Their Pleasure

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Sex with dad.
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When mom and I were having a lunch out we went shopping for a new bra. Well, I was. While we were looking I said, "I wanted to ask you something. Benson asked me if I would like to join him and some of his associates sometimes."

I didn't get a chance to say what for. Mom broke right in. "Karen, I think that's a very private invitation. Have you mentioned it to anyone else? Anyone other than me?"

"No," I said. "Why?"

"Did Benson mention it was very private and not to say anything to anyone about it?" She said.

"Yes," I said. "I thought it would be ok to mention it to you. Why can't I?"

"You can, just to me," she said. "If you're stressed about something then I might be able to help but it you're curious you should mention it to Benson since he wants to keep it private. That's the proper way. It's best not to divulge church business if you don't absolutely have to. What's bothering you in particular?"

"I was wondering what the invitation was for," I said. "Benson did say a few things but nothing definitive, just broadly."

"I think he may be in the protecting mode in case you're not interested," she said. "If you're interested give it time. See how it develops. Ask him the next time you get a chance."

"Ok," I said. "Thanks mom."

Benson, who works for a missionary group which we support, is part of the management that helps fund the missionaries. Support and supplies. There's Benson and 4 others in the office near us. The office is in one of their small churches. There's a low single story building on the rear for housing. They have a big tv room there with lots of plush sofas. I've been there several times to view documentaries they've produced.

The next time I was at the mission church Benson waved at me from across the room and later we got a chance to talk. He took me to a bench against one of the walls which was kind of private.

He said, "Ahh. It's great to get a chance to sit down. It's amazing how much time I spend on my feet. How's your summer going? It must be strange being out of school."

"Summer is going great," I said. "I like being out of school but I'm back in when I start college. I'm starting in the second semester rather than this fall so I have a longer vacation. I'm thinking about your invitation, favorably I might add, and was wondering if you could tell me more about it"

"Surely," he said. "The 4 other assignees and myself don't get out much with all the work. We set aside some hours now and then so we can relax. We invite some of the people we know to enjoy and share some of the wonderful things we've all been given. You'll probably get a chance to do whatever you would like to do and you'll never do what you don't want to. It's so nice to settle quietly down and enjoy life while we have a chance."

"What do I wear?" I said. "Would this be ok?"

"Oh," he said. "After a few times we designed and developed something to wear that's really comfortable and we can lounge around in it without worrying about it getting wrinkles or something on it. It's white cotton like a cloak. It goes down to below our knees and the sleeves go down to just below our elbows and are large. There's slits in the cloak from the bottom up to about the top of the hips but they're around on the rear of the hip so you can hardly see the slit when sitting down. They don't open much when walking so your modesty is protected. The cloaks are very loose and have buttons from the top down about to the upper part of the stomach. We just love them and never wear anything underneath for comfort. I can give you one to try on, if you like, so you can see how comfortable it is."

"Oh, yes, I'd love to try one on," I said.

Benson took my hand and led me back to the housing part. He got me a cloak and took me into the lounge.

He said, "There's a large bathroom through that door. There's no other door in the bathroom so nobody can come in that way. Slide the latch on the door here and nobody can come in. Be sure and take everything off before you put on the cloak so you have the full effect of the comfort. Lounge around on one of the sofas, stretching out if you want to see how it is. I'll leave a sign on the door outside so nobody will disturb you. I'll knock three times when I come back so you know it's me. I won't hurry so you can take your time."

Benson left and I latched the door. Nobody could get in so I took everything off and put it on one of the sofas. The windows were covered with dense bushes. The cloak was easy to get on. With the splits it just fell over my head and flopped right down. I could push my arms right out in the sleeves or pull them right in, the sleeves were so large. It stayed up easily on my shoulders and was quite comfortable. The buttons on the top weren't fastened and my breasts were almost fully out. I started buttoning and even with only two undone they were very accessible. Even with all the buttons fastened not having a bra on gave me an erotic feeling. Not having any panties or socks on was thrilling.

I was having the most marvelous feelings. I looked back and the slit on both sides were closed. I stepped out and they only opened a little starting down at my thighs. Nobody would see nude cheeks. The white material wasn't that thick but not thin, either, and it had a fuzzy type surface. It wouldn't just flop all over the place. I sat on one of the sofas imagining someone sitting right beside me and felt quite comfortable. The backs of the sofas were very high, not even the top of my head could be seen from behind and the sides of the backs had little wings curling around towards the front so nobody could see that way. The cushions and back and arms were soft like a mattress and the arms were slanted so you could lay your head down like on a pillow. The sofas were staggered and seemed to be quite private from the others. I never noticed all that about the lounge the other times I've been here.

Since it was really private I pulled the front part of the cloak up and was surprised how far it folded up. I was nude from just about my belly button all the way down to my toes and around to the back edge of my cheeks. I sat there looking down my body. Wow. I closed the front flap and slipped my hand in the side slit and felt around in my pubes. That was convenient. That's probably why the slit is up that high, for men and women. My breathing was getting a little faster so I took off the cloak and got dressed. Benson knocked three times about 5 minutes after I was finished. I opened the door and gave him the folded cloak.

He said, "How was it? They actually come in different sizes. I thought that one would be about right."

"It was great," I said. "That was really fun. It's perfect for lounging around. Good design."

"So," he said. "Would you like to join us? Sometimes we do feel like doing some really erotic things but we wouldn't ever do anything you say no to. Its wonderful fun and we don't hurry at all. Slow and easy gives us all time to absorb all the good feelings for as long as we want. I think that's one of the reasons we were granted these good feelings. They linger there until activated. I think you'll be surprised at how much you like it."

I already decided I would give it a try after trying on the cloak. I said, "Yes I would. Will you call? How do I know when?"

"I'll call but the next one is tomorrow evening if you can come over then."

"Yes, I can come over then," I said.

"Ok," he said. "Come to the lounge about 8:30. There's one more thing. We do rotate around between each other, but just for each separate meeting, so everybody has a lot of variety. If that's ever a problem let me know. I think you'll like rotating, everybody does. Would you like one of the other guys or would I be ok for the first one?"

"I prefer you," I said.

"I prefer you too," he said.

I took a shower in the late afternoon. Mom brought me some fresh bath towels and came back and helped me dry off. I was drying my toes with my foot up on a stool and mom started drying my buns with a small towel and continued right under my crotch then reached around front and did my whole vulva, inside and out and spent extra time on my tuff. I was a little surprised but I appreciated it.


When I arrived Benson was in the front of the building waiting. He didn't have a cloak on yet. He took me back to his apartment to change. His bathroom had no other door and there was a slide bolt on the door. He said he would be in the lounge and left. I slid the bolt closed and took off my clothes. There was a nice table that was clear so I folded and put them there and went to the bathroom to see how it worked with the cloak and went to the lounge. It wasn't dark but dim. I recognized two of the girls that graduated when I did. One saw me and winked. She was holding hands with one of the guys. I didn't know their names, only Bensons.

I mingled around and met everybody. All the guys held my hand and gave me a slight hug. Our hands always seemed to be caught right in between us with the back of mine touching his penis and the back of his touching my vulva somewhere, just for a moment. Nobody was putting on airs and it seemed more human or something with everybody nude under their cloaks. It was almost electric erotic. The guys would get bumps in the front of their cloaks and then it would disappear. I noticed some of the girls breathing a little faster and their nose flaring some. I guess I was doing that too. I didn't mind at all being completely nude under the cloak and everybody else knowing it and being so close to them.

Benson came back. We held hands and hugged and our hands got trapped for a moment. I felt his penis on the back of a finger and one of his fingers poked me right above my clit. Five girls and five guys didn't seem like that many people. The lounge felt quite empty. The lights went down more and more until it was almost dark. Benson got my hand and led me to, what I assumed, was his sofa. I sat at the end so he was on my right. I wasn't right up against the arm and he wasn't jammed up against me.

He said, "I guess we could get to know each other. I'll try to give you some erotic feelings every now and then. Let me know sometimes if it's working. If I overdo it just let me know."

"Me too," I said. "I'm not that good at this so don't expect too much. You can fill in what I miss."

We were turned into each other some. He put his arm around the back of my waist and the other around under my arm. My arm went up on his shoulder and he tilted over and we kissed. It seemed to keep going. It was so good the hair came up on my neck. I was instantly thrilled. In a darkened room on this wonderful couch, both totally nude under our cloaks and kissing close like this.

His lips found mine again and opened and it was even better. He wasn't pressing in hard. His hand around my left side slid out and worked its way down the side of my hip. He rubbed his fingers around on my hip a little and after two or three more long kisses his fingers slipped into the slit and on my cheek. I had a man's fingers on my bare butt. I got those hairs standing up again on my neck. He went over to my butt crack. We were tilted towards each other and it was clear. I had to fight to keep my leg down. He touched my tongue with his and it was erotic all over again.

He said. "Can you stand more erotic? I know a really great tease, well several, but this one is surprisingly good."

"Let's do," I said. "I'm having a great time."

"I'm going to move over," he said. "Pull your leg up against the back of the sofa."

He shifted over and I pulled my leg up against the back of the sofa and the front part of the cloak fell down and left my leg bare. The cloak covered me more than sufficient. He could see part of a bare hip but nothing else. He shifted back and my leg was in back of him.

He said, "Here goes, enjoy."

I felt his fingers searching around my crotch on top of the cloak and then he was right at my vagina. I felt my ridges being pushed aside and something larger push right down on. He tilted more over me and got his arms around me again. He quick pecked me on the lips then he kissed me a really good one while his penis teased my vagina.

"If you're comfortable we can do this for as long as you want, he said."

He slipped his hand up my sleeve and around on my back. It was amazing how accessible we were in these cloaks. They were perfect. Benson was softly pushing his penis around the entrance to my vagina. I was getting massaged so wonderfully. Sometimes he reached down in the slit to my bare butt and pulled and pushed a little while his penis did its work. The effect was almost breathtaking. It was an erotic high that didn't quit. After a while I heard one of the other girls have an orgasm. Absolutely no question about it. There was some nice slow music playing but every now and then I could hear someone say something or a slight exclaim.

I could have an orgasm with what we were doing and Benson could too if we went faster. I think that's why we're going slow and going a long time with each thing. It was certainly working for me and I think Benson was having a great time even with my lack of skills. I know the front of my cloak was getting soaking wet with his penis keeping it at my vagina entrance. We went a long time then slowed down and stopped. I went to the bathroom then Benson did and we started again. I put my leg on the back of the sofa when I sat down and he got in the same spot.

He said, "You seem to control yourself easily. There is a much more erotic tease we can do if you would like to try. It takes good control on both our parts. It takes a little preparation but you'll enjoy the preparation. What do you think?"

"I can try," I said. "I'm not sure about the controlling. Be sure I understand what to do."

"I will," he said. "Slip both of your hands under the cloak down to your vagina. This is practice." I did. "Now, slip a thumb down between the ridges above your vagina and use your other hand to massage the tip of your thumb with the inside of the ridges. Your fingers will be on the outside. Do that until it feels comfortable."

My ridges were fairly large along with everything else down there. There was plenty of room for this. I worked my thumb for a couple of minutes and said, "Ok. I'm good with that."

"Ok," he said. "What we do is pull the front flap of our cloaks up out of the way. I won't be looking at you but its dark anyway. I slip the head of my penis down where your thumb was and you massage like you were before. Please use your fingers to get it where you want it. I'll like that. The inside of your ridges are so soft and moist it'll feel exceptionally good on the bare head of my penis. It's bound to touch your vagina but that's one of the teases. I don't mind if you push against it. Would you like to try it?"

"Oh yes," I said. "I've never heard of that."

"Slide down so I can get in position. Be sure to leave your head elevated."

Benson moved over and I slid down keeping my leg against the back of the sofa. He moved up in relative position and pulled my cloak front up to my waist and then his and tilted right over. I felt his penis and immediately lifted my other leg up and planted the foot on the edge of the sofa. I turned my head and looked at that leg and foot and wondered why it did that. Benson got one arm under my shoulder and the other around my waist. He kissed me and waited. I slipped a hand down and found his penis and got it between my ridges and pulled it so he would drop down more until my bottom was fully down on the sofa.

I got the outside of my ridges and started rotating them around the head and back. Benson moaned so quietly while he was kissing me. He pulled his hand out from my waist and started unbuttoning the top of the cloak. I noticed but it didn't register. I was lost playing with his penis like this with the head right at my vagina. He said he didn't mind if I pushed against it so I did. It touched and I pulled back then did it again.

He said, "I'm so glad you're playing with it. I hoped you would. This is some of the best erotic feelings I've ever felt."

About that time I heard one of the guys grunt. He must be in the next sofa. Then a girl got out two or three little squeals. Another orgasm. Benson had both my breasts out fully and was tonguing and sucking on the nipples and massaging the rest. I was still pushing up against the head of his penis. I moved my fingers just off the bottom of the head and pushed slowly while I was twisting and massaging. After about three thrusts I had the head in to my fingers. I had been thinking about it. I couldn't get pregnant and I really was having a fantastic erotic time. I slipped my other hand down and grabbed his penis and started slowly pushing up and pulling his penis down. Not all that fast.

I said, "Is this ok? Do you mind?"

"Not at all," he said. "I glad you're enjoying yourself. It's what all this is about. Sometimes if you feel like it and want to you can pull your hands out and we can let ourselves enjoy each other. If you want an orgasm just let me know."

Benson was dropping his penis down a little at a time and was in about half way. I eased up holding his penis and pulled my hand out and around his neck. I was still massaging his penis with the other. When the back of my hand touched something I pulled that hand out and put it around his neck. My legs got around his and Benson and I fucked for the longest time. If I had to design a way to lose my virginity it couldn't be more perfect than this unless it was with my dad. I whispered in his ear, 'now would be a good time'. He went faster, not much, just a little. It was enough. He had an extraordinary satisfying orgasm, I could tell, and I did too. My first with a real penis. A lot of first times tonight.

A light came on in a far corner and we all slowly got up and went to the bathroom and back. Nobody was in a hurry. A long time later more lights came on and we were all up and mingling again. We had some tea and talked and hugged and kissed. Even some sexy kisses from the other guys. We got dressed and Benson walked me out.

"I'll call and let you know when our next meeting will be," he said. "I hope you continue. If you'd like to try a particular person let me know. I can arrange it. Us guys never ever tell what we did with any of the girls and we ask the same of the girls. It helps to keep everything private. It also helps that you're starting fresh each time until you get someone a second time and then you only know what you two did the last time."

"Thank you Benson," I said. "It was wonderful. I enjoyed myself immensely and I would like to continue."

We kissed and said goodnight and I left. When I got home mom was still up. She sat me down and got me a glass of tea and took my shoes off. I took a shower and mom came in and helped dry me off. She used a small soft towel and patted me dry under my crotch and up my vulva. She pulled my ridges open and patted me dry inside everywhere. I had one leg up on a stool and kept drying my hair, watching. Then she did my breasts. She did all that the other time too. I wondered if she knew all about the meetings. She seemed knowledgeable about it. My head was totally filled with Benson and me.

I processed everything over and over and over. I really didn't think Benson was trying to fuck me when I was massaging his penis. He wasn't pressing the possibility and he probably had all the sex he wanted with these meetings. I think he was giving me the opportunity, if I wanted it. Massaging the head of his penis while it was right above my vagina and it touching every now and then, no doubt from my fingers was the most erotic experience I've ever had and fucking was so easy. I'll probably never forget that particularly one.