Three Square Meals Ch. 018


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The girl looked up at him and a tear fell from her eyes and rolled gently down her cheek.

"Oh master..." She sighed rapturously.

John eased himself between her legs and carefully positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her wet pussy. Jade's legs came up to either side of him, the toned muscles in her calves crossed over the small of his back as she raised her hips and enveloped his length inside her.

"Master fits inside this one so well." she moaned contentedly, as she effortlessly took his entire length inside her body in one long motion.

John felt her body ripple along his length as he pushed into her, marvelling at the different feel of fucking his first alien girl. Even though he was able to slide back and forth inside her slick pussy with ease, she was still incredibly tight and her body seemed to grip him and massage his length in strange and unusual ways he had not experienced before. Although Jade's skin was cooler to the touch than his other women, her pussy was slightly warmer and he enjoyed the contrast immensely.

Jade looked up at him with her emerald eyes, sensing his delight as he thrust back and forth inside her for the first time. She smiled up at him happily and John saw that her cat-like irises had expanded so widely that they seemed to almost completely touch the edges of her shimmering emerald eyes. He leaned down, resting his body against hers, her big breasts presenting a delightful yielding pillow for his chest.

Now only inches above her face, he moved to kiss her and she returned it passionately, her lips moving eagerly against his own. John stared into her eyes and she stared back at him unblinking, as he began to thrust harder and more deliberately inside her exotic body.

Jade nodded excitedly as she felt her master grow closer to orgasm, his powerful thrusts filling her body over and over again. She yearned for him to cum inside her, to feel his potent sperm inside her womb, even if it was just a teasing prelude to what she really hoped she could offer her master.

Finally John's muscles tensed and his taut quad trembled as he could hold off no longer and he began to send long shooting blasts of his cum inside the trembling girl beneath him. Jade's back arched powerfully, supporting his body above her, as he rode her responsive flesh and drove every last ounce of his cum into her sucking pussy. The girls dark green belly began to expand to house his mighty load and she groaned as she joined him in a crashing climax, waves of pleasure cascading over her.

Both spent, they collapsed on the bed and John carefully kept his weight off her, so that he wouldn't squash the enormous sphere of her stomach. He eased his length out of her pussy, her body feeling like it was kissing him goodbye as he slid gently out of her. Jade rolled to her side, her hands cupping her spunk bloated belly protectively and John moved behind her, sliding his arm under her head for her to use as a pillow. With his free hand he cupped her abdomen, feeling proud of having yet another conquest lying happily in his arms.

"This one has no words to describe how Jade feel's about you master." The Nymph said to him honestly.

John kissed her tenderly on the side of her face and wrapped her in a warm hug. Sighing with blissful contentment, Jade settled into those caring arms and feel asleep.

He lay there with her, basking in the afterglow and enjoying the feel of her phenomenal body against him. John lay a hand carefully against Jade's taut belly and stroked it possessively. His mind wandered and he imagined being surrounded by his girls, each of them with their stomach's hugely swollen with his offspring. He delighted in being able to have the right and privilege to caress each of them in the intimate way he was stroking Jade and he realised he wanted it as much as they did. They were too young though at the moment, he reminded himself, but it was something he definitely desired for the future.

Feeling contented, he dozed off, enjoying the feel of the lovely girl in his arms.

Everyone reconvened for a light lunch a few hours later and immediately noticed the pulsing green lights travelling around Jade's body, centred on the tight roundness of her swollen belly. Alyssa, Calara and Sparks all came up to kiss the girl, pleased to see how delighted she looked as they ran their hands over her lovingly.

After eating, they went their separate ways again, continuing from where they left off that morning. John decided to cook a big roast dinner for his crew that evening and had fun in the kitchen preparing everything. Jade stayed at his side, eager to help him in any way and he was pleased that they made a good team. The alien girl was a quick study and with her dextrous hands she made an ideal sous chef, helping him prepare the ingredients for the meal.

For her part, Jade had a fabulous time, enjoying the simple pleasures of cooking and preparing food, whilst being able to stay in lovely close proximity to her master.

In no time, the evening rolled around and Calara, Sparks and Alyssa assembled in the officer's lounge, excited to see what the pair of them had whipped up in the kitchen. Sunday roasts, even though it wasn't actually a Sunday, were a novelty for all the girls. However, experience with John's cooking made them eager to try everything he had prepared and in no time the delicious feast had disappeared.

John left the girls to the clean up and he moved to the sofas with a whiskey in hand, watching his women work swiftly and efficiently to make everything presentable again. They cleaned everything up and then assembled at the bar, while Calara played bartender pouring out drinks for each of the young women. He smiled at them affectionately as they all glided up to him, moving with a sinuous grace that bedevilled the eye. The girls all paused when they arrived at the sofa, not sure how to arrange themselves, then looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's do this chronologically." Sparks said selflessly.

Alyssa sat to John's right, with Calara on his left. Sparks moved in to sit next to Alyssa and tucked her legs up on to the sofa, so that she was leaning in against her old friend. Jade went to join Calara on the other side, but Alyssa held out her hand as she passed her by, halting her as she walked in front of John.

"I'd like to try something fun." Alyssa said, smiling playfully.

"Jade, would you like to have John fill your belly again?" she asked the green skilled girl, noting the nymphs flat dark skinned stomach and already knowing the answer.

"Oh yes Alyssa. If master's mates allowed it, Jade would love that very much."

"What do you think ladies?" She asked Calara and Sparks, who both nodded their approval with smiles on their faces.

"What do you think John?" Alyssa purred at him seductively. "Would you like to make the newest addition to the Invictus a happy girl?" she smiled at him impishly.

John grinned and unbuckled his belt.

Jade took her cue and in no time she was humming happily as her head bobbed between his legs. Relaxed and happy, John made no effort to hold back, knowing that Jade wanted his release as much as he did. He came hard and filled her awaiting stomach, rounding her waistline out nicely.

Alyssa stood up and offered Jade her seat next to John, before heading over to the door with a slinky walk, to flick off the lights. She walked back to them confidently and cuddled up behind Calara, as Jade's stomach began to ripple with an ethereal radiance, the concentric rings travelling around her body and sending spirals of light around the darkened officer's lounge. The five of them watched the stars, illuminated softly by the viridian glow rippling outwards from the dark green girl.

"This is so beautiful." Calara sighed happily, entranced by the enchanting light show.

"Well worth skipping desert for." Sparks grinned as she gently ran her hand over Jade's effervescent belly, momentarily disrupting the rings spiralling across the ceiling.

"Nice idea honey, thank you." John said to Alyssa, smiling at her fondly.

Jade just sighed a long deep sigh, marvelling that she had such good fortune to have met such amazing people.

They eventually headed back to John's quarters, the gentle illumination coming from Jade guiding their way until they reached the brightly lit corridor outside the lounge. They retired to bed and then drifted into dreamless, restful sleep.

The next day followed a similar pattern. Taking it in turns to provide relief for John, mealtimes together and the girls separating to pursue their current tasks. At dinner time that night Sparks presented John with a tentative list for equipment she had thought necessary, chewing her fingernail softly as she waited for his verdict.

"14 million credits." he whistled appreciatively.

"You did say to pick everything I could think of!" the redhead said defensively.

"Sure, that's fine." he said, handing the list back to her nonchalantly.

Sparks stared at him wide eyed, as he calmly agreed to an absolute fortune in top of the range equipment. It made her feel pretty bad about how she'd treated him back on Karron. Replacing her entire workshop there could have been done on a shoestring budget, costing no more than 15 to 20 thousand and even then, that was buying everything brand new, rather the reconditioned collection she had built up over 10 years.

"Why don't you place the order after dinner, then all the manufacturers can have everything in place when we arrive at Olympus." he suggested thoughtfully. "I'll come with you and order the retrofit for the loading ramp for your workshop too".

Sparks grinned back at him, hardly believing her luck.

Alyssa applauded her, smiling. "Not bad Sparks, you have me beat as a big spender." she grinned mischievously.

"I don't think any of us are going to beat your record though, are we handsome?" Alyssa said to John affectionately.

"Yeah it was an expensive trip to Olympus." he smiled back.

"Was that when you bought the Invictus?" Calara asked curiously and John nodded in reply.

"150 million credits!" Alyssa said impishly.

Sparks' mouth opened in shock at the astronomical sum of money.

"Worth every cent though." John said, grinning happily. "Gained me a hot redhead and a gorgeous nymph into the bargain!"

The girls all laughed along with him.

The next morning, Sparks was at a bit of a loose end, having now placed her order for all the new equipment for her workshop. She remembered the Kirrix dropship and their chitinous carapace armour that she'd been interested in, so decided to spend the last few days before they arrived at the port doing some investigation into the bizarre insectoid technology.

Alyssa took a now enthusiastic Calara back to the firing range for more training, waving goodbye as they walked away hand in hand. The blonde teenager sashayed impressively with the added counterweight John had pumped into her toned young belly only minutes before.

John and Jade went back to the gym again, where John enjoyed a great morning swimming lengths, while Jade cavorted around him scything through the water in her aquatic form. She seemed to be able to stay under the water for lengthy periods at a time and when she hadn't surfaced for a while, he began to grow worried. He stood up in the shallow end and looked about for her, feeling relieved when she streaked through the water up to him and surfaced with a big grin on her face.

"How are you staying under water for so long?" He asked her curiously.

"This one isn't sure master." The green skinned alien replied, looking puzzled. "Jade doesn't feel like she has been holding her breath for a long time."

John noticed slight movements on her neck and leaned in to have a closer look. Jade tilted her neck back and her head to the side trustingly.

"Oh wow!" John said in amazement. "You've grown gills!" He said with surprise.

Jade brought her hand up to the base of her neck and gently felt the horizontal slits that had been allowing her to breathe comfortably under water. She suddenly smiled at him alluringly.

"The other girls mentioned a hot tub to this one. Would master be so kind as to show it to Jade?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course honey, that sounds like a great idea!" John said enthusiastically.

They got out of the pool and walked over to the back of the gym. John turned on the hot tub and the burbling water sounded quite enticing to the green hued girl. John climbed in first and then offered his hand to Jade, as she gracefully sank into the water beside him. Rather than sitting on one of the benches beside him however, she moved into the middle of the tub and gently parted his legs with her hands.

John saw the hungry look she gave him with her sparkling emerald eyes, as she disappeared below the bubbling surface of the water. Seconds later he felt the hot warmth of her mouth covering him and then he groaned as she began to fellate him. Jade had changed techniques this time and instead of the typical way she normally went down on him, as though on a mission to stimulate him as much as possible, today was very different. She massaged him languidly with her throat, like a gentle relaxing caress, brushing against his cock in lots of places. Combined with the warm streams of air bubbling over his body in the hot tub, he found himself getting incredibly relaxed, practically melting into the tub.

After Jade had been under water for what seemed like forever, he brushed the bubbles on the surface aside to check to see if she was ok. Her eyes looked back at him from under the water and he could feel her mouth moving into a smile, her lips spread tightly around his girth. Relaxing back and marvelling at how useful her gills were, John sighed contentedly and let Jade bring him to a long, drawn out orgasm. He held her head tightly to his lap as he came, feeling her sucking on him lovingly as he emptied his quad into her stomach.

"That was incredible!" he said to her gratefully as the green skinned girl emerged slowly from the water, her rounded stomach throwing circles of light around the interior of the hot tub.

They kissed affectionately, before getting out of the tub and John got dressed quickly. John wanted to see how Sparks was getting on in the Hangar bay and they eventually found the redhead hip deep inside a maintenance panel on the Kirrix dropship. John knocked gently on the side of the ship, to let her know they had arrived.

"Oh! Hey, how's it going?" Sparks said happily as she carefully extracted herself out of the ship.

She had her long hair tied back in a pony tail, to avoid it getting snagged on the innards of the Kirrix vessel and she blew an errant strand of dark auburn hair out of her eyes, as she turned to look at them.

"You've been having a good time I see!" Sparks said good naturedly to Jade, noticing the viridian lines radiating out from her rounded belly.

Jade grinned at the redhead, her teeth gleaming in a wide smile as she nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Yeah, It's been a pretty awesome morning." John said, smiling happily. "How about you? Learnt anything interesting so far?" he said to his Chief Engineer.

"Yeah this ship is fascinating!" Sparks said excitedly. "I've never seen technology like it. I think they actually grow these panels before fitting the ship together!" she said in amazement.

She turned and pointed to where the Kirrix corpses had been and John saw that the bodies had been removed and there was a neat pile of body armour in their place.

"Those armoured carapaces are actually body armour suits. They aren't part of the Kirrix troopers." Sparks said. "It's a really clever design. The carapace armour splits down the side and tiny hooks latch it into place when you activate the right control."

"Is there anything you can adapt from them for our gear?" John asked curiously, always keen to look for any kind of edge in a fight.

"Mmm yes, definitely." Sparks agreed. "I'll need my workshop before I can start prototyping though."

"Excellent work Chief Engineer!" John said playfully.

"Thank you Commander!" Sparks said, throwing him a cheeky salute.

John leaned down to kiss her affectionately. "I'll see you tonight!" he told the adorable redhead with a twinkle in his eye.

Sparks grinned up at him and sighed happily.

The last couple of days flew past and before they knew it, they had jumped into the Alpha Centauri system and were at their final destination; the Olympus Shipyard, bastion of the Terran Federation. They all went up to the bridge to watch Alyssa bring the Invictus back to its birthplace. Everyone took their places and Jade sat at a free chair in a dimmed station near the back left of the room.

As they got closer to the titanic spaceport, a light flashed on Alyssa's console, indicating an incoming hail. She pushed a button to receive the communication.

"Incoming assault cruiser, please identify yourself and your business at Olympus." a military communications officer requested politely.

"Commander John Blake on the Invictus, requesting docking clearance at the shipyard for retrofitting." he replied confidently.

There followed a brief pause before the officer replied. "Please approach docking bay 11 Commander."

Already anticipating docking clearance at the shipyard, Alyssa had approached Olympus from the drydock side, so they were able to fly directly towards the station rather than circling it like last time.

Sparks watched the approaching shipyard with open mouthed amazement. The colossal example of human innovation in construction, sprawled out ahead of them for kilometres into the distance. There was a huge central hub, which was surrounded by long sections comprised of docking bays, spreading out like spokes of a wheel. Enormous turreted weapons adorned the top deck of the shipyard, the fearsome batteries powerful enough to threaten ships many times larger than their assault cruiser.

The Invictus prowled closer, staying under port speed at Alyssa's careful behest. They moved into the drydock and marvelled at the enormous craft assembled there. To their starboard side, a huge behemoth of a ship was under construction and as they passed along its 3000 metre long hull, they read the words "Thor's Hammer" in 20 metre high lettering near the bow of the ship.

"That's a dreadnought." John said to the girls quietly, not wanting to break the hushed silence of the bridge.

"They probably used the Tyrenium we brought last time to build those..." he said, pointing at two pairs of vast weapons on the topdeck of the dreadnought that promised unspeakable devastation.

"What are they?" Sparks whispered in awe.

"Singularity drivers." Calara said in a reverent voice.

Sparks shuddered and realised she didn't want to know what these terrifying weapons could do.

The Invictus moved on, passing by the area of the drydock used to repair damaged vessels. The destroyer that John and Alyssa had passed last time was gone, but in its place devastated ships told their own tale of how the war with the Kintark Empire was progressing. One Heavy cruiser they passed had been scoured by plasma burns, the terrible destructive power of the weapons charring huge welts across the flank of the ship. Another light carrier had been left a mangled wreck, the rear of the ship almost completely obliterated. Sparks wondered how they had even managed to bring the ship back to Olympus.

Finally docking bay 11 yawned open in front of them, more than big enough to house the 500 metre length of their assault cruiser with ease. Alyssa brought the Invictus in to land smoothly, following the guide path provided by the docking computer, as the Olympus Shipyard welcomed home her wayward daughter.

"Let's go and see if we can find Vice Admiral Harris." John said to the girls as he rose from his chair.