There Must Be a Mistake Ch. 04


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The lead Guide yelled, "Check the base of the trail for his body; that asshole tried to climb to the summit in the dark."

Delicious fainted when she heard him say it.

The guide mumbled, "Oh great, that's just what we need now."

20 minutes later to guides came back and told their boss there was no body at the base of the cliff. The idiot had made it to the top without killing himself in the process.

Delicious was being cared for by the other members of the group. She was asked what type of transportation brought her to the Lodge."

She said it was an Audi Q7, blue, Colorado license plate number, and approximately where it was parked.

Within minutes the car was located, and the note discovered. They now knew that Even Luck was alive, and no longer a concern for the park services. They left the note in the car for Delicious to read.

They called the information down to the guides, and even though Delicious wanted to start up immediately, she had to wait until everyone had breakfast, cleaned up the entire area, and then mounted their donkeys for the long trek up to the top.

As soon as her donkey's hooves made it past the ramps and onto the top of the plateau, Delicious jumped off her animal and ran towards the car. She opened the front door and grabbed the note. Tears filled her eyes as the words sunk in to her brain.

"I did this to myself. I should have asked first, but I thought I was being so smart that I could fix or find fault with something that the great Doctor Even Luck had made a mistake on. I wanted to show my uncle that I was smarter than he was. Vanity, vanity, woman is thy name." She stood up and yelled to the four winds


She pulled out her cell phone, and called the only friend she had in the world.


"Roz, I fucked up big time. Please help me."

"Delicious, what happened, where are you honey, are you okay?"

"I did something to Uncle Even that was so terrible he left me. I am at the Grand Canyon. I have a lot of money, I have a car, and I am fine. I don't know about him. He climbed up the mountain by himself last night. I don't know where he is. He was so angry with me last night he would not talk to me. I thought it would blow over by this morning, but he was gone. What if he hurts himself because of me? I really fucked up he never wants to see me again."

"Delicious can you get home. If you can't I will come to get you."

"I can make it home. It's only 10 hours from here."

"If you can't make it all the way, stop somewhere, and I'll see tomorrow. Come straight to my house, and we will work everything out. I promise you we will work everything out."

"No we won't. You did not see the look in his eyes. He hates me now, and after I read his note, and thought about it this morning, I don't blame him. He has given me enough money to make a life of my own, and that is what I will do. I am just going to have to learn how to grow up in a hurry, and that is the hard part. Where is there a school that teaches you how to grow up? I'll see you tonight Roz. Goodbye.

Roz had just barely hung up the phone when it rang again.


"Hello darling how is everything?"

"It's like Chicken Little; the sky is falling."

"Why, what is going on?"

"I just got off the phone, a moment ago, with Delicious. She didn't tell me what she did, but she did something awful to Even. He doesn't want to see her anymore. He wants her out of his life, and she said after she thought about it she understood why. Whatever she did it must've been something terrible, because they were fine when they left here for Texas."

"I've been trying to get through to that damn machine of his since yesterday, and it won't take any messages. Things are weird up here but I should have it all straightened out by late today, or tomorrow at the latest. Does she know where Even went?"

"No, and she's worried about his mental state. She said he was so angry with her she didn't know what he would do."

"Alright, I'll call Andy and have him start a trace on Even. If he has a heartbeat, Andy he will find him."

"Can you tell me what's going on up there?"

"Not without breaking privilege dear."

"You know I hate you when you do that to me."

"You'll just have to take it out on me in bed, when I get home."

"You are not safe yet Rod. I am not getting pregnant on one of your guesses."

"I'll pay another visit to the doctor to see how I'm going, or is it cuming?"

"Either way Mister Laver it's not going in me until I see a letter signed by your doctor that you are absolutely 100 percent shooting blanks."

"99 percent won't do?"

"Sir, with my luck 99.9999 percent I would get pregnant. I have six children and one husband. If I get pregnant again I'm going to have seven children and no husband. Do you understand?"

"I think I understand, but I'm sure you'll remind me if that little white stick turns blue."

"If you're close enough to see it turn blue it will be going through your eye next."

"Can I help it if I love you so much?"

"I can love you that much, cut about 8 ½ inches off you, and remember it fondly."

"Roz that is hitting below the belt."

"Rod, while you are talking to me you are not working. Go to work and get your ass home where it belongs."

"Is there any other part of me you want to bring home?"

"Yes, your wallet."

"Woman you are nasty."



"Hello Mister Meil, this is Delicious Mark. Can I have a moment of your time please?"

"Hello Delicious, should I bother asking you how you got my direct number?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"No, I guess not. What can I do for you?"

"I need your help. I did something really stupid to my uncle and he is very angry with me. He never wants to see me again, and I can understand why. All I want is another chance to make it right. I cannot do that if I cannot find him. He has disappeared, and I do not know if he is going to hurt himself or just hide until he feels better. I will do whatever he wants, but I just want a chance to try and make amends. I am only 17 years old. I am smart, but I have not had a life yet. I do not want my chance with Uncle Even to end this way."

"What is it you want me to do Delicious?"

"Can you try to find him for me? I will do everything else. If he does not want to speak to me there is nothing else I can do."

"I will do it on one condition."

"I cannot do that. You are going to have to change your phone number."

"Do you read minds also?"

"No, it was just the next logical question."

"You have no idea how I wish we could use you here."

"I will offer you my first newborn program."

"I accept. I will put the word out immediately."

"Thank you Mister Meil."


Stan get your ass in here.

"Yes oh mighty one, how may I serve thee today?"

"You can stop kissing my ass for a moment, and find Even Luck."

"Isn't he on his way home to Colorado?"

"Stan you are starting to remind me why I do not like you. I would not ask you to find him if I knew he was going to Colorado. His niece just called me on my private line and she does not know where he is because they had an argument and he left her. Find him now Stan. You have 12 hours to do it."

"Sir, I do not have the telephone number to your private line."

"There is a good reason for that Stan. You now have 11 hours and 59 minutes to find him."

"Yes sir, I am on my way sir. Have a great day sir."

"That man is going to have a heart attack one day, and the last word he is ever going to say is 'sir."


I entered my hotel room and for what I paid for one night, you would have thought it was a five-star establishment. I found out this is hunting season, and rooms were at a premium. I was lucky to find one available at this time of year, and for only $1100 per night. The carpet was worn. The bed had springs that had to be left over from the Korean War. The Windows had not been washed since they were put in, and the shower was just barely big enough for me to fit in. Gee whiz all the comforts of home. Oh yes, I forgot, there is a 19 inch color television but no cable or satellite hookup. I could not wait to leave in the morning at least I knew what to expect in Point Barrow, the northernmost point of the United States; nothing, absolutely nothing. There is a scientific station, and a native Eskimo village and that is all. That was where I was going, that is where I thought I wanted to be, do not ask me why, because I could not answer you if I tried. My mind said go north, and I was going north.

The following morning I climbed into a single engine aircraft (no ticket required) for the short flight to my final destination: Point Barrow, Alaska, USA. Imagine my surprise when one of the scientists stationed there met me as I pulled my flight bag out of the aircraft and told the pilot not to go anywhere, because I would be leaving shortly.

He said, "Did you have a nice flight Doctor Luck?"

"Yes I did, Doctor Livingstone How did you know I was coming, and that I am leaving very shortly."

"Well Doctor, you have two phone calls from two very irate people waiting for you inside. It all depends on which one you want to take first."

"Noone is supposed to know I am here."

"Well Doctor, apparently some people do."

"Who are the phone calls from?"

"There is a Director Meil on the phone for you. He called first, and he is definitely unhappy. And there is a Mister Laver on the phone for you and I think he is even more unhappy than Director Meil is with you. If I were you I would get on the airplane and go somewhere else and not talk to either of them."

"Let me ask you a question Doctor; if they found me up here, where could I hide that they could not find me?"

Doctor Livingstone pointed, well he actually pointed south from where we were standing, because we were already past the North Pole, "Russia is 130 miles that way."

I laughed. "I did not bring my passport, and I am not fond of Siberia."

"I would not be either, so that leaves you with two phone calls, which should leave chills up and down your back."

We walked inside the trailer where I received a rousing round of applause. When I asked why the greeting one of the members said, "Noone gets phone calls up here, and you get two within minutes of one another. Either you are king for a day, or you are in deep shit."

"Boys and girls, I will go with item number two. Would you lead me to a phone please and put Director Meil on."

"Good afternoon director how can I help you?"

"What the Fuck are you doing up there Even?"

"I am learning how to ice fish, before the sun goes down."

"You have never picked up a fishing pole in your entire life, why now?"

"Why do not you stop dancing around the issue, and tell me what you want?"

"I want you to talk to that little girl before you break her spirit, because you have already broken her heart. She has admitted she did something terribly wrong, but she is a child and she is allowed to do something wrong. You are the adult. Let me change that for a moment. You are the one who is supposed to be the adult. You are supposed to explain to a child that she did something wrong and not to do it again. You are not supposed to cut her off at the knees you idiot. You explained to me what kind of childhood she had; that she had an abusive father, and an overprotective mother. She never had a chance to grow up until she met you, and what do you do; you turn into a monster worse than her father ever was. You did not rape her. You did not hit her. You took the life she was beginning to have and stole it from her. Congratulations Doctor if that was your intent you score 100 on that test."

I did not have the opportunity to reply, because the director hung up on me. I was not sure if I had anything to reply to what he said to me anyhow. I was right she was wrong. Now I was more wrong than she was. My track record with women started its retreat.

I was standing there thinking, when Doctor Livingstone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Doctor Luck you still have your attorney on the phone waiting to speak to you."

I pushed the button and said, "Rod what do you want?"

"I want you to get that damn machine of yours fixed. I have been calling you for days and I cannot leave a message on that damn thing."

"I tested it before I left the house. It was working then."

"Well it is not working now. I called every day and the stupid thing will not take a message. Get your ass home."

"Rod, I have a lot of thinking to do. I am not sure if I want to come home right now. It turns out that I fucked up, not Delicious. I want you to tell my niece that, and I am so sorry for what I said in the note. As soon as I get my head back together I will go home and try to square things with her. I do not know if I can ever make everything right with us again, but I will try. I said some terrible things to her; things much worse than her breaking into my program. Tell Delicious she is forgiven, but I cannot forgive myself for the actions I took. It may take some time for those wounds to heal. Self-inflicted wounds cut to the bone, and I have many cuts that have to heal. Please tell her how sorry and stupid I was. I was too prideful in my own work to allow a novice to access to it. Good by Rod."

"Doctor Even Luck, we have known each other since we were five years old and I have never lied to you. I want you to come home immediately. I don't care if you spend $1 million to use an Air Force jet, I want you here tomorrow. Listen carefully, because I have verified this through the courts, the hospitals, and laboratories involved. You have to be here as soon as you can because,


The End

There Must Be A Mistake

Chapter 4



P.S. I do not know why everybody jumps to the conclusion that the story comes to an end every time they see the words "The End." It is just the conclusion of a chapter. I appreciate all the comments that come in and ask me to continue this story. I will through chapters 5 and possibly 6. However, as I said in the beginning, this one was going to be short and sweet because it came to me in a twilight sleep, as most of my stories do. I know the end of this chapter probably shook up many of you, my faithful readers, but this was the premise I always had in my mind. Many of you PERVERTS, like ME, probably wanted Even to wind up in bed with DELICIOUS, and have an incestuous relationship with her at the end. Well folks, it is not going to happen. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am going to take a little time off before I start working on chapter 5. I hope you all had a wonderful fourth of July. Prolonged_Debut10

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"Would you like to drink your soda, or wear it?" = brilliant! Keep them coming, I really like sarcasm.

JipsyJipsy7 months ago

I don't care if you end every chapter with 'the end' because to me it just means the end of this part. If it was a paper book I'd wonder about it.

I'm staying up late to read your story because I like it so very much

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Still going strong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The banter is fun at times, but the hitting, slapping, punching, and kicking aren't funny. Some find the Three Stooges funny, and as a juvenile, they were amusing; but later I learned they didn't use any tricks or sleight of hand, they actually hurt each other, and sometimes badly. Curly suffered migraines and died rather young from his years of being hit by Mo. This is fiction, but the point is -- hitting hurts.

Yes, there are plenty of errors, but the story is so over the top, it's amusing. The physical violence between people who supposedly care about each other cost a point, 4 *

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Your note at the end of this chapter stating that there won’t be an incestuous relationship gave me the reassurance that I needed in order to read the entire story, as it’s in my list of hard limits.

Tess (UK)

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