The Witch's Hunt

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A sex-filled scavenger hunt for 6 college co-eds.
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Hello all! This is my submission for the 2020 Literotica Halloween Contest...but really it was just my excuse to write up a story that's been brewing in my head for the last several years and pay homage to my alma mater. I don't explicitly name the school in this work but I have a feeling I'll see a few comments from fellow alumni who understand. As always, my stories tend to be lengthy, and this is my longest piece to date, so if you aren't a fan of long stories this probably isn't the one for you. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy and comments are always welcome!


Kate checked her phone for the tenth time as she waited outside the dormitory. The autumn night was chilly against her bare legs, but she'd given herself one look in the mirror before leaving and decided her legs were far too sexy in this costume to cover with tights. Ignoring the goosebumps, she sent another text to her friends, urging them to hurry up. Just as she moved to put her phone away, it vibrated in her hand. She glanced at the screen hoping to see their reply, but instead found a message from Edward.

"Can't wait to see you!"

She smiled, typing a quick reply and hitting send. Her annoyance with her friends evaporated as she imagined seeing the young man in whatever costume he'd chosen for the evening. They'd only been on a few dates, but Kate was quickly falling for his charm, not to mention his impeccable body. She'd so far resisted the temptation to explore it fully, but that could certainly change by the end of the night if he played his cards right.

Glancing down at her own outfit, Kate knew he'd need very little convincing. The firefighter themed dress fit tight on her slender body, highlighting each and every curve. While Edward was quite the gentleman, and had never pressured her for sex, Kate had a feeling he'd be quite willing to see those curves uncovered. She blushed at the thought.

"What's got you grinning like a schoolgirl?"

Kate jumped in surprise, looking up to find her friends smiling at her from the door. Savannah asked the question, her natural auburn hair spilling out of the classic red hood of her storybook costume. A black corset and matching skirt made it clear this version of Red Riding Hood was for adults only. It was an incredibly sexy choice for the evening.

Then there was Alice, standing in four-inch heels and still barely coming up to her friend's shoulder. She wore a sheer black body suit, the kind that fastened at the crotch, and a pair of black thigh-high stockings to match. The fake tail and cat-ear headband were the only tame elements to her costume, apart from the distinctive makeup.

Ignoring the question, Kate let her eyes wander up and down as she took in the view of her best friends, and she wasn't alone. Heads were turning all around them as students shuffled past, some in lust and others in jealousy. None of them seemed to mind. That was the point, wasn't it?

At least, in part. While Alice and Savannah were clearly enjoying the attention, Kate knew they were more concerned with impressing whatever poor fools Edward managed to drag with him. The three ladies, now in their junior year, had been friends since the very beginning of their college career. Kate, however, was the first to have what might be considered a serious relationship in the works, as opposed to the free-spirited encounters the other two enjoyed. Whether it was a sign of jealousy or maturity, Alice and Savannah had casually suggested to Kate that her new boyfriend-in-training might have a few cute friends he could introduce them to. She suspected it was the former.

With nothing to lose, she agreed to ask Edward if perhaps any of his friends were single, and dim. He'd laughed, which never failed to bring a smile to Kate's face, but quickly replied that he could probably find two willing sacrifices. With Halloween drawing close, it only made sense to make the introductions at the party.

"Where is this party again?" asked Alice, as they finally departed.

"It's at the Tavern. Both floors."

"You're kidding?" There was dread in Alice's voice. "That's all the way downtown!" Her arms were still shivering, but she refused to admit aloud she should have brought a jacket. It would have likely gone missing by the end of the night anyway.

Savannah laughed, immediately understanding Alice's dismay. "Poor kitty is worried she'll catch a cold." Then, with a wink, she added, "Don't worry Alice, I'm sure one of Edward's friends will volunteer to keep you nice and warm tonight."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Let's just hope they're half as good looking as he is."

"I'll settle for anyone that doesn't have a small dick," Savannah added. Her voice was far from a whisper, and they were drawing a few stares from that comment. She shrugged it off, ignoring Kate's glare. "Let's just say my last few 'partners' have been lacking in certain areas."

Rolling her eyes, Kate said nothing as she continued to lead her entourage. They passed several dorms, parties already well underway in most of them. The stares became less frequent as they melted into the crowds of other students, with most of the girls equally under-dressed for the occasion. Kate could feel Alice's jealousy behind her as the attention became less frequent. The phone buzzed once more in her hand, another message from Edward. "I brought the sacrificial lambs with me." Kate smiled. She would have Edward all to herself. That would make it much easier to sneak away from the party early if she decided to continue the celebration back in her own dorm. The bedroom, to be specific.

It was nearly a ten minute walk to reach downtown, most of which was spent listening to Alice complain about the cold or Savannah making perverse jokes. When they finally arrived at the Tavern it was only to discover the place was spilling over beyond capacity.

"Great. How are we ever going to find them in all of this?" Alice asked, dismay clearly showing on her face. "Assuming we even manage to get inside."

Kate turned in surprise. "Did you not bring your ID?"

Alice shrugged, waving her hands down her body. "Where the fuck would I put it?"

"Alice! You knew we were going to a bar!"

Savannah laughed. "Relax, Honey. I've got this." Grabbing Kate by the hand, Savannah stepped quickly up to the bouncer at the door, ignoring the rest of the people gathered outside. The bouncer was a young man whose smile grew to unreal proportions when the scantily-clad fairy tale girl bounced up to him with her charming smile.

"Hey Miles! Nice costume!" Savannah said, earning more eye rolls from all involved.

"Thanks, Sav. You've really outdone yourself as well." His eyes lingered a bit too long on her cleavage, but that played to Savannah's intentions. She leaned in close and lowered her voice, giving him a better view in the process.

"I was wondering, do you think you could let us in? We're supposed to meet some people inside."

Miles turned to Kate and Alice. The former held her ID with her phone. The kitten, however, held only her shivering arms and a smile. "Sorry, Sav. You know I can't let anyone in without their ID," he replied, his smile now apologetic. Savannah wasn't giving up.

She fluttered her lashes and squeezed her arms in front of her, pushing her breasts together and extending her cleavage. "Pretty please, Miles? Alice is a junior like me, I can vouch for her. I promise I won't ask you for anything else again." She played with her hair now, twirling it around her finger as she bit her lip. It was a bit theatrical.

Mile rolled his eyes. "You're really trying hard with this one, aren't you?"

Savannah surrendered with a sigh, her arms falling to her sides and standing straight. "Okay, how about this. You let us in right now, and I'll show you my tits."

Miles laughed, shaking his head the entire time. "Savannah, you know I'm gay, right?"

She looked quite surprised. "Then why have you been staring at them this whole time?"

Miles shrugged. "Because you've been leaning over! I may not want to play with them but I can still appreciate a good pair of boobs when I see them." Then, grabbing the handle, he opened the door and waved them in with a smile. "You owe me for this, Savannah, and I'm thinking you can pay me back next time you talk to your dealer."

She returned the smile and gave a wink, thanking him as she stepped across the threshold. Kate had questions about this so-called dealer, but that would have to wait. They were finally inside from the cold, and Kate immediately scanned the crowded bar for Edward. It didn't help that he would likely be in costume, and she had no clue what it might be.

"Any idea where they might be waiting?" Savannah asked, craning her neck.

Kate shook her head. "I'll try texting him. By the way, what's this about a dealer? Since when do you do drugs?"

Savannah giggled. "Oh come on Kate, a little pot never killed anyone."

"Did someone say pot?"

All three turned to find an imposing young man in a police officers uniform, though the plastic badge and handcuffs made it clear this wasn't anyone official. Lowering the mirror-tinted aviators, Edward gave Kate the warmest smile she'd ever seen, which she returned.

"Oh my! Are you going to place me under arrest, officer?" Savannah held out her hands for the cuffs while Alice suppressed her own snickering. This probably wouldn't be her first time in handcuffs, for one reason or another.

"You'd be disappointed," Edward replied, twirling the plastic cuffs on his finger. "This costume didn't come with the fuzzy kind." Savannah pretended to pout, but Edward's attention was now completely on Kate, taking in her firefighter costume from head to toe. "Well I'm certainly not complaining but my fellow officers might call me a traitor if I bring you home."

Offering a flirty smile, Kate replied, "I guess you'll just have to come home with me instead, officer." She ignored the two girls behind her, stepping on her tiptoes to give her boyfriend a kiss. His hands felt good on her waist, and she couldn't help but imagine how they'd feel in other places. When she finally released his lips, she turned to find her friends looking extra jealous.

"Not that we aren't happy to see you again, darling," said Savannah, "but I do believe there was some mention of friends of yours coming along?"

"Fear not, ladies. Your victims are waiting at the table. We got here early and saved seats." Edward turned to lead them to the bar, but as he did, his shoulder collided with someone passing by. "Oh shit! Sorry about that!"

The girl was dressed as a witch, with short black hair tucked under a pointed hat and a velvet green dress clinging tight to her body. Were he a single man, Edward would have been tempted to buy her a drink, but he kept his eyes on hers as he said his apology, and away from her perfectly round ass. It didn't go unnoticed.

"You'll want to be more careful, handsome," the witch replied, her eyes sweeping over him regardless of the girl attached to his arm.

Blushing, but undeterred, Edward brushed the comment away. "I'll do my best. It's just a bit crowded in here."

Kate was used to the attention her muscular boyfriend received on a regular basis, but it did little to calm her frustration when the witch didn't take the hint.

"Crowded indeed," came her sultry reply. "But if you're feeling claustrophobic, I know a place where you and I can escape the crowd and...stretch out. I could do with a good snack before I get started for the evening."

Kate was staring daggers now, the audacity of this girl crossing a line she had yet to encounter with any before. Still, she held her tongue, knowing Edward was more than capable of handling this on his own.

The smile disappeared from his face. "I'm gonna have to pass on that, but good luck. I'm sure you'll find someone in here up to the challenge."

The witch shifted her gaze, taking in the three women for the first time. Her eyes swept over their outfits one after the other, a look of displeasure growing more and more evident on her face. When she reached Kate, with Edwards arm now wrapped around her waist, she smirked.

"I see. You're more the charitable type. Good for you."

Savannah was quick to react to the insult. "What the fuck did you just say?"

Edward blocked her with his free arm as she tried to step around him, her anger getting the best of her. "Have a good night," he said, pulling Kate with him as he stepped away to diffuse the situation. Reluctantly, Savannah and Alice followed, the witch smirking as she watched them leave.

"You should have let me deck her," Savannah finally said, still frustrated.

"I'm not letting you get kicked out of the party just because some random chick wanted to start drama," came his reply. "At least have a drink first, and meet my friends. Then, feel free to get kicked out whenever you wish."

The table was in the back corner, though it wasn't until they'd managed to part the crowd and stand next to it that Kate could see the two young men sitting there. She took her seat next to Edward as he made the introductions.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Kate, and her friends Alice and Savannah. Girls, this is Luke and Winston."

As far as introductions went, Luke's was rather awkward. Dressed as a headless horseman, his actual face was hidden below a thin screen of black fabric above the fringe of his shirt, while a plastic severed head sat facing them on the table. While he struggled to find the clasp holding his cover in place, the girls turned their attention to Winston. Dressed as a pirate, he lifted his eye patch to look at them proper. Blue eyes, short dark hair, and an athletic build made him quite the catch as far as the girls were concerned. "Hello," he said, his voice betraying his shyness.

"Dibs," replied Alice, causing Winston to blush and Savannah to roll her eyes.

Finally, Luke found the clasp and managed to emerge from the prison of his shirt. Taking a deep breath, his arm flexed slightly as he brought up a hand to run through his long hair, the fabric straining against his bicep. He was certainly no consolation prize as far as Savannah was concerned, and Alice was silently regretting her hasty judgment.

"Sorry," said Luke. "Lost my head for a moment, but it's a pleasure to meet you both." The girls took their seats as Edward left to grab drinks from the bar, their previous encounter with the witch now completely forgotten.

Meanwhile, unseen to them just outside, the witch was not quite so forgetful. After their brief encounter she'd managed to slip outside, satisfied with her scouting mission and ready to move on to the next phase of her plan. Peering through the dirty glass window, she could just make out four culprits at their table, with two newcomers as well. She had hoped to find herself a tasty treat to make this next part a bit easier, but Edward's denial of her advances left her too frustrated to keep up her search. She'd never been turned down before.

Still, she decided it best not to linger on her frustration, and instead she thought of a clever way to exact her revenge. Finally, after stepping away from the crowd, she closed her eyes and began to summon what remained of her power. There would be little room for error, and this step would nearly drain her, but if her plan worked it would grant her abilities very few of her kind had ever experienced.

She raised her arms high, standing completely still while she focused her energy. Costumed people all around were beginning to take notice. A boy dressed as a video game character pointed to her in concern next to his friend wearing zombie makeup. A few feet to her left, two girls, one dressed as a ladybug and the other as a Disney princess, were laughing at her obvious intoxication. The witch ignored them all, concentrating on the task at hand. When the image of Edward and his friends crossed her mind, a smile formed on her lips. The promise of vengeance was quite arousing.

Back inside the tavern, Edward was just returning with the drinks, the girls already working their charm as the glasses were passed around. "Political science?" Alice asked, surprised by Winston's answer. He blushed.

"Yeah, seemed like the best way to get into law school, assuming I'm able to pass my tests." Despite his shyness, Alice was quite impressed. The boy had both looks and brains, apparently. If only he could stop blushing so often.

"Aw, I think poor Winston might already be feeling his alcohol," said Savannah, giving him a wink. "How much did you boys have to drink before we arrived?"

Before Winston could reply, Luke laughed. "It's not alcohol. Winnie here just isn't used to talking to girls."

"Dude, I've asked you so many times not to call me that!"

Alice giggled. "Don't worry about it, I've heard worse nicknames. And you don't have to be nervous. I won't bite. And if I ever do, it's usually the kind boys like."

"You'll have to be careful saying things like that around him," Luke answered, again to Winston's frustration. Ignoring the glare, he continued. "We've been trying to pop his cherry for two semesters now, but the boy actually has a set of morals on him. They'll eat him alive in law school if he doesn't learn."

"You're really determined to embarrass me tonight, aren't you?" Winston was quite annoyed now. Turning back to Alice, a curious expression on her face, he did his best to brush the comment away. "I'm not a virgin. Luke just likes to pretend he's some sort of 'Grand Master' when it comes to relationships, like he's going to mentor me or something."

"I'm just saying, we've never actually seen you bring home a girl," Luke countered.

"Well we've seen you bring home hundreds, so don't act like you're so eager to embrace monogamy yourself." The comment was probably intended to make Luke seem less appealing in Savannah's eyes, but Alice knew that grin could only mean one thing. Challenge accepted.

When Luke replied, it wasn't what they were all expecting. "You know, I think Savannah might be right." This raised eyebrows all around. "Maybe I have had too much to drink," he explained.

"No," Winston said, "you're always an ass, regardless of how much you've had to--"

"I'm not talking about that," Luke interrupted. "I think I'm starting to black out. I feel like I'm losing my vision."

Before any of them could speak, someone crashed to the floor nearby. They all turned to see who had fallen, but Alice's voice was suddenly far from calm as she joined the conversation. "Actually, I think I might be losing my vision too! It feels like it's getting darker in here, and I haven't even finished my first drink!"

Kate turned to her friend in concern, when suddenly she realized they weren't alone. The world was going black in front of her. "Edward..." she managed to mutter, a scream and more falling happening just behind them. "Did someone put something in our..." The world went black, and the last thing Kate saw were her friends staring back at her, not realizing they were just as impaired. She closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, and the scene around her was quite different from before. The tavern was dark, and the silence was jarring in it's contrast to the commotion from earlier. The building was completely empty, the crowded bar and pool hall now barren and lifeless. Well, not completely.

"What happened?" Alice moaned, her eyes now open and groggily staring back at Kate. Kate stared back, her face a mixture of fear and confusion. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alice brought her hand up to rub the grogginess from her eyes. What she found was not a face she was familiar with. The whiskers she felt beneath her fingertips were no longer painted, nor were the pointy ears now wiggling above her hair.