Their Way - Andrea and Jay Ch. 09

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Discovering a shared depravity of souls.
9.5k words

Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/17/2019
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This story and the chapters to follow are fiction. None of the characters exist and their names are all fictitious as well. Any names that match individuals in real life are purely a coincidence. But never knows. Please read the previous story parts.

So...sit back and enjoy the adventures of Andrea and Jay. (And some other people in their lives.)

Read the previous chapters. The story begins with chapter 02.


June 2006 Washington DC

Jack sat back in his office chair nodding. The Mayers and Cruz families were incestuous just as he had expected. He had a nose for spotting it and his intuition had proven him right again. All the waiting and surveillance had been expensive, but worth it in the end. The question now was what about the mother and son?

They had no evidence that those two had a sexual relationship, but Jack had that feeling he refused to ignore. Something told him there was something there. Intuition or wishful thinking, he had to know. He picked up the phone and called his son Brad.

"Brad, can you come in for a few minutes?"

"Be right there."

Brad Xenos entered his father's office glad to be getting a break from reading reports.

"What's up?" he asked informally.

Jack pointed to a chair and looked at his son after he sat.

"It looks like the Mayers girl confirmed incest in their family."

"Really!" Brad said perking up.

He and his father didn't always see eye to eye. In fact, Brad had not been certain the Mayers family were involved in the same practice as their own. But the old man had finally found something, so Brad allowed the old man to gloat he had predicted it.

"She and her father, before he died."

"Interesting," Brad replied. "And the mother and son?"

"Nothing on that front yet, but I'm thinking that if there is... it's in the developing stages. He only turned eighteen last February."

"Long enough for him and his mother to get close."

"Maybe yes and maybe no. I want it confirmed. Are they still in process of moving?"

"The mother put the house up for sale." Brad recalled his latest report on the mother and son. "And she has been inquiring about renting near the college. She has also asked for a transfer to a branch near that college on the other side of town."

"They are distancing themselves from where they are known," Jack said.

Brad smiled and nodded just as his father did. It was one of the practices of such couples.

"I had a plan to investigate them, but it fell through where they live now," Brad added. "Jane, the young woman the son was playing around with?" he paused making sure his father understood who it was.

Jack nodded so Brad continued.

"She left the state for California. We can approach her there if you like."

"If we do, she could warn them, and they can bolt or become more secretive. I want to observe them when they have no clue they are being observed. Make sure the surveillance is passive and light. No close contact and no bugs. OK?"

Brad nodded.

"I presume all the bugs were removed from the professor's residence?"

"Reluctantly so. But yes, they are gone. If he is investigated, no one will find traces of us."

"After Leslie Mayers' statement goes to print, the feds will put him on their shit list and may even start their own investigation. The last thing we need is to be caught up in that.

"Once the Mayers couple are living in their new place across town, we can see about gathering more information on them. Until then let's give them some breathing room."

"You got it," Brad replied. "Anything else?"

"Yes, why don't you and Janet come over for dinner tonight. We haven't gotten together for a while."

Brad smiled at his father who smiled back. They both knew what "dinner" meant. A chance for a family sex romp.

"You're incorrigible dad."

"What? You don't think I know you and Jill are fucking whenever she comes to your office?"

"Do you blame me?"

"Son, I've been fucking your aunt since forever and hope to on my last day on earth."

"You probably will," Brad replied knowing the close bond between his father and his aunt. "And I know you and Janet had your moments."

"Do you blame me?" his father looked up slightly worried. Brad was his son after all and while they had traded their loved ones on occasion, he still worried about hurting his son. "She is beautiful. But she is yours, son. Her heart is yours and you know it."

"I know that, just like you and Jill. It's how we are."

"Are you sure Brad? Are you sure you are not upset that your mother and I are not together?"

Brad was good at keeping his emotions in check. He did so again at his father's question.

"I didn't understand it as a child; why my mom and dad lived apart. So far apart." He corrected himself. "That bothered me. But I knew she was married to her work and business as much if not more than you. You two had different goals and eventually I figured things out. She loved someone else and so did you."

"I still love her in a way and am thankful she gave me you Brad."

"It's in the past," Brad said looking away.

"You and I are not in the past," Jack said to his son. "I am and have been so proud of you. And of all the people you could be in love with, your cousin is the best. I love Janet. She is like a daughter to me. You know that don't you?"

Brad nodded.

"Funny," he said. "I never felt any anger or hate toward aunt Jill. She was aunt Jill. She is family. We love family. Just that some family love each other more than others. When I got older I understood. You have for Jill what I have for Janet. I love aunt Jill but I'm not in love with her; you are. It's how Janet and I are."

"I'm glad we had this talk Brad," Jack said to his son. "At least you and I talk about such things."

Brad noticed a forlorn look on his father's face.

"Cliff..." Jack said mentioning his other son, "well, let's talk about your brother another time."

Brad merely nodded. His brother was very different from the rest of the family and distant. Brad had little contact with his younger brother. They were a year apart, but the gulf between them vast and insurmountable. They lived in two different worlds personally with no close resolution to the family rift.

"How's your mom doing?" Jack asked politely.

"California agrees with her. I think she is in Japan on business."

Jack nodded politely and smiled as Brad moved to the door. Talk of Brad's mother was kept to a minimum. The marriage was still in the books, but the two had not lived together for many years.

"Is seven OK?" Brad asked about their "dinner" plans.

"Sounds great," Jack said and nodded to his son who smiled politely and closed the door.

Brad was in his late twenties, a marine reserve officer and a veteran of war, yet he still had issues about the circumstances of his birth by his parents. Jack shook his head at that. He and Brad had gone over it time and time again, yet it was still a sore point between them. The marriage between his mother and father had been one of convenience to give each other cover in the real world and to produce a child not of incest. A common practice by people like them. Could they have handled it better? Maybe. Jill had ideas about that worth exploring.

Jack sat back thinking about his relationship with his sons. At least Brad talked and worked with him. As an Army chaplain, Cliff thought his father was living in sin with Jill. They had not talked since Angela, Cliff's wife, had been in the hospital after Afghanistan. All the millions... correction billions Jack had amassed, and he still had family problems.

Jack looked out the window gathering his thoughts until his assistant buzzed him.

"Mrs. Stein is on the way up Mr. Xenos."

"Good, send her in when she gets here."


Jill and Leslie came up the elevator and headed right for Jack's office. They were on the 15th floor of the building overlooking the Potomac and the nation's capital. Something they could not miss from the view of the floor to ceiling glass windows past the assistant's desk.

Jack stood as they came in the room to greet them. While he had seen pictures of the younger Mayers woman, he was shocked at how she resembled her mother. The face was near identical, but just a bit different. Yes, Leslie was younger, but there were slight variations; the genetics of Robert Mayer. She was two inches taller than her mother, something hardly noticeable at the moment as Jack stared at her beautiful face.

"Jack, this is Leslie Mayers," Jill said aware her brother already knew who the young woman was.

Leslie had expected to see an older man in the huge and plush corporate office of Xenos Corp. Jack Xenos was in his early sixties, but Leslie didn't know that yet. To her he was at best in his mid-fifties. He had the distinguished gray hair on the temples, but the rest of his hair was mostly black. He was fit, handsome and that disarming smile set Leslie surprisingly at ease. And he looked familiar.

"Nice to meet you Leslie," he replied and put out his hand for her to shake. Leslie felt the warmth of man strength in his large palm. He shook her hand politely, holding it just long enough to not make her uncomfortable. "Did you have a good trip?"

"Yes sir, I did," she replied. Where had she seen him before?

"That's so formal," he replied. "Has Jill been staring you down and making you think I was an ogre?" he smiled again not giving her a chance to reply. "Call me Jack."

Jill rolled her eyes as she sat on the edge of his desk; clearly marking her territory.

"I'm fine with-it Mr..." Jack gave an expectant smile at her and waited. "I mean Jack," Leslie corrected herself, seeing him nod in approval.

"Good, I hear you signed the statement and will be doing your air force physical tomorrow, right?"

Jill got bored with her brother repeating the obvious and cut in. He so loved charming women with that way of his. But this young girl still needed the force of God on her, not the seduction of Jack. But Jack was Jack and approached people his way; charm. Her way was waterboarding.

"You know all that Jack, quit pestering the girl. She agreed and is been very cooperative."

Then Jill turned to look at Leslie in the eye as she continued.

"And... she was also forthcoming about her relationship with her dad. Do you have the room locked?" she asked and reached for the door automatic lock on Jack's desk. She was quite familiar with it as she pressed the button locking the door. The room was soundproofed and checked for bugs twice a day.

Jack smiled at Leslie and nodded toward his sister.

"Ain't she something Leslie? No woman like her. Look at that body. And what's between her ears is a human computer. Photographic memory. But she acts like she forgets. Don't fall for it."

"Jack thinks he is funny," Jill said to Leslie in a familiar manner that she had not used with Leslie before.

"Let's all sit and talk a bit," Jack said pointing to the couch on the other side of the large office.

He sat on a chair facing them and the two women sat across him.

"Leslie," he said stopping for effect. "You may be asking why you are here by now."

The young woman nodded but didn't interrupt.

"Before we go on, I need you to agree to something. I can't make you to, but I would like you to consider it the price of us helping you."

"OK" Leslie replied wondering what it was. "I'll consider it."

Jill got irritated and turned toward Leslie with an admonishing look. But Jack merely smiled at the young girl's spunk raising his hand to calm his sister. Jill gave him a dirty look in response and sat back.

"This is the deal Leslie. All you will hear from us and all the help we will give you, you are not to reveal it or divulge it to your mother and brother. When it's time, I will do that myself."

Leslie was puzzled.

"They don't want to talk to me, but why do you want me to not say anything about you to them?"

"Let's say that I have plans for them my dear. Good plans," he said with a smile, "but let's say both the plans and your family are not ready for yet."

Leslie sat back for a few seconds wondering what these two people wanted from her mother and brother. She understood about why they were giving her a chance to recant her TV diatribe against the military and the war. But why her mom and brother?

"How are they involved in this?"

"Well my dear, it all has one connection point between your family and ours. Your father."

"My father? How?"

"I have two sons. One of them has a wife. A young army first lieutenant who was under your father's command the day he died."

As Jack Xenos spoke, Leslie froze.

"Your daughter in law was there that day?"

"Yes," Jack said. "And your dad saved her life. Robert Mayers died saving the mother of my only grandchildren Leslie."

He stopped staring at her to let the implication sink in.

Leslie saw the emotion in the man's face as he spoke. Turning toward Jill for confirmation, she saw the older woman nod with a pursed lip polite smile. Leslie turned back to Jack.

"You know that for sure?"

"Yes hun," Jack replied. "I'm connected enough to know."

There was something about his demeanor. The look of sorrow... And all of a sudden Leslie remembered him.

"Wait," she said lifting a finger at him. "You... you were at dad's funeral."

Jack nodded. Jill sat back watching with a slight smile.

"You were there when we met the president, right?"

Jack smiled and nodded.

"Why didn't you say anything then? Or since then?"

Jill spoke up then and Jack deferred to her with an adoring look. These two were close Leslie sensed.

"We didn't want to intrude in your mourning my dear. Your mom looked hurt and the last thing she needed was us bothering her. Let's say we have been watching over you to make sure you were all safe. I wish we had been more attentive to your grief and needs, but once we found out of your troubles we decided to step in and help you. Or actually, give you the opportunity to make things right."

Leslie nodded appreciatively.

"Your daughter in law... she knew my dad?" Leslie asked tearing up but fighting to control it.

"She was in his staff," Jack replied. "She was almost captured and killed, but your father rescued her. Well..." Jack corrected himself; still fighting to control his emotions. "He died doing so. We... my family will be forever in your family's debt."

Leslie sat back trying to take it all in. A tear ran down her cheek as Jill reached across to hold her hand in true concern.

"Can I meet your daughter in law?" Leslie asked expectantly.

"In due time," Jack replied a bit uncomfortably. "My son and her are at the moment not our biggest fans."

"Why?" Leslie asked surprised. "You both seem so nice?"

Jack smiled back politely and tilted his head looking at Jill. Jill looked back at him. The two both trying to decided what to tell her. It was Jack who gave a slight shake to the head and Jill that nodded back in agreement. It was not the time to expose themselves to Leslie. Even knowing what she had done, they were not certain of her trustworthiness yet.

"What?" Leslie asked looking from one to the other for an answer. It was Jack who spoke up.

"Leslie, parents and children often have their issues and differences. Both my sons have had their moments with me. At the moment, my son Cliff and I are not speaking. His choice, not mine. And apparently his wife is taken her husband's side even though he has not shared with her the reason."

"Families," Leslie said shaking her head.

Jill chuckled at that.

"We are all we have, and we treat each other worse than strangers," she said to Leslie.

"Well, if you can arrange it, I would love to meet her and ask her about my dad."

"We'll keep that in mind. I think she may want to say thank you as well," Jack replied. "Back to you and this situation with the press."

Leslie perked up at that.

"After your physical tomorrow, you will not be going back to Valdosta," Jill said. "I have a couple of radio shows for you to do. Before you do, we will go over your story and how much you can say. Take my word for it, some people may trash you online about going back on your word. They will bring up the sexual angle with the professor and his assistant. We will head them off at the pass by exposing it first."

"You will?" Leslie said in panic.

"It's best to jump ahead of the story Leslie. They will use it to smear you. Instead we will say what actually happened. That they took advantage of the grieving daughter of a war hero. We will say the same thing and put our side of the story out putting them on the defensive from the start."

Leslie looked shocked at that and turned to Jack for help. He nodded toward Jill before he spoke.

"Listen to Jill," he said. "She is our public relations expert. She knows the press game and how to fight them."

"Leslie, in this kind of political war, and it is a war, there is no clean fighting. Look what they did to use you. Do you think we should play fair with them?"

"No," Leslie replied with conviction. "Fuck 'em."

Jack laughed and Jill shook her head smiling.

"I like her Jill," Jack said.

"I know," Jill replied hopelessly. "A good-looking woman with spunk. All it takes for you to "like" her."

Jack looked at her adoringly.

"It's why I love you hun," he said looking at her adoringly.

At first Leslie thought this brother and sister couple were just very close to each other. But the way they related with each other, she began to wonder. She remembered Jill sitting on Jack's desk when they came in, placing her tight ass practically in his face. And there was more. The way they looked at each other... She knew the look. The look of lovers. Could they be?

They noticed she was staring and turned back to her. But she spoke first.

"What are you going to do about the information about me and my father?"

She saw them both stiffen for a brief second, but they both responded similarly by giving her disarming smiles.

"It stays a secret." Jill said.

Jack was staring at her trying to read her.

'She thinks she knows,' he thought. 'But she is not sure. Easy Jill... be cool about this.'

"Back to your schedule. After the physical, Gills will get you back here and we will go over your story. By then your statement will be out and we will do two three radio interviews at a nearby studio. If things go well, we may do a fourth at noon."

"Will we have time for all this?" Leslie replied to Jill.

Jack was still quiet waiting to see the outcome of his sister distraction. The woman was a genius at conversation and leading people astray. The law degree and practice in court when she was younger had molded her abilities at that to fine-tuned PR instrument.

"Your physical is at four in the morning. You will be the only one there. After that you come here, and I will ask you the questions the radio guys will ask you. Stipulation for them having you one is that they play ball with us on questions. I know how this game is played Leslie. They know better than to go off script.

"One of them is a national radio hose and plays his own tune. He may be the one to go off script. You just stick to what is on the statement and keep turning the story to them using you at a time you were at your most vulnerable. If you have to, make like it's an emotional moment and act like you are trying to keep yourself from crying. As you are doing that, say this phrase... my dad... my dad died for us. Then stop talking. They will know better than to press you anymore."

Leslie sat back in awe of this woman's abilities.

Jack was awed as well, but not for the same reasons. He knew of his sister's mastery of public relations. His admiration was focused on Jill's ability to take control of the conversation and steer it. He was good himself in negotiations, but Jill was a grand master at it.