There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 19


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"That is a very personal question, and the answer is we were doing an experiment on electrical conductivity. It seems every time we touch we create a spark. That could be dangerous if we were around flammable materials. That's when this gentleman decided to interrupt that experiment."

"Would you perform that experiment for me please?"

"Yes we will, after everyone else is gone."

"Put plastic ties on this person, and bring him to the main building. Call the general and tell him what we have."

"Okay you two, I am going to be a discreet distance away to make sure no one else interrupts your experiment. Have fun."

"For a nerd Gordon, you fight pretty well."

"Every night when I get home from work I practice for an hour with Marty and Janet on my martial arts. I'm not good yet, but I'll get there. It will just take me a little time. Can I kiss you again?"

"Since you just saved my life, I think you deserve a kiss."

Gordon put his hands on Zoie's hips and he began to talk.

"There is one thing you should know about me. I never lie, never. I know we just met Zoie, possibly not even an hour ago, but I'm in love with you. You don't have to say anything. You can laugh if you want to, but my heart is telling me that you and I belong together."

Zoe smiled. "What took you so long Gordon? I knew it the moment I set eyes on you. I don't go around kissing boys I just met. I wanted to kiss you seconds after you open the door. Do you know what I'm wearing yet?"

"I'd better become more observant around you. I understand men are supposed to complement women on what they are wearing. I'll kiss you; then I promise I'll look at what you're wearing and tell you how wonderful you look in it."

Zoie's hands ran across his neck and the hair at the back of his head. Gordon's ran his hands gently up her back. When they parted the electrical spark could be seen and heard.

From the distance Marty said, "You two are going to be dangerous together."

"Marty, how much time do we have?"

"We have about forty minutes. What's on that evil mind of yours?"

"Let's run into town, I want to buy some ice."

"You have ice at home."

"That's not the ice I'm talking about."

"Oh, I told you that you two were trouble. Let's move; her mother wanted her home in two hours."

"We will call her in a little while and tell her we won't make it because of the little ruckus we had here. We are surrounded by agents and no longer inside the spacecraft. I'm sure she'll understand and approve."

"You're getting like your father, sneaky and crazy."

"Thank you Marty, that's the highest compliment you could ever pay me."

"Where are we going Gordon?"

"We are going into beautiful downtown Temple. I'm going to buy you ice, and ice cream."

"Why are you buying me ice?"

"I am buying you ice, because I have a question to ask you."

"Why can't you ask it now?"

"You will understand when I hand you the ice."

They drove into town and stopped in front of a jewelry store. Marty and three agents got out and opened the door for them.

Gordon got out and held his hand out for Zoie. She looked up and down the street for an ice cream store and didn't see one.

"Where is it Gordon, I don't see an ice cream store?"

"I told you we were going for 'Ice' first remember?"

"Yes, but I don't understand why we're buying ice?"

"I told you I had to ask you a question."

"You're confusing me."

"Kiss me, and you won't be confused anymore."

Zoie kissed him and after the spark died away he pointed to the jewelry store.

"My father will kill both of us."

"No he won't, not with Marty standing with us."

Zoie turned, looked at Marty, and saw her smiling.

Gordon whispered to her, "Marty never smiles."

Marty walked into the diamond store first, and the alarms went off. The guard was an old man who came running out of the back wondering what was going on.

"Sit down before you have a heart attack. We are all carrying weapons, but they are to guard this boy and girl."

"Oh, thank goodness, okay."

The owner came out from hiding and asked Marty what he could do for her.

"Speak to the young man, he's the multimillionaire."

"We'd like to see some loose 2 to 3 carat flawless diamonds please. Something that will not overpower her finger."

"I won't know what I am looking at Marty would you help me with this please?"

"It's very simple. Gordon look through the jeweler's loop, and everything should be clear. If it's not it's a flaw. The more flaws you see the cheaper the stone. A perfect stone runs about $22,000 per carat. One flaw in that stone will bring it down to about $17,000 a carat. Two will bring it down to about 12,000."

The owner brought out a box of stones displayed on black velvet.

Zoie's eyes were frozen to the glittering gems.

Gordon whispered, "You can have them all if you want, but you can't wear them all at one time."

"Zoie will you marry me?"

"Yes, Gordon, I will marry you, if we both alive tonight."

"Then pick a stone so this gentleman can make you a ring."

She picked a princess cut diamond of a little more than three carats, with a very petite setting. Gordon told the owner he had thirty minutes to get it set to leave the store. The owner said it was impossible because he had other work to finish. Gordon asked him how much the ring cost including the Gemological Association guarantee taxes and insurance.

After adding it all together the owner said it would be $36,680.

Gordon told him if they were out of the store in thirty minutes he would pay him $50,000 for the ring.

The owner moved so fast he almost forgot to take the tray of diamonds with him.

Gordon said, "I think it's time to call Mister Laver and tell him I'm about to spend some of my money."

Zoie's phone rang, and it was her father calling.

"Hi dad, what's up?"

"Why aren't you home? Your two hours is up."

"I'll let Marty explain to you what happened."

"Hello Mr. Schneider, Gordon, and Zoie were in the spacecraft when they were accosted by an unknown gentleman. Gordon took him down without any problem, so he was never in any danger. We had to wait for instructions from General Morgan to see what to do with the intruder. We also had to do a sweep of the entire spacecraft to make sure no one else was on board. While we were doing that Zoie and Gordon were kept outside under guard. It did not seem fair to bring them home early before she was able to see anything inside the craft. We should be about another forty minutes before we are home."

"Were they alone when they were accosted?"

"Of course not, there were several agents nearby, but the man charged at Gordon. Gordon used the techniques I have been training him to use, and the men didn't stand a chance. It was all over and five seconds."

"The boy is that good?"

"No sir, he's better than that."

"Oh, alright we will see you when you get back here."

"Thank you sir."

Marty handed the phone back to Zoie, and Zoie hugged her. "Thank you so much, but don't give him a swelled head."

"Every time that young man gets a swelled head, he goes into an ice bath."

"That sounds cold."

"The ice bath isn't cold, is it Gordon?"

"No Marty, it's quite refreshing."

Zoie looked at him and asked, "I thought you never lied?"

"When Marty tells me something, it's true. It doesn't matter what my body says, it doesn't matter what the history books say. The only thing that matters is what Marty says. If she says the ice bath is refreshing, then the ice bath is refreshing."

"I think I'm going to like Marty."

"I already do. She is my best friend, and my North Star."

"Mister Laver is on the phone for you Gordon."

"Hello Mister Laver, I'm going to be spending some of my money today."

"Why don't you just come over to the house, and I'll give you a check."

"I don't think they'll take a check from someone without a driver's license for this amount of money."

"How much money are we talking about Gordon?"

"It all depends on the speed of the man who's working on it. It's going to be someplace between $37,000 and $50,000."

"What are you buying a car?"

"No something that will last much longer than a car. I'm gaining a wife."

"You're gaining a what?"

"I've met the girl of my dreams, and I've asked her to marry me. She said yes, and I'm buying her a ring. It's being made at this moment and you will pay for it when the owner of the store comes to the phone."

"I will do no such thing Gordon."

"Is the money in my name?"

"Yes it is."

"Do you pay taxes in my name every year?"

"Yes I do."

"Do I pay you a yearly fee for those services?"

"Yes you do."

"Rod, if you don't pay this bill I will sue you for every penny you have or will have for the rest of your life."

"I am a very good lawyer."

"My father has told me you are the best lawyer he has ever known. I guarantee you I can find lawyers that are your equal or you're better when I have a case this strong against you, and you know it. Let's not get angry with each other; please pay this bill."

"Put the owner on, and I will take care of everything."

"Rod how much do weddings cost?"

"Do your parents know about this; do her parents know about this?"

"No, and no again."

"Then this will be a very inexpensive wedding, because you'll both be dead."

"You really think it will be that bad?"

"If your father was healthy you would be okay. He could handle your mother. He's not so your mother will go on a rampage. Who's the lucky lady?"

"Zoie Schneider."

"Run, run far, and keep running, if Dycke catches you he will murder you."

"I think I'll keep Marty between Mister Schneider and us."

"Is she going to go with you into space?"

"I forgot to ask her."

"Do you think now would be a good time to ask her?"

"Yes, hold on a minute."

"Zoie are you going to be willing to go into space with me?"

"Of course, you idiot; every good man needs a better woman behind him."

"Rod, she just called me an idiot."

"Get used to it junior; it's one of the nicer things she's going to say to you as you grow older together."


"Here is your ring pretty lady."

Gordon took it from his hand, looked in Zoie's eyes, and smiled a million megawatts smile.

"To the future Mrs. Zoie Luck, may we always be as happy as we are at this moment." He slipped the ring on her finger, and tears fell from her eyes.

Gordon kissed them away. "No tears until our parents start yelling at us. Then we will tell them we are eloping. I have enough money in the bank to last us a very long time, plus I have a job and they need me to do it."

They kissed, and sparked, before Gordon said, "Marty, were ready to face the music."

"Good man Gordon, chin up, chest out, and don't back down. She belongs to you, and you belonged to her. You are perfect for one another. I've seen it, and I'm sure of it. Who else sets off sparks when they kiss."


Newton said, "Mom, grandma says we have to go over to grandpa's house."

"I'm just about to start dinner Newton, what's so important over at grandpas, he has company."

"Grandma said, "You, daddy, and I have to go to grandpa's house. She didn't tell me why."

"Gray, we're going to my dad's house."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"You're coming too dummy."

"I'm in the middle of reading Playboy, and you're interrupting me?"

"You can't keep up with me, and you expect to keep up with one of them?"

"I could die trying."

"You're absolutely right, you could die."

"What's happening over at your dad's house?"

"Newton says we have to go there, so were going. It's not that far."

"I counted it. It's 119 steps."

"Only a decrepit scientist would do that. He has to keep his minds active or it will turn off permanently."


Hello everyone, we've come to liven up the party.

Payne said, "Delicious, you finally have a belly."

"Yes I do. It took my husband hours and hours to find it last week. It was very pleasurable."

"I'm sure it was. How is everything going with the pregnancy?"

"The doctor says everything is right where it's supposed to be, and this one is going to be a girl."

"Oh how wonderful, a boy and a girl, a perfect family."

Dycke said, "As long as the girl doesn't turn out like Zoie."

"Zoe has finally grown out of it; she just had a rough start. She's wonderful now."

"Yes she is, I'll give her that much. Aren't they supposed to be back now?"

Jennifer yelled, "Yes, they are driving up now."

Newt said, "Mom, grandma says to get all the adults into grandpa's room, NOW."

"How the heck am I supposed to do that?"

"Get grandma Jennifer to help you."

"Mom, I have no idea what's going on, but Newton says grandma wants all the adults in the room with dad, now."

"Oh shit, it's the kids. Payne and Dycke were talking about how similar their relationship was when they were young. Put the knives and guns away, if there's an atomic bomb in the house hide it. Get Gray, I'll do the dirty work."

"Okay, I'll keep the mace on me."

"Payne, Dycke, let's go bother that old man of mine."

"Zoie just got home, and I want to talk to her."

"She's home, and not going anywhere. You can talk to her later. Come on, let's rattle Even's chain."


Gordon stuck his head inside the front door, looked around, and didn't see anyone. "Where did everyone go?"

Newton walked out of the kitchen. "There in grandpa's bedroom. Grandma wanted them all in one place so you could tell everyone at the same time. She says congratulations, and you will have a long and happy life together. Don't worry about your father Zoie, he's a pussycat."

"Who is he Gordon?"

"Zoie meet Newton. He is an extraordinary young man. Besides being brilliant, he also has a direct line to my dad's sister. She died many years ago. He's not crazy; everything he says comes directly from her. He told his mother she was pregnant, before she knew she was pregnant. He is absolutely wonderful."

Zoie reached out her hand to shake Newton's hand.

He asked her, "Are you going to shock me too?"

"How did you know about that Newton?"

"Grandma told me every time you two kiss a spark of electricity passes between you. She says it's a good thing. You have to go in to see your parents now."

"Thank you Newton."

"You're welcome Zoie."

Gordon was holding Zoie's hand while they walked to his father's bedroom. He thought of the great way to introduce her to him.

When they entered the room they said hello to everyone, and walked over to his dads' bed. He bent over, kissed him, and said, "Dad, it is my pleasure to present you to miss Zoie Schneider, my fiancé."

Even smiled at his son, and although the room was in an uproar because Dycke was screaming like a lunatic, Even took Zoie's hand and kissed it.

"He has waited a long time to meet someone as special as you my dear. I can only wish you are as happy with him as I am with his mother."

So his eyes flooded with tears. "Thank you Doctor Luck, I think I am the lucky one. He has already saved my life today, and has given me his for the rest of our lives. I look forward to the adventure that lies ahead for us. Now I have to face my father, and this should be interesting."

"Your father is a pussycat. Give him a big kiss and tell him to calm down and it will be all over. Your ring is beautiful, how did you talk Rod into paying for it?"

"I use logic, then I threatened to sue him, and then I use logic again."

"Logic works all the time."

"Come with me Zoie and let's see if my father's advice works."

The two of them walked hand-in-hand, brazenly by the women in the room, straight up to Dycke Schneider. When they stood before the tyrant, Zoie put her arms around his neck, and kissed him. She asked, "Will you give me away at my wedding?"

He was toast. Daddy's little girl had him wrapped around her little finger. All the years of angst and anger vanished in one kiss, and one question.

"Who else were you going to ask, your brothers?"

"No, I knew they would turn me down."

"Have you discussed when you want to get married?"

"This has been very quick dad. We know we are right for one another, just like you and mom knew you were right for each other. I will be going home with you, and Gordon will be staying here. We will discuss, and either I will come here on break, or he will come to us. The one thing you should know is I will be leaving with him when the spaceship leaves. I will not be here to pick on you anymore."

"That last line wasn't funny. You have finally turned into a wonderful young woman, and now we are going to lose you. I don't see the fairness to that."

"You should have put me on birth control pills when I was eight."

"Who knew they were going to be the answer to all your problems?"

"I certainly didn't. I wasn't interested in boys until I met Gordon. I had to ask him three times what I was wearing until he noticed. All he kept looking at was my face. I've never known anyone like that. Most boys look at your chest first and work their way up, not him. I love him dad, we are electric together."

"I think you better talk to your mother now. I hope your clothes are drip-dry. Tears are going to be shed the likes of which you have never known."



"What are you talking about Jim, what money is gone?"

"Our money, all of it, it's gone. I made a deposit into our account, as I do twice a month, and when I got our receipt back it showed the $19,000 I deposited, plus $1000 that was in the account. $1.2 billion is missing, and I didn't take it. I am the only signatory on that account. Where did the fucking money go?"


Chapter 19




Note: I am going to try to get one more chapter in before the holidays. It normally takes me two weeks to complete a chapter, so don't be too disappointed if you don't see it until after the first of the year. I wish all of you a very happy holiday season, and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2015. PD10


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JipsyJipsy7 months ago

I'll forgive you for being on the opposite side of the aisle politically as long as you keep writing!!!!

Love the storyline, characters and humor.

UncleGrahamUncleGrahamabout 5 years ago
No marks...

..for getting Monty's name wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I know the dick head that complained about spelling errors will probably never read this but I hope he is somewhere paying out the ass for professionally edited books. I just want to thank all the authors here that so selflessly offer us hours upon hours of reading pleasure at no cost. I am disabled and living on a shoestring budget that has no room to accommodate an entertainment expense​. Not only am I entertained but great stories like this helps me cope with chronic pain and other health related challenges. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make such a huge contribution to the quality of my life. To hell with the ungrateful trolls that think they have the right to complain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
great story

This is a great story in spite of all the errors.

I'm getting yelled at because I'm spending so much time reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Picky, picky, picky

These readers who can only comment on editorial issues should get a life. Are they reading 19 chapters of this engrosing story and the only thing they remember is a misspelled word? JHC!

P_D10 this story has got me so captive that I am forgetting to eat and sleep! My health and marriage are suffering because of you! (Don't you dare say "I know).

Bravo on your magical storytelling skills.

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