Three Moms...


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Sally yelled from her room, "We better get ready, then!" The other two rushed into their rooms to get dressed.

"Better dress warm! It's going to be chilly tonight," I said.

A few minutes later, they came out. My eyes almost popped out of my head, they were wearing their swimsuits. I had to ask, "What's up with the bathing suits?"

Mom not looking me in the eye, with a sharp tone in her voice, "It's a bonfire and it's normal."

All three of them left. Being a little pissed by the way she answered me I knew this wasn't normal. After calming down I started thinking maybe at these college guys fires it was. I left for the bonfire.

I wasn't too far behind them when they got to the fire. When they got to the fire, they ran right up to Jake. He said something that I couldn't hear. While he looked at each of the women, like he owned them. Giving his approval for how they were dressed, he gave each of them a huge hug.

I was still in the shadows as he hugged my Mom, but I couldn't hear them talking. I slowly moved closer wanting to hear what they were talking about, making sure they couldn't see me. I was now close enough to hear them.

I saw Mom whisper something into Jake's ear. He laughed loudly and said, "I don't care! Maybe he'll enjoy himself, too." Mom was now looking nervous.

"What cup size are these breasts?" Jake asked as he grabbed her.

Mom whispers, "I wear a C-cup."

Jake roughly pushes her bathing suit up and off her tits, taking a hold of her left nipple, "Look bitch I think you forgot to call me Sir!"

"Sorry sir, I wear a C-cup."

"That's better." He releases his death grip pushing Mom away. "Look you three sluts better follow the rules or it can get painful."

Sam, Mike, and Josh each grabbed one of the ladies' arms and started walking them around, introducing them to the other women at the bonfire.

I came out of the dark and Jake noticed me, "Hey, Eric, glad to see you made it tonight."

"I don't have to be at work until noon tomorrow, so I figured I check out the fire tonight. Plus, I see that my mom and her friends are here. How the hell did you talk them into coming?" I replied.

Jake chuckled, "I don't know. I think they were just bored and wanted to check it out."

I chuckled, "Looks like there are more women than guys here tonight."

Jake looked around. "I think you're right. Let's see if we can get them to run around the fire."

"Cool." I said. I notice Mrs. Miller was here tonight and knew she had run around last time I was here. I didn't think my Mom and her friends would.

Jake loudly clears his throats getting everyone's attention. He looks around making sure he had their attention, "It's time for some entertainment ladies." Raising his voice, "Okay, ladies, run around the fire until I say stop!"

A few of the women leaped to their feet and eagerly started running and laughing. Two others took a little longer but calmly started running. Mrs. Miller slowly got up, started walking at first until Sam said something to her. She gave him a dirty look before she started running.

As I expected, my Mom and her friends didn't. They just sat there watching the other women run. Rich notice them just standing and approached them.

With a mean look on his face and waving his hands he said something to them that I couldn't hear. Sally said something back and they started to argue.

Kathy and my Mom joined in, but Rich wasn't backing down. Rich pointed at me so I started to walk over to where they were. Mom saw me heading towards her and started running. Before I got over to where the argument was going on, the other two started running.

"What's going on?" I asked Rich

"Just a little misunderstanding. It's all cleared up now." Rich said.

I watched the women run while moving back over to Jake.

I looked at Jake in amazement, "How in the hell did you get all these women to come to your bonfires in bathing suits? Fuck, then just yell out for them to run and they do it!"

"For now, just watch them run. I'll tell you later," Jake said.

I watched the women run around the fire. Just watching all the tits bouncing was making my cock get hard. Some of the women breast were moving side to side while others were going up and down.

One woman had one boob go up as the other one went down. A few of the women I thought were going to get a black eye as their tits looked as if they were hitting them in the face.

"All right, you babes are all doing fine." Jake told the women as the ran pass.

It did make me a little embarrassed knowing the other guys were watching my mom's ass and her tits bouncing. I couldn't blame them because I was enjoying the way her tits were moving. Just as my Mom got close to me one of her boobs popped out from her top.

I heard Jake say, "Don't you stop running now! Deal with it." She gave Jake a nasty look and tried pushing it back in as she ran past by me. I noticed how humiliated she looked knowing I saw her boobs.

I was enjoying seeing my high school teachers boobs bounce as they both ran pass me. Plus watching their asses jiggle. Trust me I had one hell of a boner.

It wasn't just watching all the women's jiggling jugs go by, but also watching their asses. The ones with tight small ass was as fun to watch as the ladies with a full bottom.

After about ten minutes you could tell by looking at the women faces some of them were getting tried. That's when I noticed Mrs. Miller looking like she was going to fall out. Jake must have seen it and yelled out, "stop." All the women looked a little out of breath.

Sean walked over to Mrs. Miller to make sure she was ok. As he was checking on her, he visibly groped her tits. I was surprised when she didn't hit him.

It looked as if he slapped her ass hard. Mrs. Miller jumped a little, rubbing her ass. Sean looked at Jake, shouting out, "She's okay! Just a little winded."

Jake smiled, then looked at me, "How was the show?" He didn't wait for an answer walking off.

After Jake move on I started talking with a few of the ladies. They all seemed to be in agreement of enjoying the bonfire. I learned about half of the women there were staying in the rentals down the beach.

From time to time, Jake would have the women run around the fire again. I got stunned one time, he had them all line up and just jump up and down until he said stop. I just couldn't believe my eyes.

Jake gave the women permission to leave. I saw my Mom and her friends depart a few minutes later. About an hour later I departed. That night I had one hell of a masturbation session, thinking about watching mom and her friends running around the fire.


The next day I didn't know what to say to my Mom or her friends. What had me mixed up is when we talked we never said anything about what happen at the bonfire or anytime after that night.

I noticed my Mom and the other two teachers were no longer wearing bras during the day. I sure didn't complain; I was enjoying watching their tits bounce as they walked. It sure did make me wonder what was going on with them.

I just didn't know how to ask them. Eventually they were only wearing their swimsuits. They went shopping and came back with about five different bikinis each.

For the next two weeks, they went to every bonfire that Jake and his friends had. Of course I went as often as I could. On the nights that I went they were all the same.

One night, instead of having the women run around, they had to crawl. Now that was interesting. We lined up, and as the women crawled past us, we would slap them on their asses.

I felt a little guilty about slapping my Moms ass, but what the hell it was all in fun. When the two teachers crawled passed me, I made sure I gave them a good smack.

Jake wasn't too far from me. When my Mom passed him I saw that he pulled his hand back and slapped her hard while yelling, "That's for being a disobedient little whore." Every time she passed, he repeated this brutal punishment. He was slapping her harder than the other girls.

After each slap she always gave him the same answer, "Sorry, sir."


The past two weeks went by fast. It was finally time for Kathy to head back home.

"Eric, Sally is missing her husband, and I'm also ready to get back home. We're going to ride back with Kathy. I'm leaving my car her for you to run any errands that you need to do. When your job is over, you can stay until you need to come home to pack for school," Mom said.

"Okay," I said, as the three of them packed and headed out that day.

I didn't think too much about mom and Sally's early departure until the bonfire that night. As I arrived at the fire, Jake walked up to me. "Where's Sally and your Mom?"

"They decided to go home today with Kathy," I said.

Jake looked surprise, "Oh! I knew Kathy was headed home today, but didn't know anything about your Mom and Sally. I guess I'll send them a text to let them how much fun it was knowing them." He walked over to Mike punching him in the arm.

"I didn't know you had their numbers."

"They gave them to me after the boat ride and we text each other from time to time. I'm just surprised that they left without saying goodbye." He walked over saying something to Rich. Rich headed off to their cabin.

I was enjoying myself talking with some of the young ladies when Rich walked back up to me, "Hey, Eric, I don't think I ever gave you a copy of the video of our boat trip with your Mom and her friends."

I chuckled, "Yeah, the home movies of their boat ride."

"Well, here is your copy. It's kind of boring in the beginning, but it sure does pick up. I know you'll enjoy it after the boring parts."

"Thanks," I said. He walked off with a smirk on his face. I decided to head out to see what Rich was talking about.

As soon as I got back to the cabin, I turned on the DVD. I put the video into the machine.

The first part of the video showed the three women walking towards the boat. You could see me following. Next, the video showed the women getting onto the boat, with Mike and Dave helping them.

Everyone was talking about how nice a day it was. Rich filmed the shoreline as they departed. As he'd said, so far the film was boring. I turned the volume up to where I could listen to what was being said.

Mike said, "Hand me your cell phones. I'll put them into this water proof bag so they don't get wet accidentally." They handed him their phones.

The video was boring me to death. Leaning back in my chair I picked up my phone and started playing a game I figured I would glance up once in a while, or I would hear when things got a little more exciting.

Then I heard Jake yell out, "Ok, this is the spot! Put out the anchor!" I glanced at the T.V. The camera was still on the shoreline, you could barely see it.

Rich turned the camera on Jake. He seem to be relaxed as he calmly started talking, "Okay, ladies, it's time for you to pay for your boat ride."

"What?" all three women shouted.

Jake had a smile on his face, "I said it's time for you three to pay up for your boat ride."

"And how do we go about doing that?," asked Sally. Rich had trained the camera on the women.

"Come on, now, this isn't your first boat ride." Mike replied.

"No, it isn't, but you asked us therefore this ride is free. This is the first time hearing that we need to pay. Now tell me what it is that you want." Mike, Dave, and Sean had moved near the ladies.

Jake was not smiling now, "Look, ladies, I'll explain it to you. This is where you take your clothes off,"

"It will be a cold day in hell before we do that!" With her hands on her hips, Mom growled.

Jake, with a commanding voice, said, "Okay, have it your way." As he said it, the three guys grabbed up each woman. The ladies started pushing, kicking, biting while trying to get away from them. Finally the guys over powered them tossing them into the lake.

One of the guys pulled up the anchor as Jake looked over the side of the boat, He calmly said, "Swim, and we'll see you when you get back to shore."

One of the women yelled, "Bullshit! We're coming back on board." The women swam to the back of the boat, where there was a built-in ladder.

Before they could reach the ladder to climb back aboard, Jake motioned to Mike, who bumped the throttle. The boat lurched forward about fifteen feet, leaving the women behind.

Jake was keeping everyone informed, "They're swimming towards the boat again." Jake was standing at the top by the ladder blocking their way to get on the boat.

"So have you decided to take your clothes off?" Jake said.

Mom being defiant, "I told you no!" Jake just looked at Mike, and he bumped the throttle again. This time, the boat went even further than before.

This time, when the boat stopped, Jake said, "Start swimming." I couldn't believe my eyes the way these guys were treating my Mom and her friends.

Here I was thinking they were a great group of guys, now I'm just pissed off. I'm not sure what to do since this has already happened.

"No, we're coming back on the boat." Kathy said. The women swam towards the back of the boat by the ladder. This time, Jake waited until till they got to the top of the ladder, he would just push them back into the water, moving the boat a little further away each time.

After doing this a few times, Jake smiled down at the women, "Look, if you want back on the boat, you need to take your clothes off and hand them to me." We can do this all day. We're heading further away from shore, your swim back is getting longer."

The camera started moving towards the back of the boat and videoed the women treading water below them. I looked at their faces and could see the fear and desperation.

I wondered how much longer they would hold out. I was having mixed feelings now. I was pissed by the way the guys were treating the teachers, but I was getting excited at the same time. Damn, I would love to see the three of them nude.

I really couldn't see what was going on at the moment. Rich moved again, this time to the middle of the boat. Jake exchanged a few more words with the ladies, but I couldn't hear what was said.

After about ten minutes of them talking back and forth, Jake turned his head and shouted, "Get me one of those large trash bags."

Sam grabbed the trash bag and stood next to Jake. The next thing I saw was Jake reaching down and pulling up clothing. Each time, he handed them over to Sam, who put the wet clothes into the bag. After Jake had pulled up all the clothing, he stepped to the side.

The first person up the ladder was my Mom. "Stand in front of me bitch!" Jake barked. His sudden tone of meanness took me by surprise. Watching what was going on has given me conflicted feelings.

It was killing me inside, I hated the idea of my mom being forced into doing this, but also excited about seeing her being treat this way. Shit, wish my cock wasn't so dam hard right now.

Fuck, this is the first time seeing Mom in the buff. She is even more sexy then I ever imagined in my dreams. Her long, light brown hair was wet and clinging to her face, having slipped out of its ponytail.

I moved my eyes down to her breast. They sagged down her chest, but bounced as she moved. She had a nice tan, her tan lines outlined her tits. Wow, she has large areola with nice pointy nipples. I was now soaking it all in noticing her nipples were hard.

At that moment I instantly realized I was going to get to see all of their tits.

As I continued to move my eyes down her body, she was facing the camera for the moment. I could tell her pussy was shaved.

Jake motioned for her to turn around. As she turned to face the back of the boat, her nice, round ass came into view. It looked as if the working out had kept it very firm.

She was now back facing the camera. She now had her hands wrapped around her shivering. Her facial expression showed she was upset. Jake commanded. "Next."

The camera moved back towards the ladder, and Sally was the next person to climb aboard. 'Damn, I'm actually going to see her tits.' Being younger than my mom, her tits were much more impressive.

They were larger hanging a little lower than Mom's, with long pinkish nipples, looking like two pink pencil erasers. She had shaved her pussy giving a great view of her pussy lips.

Jake told her to turn around, showing her firm ass. Same as mom she was shivering, but she looked scarred.

Kathy was finally coming up the ladder. Being the youngest of the group, her large tits were more firm then the other two. She had the largest rack of the three.

She couldn't help it whenever she moved, her boobs bounced, and her nipples were hard sticking straight out. She also had very large, dark brown areolas. She shaved her cunt just like the other two.

Jake motioned for her to turn around showing a small, firm ass. Kathy seemed to be enjoying giving these guys a show. If she was shivering like the other two it didn't show since she was dancing as she turned.

"Good, now let us all get a good look." Jake added.

"Dam!" one of the guys shouted. "For older women, you sure do have nice sets of tits!"

Sally gently wiped her tears before giving a shy smile and said, "Thank you."

Mom looked fluster but after hearing Sally saying thank you, she slowly relaxes with a smile and said, "Thank you."

Kathy might be smiling, but her eyes were narrow. She was last to say, "Thank you!"

Jake took control of things and said, in a rough voice, "Well, well, well. Looks like these three mature ladies think they don't have to pay for their ride today.

I think you now understand we mean business. Now I want you to give us a show by putting your hands under your boobs. Bounce them around for us until I tell you to stop."

Kathy with a face that would make anyone jump back, said, "Asshole! Are you kidding?"

Jake clenching his fists stared right at Kathy, "Really! You three don't want to give us a show?" He raised his hand and Kathy ended up being thrown back into the water. All the guys started laughing.

"You didn't have to do that." Said Sally. Jake raised his hand again, this time Sally was tossed over.

Before my Mom could say anything Jake said, "Might as well, she can join her friends!" Now with all three women back in the water the boat again pulled away. This time they were about a hundred yards from the boat.

The camera carefully followed them as they slowly swam back towards the boat. When they finally got near, they stopped and looked at the men above them. The look on their faces was of surrender. When the ladies got back on the boat Jake had them lined up again.

Jake looking at the ladies said, "Just relax and enjoy the fun."

Mom glanced at the other two women and said, "Look, if we don't do what they want they're going to be throwing us back into the lake. We're stuck; we either swim or give in. We might as well just get over with this"

Sally looked at Kathy, then mom. "Okay." Kathy just nodded in agreement.

Mom looked like she might cry. She kept her eyes cast to the ground. Her voice was low and weak, "Okay, we'll do it.

Jake smiled. His smile disappeared as his eyes narrowed, with a deep voice, "Start bouncing them!"

Kathy started slowly bouncing her tits first. Sally with her mouth open, hesitated for a second before she started. Mom glance at the other two before she place her hands under breast and started bouncing her tits.

My heart started pounding faster while watching these three teachers being controlled by Jake. I'd never thought of my mom as being submissive. As a teacher, she always seemed to be in control in the classroom.

Jake raised his voice, "Look you three better start making them boobs move faster. You're pissing me off with your lack of enthusiasm."

The women started moving their hands faster making their tits bounce faster. "That's more like it!" Jake said.