Their Handsome Young Shadow


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There was another burst of laughter from the six of them. Steve watched as his dad put the tongs down. David took Kerrie in his arms. He pulled her close and then he kissed her mouth. The four of them watched David and Kerrie play with each other for a while.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that," Theresa whispered.

"Feeling a bit jealous are you, Theresa," Jennifer whispered back.

"Uh huh, you could say that."

Theresa heard Cassandra softly whine, sigh and whimper. Cassandra was watching David and her sister with a lingering longing look in her beautiful green eyes. Cassandra was all set to run across the patio and join her two lovers. Theresa didn't want Cassie to go just yet. There was more work to do.

"Tell me, Cassandra," Theresa asked her former 18 year old student a moment later, "do you and Kerrie have plans? I mean what are you two going to do next? Have you applied to go to college?"

"No, not really," Cassie said, starting to fidget and play with her long damp hair, while looking in David's direction, before turning back to Theresa and Jennifer. "Kerrie and I don't want to go to college. We're thinking about doing porn together."

"Really ummm, okay," Jennifer said, raising her eyebrows. "Well you two have the look down. You're both young and beautiful - you're gorgeous beach girls and you both obviously like sex..."

"Yeah thanks, and we both love doing it," Cassie stated, "especially with older guys and sometimes even with older women as well."

Theresa, Jennifer and Cassandra softly laughed. They smiled and ran their eyes over each other.

"Really," Jennifer asked with an inviting smile.

"Absolutely," Cassie said, momentarily forgetting her hunger to join David and her twin sister. "I love and adore beautiful females."

"Well, that's worth keeping in mind," Theresa said. "Maybe we should exchange phone numbers then."

"Sure, absolutely," Cassie softly said with a smile. "I've always had the hots for you, Mrs. Richmond and for you as well, Mrs. Doyle."

"Likewise," Theresa said, before sipping her margarita and then slowly licking her lips.

"And Kerrie, does she feels the same way you...," Jennifer asked before Cassie cut her off.

"Uh huh, definitely," Cassie softly said, watching her ex teachers with an inviting gaze and with a smile playing on her lips as she spoke, "we two girls have the biggest crush on you two ladies. You can have both of us and we can have both of you..."

"That's what I like to hear. Mmmm that sounds so nice," Theresa whispered. "I'll certainly give you my number then, honey."

"Yes me too, yum. So this thing with David is just a casual thing," Jennifer asked as Theresa sipped her drink, laid back on the banana lounge, wriggled her pretty painted toes and watched Cassandra as the 18 year old girl stared at Theresa's feet and grinned.

"Cassie," Jennifer prompted with a smile, while curling and spreading her own toes.

"Hmmm," Cassie asked, dragging her eyes off the damp crease in the crotch of Theresa's bikini bottoms and looking at Jennifer with a distracted expression on her flushed face.

"Is your thing with David serious and long term or not?"

"Maybe, maybe not, the three of us are having fun right now," Cassandra haltingly said in a distracted voice while looking down at Theresa as the beautiful English teacher slowly opened her legs. "He's great in bed and ummm... It's ummm... I mean, well, ummm it's all good work experience for when Kerrie and I move into porn."

Cassie broke into a grin. Theresa smiled back. Jennifer softly laughed. Jennifer sipped her drink and discreetly opened her own legs. Cassie stared at her ex history teacher. She turned back to Theresa.

"I bet it gets really dirty with David behind closed doors," Theresa said with a smile. "I bet David just loves it. Do you and your sister give him the full PSE? I suppose so judging by the sounds I hear coming from his bedroom when I'm visiting Steven to do exactly the same thing."

"Cassandra," Jennifer prompted.

"Hmmm what, sorry," Cassie asked, looking up from Theresa's bikini covered pussy, only half hearing what her ex English teacher said. "Oh yeah Kerrie and I just do whatever he wants. He's addicted to it. He's addicted to what we do to him. He's addicted to us. I'm sorry I guess I better get back to..."

"Daddy," Jennifer asked.

"Uh huh, I'll make sure I grab your numbers a bit later though," Cassie said with a smile, backing away as she spoke.

"Oh no, let's do it right now, Cassandra," Theresa said, abruptly sitting up, turning, reaching out and picking up her mobile phone, "how about you give me your number instead, honey, rather than me giving you mine."

"Wow okay," Cassie softly exclaimed, grinning and nodding, while cautiously watching David and her twin out of the corner of her eye.

"And Kerrie's as well, of course," Jennifer added, quickly sitting up and grabbing her own phone.

Cassie's eyes grew wide. She bit her soft red bottom lip.

"Yeah wow, of course, for sure, Mrs. Richmond and Mrs. Doyle."

"Good girl," Jennifer whispered, "let's have them then."

The two teachers entered their sexy ex students' mobile numbers into their phones as Cassie recited the digits. Cassie grinned at the two older women and they smiled back at her when the details were saved. The three of them slowly and silently ran their eyes over each other as Theresa and Jennifer lay back on their banana lounges again.

"I guess I better go," Cassie said.

"I'll call you, Cassandra," Theresa softly said. "We'll set up a foursome - just Kerrie, you, Mrs. Doyle and I. We know a great place in the city to eat and a fantastic place to dance afterwards."

"Ummm sure, absolutely, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Doyle," Cassie said and then waved at her ex teachers before turning on her bare heels and racing across the patio towards David and Kerrie.

"Oh boy, you're going to have a fight on your hands with those two, David," Theresa whispered at Steve's father as Cassie reached David and let out a squeal. "We'll have those two pretty young females, thank you very much. I'm never going to let those girls go once I get my hands on them."

Jennifer sighed. She finished her martini. There was silence for a moment.

"We might be able to come to an arrangement with David," Jennifer said, "an arrangement which will suit us all."

Theresa was silent for a long moment.

"Uh huh," Theresa finally said, "we've done that before. I don't necessarily want to steal David's girls. I mean I'm happy to share them with him. In fact I'm even comfortable including him in our love plans."

Jennifer nodded. The two teachers watched all their playthings. They calculated and silently gamed out the scenario in their shared mind. The two teachers both agreed without a word being said.

"This is going to be a wild fantasy for our current guy's dad," Jennifer said. "He'll end up with a harem."

"Uh huh and David has the hots for me big time and I'm attracted to him as well."

"Look at them," Jennifer said, shaking her head and grinning as Theresa drained the last drops of her margarita and then watched Steve's father with his two girlfriends. "He's not going to even get the barbecue finished. I think those two will make great porn-stars. They just have no inhibitions and they're both so focused on sex. They're both so pushy."

"Yeah I agree," Theresa said. "Those two really aren't the type to go to college and study medicine or law. They do love sex and their obviously pretty good at it. Anyway I say do it, do porn, go for it."

"Yep," Jennifer agreed.

Theresa and Jennifer watched. Steve was managing the barbecue. He was turning the smoking meat with the tongs. David meanwhile had an arm around his two beautiful 18 year old girlfriends. Kerrie and Cassie were pressed right up against Steve's middle aged father. David was passionately kissing one girl, breaking and then passionately kissing the other girl. He went from one to the other. He went back and forth. Cassandra meanwhile had shoved her slim tanned hand inside David's swimwear and was stroking and squeezing his hard cock in front of everyone. Theresa and Jennifer could see the outline of Cassie's moving fist through the blue material of David's Speedos.

"C'mon Daddy, let's go back to bed," Kerrie suggested loudly enough for everyone to hear as David tongue wrestled with Cassandra. "I wanna do it again!"

David broke the deep kiss he was sharing with Cassie with a sweet slurp and turned to his son. David looked red faced. David looked drugged. Both Cassie and Kerrie were grinning up at him. Cassie was fondling him and stroking him. The two girls were running their free hands over his chest and down his spine.

"Are you okay to handle the cooking, bud," a grinning leering David asked his son.

"Ah yeah sure thing, dad."

"Okay good," David said, before briefly looking at Theresa and Jennifer and then continuing. "Us three are going to go inside for a while. We'll eat barbeque later."

Steve watched his father and his two ex school friends walk across the porch arm in arm and then enter the house. A few seconds later they had disappeared from sight.

Theresa and Jennifer watched David and the two girls walk inside the house. The two teachers looked at each other with a grin. They turned back to Steve. They were silent for a moment.

"This is actually going to be harder than I first thought," Theresa said as she watched Steve working. "I adore Steven. I don't know if I want to break up with him or not."

"I know how you feel, but it has to be done," Jennifer said. "He's college bound and he can't take a pair of married chicks like us with him. He's going to start a new phase of his life."

"I just worry he's going to be heart-broken and left all alone."

Jennifer softly laughed.

"What, this isn't funny," Theresa continued, feeling suddenly annoyed.

"Don't worry, Steven will be fine," Jennifer said, "and don't worry, he won't be alone when he gets to college."

"How do you mean, Jen?"

"Well, let's just say I know an older hard spanking school marm who enjoys putting an 18 year old guy over her knee and a respected female college professor who just loves and adores young naïve 18 year old boys."

Theresa burst into laughter.

"Oh God, Theresa exclaimed.

"And let's just say I've informed my two aforementioned contacts at college of the existence of and future arrival of one, Steven Collins, a beautiful and naïve boy from the suburbs."

"And are these two contacts as bad as we are," Theresa asked with a smile, watching Steve.

"Oh, I have no doubts at all - they're far worse than we are, my dear," Jennifer said while looking and waving at Steve as he cooked. "Our darling will be yummy tender prey amongst gorgeous she-wolves when he starts studying law at college - the poor innocent lamb..."

The two women burst into laughter. Jennifer got up first. Theresa mimicked her colleague's movements. They stepped into their shoes.

Steve saw and heard his two lovers approach out of the corner of his eye as he half-watched the meat cook on the spitting hot plate. Both teachers were dressed in tiny bikinis and were wearing light open robes. Both women were in their high heels.

"Got ya," Theresa whispered as she pressed her body up against Steve's from behind, and then ran her hands and then her arms around his belly.

Steve laughed and then he sighed. Jennifer reached Steve. Jennifer leant in and softly kissed his cheek.

"You've been ignoring us, lover boy," Jennifer said, whispering in Steve's ear as he forgot about a burning sausage. "You've been neglecting us."

"He's probably distracted by those two young minxes, Cassie and Kerrie," Theresa said, while stroking the soft skin on Steve's abdomen. "Did they offer to blow you or something, darling? Is that why you've been following them around all afternoon like a devoted puppy?"

"I'm sorry, Jen and Theresa," Steve said, putting the tongs down on the end of the barbeque, "I was just helping my dad cook and I..."

"Baby, we were just joking," Jennifer softly said, looking up at Steve with a smile, interrupting him, while reaching in and running her fingertips over Steve's hard cock through his swimmers. "We know what you were up to over here."

"Damn, that sausage is burning," Steve whispered, picking up the tongs again and turning it.

The two women laughed. Jennifer suddenly thrust her hand inside Steve's swimwear. The 18 year old boy gasped with surprise, jumped, then turned and grinned at Jennifer as she took Steve's cock in her hand and gently crushed it.

"It sure is burning, Theresa," Jennifer said, looking at her colleague. "This sausage is burning hot!"

Theresa laughed. She ran her hand down and over Steve's behind.

Steve looked at Jennifer. Her long fine strawberry hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her sunglasses were lying across her scalp. She was squinting up at Steve in the bright light. Her soft full lips were parted.

"You're getting too much sun, Jen," Steve whispered, reaching out and caressing Jennifer's pink cheek with his thumb. "I think you're the one who's getting burnt and hot."

"I'm okay, mister. I have plenty of sunscreen on," Jennifer said, before closing the distance between her mouth and Steve's mouth.

Theresa watched her fellow teacher passionately kiss Steve. Theresa smiled. Jennifer still had her hand inside the 18 year olds swimmers and was still stroking and squeezing his dick. Theresa gazed at the kiss. She could just see the slipping tongues touching and curling together. She could see their lips rolling and sliding with a soft crisp smack and a sweet sticky contact.

"C'mon, why don't you turn off the barbecue, Steven and come in and have a swim with us," Theresa softly suggested in Steve's ear before she started exhaling and running the tip of her tongue around inside.

Jennifer broke her kiss. Steve looked groggy. Steve looked overwhelmed. Theresa and Jennifer watched him with a grin. Theresa began kissing his neck. She groped him on the back patio. All the meat on the hotplate was burning.

"Oh Theresa," Steve whispered, before closing his eyes and sighing.

Theresa stopped kissing Steve's neck for a moment. The two women wore a sleazy expression on their beautiful facial features.

"Oh my darling boy," Theresa whispered.

They started devouring him again a few seconds later. They were like sharks. Theresa was at his neck and Jennifer was in his ear.

"Awww God I think I'm gonna cum," Steve hissed.

Jennifer pulled her hands out of Steve's swimwear a moment later. Her hand was wet and slippery. Jennifer stopped drilling out his ear with her tongue. Theresa refused to withdraw from his neck.

"C'mon, time for a swim," Jennifer insisted, "Theresa and I want to have a talk with you as well, Steven."

Theresa finally let go of Steve. He opened his eyes and nodded. He put the tongs back down on the end of the barbecue. He switched the gas off. He let his two older lovers takes his hands in theirs. The three of them walked across the patio. They stopped and stood at the edge of the pool.

"Those have to come off," Theresa whispered, her eyes dropping to Steve's swimmers as she removed her robe.

Steve quickly looked around the fence-line. None of the neighbors were watching. Steve peeled his swimmers off. He was naked. His large hard cock swung freely in the late afternoon heat. He grinned at the two women. They smiled back after staring at his cock. Steve stepped forward and dropped down into the water like a pin. He vanished from sight and then he emerged through the waterline spluttering and shaking the water out of his hair.

Theresa and Jennifer meanwhile kicked their high heel shoes off. Their thin short robes lay in a pile at their feet. They took their bikinis off. They set their sunglasses down. They then leapt into the swimming pool naked with a scream and a burst of laughter.

The two women went under. Steve watched their watery wavering forms move about. He was grinning. A few seconds later they ascended, broke through the surface, the water streaming down their faces and forms.

"Oh my God," Theresa exclaimed, "the waters so warm, it's so beautiful!"

"Yep, it's perfect," Jennifer said before turning to her 18 year old lover. "Come here you."

Steve approached Theresa and Jennifer. The three of them ended up in each other's arms. Steve softly kissed each female.

"You know Jen and I are so proud of you, Steven," Theresa began, while looking into his eyes and gently stroking the side of his wet face with her fingertips. "I know we've already said this a million times today, but again congratulations on finishing high school."

"And congrats on getting accepted into a good college as well," Jennifer added.

Steven passionately kissed each of his lovers. Theresa broke first. Theresa was silent for a moment. She then spoke.

"You know this thing we have between us and which we've all enjoyed for the last few months has to end," Theresa said, gazing into Steve's eyes while he blinked at her. "It has to stop. It was only ever supposed to be a short term love affair."

"That's very true," Jennifer continued. "It's been beautiful. It's been perfect, but it must end. You're college bound, Steven and Theresa and I have to go back to work and we have to get on with our own lives."

"And we have to set up dates with a couple of fresh faced 18 year olds we got numbers from very very recently," Theresa stated, interrupting.

"Oh my God," Steve said, "you both have someone already set up to go?"

"Uh huh, but it will be more than one though," Theresa said, "Mrs. Doyle and I have decided to seduce a couple of future porn-stars. We'll be good hard work experience for both of them."

"And don't forget about the third we were talking about just a while ago," Jennifer added.

"Ah, of course, how could I forget," Theresa said.

There was some soft laughter. The two teachers were silent a moment later. They were tentatively watching Steve to see how he was going to react.

"Yes I understand, you've told me often enough," Steve said, before nodding. "I knew this was only a short term thing. I'm okay with that."

"You're not upset are you," Jennifer asked him, while stroking his wet hair and before kissing his cheek.

"No way, I loved it. I understand it has to end. It's okay. I knew this day would come."

Theresa and Jennifer watched him. The two women then leant in, one after another and softly kissed his lips.

"Good, we're glad you don't hate us and you realize this was a short term thing," Theresa said.

"I don't hate you," Steve said. "I don't think I'll find another pair of beauties who'll let me role play with them when we're doing it, and who'll put me over their knee and let me have it when I don't perform well."

Theresa and Jennifer burst into laughter.

"You creepy pervert, we really do get into some dirty twisted role play with you, don't we," Theresa stated, while Jennifer gently slapped Steve across the back of the head. "What's up with that weird shit, pervy boy?"

"Ha, I might be a creepy pervert, but it takes one to know one, Mrs. Richmond," Steve shot back with a grin.

There was more laughter.

"I'm sure you'll find some highly respected female college professor and a cranky old school marm, make them fall in love with you and then maneuver them into role playing with you," Jennifer suggested with a smile. "You did that with us, didn't you...?"

Steve grinned. He and Jennifer kissed passionately while Theresa watched. The sighs, whines and muffled gasps grew louder as the kiss became more and more intense.

"Well, okay, now that we've sorted everything, why don't we all get out of the pool, go inside and celebrate your last day of high school with a good hard bang, mister," Theresa suggested. "I wouldn't mind role playing and wearing your semen one more time."
