There's Just Us Three, No One Cares


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Valerie was slightly older, with dark hair and a mysterious persona. She was taller than Janice's five four, and always wore dark clothes and high laced boots. She was with a crowd of nurses in the wine bar at an after-work party, although she did not work at the hospital, and started a conversation with Janice, who was bored and just a little tipsy. To Janice she seemed most alluring, and they exchanged numbers. Valerie phoned her a few days later and asked if she wanted to go to a play this coming Friday evening. This was outside her experience, and she agreed, arranging to meet Valerie at the theatre door, taking the bus into town. The place was very small and rather shabby, most of the theatregoers were similarly dressed, many had brought bottles and cans of strong drink with them and there was also a definite smell of weed in the air. The play was a strange thing, there was no programme, and the plot was unfathomable, with an all-female cast. After a few minutes one of the actors was tied to a rack and had her clothes pulled off to cheers from the audience. Janice was most uncomfortable, she felt out of place in a smart jacket and new trousers, and the play continued with more nudity and swearing. At the end nearly the whole cast were naked, with some of the tattooed bodies looking gross. They all bowed, and the audience clapped and cheered, Janice just wanted to go home. Valerie dragged her outside and hailed a taxi, dragging Janice in with three others and giving the driver an address some distance away. It turned out to be a sleazy bar down a narrow staircase and a round of strong drinks were placed on a table. Two more friends of Valerie's joined them and soon they were all well drunk, although Janice kept topping up her drink with tonic water in an attempt to stay fairly sober. Eventually they all staggered out and Valerie shouted.

"We're going back to Janice's flat, girls, lets' get a people carrier." And she tapped a request into her phone and soon a seven-seater taxi pulled up. Janice wanted to protest but she was carried along with the occasion and her protests were smothered. She opened the door to her neat, tidy and well-furnished flat and the other six piled in the door, whooping with delight. Before Janice could say anything, they were rooting in cupboards and the fridge for something to drink, finding some beer, wine and a bottle of vodka. The corks were soon pulled, and the six dark clothed girls were drinking straight from the bottle, spilling some red wine onto the pristine carpet. Janice was horrified.

"OK ladies, please go now, I need to call it a night, and you are wrecking the place."

Her entreaties were ignored, someone turned on the music and they started to dance around. Two girls started to kiss one another, and Valerie started to take off her shirt.

"Come on Janice, loosen up, let's have a boogie." But Janice was getting rather frightened, this was getting out of control. A crash of breaking glass from the kitchen as an expensive flower vase fell to the floor made it worse. The two girls who were kissing were now topless, displaying tattoos and nipple rings, and there was a shout from her bedroom.

"Look what I've found, girls." And to Janice's total embarrassment Valerie waved a black dildo that she kept in a bedside drawer. "And we have some lube, who's turn is it tonight?

There where whoops from the other five, and a chorus of:" Foxie's turn."

At this four of them dragged a red-haired girl into Janice's bedroom and held her down on the bed whilst Valerie took off her boots, jeans, and underwear, displaying a shaved groin with a snake tattoo curling its tail into her labia.

"Grease her up, Meg." At which a short, blond girl with cropped hair squirted lube all over the dildo and Foxie's cleft, and the rest onto the bedspread. Then Valerie pushed the dildo straight up into her vagina, and she screamed as her friend started thrusting the toy in and out vigorously.

Janice's head swivelled as she heard pounding on the door and went to open it to see the angry face of Mr. Johnson, her neighbour in the downstairs flat.

"Miss Henderson, it's 2,00 am, and this racket is intolerable. The music and the screaming are keeping us awake, and my wife is unwell. Stop it now."

But the screams from the bedroom continued, and through the open door he could see Foxie being ravaged by Valerie, with others in a state of undress.

"Right, I am calling the police now." And he spun on his heel and went down the stairs.

Janice went back into her flat and pulled the plug out of the music player, but there was no silence as the shouts and grunts from the bedroom continued.

"Get out now, my neighbour has called the police and we will all be arrested for breaching the peace. Now everybody just fuck off."

It took several minutes for the six unwanted guests to shuffle out of the door in various stages of undress, and as they left, they shouted obscenities through the Johnson's letterbox. But the police never came, for when the music and shouting stopped Mr. Johnson waited for a few minutes and as everything went quiet, he went upstairs to find the flat door open and Janice sat on the edge of her sofa, sobbing. The neat and tidy apartment was now trashed with wine poured onto the carpet, glass on the kitchen floor and her possessions scattered around.

"Who were those people?"

"Some friends of a friend. They were drunk and I think they had been taking drugs. They invited themselves in, they are a gang of weirdos, just look at my flat."

"Will you be ok, Miss Henderson?" Janice took a deep breath and looked at her watch. "I'll be fine in a few minutes, I will get a taxi to the hospital and stay there with the Friday night shift, I can't sleep here."

Mr. Johnson went back downstairs, Janice washed her face and called for a taxi as her car was in for repairs. Then she turned off the lights, locked her door and waited outside. Ten minutes later she walked into the hospital which was totally silent and went to the staff canteen, which was open for the night shift. She sat with two cups of coffee and wondered what to do next. Eventually she dozed off, still sat in the canteen chair.

Gary's phone rang at 08.00 am on Saturday morning, as usual he was on his way to work and took the call on the hands-free in his new Mercedes. It was Mary.

"Gary, I am on the way to Janice's hospital, she has been sat there all night, her flat has been trashed by some crazy women. Her car is in dock, so I am bringing her back to my place, can you call round later?"

When he arrived at Mary's house, Janice was sat in the lounge with her face ashen, and shoulders slumped. Mary asked her to retell the events to her brother, and the three discussed the next move. Mary said that the flat seemed unfit for habitation, so Janice could stay with her until it could be sorted. Gary suggested that the three went to the flat and collect some clothes and look at the damage, so they all climbed into this Mercedes.

Janice cried again when the door was unlocked, and she could see the vandalism. Gary took charge.

"Right, this needs redecorating and at least one new carpet. I know a really good decorator from the climbing club, it's not a long trip for him, but he might not finish until after Christmas. (It was then mid-December.) Get your stuff together, and we will empty the fridge and tidy round."

Whilst Mary and Janice sorted out some clothes, Gary found some bin bags and emptied the fridge and freezer, also sweeping up the broken glass. His sisters also stuffed all the soiled bedclothes into bags. All the bags went into the dumpster, and then they knocked on Mr. Thompson's door, thanking him for his timely intervention the night before, and telling him about the decorators. Finally, they called in at the repair garage and Janice drove her car back to Mary's house. Janice sat in the lounge, still tearful. She was very proud of her home; the trashing was very traumatic.

"Don't worry, little sister, I will cover the painter and the new carpet, call it a Christmas present. Any way you look like you will be living here for a while, if that's ok with Mary." Mary offered to cook a late lunch for everyone, but Gary went out and collected fish and chips to save her the trouble. As evening approached, he hugged his sisters and left them watching tv. Mary looked at her sister.

"Are you working this weekend, Janice?"

"I am working tomorrow, Sunday, and right up to Christmas Eve on Thursday but after that I have a week off, we had our staff dinner last week, when does your school close for the break?"

"It closed yesterday until the New Year, I am looking forward to the rest to be honest, it's been very tiring. But as you will be living here for a couple of weeks we can have some good sister time, and you can help with Christmas dinner. I don't know about you, but I am worn out. Time for bed."

Janice went up to the second bedroom and began to unpack her clothes, Mary made space in a wardrobe for hangers, and Janice looked at her sister's sensible pajamas.

"Have you got a spare pair of those, I have only brough a skinny nightie and it's December?" Mary fished out a pair similar to her own, and Janice took off her day clothes, standing in just her bra and pants. Mary had never seen her sister's body since they were youngsters on the Tenby beach. Janice was a head shorter but now had a much curvier figure than her sister, most noticeably a pair of generous breasts which pushed out from her chest, straining at the lacy bra. There was a nice swell to her stomach, and her legs were muscular, with shapely calves.

"Do you work out, sister, you look very trim?"

"No, just run up and down hospital stairs all the time. It's better than a 5k park run every day." Then she took off her underwear and stood in front of her big sister, whose eyes were drawn to a pair of jutting nipples and, lower down a trimmed patch above a prominent pudendum. Sister Janice looked very different to Bonnie, who had a rather flabby body and with a thicket between her legs. Mary quickly turned away as little sister pulled on the pajamas, and returned to her bedroom, switching off the light.

Mary felt quite strange. In the next room was her little sister, still traumatised from last night, and with an alluring body. No one had stayed overnight since last Christmas, Bonnie would never sleep over, their couplings were restricted to occasional Sunday afternoons. Mary felt the beginnings of an arousal, and her nipples stiffened against the fabric of the pajamas. She couldn't control her hand as it slipped underneath the waistband, and she found she was wet between her legs, so she involuntarily began to stroke up and down. It had been a long time since she had felt the need for release, and soon her pajama bottoms had been kicked off and she masturbated vigorously. There was no image of Bonnie in her mind, just her voluptuous little sister, but as she approached her climax, she could only picture Gary and the first sight of his rigid tool from years earlier. She climaxed with a series of soft groans, and her juices dribbled onto her clean fitted sheet. She slept like a log.

On Tuesday lunchtime Gay went across to his sister's flat and let the decorators in with a set of spare keys. To his surprise and delight Janice was there, taking time from her lunch break to collect more winter clothes. She greeted him with a kiss and a hug, and her felt her firm breasts under the hospital uniform.

"I am looking forward to Christmas Day, brother, I need a good party to banish all my blues."

"Me too, but I had better not get drunk at Mary's again."

Oops, too much information.....

"Why, when did you get drunk at her place?"

"Slip of the tongue, I didn't get drunk, just had one too many and had to drink lots of coffee before I could drive home."

Gary made excuses and left, but Janice was intrigued. Neither Mary nor Gary were big drinkers, so what was the occasion? Hmmm.....

Mary was quite enjoying the downtime from school duties, although she had a stack of admin paperwork to clear. But having a houseguest was quite fun, and Janice was good company. They shared a lot of laughs recounting their recent life stories, and she liked cooking interesting recipes for them to try.

On Wednesday evening she cooked a paella from a tv chef's recipe, and they shared a bottle of Rioja, afterwards they lay side by side on the sofa in their pajamas and watched a silly rom com.

"Are you seeing Bonnie this Christmas, Mary?" Janice had met Bonnie once, she thought her rather odd, but if she made her sister happy, so what.

"No, he takes her disabled mother down to Bristol and they stay with aunt and cousins, they do it every year.

"Do you get on well?"

To be truthful it's a bit up and down, she can be very moody at times, but enough about me, why haven't you landed a hunky guy yet, you have a knockout figure, you are clever and funny, and financially solid."

Janice looked rather sorry for herself.

It just hasn't worked out for me, I had the usual quick feel-your-way shags at college just like everyone else, and then hooked up with Barry but I chucked him after a month. His personal habits wear awful, he hardly ever showered, smoked like a chimney and had the table manners of a cement mixer. I don't know why I bothered having a IUD coil fitted at the clinic, although it was free. Then I met Gus at the hospital, he was an Aussie medic and I thought they were all fun and laughter. But he was as boring as porridge, I couldn't raise a smile from him let alone an erection, and I dumped him after a fortnight trying to find a spark. Then I suppose I should mention Valerie the punk wrecking ball. She did pique my interest although we never got physical. If we had done, she would have wanted me in a lesbian gang bang, no thanks."

Mary took all this in, it was odd to hear her little sister talk about trying to get an Aussie to raise an erection, and the admission that she had considered dabbling in the dark side. At least she was out there looking, whereas she was seemingly stuck with boring Bonnie. Their trysts on Sunday afternoons consisted of some kissing and removal of lower clothing, then mutual fingering until they came. It never changed.

Janice went up to her room and came down with a large bottle of bourbon.

"I won this in the dispensary raffle, have you got a tin of Coke and some ice."

Mary rummaged in a cupboard and gave her two tins of Cola, then shovelled some ice from the freezer into a couple of glasses.

"I don't usually drink this, cheers."

Janice decided to toss a little pebble into the pond.

"I don't want to get us drunk, at least we aren't driving."

"No problem."

"Not like when Gary came round and got trollied, then..."

Mary stiffened; her glass poised at her lips. Where had this come from...

"What do you mean, when Gary got drunk?"

"I saw him on Tuesday and said that we should have a party on Christmas Day, and he said he didn't want to get drunk like before."

Mary's mind raced, surely Gary hadn't told his little sister about their naughty night four years ago.

"I don't recall our brother getting drunk round at this house, it must have been somewhere else." Janice let the subject drop, although she had seen Mary start to blush when she asked the question. Curious...

The bourbon and coke went down well, so they had another, and by this time they were shoulder to shoulder on the sofa, laughing at silly jokes.

"Valerie was a waste of an idea, Mary, anyway I've never kissed a girl and wouldn't know what to do."

"It's just like a boy but with tits instead of a cock." And they both started to giggle. Janice did some air kissing and moved her fist up and down. Mary laughed, and pulled her sister's head down, and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. She was startled when Janice opened up the front of her pajamas and planted a kiss on the nearest breast. Mary's next kiss was far from chaste, as she pushed her tongue in between her little sister's lips and they clamped in a lock, making small groans and squeaks. Before Mary could respond, her younger sister had unfastened all the buttons on her pajama jacket and slipped it off her shoulders, she had never exposed her breasts to Bonnie, yet here she was in front of her little sister, who had one hand clamping a nipple and another snaking down her belly. Her own fingers tore at Janice's top, pulling it apart and off, exposing her full, proud breasts with their stiffening nipples. She lowered her head and took the nearest one in her mouth, rolling it around with her tongue and gently nibbling until her sister started to yelp with pain and pleasure.

"Take everything off, Mary, I've never really seen another naked woman, I love and trust you, now pull off those bottoms."

"Let's both pull them off upstairs, I want to see you flat on your back."

Mary turned off the lights and the two topless sisters ran up the stairs, shedding their trousers as they entered Mary's bedroom. Big sister pushed little sister onto the bed, lay alongside and continued with the frantic kissing. Their hands were never still, moving from breast to breast, and inevitably down to each other's crease, where busy fingers soon brought out moans and groans as their juices were rubbed in and out and up and down. Mary was much more skilled than her sister, and she soon had Jasmine hooting and bouncing up and down. Eventually Jasmine gave way to the erotic pleasure and came to a shuddering orgasm, rewarding Mary with a shower of warm fluid as she spasmed in ecstasy.

"Wow, that was something. Now my turn to do you, sister."

"It's ok, we can do some more in a minute, let's just rest for a moment."

The pair lay side by side, holding hands and smiling.

"All I need now is a nice muscly man with a strong stiff cock and I am made for life."

"You must know one, I bet the hospital is full of George Clooney lookalikes. "

"No way. There's no one as good looking as, say, brother Gary."

Mary froze. She was always trying to forget their one night of thrilling sex, so why would Janice mention someone like Gary.

"Not our brother Gary."

I am just using him as an example. Nice, polite, caring, financially stable, and with a muscly body from all that climbing."

"OK, he is good looking, but to have sex with?"

"Why not, I bet he is good at it, and has a nice cock. I wonder if he's circumcised?"

"He isn't"

A total silence fell across the bed. Mary couldn't believe her faux pas, but before she could think of an excuse let alone say one, Janice turned her head and stared at her sister.

"How do you know about that Mary?"

"Oh, we all saw him when he was little, definitely a foreskin."

"Don't try that on me, you can't remember the details of a little boy's willie from twenty-five years ago, and he could have had it clipped since then. I think you have been looking at his cock recently. When was that. Was it anything to do with getting smashed?"

This was the Spanish Inquisition. She was trapped and started to mumble some silly excuse, but Janice continued to stare at her unrelentingly.

"Admit it, come on, let's have the details. Was it stiff when you saw it, and how big was it? Did you stroke it. Did you suck it?

"No, certainly not."

"You didn't suck it?"

"No, honestly."

"But you stroked it. You clamped your fingers around his shaft and slid them up and down. Yes?"

"Err. Sort of."

Mary was sweating, she was saying things that should never be revealed. Then she felt Janice's fingers sliding up and down her crease again, and a stiff finger hooked into the front wall of her hole and begin to rub the nerve.

"Did you jerk him off until he spurted all over you?"

"Ummmm. No."

Janice continued to rub and stroke, especially when she located the clitoris.