Three Square Meals Ch. 017


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The door to the elevator opened and Alyssa was waiting to meet her at the door.

"That was good timing!" Sparks said to the blonde.

"Nice coincidence!" Alyssa said, smiling back at her warmly.

They chatted animatedly as they walked along the corridor to the Officer's lounge to meet up with John and Calara. Tantalising smells wafted out of the kitchen when they approached and John appeared carrying a big tray of Tacos. They all tucked in, feeling famished and enjoying the spicy Tex-Mex food.

"That was amazing!" Alyssa sighed happily, as she finished off her last Taco.

"I've never tasted anything so spicy before!" Sparks grinned, "Top marks for the chef!"

"I had a good assistant" John said, smiling at Calara who beamed back at him happily, her bright white teeth sparkling in the light.

"Can I leave you ladies to tidy up?" John asked. "I'd like to catch up with Charles"

"Charles?" Sparks asked, "Who's that?"

"Vice Admiral Charles Harris." Alyssa interjected helpfully. "He's the one who sold John the ship and also set up the commander's room with the huge bathroom and walk-in-wardrobe".

"I like him already!" Sparks said, smiling warmly.

John left the girls to clean up and headed up to the bridge. He climbed up the illuminated steps to his Commander's chair and contacted the vice admiral on the powerful communications relay built into the Invictus. After several minutes wait, the stern faced man appeared on the view screen, his face immediately relaxing when he saw who was contacting him.

"John! It's great to see you!" he exclaimed. "Everything going ok?"

"Yes, thanks to you." John grinned wryly. "Thanks for sending the Indomitable, they arrived just in the nick of time!"

"Yes, I got the report from Captain Flintlock a few hours ago." Charles replied soberly.

"Kirrix!" he exclaimed, "I didn't think we'd be seeing them any time soon. Not after the last purge" he said vehemently.

"Maybe the Terran Federation needs to think about another?" John suggested bleakly.

"We're a bit tied up with the Kintark at the moment." Charles smiled. "Speaking of which, we could do with a bit of good news. Would you be up for doing a fluff piece on the fight for the media? I'd really appreciate it."

"Sure, I'd be happy to help out." John agreed accommodatingly. "I was mainly calling about Commander Rupert Grant though. Have you executed him for treason yet?"

"I'm afraid not John. I ordered his arrest immediately after you gave me the information, but he had already fled." Charles said in annoyance.

"I've had data teams analysing all his private communications out of Port Heracles. Did you know he was selling civilian flight paths and military patrol routes to the pirates?" he said, still shocked at the depths of the man's betrayal.

"No wonder the pirates were able to remain undetected for so long." John said, shaking his head.

"You must have a hell of a team to have sniffed out that base." Charles said appreciatively.

"The best I've ever served with!" John said honestly.

Charles raised his eyebrows in amusement at that.

"Except for my time under your command. That goes without saying of course." John said, grinning.

Charles laughed good naturedly.

"Oh before I forget, I'm hauling more Tyrenium." John said nonchalantly.

"Oh really?" Charles said, his eyes suddenly sharp. "How much this time?"

"20 tons." John said.

Charles' face spread into a big lop sided grin. "Drop by Olympus as soon as you can John, I'll throw you a warm welcome!" he said eagerly.

"We'll be there in approximately four days." John said, smiling at his old friend.

"Excellent!" Charles replied. "I'll see you then."

"I'll put you through to the Federation media if you can stay on the call." he offered expectantly.

"Sure. Any spin you want on the story?" John inquired.

"Its friendly media John. You can say what you like." Charles said, with a wave goodbye.

John waited for a short while until the image of an attractive young woman appeared on the view screen.

"Hello Commander! I've heard a lot about you." The reporter said with a warm smile.

Calara, Sparks and Alyssa had finished cleaning up the officer's lounge quickly, working well as a team to get it spotless in short order. They served themselves some coffee and sat on the comfortable sofa's in the lounge. It was a nice novelty for them to have a bit of girl time without John around, or one of them dashing off for an important errand, or training, or any of the things that had kept them constantly busy these last few weeks. They just sat and chatted comfortably, enjoying each other's company and being able to spend some time really getting to know one another.

Calara was still in an introspective mood after her conversation with John.

"I don't normally get on this well with girls." she admitted self consciously.

"Really? Why's that?" Sparks said.

"I was always considered to be a 'pretty' girl and some women get jealous I guess. I also grew up around three brothers, so I suppose I just got used to male company." Calara admitted honestly.

"It's strange. I just went to see our passengers and I think I freaked them out a bit." Sparks said.

"Freaked them out? What do you mean?" Alyssa asked curiously.

"Well now I look like this." Sparks said, waving her hand at her face "It started making people uncomfortable." she said.

"When I was horribly scarred, people would ignore me because it made them uncomfortable to look at me. Now I'm the other end of the spectrum and I have the same reaction." she said wistfully.

"I spent most of my life wishing I looked beautiful. Now I do, but people act practically the same way. It's kind of ironic I guess" the redhead said sadly.

"Well we have each other." Alyssa said, smiling at them both warmly.

"That's true!" Sparks said, smiling at her friends affectionately.

"Growing up with three brothers, I always wondered what it would be like to have some sisters." Calara confessed.

"Now I guess I know." she said, looking at the two of them fondly.

Sparks and Alyssa's eyes welled up with tears. For a couple of orphans, who had wished for family their entire lives, Calara couldn't have said anything kinder.

"You're the best!" Alyssa said, coming over to hug the brunette tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I love you so much... sister!" Sparks said with a sob, as she moved over to hug Calara tightly too.

Calara sighed happily, loving the incredible, rock solid bond that had grown between the three of them. She knew that people developed strong friendships when fighting as comrades and the three of them had certainly done a lot of that in the last few weeks!

When the tears had dried up, the girls separated, Alyssa and Sparks blushing a bit at the strength of their reaction to Calara's heartfelt words.

"I wonder how we'll get on with Jade?" Sparks asked curiously.

"She seems really nice." Alyssa said, remembering the innocent warm smile the alien had given her back on the Kirrix dropship.

"I don't think it's in her nature to be deceptive, jealous, vindictive or anything like that. She's just naturally friendly and open." The beautiful blonde explained.

"I wonder how old she actually is?" Calara asked curiously.

"We could ask her I guess, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know." Alyssa said, recalling her conversation with the green hued girl down on the bottom deck earlier on.

"How long do you think she'll be asleep for?" Calara wondered.

"Well the first time any of us had dinner with John," Alyssa said, causing the other two girls to smile in amusement. "we slept for 14 hours".

"She isn't human though." Sparks said. "Perhaps her body will react faster or slower?" she said logically.

"Well we'll just keep an eye on her and make sure she's comfortable." Calara said compassionately and the other girls nodded agreeably.

John strode back into the officer's lounge looking pleased with himself. The girls looked up at him and smiled affectionately.

"How did the chat with Charles go?" Alyssa asked him.

"Oh great thanks. He seems pretty keen to buy our cargo!" John grinned. "I think the trip to Olympus should be fun!"

"I'm more looking forward to going shopping with the girls on Gravitus." Alyssa confessed.

"I wonder how Rachel's getting on?" She asked John with an arched eyebrow.

"Who's Rachel?" Calara asked curiously.

"A lovely girl we met at the boutique I bought my clothes from." Alyssa explained. "She could probably retire after the commission she made that day!" she said, grinning up at John.

"That's why I need to sell this ore, to fund your shopping trips." John smiled at her fondly.

They settled down and chatted with each other happily, enjoying the quiet after all the action over the last few days. Before they knew it, they had talked their way through the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening. A soft beeping on John's watch interrupted the current conversation.

"We're nearly back at Port Heracles." John said, turning off the alarm.

He noticed a worried look flash across Calara's face.

"Oh sorry honey, I should have said before. Rupert Grant fled. He's wanted for treason now and is fleeing a death sentence." John said reassuringly. "You won't have to worry about running across him there".

"I'd still like to leave as soon as we can if that's ok?" Calara asked tentatively. "I have a lot of bad memories from that place."

"Sure, we'll drop the civilians off and leave as soon as they've been taken care of." John said.

"Thanks John, I appreciate it." The gorgeous Latina said, smiling at him warmly.

They headed up to the bridge and sat in their familiar places and Alyssa brought the Invictus around to approach the immense space station, as soon as they jumped into the system and exited hyper warp. She received docking clearance and brought them in towards Port Heracles, while John contacted the new station commander and arranged for support teams to meet them and take care of the civilians.

Sparks was seeing Port Heracles for the first time and she marvelled at the size of such a huge piece of Terran construction. The space station reminded her of a stack of plates, with a big round disc in the middle that held the docking bays. The smaller discs above and below twinkled with lights from the hundreds of viewports sprinkled around their circumference. Their view of the station disappeared as the Invictus moved in to dock with Port Heracles.

"I'll let our guests know we've arrived." John informed them as he stood up.

"Calara and I will wait up on the bridge." Alyssa said, throwing a warm smile the brunette's way.

"I'll come." volunteered Sparks.

John smiled at her affectionately and held out his hand, as she came up the ramp to join him at the elevator. They went down to deck 4 and rallied the civilians, who were eager to disembark, eventually heading down in the elevator as one big group. John strode forward to open the airlock into the docking bay and two medical teams escorted by Terran Federation troopers were there to meet them. A balding middle aged man strode up to John.

"Commander Clive Steeran." he said, throwing John a respectful salute.

"Commander John Blake, but you can call me John." John replied, returning the salute.

"It's nice to meet the man who was instrumental in removing my predecessor!" the new station Commander said enthusiastically. "Oh and call me Clive, by all means!"

He stuck his hand out, which John took and Clive shook it warmly. "You've become a bit of a hero around here John!"

John smiled graciously and glanced over at the medical teams who were speaking to the civilians, most of whom were waving away any medical attention.

"Don't worry about them, my men will take good care of them!" Clive said eagerly. "Are you staying at Heracles for long?"

"I'm afraid not Clive, we're on our way to Olympus shipyard. We only came here to carry these people to safety." John replied apologetically.

"That's a shame." Clive said, clearly disappointed. "Let me know when you're coming back this way and we'll roll out the welcome mat." he grinned.

John smiled and nodded.

Sparks saw Geoff looking back at her with a wistful expression on his face. When he saw her looking at him, he blushed and then waved goodbye shyly. The redhead beamed a big friendly smile at him in return and waved him farewell.

"Safe travels Commander!" Clive bade them farewell, as John and Sparks turned to board the Invictus.

The Terran Federation personnel and the civilians broke into a spontaneous round of applause, cheering as they made their exit from the dock.

"Well I like him!" Sparks said brightly, as she looked up at John.

"He's a massive improvement on the last guy, believe me!" John said emphatically.

"I'm sorry we couldn't stay for a little while. There are lots of aliens who trade at Port Heracles and it would have been interesting for you to see them." he said apologetically.

"That would have been fascinating. Thank you for thinking of me." Sparks replied, genuinely touched.

"No problem." John said, smiling at her affectionately. "Don't say anything to Alyssa, but when she first came here, I thought her eyes were going to fall out of her head when she saw some of the alien species!"

Sparks laughed hard as she imagined her friend gawping at bizarre looking aliens.

*It was pretty funny honey* John thought for Alyssa's benefit.

"Come on, let's go and see the girls, and then check on Jade." he said, eagerly.

They travelled up in the elevator and strode on to the bridge, where Alyssa had already plotted the course to the Olympus shipyard. The green line showing their course travelled through sector after sector and a readout next to the line helpfully informed them that the plotted course would take them just under 4 days to complete. They reached the nav buoy, Alyssa activated their FTL drive and the Invictus leapt forward into hyper warp.

"Just the final stretch now." John said, smiling at the girls.

"Then we can go shopping!" Alyssa grinned.

"I think Sparks might well outspend you this time." John said, smiling at the redhead.

"Really?" Sparks said, confused. "I don't think I'm into dresses as much as Alyssa."

"I'm hurt! You've forgotten my promise to outfit your workshop for you?" John said playfully.

Sparks gasped. "Oh I had! I'm so sorry John. With all the recent excitement, it slipped my mind." she apologised sincerely.

"Well you have four days to pick what you want." He grinned at her. "Remember, money is no object, I want you to get everything and anything you think could be useful."

Sparks looked a bit uncertain. "Are you sure? Some of the equipment is very expensive."

"Trust me." John said emphatically.

Alyssa stood as an exciting thought came to her. "Let's go and check on Jade and then I've just had a great idea on how to show you two why buying dresses can be fun!" she beamed a sparkling smile, filled with anticipation.

They all rose and followed the exuberant young woman down to their quarters. Jade was still fast asleep, but her stomach was much reduced and looked almost like normal. The viridian pulses that were spreading around her body were now slow and measured.

"She's been out 13 hours." John said. "I'm guessing she will probably wake up in about an hour".

"Ok you stay here and keep an eye on her." Alyssa requested. "You girls follow me!" she said grinning at them both.

Calara and Sparks followed her with some trepidation as they disappeared into the bathroom and were gone for a good long while. They eventually re-emerged delightfully nude and Alyssa immediately ushered Calara and Sparks into the walk-in-wardrobe.

"You might want to get a nice shower too." she told John archly.

Smiling indulgently, John got up and showered himself, enjoying the warm water as it washed away his troubles from the day. He dried himself, but didn't bother getting dressed and then went to lie on the bed next to the sleeping dark green alien girl.

After a little while, Alyssa appeared at the door, wearing the backless dress that John had bought her on Gravitus. She walked out gracefully like a model on a catwalk and posed for him by the side of the bed, her hand holding one of the bed posts.

"Very nice honey." John said appreciatively.

His cock already started to thicken when she first appeared, but he got a lot more steel in his rod when the beautiful teenager pirouetted elegantly and he could see her the long toned muscles on her back and the dimples just above her bottom. She smiled at him alluringly as she listened to his thoughts as he checked her out.

"Calara, if you please." Alyssa called out.

The gorgeous Latina appeared at the door wearing the same outfit, but this time in red. The colour accentuated her lovely olive coloured skin and she looked at him lustily as she walked sensually into the room. John sat up so he could stare at her more clearly. The dress fit her absolutely perfectly, as the Latina shared the same body type as Alyssa. She pivoted for him, so that he could see her dusky hued skin in the backless cut to the dress and John couldn't take his eyes off her rounded buttocks, as he saw how the sheer material of the dress clung to her like a second skin. Calara moved to stand at the other bedpost.

"You look absolutely amazing Calara!" John said, whistling appreciatively. She smiled and blew him a kiss.

Alyssa watched his eyes locked on the girl's pert ass and nodded to herself, smiling with satisfaction.

"Sparks, come and join us please!" Alyssa requested.

Finally the redhead entered, wearing the same dress but in white. She smiled seductively at John and sashayed into the room, walking gracefully over and then gliding away so that he could see her beautiful tanned skin in the backless part of the dress. John moved forward to sit on the end of the bed, desperate to get closer to her, as his eyes slid lower and focused on the perfect spheres of her bottom. The redhead shifted her weight from one foot to another in her high heels, and the sharp height of the heels make her ass look even more delicious, as the taut cheeks rolled under the dress.

John gawped at her in amazement and then his eyes darted to the blonde and brunette as well, as they went to join the redhead in front of him. They faced away and then looked over their shoulders, so he could see the backs of all three teenagers and they looked at him coyly as he blatantly undressed them with his eyes. He stared at all three of them with their perfect presentation of their firm young bottoms and felt his heart race with excitement.

"We all want to get fucked in the ass tonight." Alyssa said provocatively. "Your choice..." she paused "... Is who you take first."

John could barely believe his ears, or his luck. Rendered mute, he pointed at the redheads glorious ass with a trembling hand, his body overloaded with adrenalin.

"Ah you want to break in the new girl?" Alyssa said appreciatively, running her hands over the redheads bottom and squeezing it gently. "Excellent choice." she commended him.

Sparks looked over her shoulder at him, and lifted the strap off said shoulder, glancing down at it as it slipped off her smooth tanned skin. She turned languidly and looked at him over the other shoulder, then glanced down as she removed the other strap. She watched his reaction as the dress slipped down off her body to pool at her feet, leaving her completely nude.

"Fuck me!" John whispered, entranced.

All three girls nodded their heads. "We will." Alyssa said reassuringly. "Just let us know when you want to be inside each of us".

They turned and walked towards him, with Calara and Alyssa sitting on either side of the bed to him. Sparks walked right up to him so that her toned stomach was inches away from his face. He looked up at her and he could just see her light blue eyes looking down at him and sparkling with lust, over her pert, upturned breasts. She turned around and suddenly he was presented with her glorious ass, the firm round cheeks just touching in the middle and hiding his goal from his eyes. He raised his shaking hands and then gripping each cheek firmly, he gently eased them apart, causing the redhead to gasp excitedly. He could see the tight little knot of her asshole, the light reflecting off the glistening lube that had been spread over her.