They Came From Phallus Prime


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"Rape? Rape! Rape is when you take a woman against her will...THAT'S what rape is! What you did to me, and what your buddy is doing to my friend!"

Now the alien looked sad. "You did not enjoy our union?"

"Well, yes...of course I...sure...but...wait a second, that's not the point! The point is, you just helped yourself to some nookie without so much as a 'thank you, ma'am'."

"Thank you," the alien said, smiling, "thank you very much for the pleasure you've given me. I hope I was able to give some in return." His eyes glistened, and the cool colors milled about in them again.

Jennifer stood there with her hands on her hips, not sure how to respond. Was this extraterrestrial stud making fun of her, taking amusement at her expense...actually being SARCASTIC? Before she could mull it over completely, he continued, "But, truly, we on my planet could never rape anyone, as you define the word. On Phallus Prime, all Phallusians are always agreeable to sex, at any time or in any place. In fact, there's a planetary law that specifically states that sex may be engaged in any time of day or night, even in public places, and between any two persons. Neither males nor females ever say no to copulation of any kind. Forgive me if I seemed to force myself upon you, but it never occurred to me that you WOULDN'T want to copulate with me."

Jennifer looked out the window again, thinking that if she looked away from her Brom chameleon she might be able to think more clearly. His penis was still semi-erect, and quite the distraction. And his sweet, subduing scent was nibbling at her nostrils even from fifteen feet away. But, looking out the window was far from helpful.

Charlie Bronson had Claire down on all fours on her lush, green lawn, doing her doggie style with gusto. Claire's eyes were shut and her neck was craned back. She was screaming something at the sky, a look of ecstasy on her bellowing face. Claire opened the window, not really sure if she was doing so to scream something helpful to her friend, or to hear her friend's cries of joy. But, hear them she did.

"Yes, Charlie! Oh yeah, fuck me you hot vigilante you! Give me that vengeful pistol of yours all the way! Shoot me up sooooooo good! Lock and load, baby! Yes, yes.....OH YES!!" Her grass-stained knees came up off her lawn's lush, green carpet with each of the Bronson alien's grunting thrusts. Jennifer saw his huge fingers tweaking Claire's hardened, screaming nipples. She was getting wet just watching and listening. Standing there naked by her bedroom window, her crotch and inner thighs became slick with renewed desire.

"You see?" said her own Brom alien, "Your friend is having great pleasure, is she not? She has not been taken against her will."

Jennifer turned away from the window, with the intention of storming over to the alien and somehow giving him a piece of her mind. But, upon turning, she took just a single step...and once again slammed head-on into his chest. Somehow, he'd snuck up behind her as noiselessly as a shadow, surprising in light of his considerable bulk. Startled by his sudden presence, Jennifer fell backwards, nearly toppling out of the ground floor window.

With a swiftness belying his size, her Brom impersonator caught her easily, preventing her tumble. As soon as his hand touched her arm, she felt that unearthly, soothing heat again. His musky sweet scent wafted over her. She felt dreamy, safe, content, yet her heart pounded behind the hardening nipple of her left breast. She nearly swooned, falling forward instead of backward, her naked torso coming into warm contact with the alien's strong chest and abdomen. Desire washed over her in an instant. She leaned against him long after she'd regained her balance.

Breathless, Jennifer looked up into that once again smiling face. His large but gentle fingers stroked her cheeks, caressed her chin and neck so softly she barely felt them. She closed her eyes, her eyelids fluttering as if they didn't want to close. Strong hands were soon caressing other parts of her body, bold fingers making her flesh tingle wherever they roamed. Jennifer gave up all thoughts of resistance. Awash in his scent, her skin warm and tingling from his touch, she had no desire whatsoever to stop him from doing as he pleased with her. She WANTED him to take her.

For long moments the alien fondled and caressed her. She felt his face nuzzling hers, his hot breath trailing just behind his lips as they caressed her head from her neck to her forehead. She trembled in his embrace, squirming excitedly with rising expectation. But, when she opened her eyes, she was startled at what she saw.

Apparently, he had again probed her mind, for the smoldering-lipped lover she saw before her glazing eyes was yet another of her fantasy conquests, a young doctor she'd once seen while visiting another of her friends at the hospital. Blond-haired and blue-eyed, clean-shaven and handsome, he smiled at her and said, "I have always wanted to make love to you, Jennifer. Please allow me to pleasure you as no man ever has before." The exact words she'd fantasized him saying to her many, many times.

At first, Jennifer's knees got weak, and she nearly threw herself back down onto the floor and let him have his way with her. But, at the last instant, her mind finally rebelled. "No," she said softly, "not as Dr. Clifton. If you want me, take me as yourself. What's YOUR name?"

Instantly, the alien returned to his own form, a little surprised that Jennifer refused pleasure from a man she'd fantasized about many times. But, still, somewhat pleased, he replied quietly, "I am Zaleeth."

"Well, then, Zaleeth, make love to me. Fantasy is wonderful, but, for right now anyway, just be yourself. No more pretending."

"As you wish, Jennifer. That will make it easier for me to save my energy for...other things. And...thank you." He began kissing and touching her again, and in seconds had her again backed up against the wall beside the window, but this time he lifted her off the floor and Jennifer wrapped her legs around his waist. Bracing her against the wall, Zaleeth thrust his penis home, both of them gasping loudly as he once again stretched her opening to its limits with his immense, throbbing member. She was so thoroughly wet down in that steaming valley that even his huge organ slipped in painlessly. Jennifer's initial gasps quickly evolved into long, low moans of ecstasy. As she moaned and writhed against him, her mind was somehow convinced of the rightness of this coital union. His penis felt absolutely perfect inside her, as if it had been sculpted and fitted to her personally, it's every contour and texture created specifically for her maximum pleasure.

During the heat of their union, Zaleeth staggered about the room, carrying Jennifer in his arms, continually thrusting upward with his hips. She bounced in his arms, legs locked around his waist, arms clinging to his neck as their mouths locked in deep, satisfying kisses. Jennifer felt his relentless cock barging furiously in and out of her, her bottom slapping soundly against his hot thighs over and over again, and the burning head of his cock slamming repeatedly against the deepest limits of her womb. She gasped and panted in his arms, feeling climax rising from deep inside her molten core, despite already having experienced an incredible orgasm only moments ago.

At one point in their sweating, heaving fusion, alien and Earth woman fell against the window sill, and not long thereafter their uncontrolled heaving and staggering about caused Jennifer to end up with her upper body flailing OUTSIDE the window, with the tenacious Zaleeth continuing to thrust into her even as her naked, sweating torso protruded through the open window for all to see . Visible outside the window from her waist up as Zaleeth pounded home, Jennifer's sweating, quaking body relished the gentle breeze that wafted across her chest, neck and shoulders, soothing them wherever the alien's groping, fondling fingers were not currently engaged. Their grunting and thrusting did not slow down for even a second, despite Jennifer's indiscreet position. Throughout its entirety, inter-species copulation never slowed so much as one iota, and Jennifer suddenly realized she had a bird's eye view of the bizarre goings-on in the streets and lawns of her small, usually quiet and reserved neighborhood . Any qualms about her ostentatious display of wanton sexuality disappeared instantly. Any guilt about her apparent inability to control her urges faded like morning mist. For she was not alone in her copulatory indiscretion.

Claire was now lying atop her alien lover's sleek ship, wide eyes facing the blue-hazed sky, her body hopping about spastically as if she were being electrocuted. This briefly caused Jennifer some concern, until she saw the reason. Apparently, Claire had her fantasies about Dr. Clifton, too, as the physician with the boyish good looks had his blond head down between her trembling thighs...and his bobbing head was VERY animated. Hence, Claire's fingernails trying vainly to dig deeply into the gleaming metal of the extraterrestrial stretch limo. Feeling her friend was in good...hands...Jennifer was about to return her concentration to Zaleeth and his filling erection, when she noticed for the first time the rest of the neighborhood. It truly was an "invasion" of sorts, and Jennifer was

unable to remove her eyes from the torrid scene, even as Zaleeth humped her raw and devoured her sumptuous breasts.

Up and down the street in both directions, huge, horny aliens had Earth women naked and in very compromising positions. Every possible sexual position was represented in that pornographic painting of a small town gone sexually mad. Women were being ravaged from every possible angle; every possible orifice was being thoroughly invaded by any available body part. Women screamed and writhed and squirmed in ecstasy on lawns, in driveways, on porches and lawn furniture. Every inch of landscape was littered with torn and discarded clothing. Every naked body, both native and alien, writhed and twitched in gushing pleasure. Male and female genitalia, hands, lips, tongues and even foreign objects, pounded, pulsed, twitched, licked, sucked and nibbled anything that moved.

And every woman's fantasy was visible for everyone else to see. While some of the fornicating aliens had retained their own natural forms, many had become whatever their particular partner wanted, desired. Many A-list actors were "present," their swooning and twitching fans finally able to have them as they most wanted them. Comedians, actors, sports legends, authors, musicians, local heart throbs - all were thrusting incredibly powerful genitalia at drooling recipients. One unusual woman was even apparently being "outed," her rippling bottom being soundly buggered by a world-renowned female gymnast with a cock King Kong would be proud of!

Despite the amusement of that final sight, Jennifer was rapidly losing control. Zaleeth's firm, penetrating member was driving her mad. At the point where its deliciously hot head was ramming her inner walls, a tingling heat radiated outward to the rest of her body. It was as if her entire body was itching. But unlike the itch between her legs - which only Zaleeth's throbbing penis seemed adequate to scratch - this itch was a mellow one, making the intense pleasure between her straining thighs seem even more intense by contrast. She was literally streaming a miniature babbling brook from between her legs, even though she hadn't yet had the orgasm that was becoming more imminent with each passing second. Her mind was mush. Her lips sought out Zaleeth's face and mouth like a hungry animal that refused to be denied. She thrust herself back against him with all the force she could muster. She screamed and grunted like her squirming counterparts in every corner of her neighborhood.

With one final, explosive scream, Jennifer came, for the second time in less than thirty minutes. She flailed and squirmed in Zaleeth's arms as he again staggered about with her fused to, yet quaking around, his alien cock. Strangely, the itch between her legs seemed to intensify at first, and she attacked his organ with her sex as if to somehow vanquish it, turn its attack back on itself. Then, slowly, after long, long minutes of animalistic thrusting by both of them, Jennifer's expulsion of hot fluids and the friction of penis in love canal finally seemed to satisfy the itch, the craving in her core. By the time she stopped ramming herself against Zaleeth, she was exhausted, sweat dripping from her body almost as freely as her sexual fluids were. Her hair was stringy with sweat. Her muscles were groaning more loudly than when she'd overdone her first workout at the gym. She was spent in every way.

Or so she thought. Without warning, Zaleeth's orgasm rushed into her. Hot liquid seemed to fill every inch of her womb, warming it the way drinking hot chocolate too fast can heat the throat and stomach. That sensation, coupled with Zaleeth's moaning and shuddering in her arms, had Jennifer trembling and gushing all over again. Again her tired thighs squeezed his waist, and her raw lips sought his. Again her itch was slowly washed away by rapidly flowing love juices, and the satisfying friction of unbridled sex. Her screams of pleasure and sweet release were slightly less robust - mostly due to exhaustion - but the pleasure itself was no less intense.

When Zaleeth's orgasm had finally subsided, so did Jennifer's resurgent one. She went limp in his arms, her legs barely able to remain wrapped around him. He had also exhausted himself, and his staggering about was on much more wobbly legs. Nonetheless, he managed to keep her impaled on his penis until he'd staggered over to the bed, upon which he fell heavily, making sure he fell beneath Jennifer to avoid crushing her with his bulk. It was only with great reluctance - on both their parts - that he slowly removed his member from her.

Jennifer was incredulous. With her chest heaving and heart slowly returning to a somewhat normal beat, her brain tried to make sense of what had happened in the past hour or so. But the spasms still wracking her abdomen and thighs, and the satisfied pleasure centers of her brain were not allowing her to think clearly. Her body wanted her to just chill out and relax, and bask in the ecstasy that was radiating throughout every inch of her. So, at first, she did just that.

But, over time, after a bit of rest, Jennifer's need for answers fought its way to the forefront of her consciousness yet again. When she looked at Zaleeth, poised to ask him a million questions, he looked as refreshed and rested as if they'd spent the last hour quietly chatting over tea! He smiled at her and asked, "You received pleasure?"

Jennifer couldn't help but smile. She nodded, watching with awe as he seemed to be regaining strength by the second. He seemed as fresh and strong as when she'd first seen him, while she, on the other hand, was still struggling to recover. Still, she managed a tired smile and said, "Yes, but..."

"Is it required that I thank you again?" he asked, smiling broadly.

Pushing herself to a sitting position next to him, she laughed. "No...I mean...that's not it..."

Not giving her time to finish the thought, Zaleeth said eagerly, "Then, you wish me to give you MORE pleasure?" His eyes were smoldering that intriguing mix of cool colors again, and he was once more exuding that sweet scent. His skin almost glowed its warmth.

"Whoa, stallion," Jennifer said, pushing him back with both hands, "I won't argue you're one hunky stud there, Zaleeth, but I need some answers here. And my friend may still need me...even if she IS drooling all over herself out there. So, let's slow down and get on the same page, okay?"

Zaleeth looked disappointed, his eyes roaming all over Jennifer's still naked body. He sighed, "If that is what you truly want, Jennifer."

"It is," she said unflinchingly, then added softly, "well, for now, anyway." Shaking off thoughts of a most prurient nature, she sat back on the bed and tried to focus on asking questions and getting answers. It wasn't easy. Zaleeth's eyes were still smoldering, his scent lingered in the air like a low-hanging fog, and his warmth seemed to be conducted by the very blankets themselves right up to her receptive flesh . It was all Jennifer could do to keep her mind focused on anything but sex.

"Very well, then, Jennifer, ask your questions. I will do my best to answer." Zaleeth sighed, but he, too, tried to focus on communication.

"Great," Jennifer replied, happy that Zaleeth didn't press the sex issue, because she wasn't sure she could have resisted him for long if he had. "Now, then, I need some answers. You seem like a nice alien, but that doesn't mean anything. So, your answers will go a long way in determining whether or not I call the authorities to kick your butts off our planet. Understood? Hell, I should do that anyway, no matter WHAT you tell me!"

Zaleeth smiled. "I understand, Jennifer of Earth, but...I'm sure they're already on their way. Please, ask your questions quickly? I must be leaving soon. And, if I'm lucky, perhaps you'll come with me?"

A series of shudders racked Jennifer from head to toe...and she wasn't sure whether they were from fear, surprise, sexual desire, or any combination thereof.

"Oh, PLEASE, Zaleeth," Jennifer said shakily, "Get real. Sure, you seem nice - as aliens come, I suppose - but leave Earth to be what, your personal concubine? What, you're going to keep me locked up in some fancy bedroom and waltz in and fuck me whenever you feel like it? Is that what you have in mind for us Earth women? Is that why you're collect sex toys to play with?"

Zaleeth's smile disappeared. His smoldering eyes turned dull, sad. He looked hurt. "As I stated before, Jennifer, neither I, nor any of my comrades, for that matter, would do anything to any female, from Earth OR Phallus Prime, that she did not WANT us to do to, for, or with her. We are bred far better than that."

Jennifer's hand shot up to her mouth, stifling a laugh tinged with anger. "PHALLUS PRIME? THAT'S the name of your home planet? Oh, please say you're joking."

"I do not joke with you, Jennifer. Phallus Prime is the closest translation of our planet's name into your language that my translator can create. As I said, it's commonplace on my planet for Phallusians to engage in sexual activities at the drop of a hat, anytime, anyplace. Our race has always been that way. Perhaps that is the reason our planet was so named. That is just a guess on my part, however. The true reason has been lost over the centuries. But our planet's name does indeed mirror our lust for life and joy for the many diverse forms of lovemaking. I make no apologies for either my planet's name or for my basic nature. We are what we are."

"Well, be that as it may, I have to question your opinion that you don't take women by force because of your oh so high breeding. Have you by any chance taken a good look outside? Every woman in my neighborhood currently has an alien dick rammed somewhere inside her body. It doesn't take much breeding for THAT, my friend! And what's happened to the men? Did you and your buddies zap them with some kind of death ray or something? Are they all dead in a pile somewhere for someone else to clean up after you kidnap all our women? Is THAT your high breeding?"

"Jennifer of Earth, you are lovely, but you do not pay attention. The men are all safe and sound - just, well, immobile for the moment."

"Immobile?" Jennifer eyed him suspiciously.

"Yes. We knew they would we have put them all in stasis until our mission here is complete. They are quite unharmed, I assure you. In fact, if you will look again, you will see some of the men in their current immobile - and unharmed - state, all about your neighborhood. In your previous scanning of the activities outside, you seem to have focused on MOVING beings, not stationary ones. Perhaps you need to take another look? And as for the women, yes, they do indeed enjoy the pleasures given them by my fellow Phallusians, but not one of them has been taken by force. Please believe that, for it is the truth. As you have seen, they are all enjoying themselves immensely, and are every one of them experiencing fantasies and pleasures they never thought they could ever take part in. Not one of them has been threatened or coerced into doing anything. No one has been harmed in even the slightest manner, now will they be. It is simply not our way, Jennifer."