The Zip Files Bk. 03: Wild Girls


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"Oh, no, no no," Kayla said. "No, we're not. We're going right back to the car park right now!"

"No, we aren't," Diana said. "The keys were in my uniform. Mrs. Bruenner isn't coming back until morning. You really want to wait around a remote parking lot, naked, and just see who shows up?"

Kayla seemed taken aback at this. Her lips hanging open she shivered, her naked flesh exposed above the water, and then slowly shook her head.

"Me either," Diana said. Reaching down, she plucked her map from where it had lodged under a convenient rock. "No, we have to keep going. We might not have much food, but we have fuel and a tent," she said - having spotted some objects still buried in the bottom of the packs. "We can camp the night and then rendezvous with Mrs. Bruenner in the morning. Deal?"

Calming down, the girls nodded. Diana held out her hand, and they all did the same.

"We're strong, we're fierce, we are Wild Girls - the wilderness will not beat us," she said.

"The wilderness will not beat us," they repeated.

"Now let's get ready to go," Diana said. "Before someone comes along and sees us. But we should probably look for our uniforms. They shouldn't have gone far..."

The girls did look, but didn't find anything... until that is, Kayla found a couple sopping spare pairs of socks lying near the rushing stream that left the pool. Picking one up, she made a face.

"I think the animals carried them into here," she said, nodding towards the stream. "And..."

The stream carried off into dense brush, thorny vines, and rocks. The strong and fierce women looked at that and shivered. Even if they had had their clothes on it would have looked treacherous. Naked, there was no way.

"Well, alright then," Diana sighed. "Let's get saddled up."

Collecting what was left of their possessions back into their packs, the girls donned what clothes they still had: thick socks, expensive hiking boots, their own badge-adorned sashes... and absolutely nothing else. Fortunately, they still had a bottle of sunscreen - which they had to use up almost entirely to cover up all the silky flesh now on display. For several minutes they stood around, each of them steadily rubbing more of the white goo across every inch of their rounded and silky-smooth skin. Then, striking out, they set off again up the trail.

The tone of the hike was of course now much different. The girls shivered and squirmed and gasped as their naked bodies picked their way down the trail. At every hoot or wild animal call echoing from the forest their hands shot down to clutch at their unprotected pussies or exposed breasts or both.

Slowly, the naked beauties made their way deeper into the wilderness. They picked their way down a craggy slope. They hurried quickly across a sunny exposed glade, worried someone might see them. Legs stretching from rock to rock, they carefully crossed a rushing stream.

Soon, the trail approached a swampy bit. Looking around, Alexis gasped and shivered... as she found her tender naked flesh surrounded on all sides by coiling vines, oozing mud, and all manner of bugs and slithering things.

"No..." she gasped. "No, no, no no!"

"Why... why didn't we just take a hike to Starbucks instead?" Taylor whimpered.

"Chin up," Diana said. "Remember that we are Wild Girls and we are Strong. Let's go."

But she seemed scarcely less affected than they were as she led them through, repeatedly clutching to her naked body and gasping as something scurried past her in the muck.

Finally, through a twist and bend in the swamp, they came upon a fork in the trail. One way, labeled in red, led deeper into the swampy mire. The other, labeled in blue, led up to higher ground. Diana took out her map, and looked at it. Then she looked up. She turned around slowly, a puzzled expression on her face, and looked at her map again.

Standing behind her, Lauren's hands trembled on the straps of her backpack. "Oh... oh don't tell me..." she said. Behind her the other four girls murmured their own growing trepidation.

"No, no," Diana said, shaking her hand - and still glancing back and forth between her surroundings and her map. "Everything's fine..."

"We're lost aren't we?" Rachel demanded.

"Naked and lost," Alexis unhelpfully clarified.

"We're not lost!" Diana insisted. "I'm just... not certain where we are."

"How is that not lost?" Taylor asked.

"The trail is clearly marked!" Diana said. "It just... doesn't match the map."

"How... is... that... not... lost?" Taylor repeated, slower and more angrily.

"Look, we're not going to leave the main trail, alright?" Diana snapped. "So, just... let's keep going and maybe things will get clearer."

Groaning, Diana's Pride hung their heads, but obediently followed along behind her curvy bare behind as it set off down the red trail, as marked upon her map - and deeper into the swampy bramble. Soon they were picking their way carefully through muck and over rivulets in the stream - gulping at the way their long strides repeatedly forced them to expose their naked pussies between wide-spread and trembling thighs before the fetid stinky swamp. At last, with a gasp, Diana brought them to a halt.

"There," she said.

She pointed. Off the trail a ways, down a short path through the brush and vines, was an open area. There was an old firepit there. A numbered orange tag was nailed to a tree. But it was surrounded on almost all sides by higher ground, and looked like a distinctly muddy and uncomfortable depression.

"This is our campsite?" Taylor asked. She wrinkled her nose - her face and the tone of her voice both matching that of someone sitting in a fancy restaurant whose waiter had just delivered a turd on a plate.

"Well... no," Diana admitted. "But it is A campsite. It has a tag and everything. And given how late it's getting do you really want to keep walking?"

"What if someone comes and says it's theirs?" Lauren asked.

"Given the hour and how far out we are, I don't think there's much risk of that," Diana said.

The girls squirmed, and looked dubious.

"C'mon," Diana said. "Let's just make camp before it gets too dark. I'll have figured out whatever is wrong with the map by morning."

Lauren wrinkled her nose. "Is it still too late to go back to the carpark, and try our luck with random cars?" she asked.

"Yes," Diana said. "Unless you want to try to do so after midnight. Now let's get to work."

Setting down their packs, the girls started to set up camp. But this proved more difficult than expected.

"Where are the instructions for the tent?" Lauren moaned, digging through her pack. Then she dove over and, naked ass lifted high and jiggling, searched another. "I... I can't find them anywhere. Did we pack them?"

"It's okay," Diana assured her. "We can figure it out."

She set her and Kayla to getting the tent worked out.

"There are no batteries for the stove!" Rachel moaned, kneeling before their very fancy half-assembled camp stove and finding it useless.

"It's okay," Diana said, rushing over. "We've all had our firestarting badges, right? We can make fire with a bow and line!"

Rachel winced slightly. "Yeah, uh, we just used matches and then said we did that. Did you do it the hard way?"

"Um..." Diana said, rubbing her palms together nervously. "We, uh, did the same thing. But it can't be that hard right? Men like Zip did it for thousands of years and they're stupid."

Rachel looked up at her dubiously from before the stove. But moments later Diana was called away by another crisis.

"We can't open the food packets without the receiver on the stove!" Taylor said. She tugged and tugged at the pre-sealed DRM'd packet. "It's useless!" She threw it on the ground.

"Don't do that!" Alexis said. "That's like, all we have left."

"Girls, girls, girls," Diana said, running over. "It's okay. We can pick berries, or... something."

"Do you know which ones are edible?" Alexis asked.

Diana shivered. "I uh...think so..." she said.

Suddenly there came a great clatter from the other end of the camp. Kayla and Lauren, who she had assigned to prep their tent, stood over a pile of tangled poles and cloth that lay before them - which looked more like a modern art piece than a functional shelter.

"Oh... oh my goodness..." Lauren moaned. She rubbed her belly, just above her naked pussy, as she stared at the tangled 'tent' in horror. "We're useless. Just... useless!"

At that point, Zip could no longer help himself. He started laughing, loudly.

"Ha! Haha! HAHAHAA!" he cackled.

"Oh!" the six lovely, naked beauties all gasped. Rearing about, they looked up in shock - to find him sitting in a folding camp chair atop a small rocky bluff overlooking their camp.

"Zip!" Diana gasped. Her face shuddered in fury - as one hand promptly dove down to cover her exposed vagina, while the other arm rose up to awkwardly cover her breasts. Around her, the Vixens of her Pride were doing similar. "What... what are you doing here?"

"I have the campsite next to yours," he said. He jerked his thumb back. With a gasp she noticed another plastic tag, with the next number up from hers, pinned to a tree a little ways behind him. "They're publically reservable, you know."

Rising from his chair he turned and kicked aside a small screen of foliage he'd used to camouflage his camp. He'd also been behind it himself - until they had gotten so into their own problems that it was unnecessary.

The girls gasped in shock as they saw a large pile of supplies stacked up in the center of Zip's campsite. There was a cooler, a small camp stove, and a couple of large bags - one of which looked like it was for a tent. Their bodies shivered in relief at the sight... and also more than a little shame and dread.

"How... how did you get all that stuff?" Alexis demanded. "We had to kill ourselves just to pack up our... you know..." She gestured over the Wild Girls' ruined, useless excuse for a 'campsite'.

Zip shrugged. "I used a wagon." He pointed behind him, to where an old red Radio Flyer wagon lay parked.

"Wagon?" Taylor gasped. "But... there's no way you would get that over all the trails we hiked over..."

Zip smirked, sinking back into his chair. "Yeah, that's what you get for letting Diana plan your route I guess," he told her.

At this Diana growled. Hands clutched tight to her most important naked charms, she glared at him in fury. "Okay, Zip, very funny," she said. "But as you can see we have a bunch of women down here in need, so if you would please be a man... and hand over all your stuff for us that would be great."

"Ah... ah-ah-ah," Zip said. "Last I checked this is still San Cajetan, the beating heart of capitalism. Which means that the rich stay rich," he said, pointing at his pile of loot, "and the poor... work." He smirked, pointing down at the party of pampered naked rich girls gaping up at him in shock.

"Yeah... no," Diana said. She took a threatening step forward. "You give us your stuff, now... or else," she said.

"Don't be so hasty," Zip replied, remaining seated as she started to advance on him with her fists formed. Even if he could take Diana herself - which, given the length of athletic legs she had on display, and considering he was Zip, was not certain - there was no way he could take the other five who were looking none too pleased behind her. And yet, he remained seated, and didn't seem too concerned as she started up towards him. "For one, I know the way out and from what I gather you don't. It might also be of interest to you to know that I happened to see where your clothes and your keys ended up."

"You... you took my keys?!" Diana gasped. "And you dare to lecture me about private property? Give them to me at once!"

"No, no no," he said. "I said I saw them; I very much did not say I took them." He, of course, actually had taken them - but he hadn't said it. "If you want to find out where they are... then you have to play by the rules."

Diana sighed, and bowed her head. "Okay, you win," she said. "What are these rules?"

"Same as anywhere, same as out there," Zip said, nodding towards the 'real' world. "You have two choices. You can stay in your filthy camp down there and be poor - with no tent, no food, nothing but what your 'superior Wild Girl skills' managed to provide you. Or you can come up to my camp, and enjoy having a tent, and food, and a fire. But if you join my camp, you have to earn it." He smiled. "You have to work, and do as I tell you!"

Diana took a deep breath, and then shook her head in fury. "Wild Girls are proud, Zip!" she declared. "We will never, ever accept those terms!" she declared.

"Yeah," Rachel girl said. "We'd... we'd rather sit in the cold than join your stinky camp, Zip."

"And we'd rather slap bugs off our butts than set one foot in your filthy tent, Zip," Kayla said.

"And... and we'd rather... go hungry... than eat your dirty food, Zip..." Lauren said.

Alexis and Taylor, the two remaining Vixens, turned and looked at each other. Then they turned and looked at the rest of their group.

"Fuck," Alexis said.

"That," Taylor finished.

Then, with shaky but determined steps of their hiking-boot-clad feet, the two lithe naked beauties started to pick their way up the slope to Zip's camp. Left down below, the remaining four clutched their hands to their nude bodies, shivered, and, mouths hanging open, watched them.

Coming up over the top of the slope, the two slender and nubile girls entered Zip's camp. They came and stood before him, side by side. They bowed their heads meekly - while, endeavoring to preserve what little modesty they had left, each put one hand down, over her tender bare pussy, while holding her other arm up over her exposed breasts.

"We... we'd like to join your camp, Zip," Alexis said.

"Will, will you please let us?" Taylor asked, shyly.

Zip smiled. "Sure girls," he said. Reaching down, he seized up one of the big bags and heaved it at them. Gasping, they caught it. It had a picture of a tent on it. It was an older one, and clearly second-hand - but it was intact and functional.

"Set up my tent," he told them.

They shivered, and stared, their naked thighs squirming together. Then they slowly nodded.

"Yes, Zip," they said.

Lounging back in his chair, Zip continued to watch the ladies in their camp as behind him, the two naked girls started setting his tent up for him. They found the instructions right away and started to puzzle them out together. As they did so, kneeling nude side by side over the bags of poles and canvas, Zip, whistling, got up and walked a short distance away. Bending down he picked up the camera that had been hidden on its little tripod in the brush - snapping a picture every minute of the progress, or lack thereof, in the naked girls' camp.

As Diana saw the camera her jaw dropped in horror.

"You... you give that to us right away!" she moaned, squirming. "There... there are naked pictures of us on there!"

"Don't worry," Zip said. "I won't share my proof of you girls' indecency in a public park with the rangers. Oh, and before you get ideas... I already stashed a spare memory card up a very particular tree, so..."

Diana gasped. Her hands clutched tighter to her breasts and body - despite the fact that she was just now realizing it was useless, since he certainly had all the pictures of her he could ever want. Then, shivering under her hands, she could only watch as Zip, whistling, carried the camera over. He set it up in a new position, to get a series of pictures of his camp - including the two naked working beauties. Taylor and Alexis looked over and blushed slightly, lips gasping, as they realized what he was doing - but their desire to have a working tent overrode all other concerns and they returned to their labors, even as the camera also resumed its periodic snapping of pictures.

Soon the four remaining girls waiting below gasped in shock as they saw a wateright tent rising up behind Zip - two rounded bottoms and two pairs of ample young breasts jiggling continuously as the girls' naked bodies labored on behalf of their new leader.

Looking back and forth between the tent rising up in Zip's camp above her, and the wreck in the excuse for the Wild Girls' camp down around her feet, Rachel shook her head. She turned, and looked at her fellow still-loyal Wild Girls - a few streaks of tears in her eyes.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." she said. "I just... I just REALLY hate bugs!"

Then with that she too set her pneumatic bare ass to marching slowly up the slope and into Zip's camp. The remaining three, including Diana, clutched their hands tight to their breasts, gasped - and just watched the redhead go helplessly.

Arriving in his camp, Rachel also presented herself before Zip. But, unlike the slender pair before her - perhaps realizing it was now pointless - she didn't even try to cover herself. Instead, her hands slipped around and folded behind her rotund bare ass, before she lowered her head down penitently. "I... I would like to enter your camp, Zip," she said.

"Sure," he said. Reaching out, he grabbed out a large cardboard box and skidded it in her direction. It came to rest at her feet. Looking down into it, she opened her mouth wide to see a large pile of firewood inside, in addition to a lighter, and kindling.

"Get a fire going," he said. He pointed to the fire pit of his campsite. "Before it gets too cold. You're a Wild Girl so I assume you can at least do that."

Rachel took a deep breath, and looked up. "Of course," she said.

She proved to be no expert firestarter. But with the tools provided, it was hard to fail. Soon, a plume of smoke and a few crackling flames started to rise from the middle of Zip's camp.

Realizing that if she continued to do nothing but hold her hands over her breasts and pussy and watch Zip's camp slowly advance itself she would lose everything, Diana belatedly turned to her remaining Vixens. "C'mon," she said. "Forget Zip and those traitors, let's get back to work. They'll come crawling back, and leave him alone and in his place, once our much better tent is up and running."

Turning, the three ladies began once more struggling with the tent. According to the advertisement on the box it was so simple a single small child could set it up with ease. But lacking instructions and having no idea what parts they were even missing, the ladies struggled valiantly and yet made no headway. Looking up, they gasped as they saw Zip's inferior but functioning tent get a rain fly added onto it, and then a door - raised entirely by the efforts of two lithe and naked girls.

At last, hissing in frustration, Lauren threw the segmented pole she had been trying to slide into the wrong sleeve to the ground, with a clank. Wheeling on Diana, she shook her finger in her face.

"This is all your fault," Lauren told her.

Throwing the tarp she was trying to straighten out down, Kayla nodded her vicious agreement.

"You are the worst Lioness ever," Kayla other said.

"Oh!" Diana gasped, shaking - left holding the tent alone - a deep blush appearing on her cheeks.

Before she could reply in any other way, the two had turned and started ascending towards Zip's camp. They arrived - and, realizing they were late-comers, went down onto their knees before him, side by side. Their rounded bare bottoms wiggled back and forth, just above their boots - as they too bowed their heads.

"Please," Kayla begged, "let us into your camp, Zip."

"Diana's sucks ass," Lauren added bitterly.

"Sure," Zip said. Reaching down, he grabbed up a camp stove and a cooler, and shoved one towards each. "Now earn your keep - and cook my food."

They both gasped. Lauren, holding the folding camp stove, looked at it like she wanted to call over the help and have them deal with it. Kayla, holding the cooler, had a look on her face like the idea of her 'cooking' food was an unfathomable logical paradox. But then, with twin sighs, they nodded.
