Three Hundred Million


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My ten-inch cock. You'd have thought it would make me a spectacular lover; so the girls had thought too. But when Susan was finally ready for me...I was...just so nervous...just couldn't perform on demand, you know? Too much pressure. And she talked about it, all the gritty details with her girlfriends. Cecil the Dud. Good thing college isn't high school, and outside of hazing there's not much motive for pranks and stupidity. I'd even tried to patch things up with Susan, tried to go out with her again, but she was still ambivalent at best. So how did Jase's babe know her? Where the two of them bosom-buddies, plotting against me? Well, I'd ask Jase if he knew if this girl was friends with Susan.

But now I was starting to wonder if there was a conspiracy of women intending to use their sexual wiles to influence society...I think. But there has to be more to it than that. If it was that easy; why hadn't it been done before? Still, I was more sure than ever that something rotten was going on, and I was determined to uncover it.


"...So I think the Trilateral Commission might be in on it; but it wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of Top-Secret technology involved from Area-51."

"Isn't that what you said about the Kennedy Assassination?" My compadre Raoul replied. Standing with his thumbs in his pockets, leaning against the door of his Nissan Ultima with a semi-dreamy expression on his faintly-goateed face.

"Well, sure yes... that's why it's a conspiracy!" I explained emphatically. "And who's to say it's not the same people involved! This could be a plot stretching back for decades, this...this sexualization of the culture could be the next step in their power play."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

I frowned. "But look down the street, all those bill-boards, every single product is being advertised by a big-boobed blond in a bikini; even that piece for Shady Groves Retirement Home!" I pointed frantically. "I can least three couples in parked cars making out...right now. And look...down about half-a-block, there's an electronics store...yeah that one. Inside the display window they've got all the new flatscreen T.V.'s in Hi-Def, and I checked 'em earlier. They're all playing public access channels...and look, yeah right now! It's showing some kind of strip-club...a red-head on a pole about to toss her bra to the audience...and here it is, in public... with no one the least bit worried about censorship... or indecency, or anything like that!" It was so obvious to me.

"Man, you been too uptight ever since that thing with Susan. Don't be such a prude, man."

"I am not..." I bit my lip. "I'm not a...prude...but I'm just saying that this is a little too weird. I shifted my Hybrid into Park while I tried to talk some since into Raoul, a buddy since High School. I might have seemed uptight was my cock. Still. I was still hard! Still horny! I'd worry about that later. "I can't ignore this... a year ago, Main Street was nothing at all like this. It was...normal. Normal business as usual. But there's this weird hyper-erotic element that's slowly creeping in. Think back, it wasn't always like this!" Raoul scratched his tousled hair.

"I think it...I...can't seem to remember..." he looked confused.

"Yes! That seems to be a trend. It's like... almost nobody can think about what the world used to be, it's changing in front of us, but no one seems to notice, and no one seems to remember! That's why our website is so crucial! Plots to control the government and media have been in place for years; and that's why I need you and Jase, and Ted more than ever!" I was trying not to raise my voice too much.

"To be honest, my man... I'm not going to have as much time for the conspiracy site these days; I gotta tell you, I think I'm in love!" He almost cooed. My suspicions flared.

"Really, well that's just great Raoul. Tell me about 'er. Tell me everything." It was more than just voyeuristic curiosity.

"She's everything I could have possibly imagined! She knows just what I want, when I want it! She's hotter than Miss July, could be a porn-star if she wanted, And she came onto me!" He gestured, becoming visibly animated with the blush of infatuation. His white T-shirt tightening as he subconsciously puffed out his chest in a display of male confidence. Raoul wasn't a bad looking guy, but not great either. He wasn't quite tough enough to pull off any kind of bad-boy criminal mystique that some women preferred, neither was he smart or determined enough to gain impressive wealth. Pretty normal, really. And a super-hottie just comes onto him. How about that.

"You should all meet her, never seen a babe like her! She's got all the right curves, boobs that defy gravity...brown skin like suntanned-honey. Black hair like a kiss at midnight...ohhh....that's almost poetic...I should be writing this down. She's the perfect latina, and she's into me!" He pointed a triumphant thumb at himself.

"She's upstairs in my apartment getting ready right now; we're going to the park -- They got a great make-out spot down by the pond!"

he gave me an exaggerated series of winks.

The door to the complex above the sidewalk swung open, and an incredible creature strode down the three steps to the sidewalk and curb where Raoul's ride awaited her. Sweeping wide hips were scarcely contained in blue-jean short-shorts that seemed tight enough to be painted on. A T-shirt mid-drift was tied in a knot below breasts wider than most cereal bowls, with hard nipples blatantly proclaiming her bra-less state as she jiggled towards her man. And she was blond. Platinum blond. With an angelic face of aquiline perfection that seemed to be designed by an artist rather than nature. Definitely no latina... Black hair? Kiss of Midnight? She was a nordic goddess! What was Raoul...must not be the same girl. Clearly not.

"Que Pas, Papi?" the nordic beauty proclaimed as she melted into Raoul's arms, boobs puffing out against his chest. He could only moan and murmur against her lips.

"Mmmm....Cecil; this is Maria. As if there could be any doubt!" he was almost giddy as he clasped her about the waist. So she was the one he meant! No. Way. No freakin' way. But he was serious! The girl looked nothing like his description she was...I gulped. Just what I've always wanted in a girl...just like...Jase's girl. What the hell was this? What was happening to everyone? Or is it me? Am I really that crazy; do I see my perfect fantasy woman everywhere I turn? No... there were a few average-looking wives and mothers walking down the sidewalk, nothing unusual. It was just a few made no sense. Who was insane, me or Raoul? Or both of us? But was getting harder to cock again...still hard. Tenting my jeans furiously, now this was too much.

I scarcely noticed when Raoul and Maria drove away, too wrapped up in each other for proper good-byes for the sake of politeness. Still my penis thrust furiously outwards, alive and eager for use. this was not normal. In fact I...I haven't gone limp at all since...the girl in the shower! Almost an hour ago. There could be no other explanation! She'd done something to me. She'd changed me somehow when she sucked my dick. The feeling like electrical charge! And I could feel the raw sensation of a fuller-than-normal load of sperm inside a cock eager to release it! It was like water behind a dam, with increasing pressure. How far would this go? It seems I'd have to jerk off just to feel normal. That naked slut had put something in me to make me hornier? What, some kind of cutting-edge, semi-legal sex-drug? I'd heard of guys that liked to slip rupies to girls for some free, yet highly illegal jollies, but why would a girl try to slip a strange man a drug to make him hornier?

"Jase...gotta talk to him. Get him to tell me everything about how he met her... maybe then I can make some sense outta this..."


I don't think she saw me; I was hoping to catch one of the

madwomen in a private moment, and I got lucky because one of them was coming back to my own apartment. Jase was there, I'd phoned earlier and caught him on his cell, saying he'd needed to pick up some supplies, and sounding highly exhausted. I wonder why. Heh. But that was when I saw her... or....another one of them, a fabulous blond wonder, with all the hips and boobs that I could ever hope for in a woman. She was opening the door to my apartment, clad only in frilly, pink negligee -- which I can only assume she'd gone out in public wearing. (These female conspirators certainly could be identified by their fashion-sense)

Acting on a suspicion, I'd fired up my camera-phone and was prepared to get some shots of her. I stood at a corner intersection of the floor trying to surreptitiously watch my own apartment that I shared with Jase. The woman left the door wide, wide open. And from the angle, through the door I could see a portion of Jase's side, his bedroom. I got off a few shots without really looking closely at the screen.

"KAT! KAT!! YOU CAME BACK!! GIMME SOME OF THAT MCPHEVER!!" howled Jase. He was answered by a girlish giggle.

"'t tell me..." I muttered in disbelief.

" score AGAIN...with Katherine McPhee twice! In less than two days!!" My roommates voice degenerated into a cry of exultation that was half-laugh, and half ecstatic moan. No. Way. He can't be...he thinks that was his celebrity object of worship? I shook my head in stunned confusion. I'd seen pictures of the amber-haired singer before, (you couldn't avoid it, living with Jase.) and that babe was absolutely not her. He said twice, in less than two days... it could only have been naked shower babe who'd given me that supernatural blow-job! Who bore no resemblance at all to my roommate's parasocial psychosexual obsession. Was he so horny, so consumed with infatuation over his celebrity crush that he was hallucinating? Like Raoul?

"Oh know I couldn't stay away..." purred the she-devil as she cast aside her frilly garments. From my vantage point, I could see only the taut muscles of her back and shoulders as she stripped. Hair was still blond, Jase had to be crazy. Unless I was crazy? But what were the odds that a model-worthy hottie with record deals and celebrity status would come here, and have a secret affair with a jobless, General-Studies graduate with an average body and no apparent prospects? Let's find out what I'm really seeing...

I glanced at my camera-phone and selected the most recent picture -- and my blood ran cold. Entering my apartment was a dark, girl-shaped void in space and time surrounded by multi-colored sheets of swirling energy. The entity had no apparent dimension, just a blackness in a woman's shape, (with a great ass) and wreathed in a rainbow of energy waves that no earthly force should have been able to generate. My lip quivered. "What the -- it has to be... some kind error...malfunction...doesn't it?" Unless none of us where correct; she wasn't the nordic beauty I had always wanted, wasn't the dark-haired latina Raoul fancied, or Jase's obsession, but rather something unnatural...something alien.

I heard a female voice snarling in anger. "...Don't need these!!" I couldn't see everything, but I saw the blond reaching down and jerking at something. Then I saw her reaching over to Jase's nightstand and grasp up a roll of condom packages and hurling them angrily out the open window, it was as it she'd touched a poisonous slug. Even without seeing her face, I could detect in her posture the revulsion and outrage.

"Jason honey, we can be together...but you must PROMISE me that I will never see birth-control in your place again." The sweet voice thinly veiled a tone of barely checked rage.

"B-but Kat? I was...thinking of you?" stammered Jase.

"I mean it, sweetie. You'll lose me if I see any trace of a condom in your room. I'll let you off this time with a warning. I can't let anything stand between your manly cock and my wet pussy." the she-devil cooed.

"I.. eh.. O-Okay..." I could practically hear the squelch. This monstrous, erotic being was screwing my roommate with the door wide open, and I knew...I knew from the way their hips met that Jase had slid into her with one mighty thrust, as wet as she was. She was on top, and soon a chorus of throaty cries filled the air as my buddy and this terrible, alien thing rutted like wild beasts. For just a moment, one of the cries of throaty lust seemed to rise just above the vocal range of any human. If Jase noticed, he could care less. Only her jiggling breasts and slick pussy mattered. The slick pussy of his celebrity idol. I could just catch a flash of her throbbing, bouncing boobs wobbling in an obscene rhythm as she thrashed sinuously atop the rigid cock buried in her slick sanctum.

"Ohh....Kat....*SCHLUNK*....your...your breasts...I had no were so big..."

"Mmmm...just for you, baby."

But she wasn't that big, was she? I remembered something... when I'd seen her in the shower, when that crazy slut was coming on to me, it seemed like her breasts were swelling in my hands. A slow creep of mammalian expansion that was devastatingly erotic, but should never have been possible for a natural woman.

But then she turned her head, and met my gaze with a wicked smile. She knew, she knew that I was watching. And she liked it. This girl-thing wanted me to see her with Jase's dick buried so deep into her clenching, dripping cunt. It was a look that seemed to say 'You're next, big boy.' And with a slight shake of her head, the female entity seemed to be telling me 'There's no escape.'

Suddenly, I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want to see Jase climaxing inside of the blond, beautiful horror. I had to leave, I had to think. The Thing, this girl-monster that seemed able to become any man's fantasy turned again and watched me with a smirk as I fled. They couldn't be photographed, we see we want to see them, they try to entice strange men into raping them, and demand unprotected sex -- flying into rages at the sight of condoms. Moreover, if they touch your cock, you'll be hard all day... all day.

What next? I had this impossible picture of a don't know what; but I needed more proof to unearth the full depth of the conspiracy besides a screwed-up camera phone shot. I needed help. I also needed to cum, badly.


The phone rang. It took him a moment to rouse himself from the reclining posture of his easy-chair, feeling drained from the explosive afterglow of the first orgasm. Yet somehow, his fingers reached the desk and fumbled for the receiver.

"Mmm...yeah?" he murmured.

"Ted, I've got something; this is big. Major. It's the plot that we never believed possible, I'm going to email you some pics now that - Hey Ted, are you with somebody? I think I hear uh...giggling?"

It was Cecil, an online friend who happened to live quite close. Ted often contributed to his Global Conspiracy Website. Cecil had made some compelling arguments for his grandiose theories, but now Ted had more important matters to attend.

"Oh yeah, she's incredible aren't you baby?" A girlish laugh sounded from under his desk, and a delicate hand slid into his open zipper. Cecil sounded worried when he spoke next.

"Lemme guess, she's short; close to five-feet tall, with curly blond hair, has a face like a teenager, but with unbelievable boobs almost as big as her own head." Cecil announced over the phone.

"Shyeah! That's it man! Have you met her before? You described her perfectly, she's like my ultimate fantasy woman come to life! Hey, hey babe...tell Cecil what you're doing now..." The phone receiver was passed under the desk.

"I'm giving your friend Ted the blow-job of his life...*MMPH* *SLURP*." said a velvety voice. "And I swallow!" girlish laughter. "Maybe I'll do you too, if you come on over here..." She handed the receiver back.

"And she's for real, man!" Ted reported enthusiastically.

"No, no Ted. She's not what you think she is." Cecil insisted.

"I know! She's a genuine Nymphomaniac! And here I thought they didn't really exist! Like unicorns or the tooth-fairy! I never would have suspected!" Cecil seemed to grumble something and then hung up abruptly. That was unlike him.

"Oh well, he's just jealous. He'll come around. In the meantime, let's take a look at those tits again." Soon, her massive baby-feeders were wobbling in Ted's grip as he wallowed his face in a quaking valley of voluptuous cleavage. She laughed again, and it was almost...mocking laughter?


She was there with him! How many of these slutty things were there? I wanted to warn Ted Miller, he'd been a good friend and wrote some awesome erotic stories; that's how I knew what type of gal he'd fantasize about. How to warn him? If I revealed the secret right then and there, he might be in danger. After what I'd seen, or thought I'd seen today, I had to believe that these women weren't human. Probably would have no compunctions against killing humans to protect the terrible secret of their seduction of mankind.

No, I won't try to warn my friends until I catch them alone. For now I'd just get in my car and go...go where? I'll just drive. Just drive to give myself time to sort this out and plan my next move. But I still had my own ten-inch dilemma to worry about. If possible, my penis seemed to only get larger, harder. It was difficult to concentrate on keeping my hands on the steering wheel as I drove aimlessly through the city. Alone in the car, I freed my rod from its painful confines.

It seemed irritated, engorged and almost angry-looking. I should pull over somewhere, tend to myself...maybe then I could think clearly. Nearby the Southern Parkway were a whole bunch of ritzy mansions, it seemed a good place to park for just a little while, probably not much crime in the area. Frankly, I was afraid to go home; one of the creatures, and perhaps all of them knew where I lived, and I didn't think I could resist them twice. As it was, I felt the need to hide every time I saw an attractive blond.

Speaking of needs; I gripped my own ram-rod cock and prepared if this is step one? Why are these things so eager for sex? Women just don't work that way; a healthy human woman just can't be so attracted to random strangers, so these...she-creatures must be getting something from it.


Above me, there was another billboard openly displaying massive dildoes, butt-plugs and assorted sex-kink paraphernalia openly, publicly. A year ago, something like that would never have happened. As though the city had turned into Amsterdam overnight, yet it seemed as though I was the only one that noticed the changes, was I the only one unaffected by them? Why hadn't any women noticed and complained? It made no sense to me. But what if....what if sex is the weapon?

When one of them sucked my cock, she did something to it. If I had let her finish, if I had orgasmed and allowed this unnatural entity to consume my cum, the way one of them was consuming Ted's cum, what might have happened?

It almost made sense. Alien beings with some kind of mental voodoo infiltrate the Earth, they can control men through orgasms as long as there's no interference from condoms. Probably impeded the flow of the drugs they used. They appear as whatever a man most wants, and after you cum, you will do what they most want. Men will become the docile slaves of otherworldly she-demons that will dominate us...without anyone even noticing! I took my hand away from my still-erect cock, and wrestled with my beefy member until it was firmly secured deep in my pants. If only Susan could see me now, eh?

Susan...that reminded me of the flaw with my theory: Human women. Was there a male version of these beings to seduce real women? These days, only controlling men wouldn't guarantee you world domination, there had to be some plan for our own females as well. Unless they're all in on it. Could it be some sort of trans-planetary feminist conspiracy to turn the lusts of men against us?