Three Sons Pt. 05

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Tara comes to terms with Daniel's cuddling with his mom.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/28/2021
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He was about to get back into bed when he heard the front door open. Mom had come home a bit early!

He gave a quick glance to Tara, then hastily put on a thin robe and headed downstairs.

Jenny was already in the kitchen, getting dinner ready. She gave her son an indifferent glance. "Oh, you're home?" she said while peeling some potatoes.

"Yeah," Daniel said.

It was only now that Jenny noticed her son's red face, and the plain fact that he was wearing nothing under his robe.

"What's the matter?" she said sharply. "Something happen?"

"No, no," he said. "Well, it's just—I mean... I did it."

"You did what?"

"I did it... with Tara."

Jenny raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Oh, you deflowered her?"

"Yeah. Both ways."

Her eyes widened in horror. "What do you mean, both ways?"

"You know... front and back."

"You went into her bottom too?" she exclaimed in outrage. "What did you do that for?"

"Shhh, Mom! She's sleeping."

"What?" Jenny whispered frantically. "She's upstairs right now? This just happened?"

"Well, sure. We do a lot of our cuddling in the afternoons."

"Okay, fine—but you really shouldn't have gone into her butt. That's way too advanced for someone like her."

"Well, Mom," he whined, "I got hard again! I mean, she's so beautiful and all."

"I get that, but it must have hurt her a lot."

"She's pretty strong, Mom."

Jenny sighed wearily. "Well, it's too late now. What's done is done." She eyed her son out of the corner of her eye. "Maybe she can stay for dinner. I'm sure your brothers would like to meet her—and so would I."

"I can ask her."

Daniel scooted up the stairs and went back into his bedroom. Tara woke up when he opened the door—frightened at first, worried that it might be someone other than her lover, but then greeting him with a warm smile when she saw who it was. She was lying under a bedsheet, but that didn't do much to cover the luscious outlines of her body.

Daniel bent over and greeted her with a kiss. "Hey, Mom's home and she's getting dinner ready. Would you like to stay?"

Tara's eyes widened momentarily, but then she calmed down and said, "Well, okay."

"Everyone wants to meet you."

"I'd like to meet them too."

Tara used Daniel's robe to cover herself as she tripped over to the bathroom to clean herself up a little. Then, dressing quickly, she headed down with her man, who introduced her to his mother.

Pretty soon James and Peter came home—and were thrilled to meet this paragon of young womanhood they'd heard so much about from their brother.

In fact, over dinner both brothers gazed raptly at her, especially Peter, who couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. James had to kick him under the table a few times to get him to stop staring, but pretty soon he was back to fixing his eyes on the lovely creature—one who they were quite certain had just taken their brother's member into herself for the first time.

Everyone peppered her with questions, and Tara blushed furiously as she talked about her parents, her upbringing, her goals in life, and all the other things that Jenny and the boys asked her about.

At last, when dinner was over, Jenny said, "Okay, boys, you watch some TV. I'm going to have a little chat with Tara."

She took the girl by the elbow and guided her upstairs. She made for her own bedroom, which had a little loveseat across from the king-size bed that took up most of the space in the room.

When the two women had sat down on it, Jenny said, "So... you and Daniel."

"Yes, ma'am," she said, blushing even more crimson than before. She had a feeling that Daniel had told his mom what had happened earlier that day.

"Was it okay?" Jenny asked.

"It was wonderful! But—it did hurt some."

"Yes, I imagine it always does."

"So it hurt you your first time?"

Jenny frowned in thought. "I guess so. It was a long time ago—I don't remember all that clearly. I believe I was actually a little older than you."

"Really?" Tara said with a wide-eyed stare.

"Yes, I was about twenty. A late bloomer, I suppose!"

They both laughed at that.

"I really don't think Daniel should have—well, should have gone in the back way," Jenny added.

Now Tara's face suddenly blanched. "He—he told you about that?" she said incredulously.

"I don't have a lot of secrets from my sons. I hope it wasn't too painful."

"Well, it was—but I managed."

"You were very brave, especially—" Jenny stopped abruptly. Without thinking she was going to add: Especially given how large Daniel's member is. But there was no way she could reveal that she knew the size of her son's cock!

After a pause she went on. "I think you'd better get some birth control. I have a feeling Daniel's not keen on using a condom."

"I guess most guys aren't. I'll look into it right away."

Jenny stroked Tara's face. "You're awfully pretty, dear, and sweet and smart and lots of other good things, I'm sure. Daniel thinks the world of you."

"I think the world of him, ma'am."

She beamed at the young woman—and impulsively took her face in her hands and gave her a long, firm kiss on the mouth.

"Oh!" Tara cried when it was over.

"I'm sorry, dear, maybe I shouldn't have done that. But you're such a sweetheart. I hope you and Daniel are very happy together."

Heading back downstairs, Jenny instructed Daniel to take his girlfriend home, since it was now dark and Tara shouldn't walk back to campus alone.

Daniel jumped at the chance to spend a little more alone time with Tara. When he came home, Jenny gave him a glance that said: We need to talk too, buster.

He sat down gingerly on the sofa in the living room, expecting some sort of tongue-lashing—for what, he didn't quite know.

Jenny sat down next to him, staring intently at him. "I had a nice little chat with your girl. She's quite something, I must say."

"She sure is!" Daniel enthused. "I love her!"

She raised her eyebrows at that. "You love her?"

"Of course I do!"

"Have you told her?"

"Not yet. But I will soon."

"Good for you." She continued gazing at her son. "Well, I think that makes it even more important that we get some things settled."

"Like what, Mom?"

"Like the fact that"—she got suddenly choked up—"you probably shouldn't come to my bed anymore."

"What?" he cried. "Why not?"

"Why not? Do you think I'm going to allow you to cheat on this sweet young woman? And with me, of all people? Not so long as you live under my roof, my man! It wouldn't be fair to her."

"But Mom—"

"No buts about it. That's the way it's going to be." Her expression softened a bit. "Danny, dearest, you know it's going to be hard on me too. I've grown very fond of having you—well, you know. But I'm not going to have this girl hurt. Even so, I have no idea how we're going to keep her from knowing what goes on in this house. If she ever finds out, she'll totally freak out."

"I know that Mom."

"So that's it, dear. I really don't know what's going to happen, but I have a sinking feeling we're going to deal with this sooner or later."

* * * * *

They ended up having to deal with it sooner than they expected.

Over the next several weeks, Tara spent more and more time at the house. In fact, she began moving a lot of her things—mostly clothes and books—into Daniel's room. It tickled him to open the top drawer of his dresser and see his own boxer briefs pushed over to the right while Tara's frilly, dainty undies were piled up on the left. She had all but moved out of her dorm room—which left her roommate (who was also a virgin) stunned at this bold "shacking up" with her lover.

And as she became more and more a valued and beloved member of the household, she found her fondness for Daniel's brothers—and their mother—growing apace. It felt eminently natural to be in this house, and she smiled to herself as she felt she had done her part to even up the severe gender imbalance of the occupants!

But there was one time, as the two women were washing up in the kitchen after dinner, that Jenny noticed Tara not behaving quite like her usual cheerful self.

"Are you okay, dear?" she said. "Something bothering you?"

"No," Tara said in a shaky voice. "I mean, yes. Kind of."

"Well, tell me about it. Maybe I can help."

But Tara remained silent. During the time she'd spent in the house, she'd seen some funny things: James putting an arm around Jenny's waist and giving her a series of kisses on her neck... Peter placing a hand carelessly on Jenny's bottom when he thought no one was looking... She could even have sworn that Daniel had given Jenny's breast a squeeze on his way out the door when he was going to class. And what puzzled her all the more was that Jenny hadn't protested in the slightest at these inappropriate invasions of her body. Surely that couldn't mean—?

"Tara?" That was Jenny, prodding her gently to reveal what was on her mind.

So, half-inaudibly, Tara said in a rush of words, "Do you sleep with your sons?"

There, the almost unthinkable words were out! Any normal mother, hearing such an appalling accusation, would surely come out with a thunderous and indignant denial, wouldn't she? What disturbed Tara all the more was that Jenny had remained silent, gazing at her with an unreadable expression.

The only sound, for several seconds, was that of the water pouring out of the tap and splashing into the now empty sink.

"I'm sure I'm wrong, Mrs. Wilkinson! There's just no way something like that could happen—"

"You're not wrong," Jenny said heavily, turning of the water.

Jenny swayed on her feet. She thought she was going to faint. Her throat seemed to close up as if she'd swallowed a thick wad of paper.

"You must think we're a horrible family," Jenny went on.

"No, no, of course not!" Tara cried. She really liked Jenny—and of course she loved Daniel. She couldn't possibly condemn them unless there was absolutely no way around it. "It's not my place to judge. I'm sure—"

"Oh, Tara!" Jenny exclaimed, suddenly bursting into tears. "You don't know what it was like when my husband left me! I felt so lonely, so depressed. I felt like no man would ever want me again. Maybe that was silly, but I couldn't help it! And so James—dear, sweet James—tried to make me feel better. And he did make me feel better—made me feel like a desirable female again. And then there was Peter—and—and Daniel."

A shudder went through Tara as she envisioned her lover copulating with the woman who had given him birth.

"But I swear to you, Tara," Jenny went on urgently, "that Daniel and I haven't been intimate since he began taking you to his bed. I swear it, dear heart!"

Tara had been thinking fast. In fact, she'd unconsciously been thinking about this whole situation for weeks, ever since she began suspecting the true nature of the situation here in this incredible household. So now, not looking at Jenny but staring straight ahead through the window above the kitchen sink, she made a momentous pronouncement.

"It's not fair for me to keep you from him, ma'am. He loves you and you love him, and you should be able to express your love any way you like."

"Oh, but Tara, not this way!"

"Why not? You're all adults, and so am I. I can deal with it if you can. There's no reason why I should be any more jealous of you than you are of me. It—it's all love, isn't it?"

Jenny stared wide-eyed at this young woman, who seemed to be maturing right in front of her eyes.

"You're a remarkable creature, Tara O'Brien," she said in wonderment. "Not many girls would be so understanding."

Tara gave Jenny a broken smile. "You're such a wonderful mom, Jenny!" It was just about the first time she'd spoken Jenny's first name. "I can't be mad at you, or disapproving of what you do. In fact"—here she heaved a big sigh—"I think you and Daniel should be together tonight. I'm sure you two have missed each other. I can do something else."

Tara had been scheduled to spend the night at the house, as she did nearly every night. Jenny didn't fail to appreciate the magnanimous gesture.

She teared up again. "I don't know about Daniel, but I've certainly missed him. He's such a sweetheart."

"He sure is that!"

"Thank you, dear—thank you so much."

Jenny gave Tara a long, tender hug—and couldn't help feeling how nice this young female's large breasts felt as they were squeezed against her own. It got her to thinking...

Jenny broke the embrace, but still held Tara by the shoulders. Some other thoughts had just run through her mind.

"I don't suppose," she said whimsically, "you'd care to—you know, cuddle up with one of my other sons?"

A shiver went through Tara. "That had occurred to me. I think the world of both James and Peter, but Peter has become very close to my heart." There was something of the naive, gawky little boy about Peter that endeared him to her, although she liked and admired James for other reasons.

"You don't have to do anything," Jenny said carefully, "but I'm sure he'd be grateful to be able to get to know you a little better."

"Well, then, that's how it will be! Maybe I can be with James tomorrow night."

Jenny pulled up the corner of her apron and wiped the tears from her face. "You're such a dear! You fit right into this family!"

When Jenny told Peter about his impending encounter with Daniel's girl, he nearly flipped over with excitement.

"Oh, man!" he cried. "She's so fabulous! I liked her from the moment I saw her."

"You be careful with her," Jenny warned. "Maybe she'll just want to snuggle. Don't do anything she doesn't want to do."

"I won't, Mom," he said, although suddenly looking sad at the prospect that "snuggling" would be all he would end up doing with Tara.

When it came time for everyone to retire, Tara retreated to Daniel's bedroom, where she felt most comfortable. A few minutes later, Peter shuffled in. He was still fully clothed—a sweatshirt and jeans—and when he saw Tara wearing only a nightgown, reclining on the bed, he licked his lips and swallowed hard.

She peered up at him and put aside the book she was reading. "Don't you want to get ready for bed?"

It was now Peter's turn to blush. "I—um, I sleep in my underwear."

"I figured you did. Go ahead—it's nothing I haven't seen before."

She watched him fixedly as he turned his back to her, whipped off his sweatshirt, and then, with only a slight hesitation, unzipped his jeans and peeled them off his legs. They were pretty tight, and his briefs slipped a little, exposing at least half of his bottom. He quickly pulled them up, then rushed into bed.

They did do a little cuddling at first, and Peter was rendered almost dizzy at the remarkable difference between this sweet young girl and his mom—their figures, their scents, their overall bearing. She was almost exactly as tall as him, and as they lay on their sides in a tight embrace, their bodies seemed to be in contact from head to toe.

It was only when Tara, shyly but decisively, slipped a hand under the hem of his underwear and started stroking his already engorged cock, that he knew that tonight would be the fulfillment of a months-long dream, ever since he'd laid eyes on the girl who loved his brother.

Peter followed his mother's advice, being careful not to be rough with her or rush her or make her do anything she didn't care to do. That said, she seemed open to pretty much everything—vaginal sex, anal sex, swallowing come, and on and on and on. He came four times, and was certain he'd made her come more times than that. It was a heavenly session, and he felt even more love for her than before.

In the master bedroom, Daniel walked in with a fervency he hadn't felt since the earliest days of his coupling with his mother. They welcomed each other like old lovers reunited after many years, and there were plenty of orgasms on both sides. Daniel was astonished anew at Jenny's capacity for experiencing pleasure: she had entirely gotten over any embarrassment at coming in the presence of her sons, and she gave way to passion with reckless abandon—but only because her heart was bursting at this renewal of intimacy with her youngest son.

James spent the night alone in his bedroom; but he knew that his time with Tara was imminent, as was a return to his mother's bed.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I wish Daniel own his mom and James and Peter with Tara Greetings excellent story

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