close played Bridge on Saturday evenings before pairing off to enjoy each other's bodies.

This chapter concerns James's continued assimilation into Willoughby Close, including spending a night with the resident of number four, Jasminder, a Sikh lady in her mid-sixties.

I hope you enjoy the story and welcome feedback. In particular, please let me know if you would like the story to take a particular direction in the final chapter, when James will sleep with Phoebe.


After Julia's revelations following that first Saturday evening Bridge game I spent the whole night in bed with my elderly lover for the first time, listening to an autumn gale crashing waves on the distant beach and hurling spatters of rain against the bedroom window. But despite the gasping eroticism of the sex -- I'd come in both her mouth and vagina -- I found sleep eluding me and I lay awake for hours, listening to Julia's soft breathing next to me and wondering about this bizarre situation that I seemed to have stumbled into.

On the one hand I was thrilled and flattered by my relationship with my sixty-eight-year-old neighbour. It wasn't just the sex, although that alone would have been reason enough for a relationship, it was everything about her: her looks, her figure, her elegance, her wit and perception. And she'd said earlier that evening that she loved me! I was under no illusions that a conventional, long-term relationship was possible for us, but we had the here and now, and the next few years, probably, and that was sufficient for me. I also accepted that our relationship must necessarily be of a clandestine nature; I wasn't about to take her home to meet my parents and neither was she going to introduce me to her children, except perhaps as her neighbour. As Eileen's grandson.

So that was all well and good but then she'd told me that before my grandmother Eileen's death, the four widows living in the close had enjoyed sex with each other on a rotational basis following their regular Saturday evening Bridge game. She'd gone on to say that there was no reason this arrangement shouldn't continue but with me in the place of my grandmother. She'd said that she was certain that Jasminder, at number four, would be more than willing. And it was true that I had become aroused at the thought of sleeping with our elderly Sikh neighbour, especially while, as I thrust in and out of Julia in a frenzy of passion, she had told me of her thick, black bush of hair and her exotic smell and taste.

But now, at three o'clock in the morning, with my libido at a low ebb, I was beginning to wonder if it was all a good idea. Sure, Jasminder was friendly and bubbly and wonderfully tactile, but... I thought of her short, plump figure with big breasts and bottom. And I thought about how it might feel to kiss her full lips and smell and taste her dark skin, and what her nipples and areolae would look like and the thick, black pubic bush that Julia had described. Yes, there were undoubtedly things about her that appealed to me sexually. Even her hooked nose and dark eyes seemed to hold promise of a latent sexuality.

Yes, I decided, I would go along with the idea. Julia had been generous in her desire to share me with her friends and I should be equally generous in accepting. Afterall, I would get to sleep with Julia every night of the week bar Saturday. I fell into an uneasy sleep and woke just after eight feeling tired and gritty-eyed.

Julia was still dozing so I got up and made us both a mug of tea. When I got back to bed she was stretching and rubbing her eyes. 'God I slept well last night. Must have been that orgasm,' she smiled. 'How about giving me another one, James.' She reached out for me and we came together and kissed, our breath morning-stale, my penis hardening with expectation. Her hand slid down my chest and stomach and took my swelling cock in her long, slim fingers. 'That's the best thing about having a lover more than forty years my junior, you're always ready!'

Her legs parted at my touch and I stroked her shaven vulva, sliding a finger between her labia and into the velvet depths of her vagina. 'I'm not the only one who's ready,' I whispered.

'Mmm, I was stroking myself while you made the tea.' She raised a finger to my mouth and I sucked it in, tasting her secret juices. 'Can I go on top again?' she asked. 'It was so intense last night...'

I rolled onto my back and she straddled me and I held my rigid cock vertical while she lowered her shaven cunt down onto me, rubbing my glans against her gaping slit, descending gently, taking my whole length inside her. 'Christ that's deep!' She started a gentle backwards and forwards motion and I took her hips in my hands and thrust against her motion and she put her head back, her blonde hair, morning-tangled, falling over her shoulders, and moaned deeply. We fucked like this for long moments, the pace easy and gentle before Julia started to groan more loudly and buck her hips harder as her climax approached. Just before she came I grasped her buttocks in my hands, one finger seeking her anus. As I pressed the tip of my finger against her she cried out and thrashed back and forth on me as a storm of pleasure engulfed her, her breasts bouncing wildly, her eyes shut and her mouth half open.

Afterwards she went limp and I eased her off me and onto her back, penetrating her gently and taking her with the short, slow thrusts that we both found so satisfying. It went on for a long time but eventually my orgasm swelled and overcame me and as the sensations surged through my brain I kissed her and whispered 'you're gorgeous' in her ear and she cried as I came inside her, gripping my upper arms and digging her red nails into my flesh as I pumped my sperm deep into her vagina.

After breakfast I went back to my house; there were chores to be done, lawns to mow and I was going to be away for the next four days with work. 'Come and have dinner on Thursday, when you get back,' said Julia, kissing me goodbye.

'Text me and let me know how you get on when you talk to Jasminder and Phoebe,' I told her. I hadn't said anything about the doubts I'd had in the early hours.

I left for Berlin that Sunday afternoon to spend a few days in the German capital at an electrical power distribution conference. It wasn't dead exciting, as you can imagine, even for an electrical engineer, but there was a lot of networking and sociable evenings in bierkellers and the time passed agreeably enough.

I didn't hear from Julia until Wednesday.

Dear James,

Sorry for the delay. Jasminder has been away visiting relatives, which I'd forgotten about, and I've only just had the chance to speak to her. She was very receptive to my suggestion and she practically begged me to let you sleep with her next Saturday, after the Bridge game. In fact she was so turned on that she came on to me and we ended up in bed together! I'll tell you all about it on Friday evening...

I spoke to Phoebe on Monday. I think she likes the idea but she's very nervous about it all. I think you may be pairing off with Jasminder for a few Saturdays! God that woman's insatiable.

Love you!

Julia xxx

I got back to Barkham-on-Sea just after midnight on Thursday. There had been an air traffic controllers' strike at Tegel Airport and my flight was delayed by six hours and I was pissed off because it was much too late to go around to Julia's and make love to her and hear all about her impromptu session with Jasminder on Wednesday. Besides, I'd messaged her from the airport and said I wouldn't be back until the early hours and she replied saying that she would see me on Saturday afternoon.

I went across to Julia's around midday, letting myself in with my key and finding her in the back garden, dead-heading roses. She was in old jeans and a loose jumper but I still thought she looked delicious and I grabbed her and held her to me, feeling her curves against my body and my penis start to fill with blood. But Julia, after a brief kiss, prised herself free and led me into her kitchen where she put the kettle on. I must have looked disappointed because she gave me a lovely smile and put her arms around me and nuzzled my neck. 'Believe you me, James, there is nothing I'd like better than to jump into bed with you but I really think you should be saving yourself for Jasminder, this evening. She really is quite... energetic, and you'll need all your strength and staying power.'

'Tell me about Wednesday,' I said and we took our teas and went out onto her patio and sat in easy chairs in the sunshine.

'Well, like I said, I went round and we had some of that nasty camomile tea that Jas likes so much and the rest of us hate but don't want to hurt her feelings, and I told her about us and she said she'd suspected as much and what a lucky lady I was. Which I am, of course, and I agreed with her. Then I said that you and I had discussed a sharing arrangement similar to the one we used to have with Eileen and Jasminder got all excited and said: "What did he say? Will he go along with it?". And when I told her that you would, she got really worked up and asked if she and you could pair off this Saturday and I said I thought that would be best because Phoebe's... well, Phoebe's Phoebe. And the next thing I know she's next to me on the settee and putting her arm around me thanking me and kissing me and I found myself kissing her back and she said: "Let's go to bed" and I agreed.'

'Then what?' I asked, mischievously.

'Well if you really want to know we got undressed and lay down and kissed and cuddled and stroked each other and then Jasminder went down on me and she gave me a lovely orgasm and I used my tongue and fingers on her and she came and we dozed a bit after that. Honestly James, you are going to love her body. I know she's carrying a few extra pounds but her skin! It's so smooth and soft... And her smell and taste! Speaking of which, have you had any lunch?'

Julia pushed me out of the door after we'd had a sandwich to, in her words, "remove the temptation", and I went back to number three and fired up my laptop and started typing a brief on the electrical power distribution conference for my work colleagues. About five o'clock I made myself a light meal and then I showered and dressed in chinos and a short-sleeved shirt and presented myself at number two at seven o'clock, arriving at the door at the same time as Phoebe, who was carrying a small overnight bag and who blushed when she saw me looking at it. She was, I recalled from something Julia had said, sixty-two or sixty-three, about five-feet five inches in her flat shoes, lean and wiry with a lined face, clear blue eyes and collar-length grey hair. She greeted me with a quick hug and a peck on the cheek and I briefly felt her thin body through the nondescript dress she was wearing and I had a sudden thought that one day she and I would probably make love, and I would see her naked. See her tiny breasts and narrow hips, her thin arms and legs. See her sex and touch it and penetrate her... Pushing these thoughts aside I rang the doorbell, not wishing to let on to Phoebe that I'd been given a key.

Julia opened the door and we went in. By contrast to Phoebe, Julia was dressed immaculately in a grey silk trouser suit and green satin blouse that showed her curves off and accentuated her height. She was carefully made up and was wearing dark-green nail varnish and shiny red lipstick. She looked the epitome of mature elegance and my stomach flipped over at the thought that Phoebe would be granted access to this delicious lady later on this evening. My stomach did a double flip at the additional thought that I would be enjoying Jasminder at the same time.

Jasminder arrived at that moment, in a bright, flower-patterned dress that was tight across her bust and hips and showed a generous amount of cleavage. Her sturdy legs were bare and she was wearing three-inch heeled open-toed sandals which only just raised her to Phoebe's height. Her hair was glossy black and loose around her shoulders, a few silver strands the only clue to her age as her slightly plump face was unlined apart from some wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Her full lips were a deep red and she'd painted her finger and toenails to match. Otherwise she'd toned down the make-up since last Saturday although there was still that air of the aging courtesan about her. Oddly, I found myself attracted by this, rather than repelled.

'James,' she exclaimed, coming and hugging me and kissing me full on the lips. I put my arms around her and felt her curves against me and the floral scent of her perfume. 'How was Berlin?' Jasminder had come to the UK as a five-year-old girl but she still retained some of the musical accent of the Subcontinent. 'You must tell me all about it later.'

"Later" hung in the air and there was an awkward silence which our hostess broke: 'Right, let's get some wine inside us.' She led us into the kitchen-diner. 'Ok, I thought Jasminder and James could partner again and give Phoebe and me a chance for revenge. Is that alright with you ladies?'

'That's fine,' smiled Phoebe.

'Mmm, lovely,' said Jasminder and I met her dark eyes.

I won't go into the details of the evening of Bridge except to say that we drank two bottles of wine between us, ate a couple of platefuls of finger food and Jasminder and I lost resoundingly to Phoebe and Julia. The tension in the air that was discernible when I arrived evaporated as the level in the bottles of supermarket white went down. In fact we all relaxed enough to indulge in a little harmless sexual innuendo, such as comparing the cocktail sausages with aspects of human anatomy. At just after ten, Jasminder suggested we call it a night and there was a general murmuring of agreement.

We said our goodbyes and I kissed Phoebe and Julia chastely on their cheeks. Then the front door was closing and Jasminder and I were alone together under the stars of a warm autumn evening. She slipped her arm through mine and we walked the fifty or so yards to her front door and she let us in. In the dark of the narrow entrance hall we turned to each other and she put her arms around me and tilted her face up to mine and I bent to her and we kissed for the first time, tentative at first, almost pecking at each other's lips, me uncertain of her, despite the signals, and Jasminder perhaps still fighting the natural reserve of a sixty-something Sikh lady. I pushed my tongue tentatively against her lips and she seemed to relax in my arms and her mouth opened against mine and I felt and tasted the soft liquid of her mouth and smelled the scent of her dark skin, exotic, slightly spicy. The effect it had on me was of a strong aphrodisiac and I kissed her harder. She responded with a muffled groan and hugged me tighter, squashing her breasts against my chest, her little pot belly against crotch. I reached around and grasped her ample buttocks and pulled her up and into me so that she could feel my erection, iron-hard in my chinos. She moaned into my mouth and squirmed her hips against me, rubbing against the bulge in my trousers. I wanted her, urgently, and I think she wanted me but I wasn't sure enough of her to just drag her into her bedroom so I broke the kiss and we parted and she pulled her dress down and ran her hands through her hair.

'You must think me a terrible hostess. Come in and let me get you a drink.'

I followed her into the lounge and she switched on a couple of table lamps and I was able to look around at the brightly patterned wallpaper and carpets and the numerous wall hangings and pictures and knick-knacks that cluttered the room. Jasminder disappeared into the kitchen and I saw the light go on and heard the clink of glasses. She emerged a minute later with a bottle of Chenin Blanc and two wineglasses. 'Is this alright for you?' she asked, holding the bottle out. 'We haven't had a great deal to drink this evening and we don't have to finish it or anything. I could do with something to settle my nerves,' she admitted sitting down next to me on a chintzy two-seater settee and handing me a glass.

'Are you nervous?' I asked.

'Mm, a bit. Are you? No I don't suppose you are.'

'It all feels a bit unreal,' I said. 'This whole Willoughby Close thing.'

'Not what you were expecting when you moved in?'

'Hardly. But why are you nervous?'

Jasminder paused, sipping her wine. 'I know Julia's told you about the four of us in the Close and what we used to get up to... I want to be really open with you James.' She paused again, marshalling her thoughts. 'My husband and I had a lovely life together. I suppose both of us were a bit over-sexed; we certainly had a very fulfilling sex life. It was hard when he died and I missed the physical side of a relationship as well as the emotional. But I never dated anybody because it seemed like a betrayal of Jasbir -- that was his name. Confusing isn't it. People called us both Jas, although I hate it. Sorry, I'm wandering.' She flipped a lock of her black hair behind one ear and took another sip of wine. 'Then I moved here, partly to break the cycle of loneliness and separation. I was hoping to make new friends and sort of start again with my life. And then Julia and... and your grandmother came to see me and... well you know all about that. But James, I really loved it all! I'd never thought about other women before, not in that way but suddenly it seemed like a way of enjoying physical intimacy but without the guilt of betraying my dead husband. That probably sounds crazy to you but that's what I felt.'

'So what about me?' I asked, softly.

'When Julia told me about the two of you I couldn't stop thinking about it; couldn't stop thinking about you.' She blushed under her dark skin. I suppose over the years I've been in Willoughby Close I've let Jasbir go eventually and I wanted a man. Trouble was I didn't want a man of my own age, I wanted somebody younger and... and more energetic.' She blushed again. 'And then you came along and started an affair with Julia and there seemed a real possibility that I could, well you know, join in. And I got so excited... but then I thought about my dumpy body and I kept comparing it to Julia's lovely slim figure and... well, that's why I'm nervous, mostly; that you'll see me undressed and be repelled.'

It must have taken a lot of courage -- and wine -- for Jasminder to overcome her natural reticence and open up to me in that way and my heart went out to this lovely, friendly, character and I put my arm around her and hugged her closely to me, feeling her warmth. 'Nonsense,' I said, hoping I was right. 'Let me take you to bed and I'll show you how desirable I think you are.' It sounded a bit false to me but she smiled and I stood up and offered her my hand and she stood up and I led her gently to the master bedroom, which was in the same position as in my house, and Jasminder drew the thick curtains on the autumn night and put on a bedside lamp with a very low-wattage lamp which cast big shadows against the flock wallpaper. The bed was enormous and with the big wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a comfortable-looking green-leather chair, there wasn't much room left. So we stood, close together by the bed and kissed again and Jasminder put her arms around my neck and dragged my face down to hers like a drowning woman and kissed me hard and long and passionately and I responded by hugging her to me and kissing her back, our tongues flicking against each other, tasting her saliva, smelling her scent, lips working against lips, tongues exploring teeth and gums.