Three Tales


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I moved to Tampa and in with Tony. TJ was in his late 20s, living in Atlanta, and was a police officer by this time. I saw him during the holidays, and I still think he had a crush on me. We'd talk endlessly when we saw each other. He was so very sweet to me.

Sex with Tony was a near constant for the first few years. It dwindled some, I figured it was our age, but when it happened it was incredible as always.

It took eight years for karma to get me. My twin girls, 18, betraying me, sleeping with my husband, Tony.

I kicked them out of the house. I dragged the girls out by their hair and threw their luggage at them. Who knows what they're doing now. They're probably back at the house having a three-way. It serves me right. This is my punishment.

My thoughts were interrupted by a moan -- a deep moan. It was TJ in the shower.

He told me he'd do anything for me. He told me he didn't mind if I stayed here. He said he'd protect me from Tony if he had to. He told me to let him know if I needed anything.

I slowly stood from his bed. I removed my shirt, I tweaked my erect nipples. I stepped out of my pants, sliding my thong down next. I glided my hand over my toned stomach. There was something I needed -- I needed black cock.

TJ was initially startled when I entered the shower. I ran my hands over his body, admiring it. I found his cock; it looked so much like Tony's, big, powerful. I went to my knees, before him.

"Joanne," he said.

"I need this," I said, licking his cock.

"Then it's yours."

Just what I wanted to hear. I moaned as I sucked his cock, slowly weaving my head back and forth over it.

All the anger at myself, the sadness caused by my twin's and Tony's actions, seemed to drift away as I sucked TJ's cock in the shower.

I sucked him so long, the water started going cold. When it did, TJ turned off the shower, picked me up and carried me to his bed.

Another way he showed me he's like his father -- his stamina. He fucked me so good; so long. I wished Tony was more like his son. If he was I'd still be married to Tony, I'd still be making love to him. TJ was all the good things that Tony wasn't.

As we rolled around bed, TJ thrusting into me for hours on end, I knew it was wrong. I knew it was yet another horrible thing I was doing -- but I didn't care. I needed it. I needed him at that moment.

I was on top of him, arching my back, my hands on his chest, while he nursed from my breasts. I was on all fours, his hands roaming over my back, my tits jiggling from each impact. I was on my back, kissing him, my legs wrapped around him, holding him in place.

It went on and on and on.

The next morning, he was holding my body against his dark chocolate frame. We were talking about my plans. I couldn't stay with him, Tony could show up looking for me and I wanted nothing to do with him. So ironic, all those years ago, Michael wanted nothing to do with me or the kids -- I suppose I can empathize with him now.

It still doesn't change things. All the cheating and wrongdoing I've done will never be erased.

The next couple days were spent in bed with TJ. He asked off work for emergency family issues. Since he moved back to Tampa several months ago, he felt unsure if he should ask off for time so soon. He's always been a hard worker. Those doubts were quelled when I lovingly began servicing his cock with my mouth again, putting into motion two days of near constant lovemaking.

By the end of the week, I hadn't heard from Tony. TJ had a few times. He lied to his father to keep my whereabouts secret.

My bags were packed, I was moving on. I was staying in Atlanta for a couple weeks, then head to Jacksonville, where a sister lived. No, Michael doesn't still live there, I have no idea where he is. Being in Atlanta would throw Tony off my scent, as he'd assume I'd head to Jacksonville first. When things died down, and the paperwork was filed, I knew Tony wouldn't try to get me back.

He had my daughters.

When I arrived at my sisters in Jacksonville, I told my other children about what happened. I kept in touch with TJ regularly. He even visited a couple times. Maybe we'll be together one day, who knows.

For now I'm here, back in Jacksonville, adjusting to a new life. I go to weekly counseling sessions, they've been helpful. I'm enjoying seeing family I haven't seen in a while, and focusing on exercising to keep myself occupied.

I'm hoping I've paid for my sins; hoping karma is done with me. Only time will tell.


"How could you!" Laura stormed into her father Tony's, bedroom. It was the day after Joanne kicked him and the twins out. As she suspected, they returned, while Joanne was staying with TJ.

Tony said nothing, having just gotten out of the shower, standing with a towel wrapped around his waist. Laura approached him again, tears in her eyes.

"How could you hurt mom like this!" she pushed him, he barely budged.

"How could you!" she screamed once more, her hands hitting his massive chest repeatedly.

Tony said nothing, letting his daughter take out her anger on him. Laura, crying, finally calmed down. She backed away and made her way to the open bedroom door.

"Laura," Tony calmly spoke up.

She turned around to face her father.

"How could I?" he asked. Tony undid the towel, letting it fall, revealing his massive cock. "It was easy."

Laura looked on with shock, her eyes drinking in Tony's body; his tree trunk legs, six pack abs, huge chest and arms, then his cock. Her eyes became transfixed on his long, thick, black cock.

She gulped, took a deep breath and turned back around toward the door. Laura took one step forward then stopped. She slowly backed up, and closed the bedroom door.

Facing her father once more, Laura's eyes studied Tony's naked body again. A small, seductive small came over her face. She licked her lips and walked toward him.

*** Part 3: Laura ***

One year, two months later. February.

Chapter 1

Denise brought her mouth to Ulysses', her tongue slowly lapping at his thick, full lips. She was straddling him on the couch, having just come down from yet another orgasm his beautiful black cock had given her.

Her house was devoid of furniture -- save for the couch and a mattress. Denise was in Miami preparing her former home for sale, thinking she'd be there alone. However, her friend, a fitness model named Ulysses happened to be in town that weekend. He called, they met up, they had dinner, she invited him in, and they fucked.

Hours and hours Denise worshipped his body. Dragging her tongue over his chest, his six pack abs, thighs, and cock. She rode him to many orgasms, her body a sweaty mess.

Ulysses smiled at Denise while she licked his lips. He opened his mouth, his tongue meeting hers, swirling around each other. Then she sucked it, sucked it just like she would his bulbous black cockhead, moaning. She closed her mouth around his, her tongue gliding around and around, his doing the same, Denise almost cumming again.

She rested her hands on his muscular chest, breaking the kiss. "I love you."

"Denise," Ulysses said.

"No, I mean it. I may not love you as much or in the same way as Devin," Denise said, referring to the woman formerly known as Ulysses' stepmother, a woman he's been making love to since his teen years.

"But I do," she said, rising up, Ulysses' cock sliding out of her.

Denise moaned, kissing his neck, "I love this face."

She kissed his neck, sliding down his body, kissing his stomach, "I love this body."

She arrived at his erect cock, on her knees, stroking it, licking his balls, his shaft, engulfing the tip, "I love this cock."

"Because I'm black?"

"Well, not entirely. There's something about this dark chocolate perfection of yours. But that's not all to it," She replied, continuing her oral work.

Denise stood, the brunette headed to the kitchen, "I still can't believe you haven't cum yet."

Ulysses chuckled, watching her hourglass, white body walk to the kitchen. She retrieved two water bottles, offering Ulysses one. "Drink up. We're taking a break before another round. I need to check the mailbox. It's probably overflowing."

She put on one of Ulysses' large t-shirts, "Just like my pussy will be when you finally fill me up."

Heading outside, down the long driveway, Denise removed the t-shirt, swinging it around above her head. "I love black dick!" she sang to herself, walking nude down the driveway. She put the shirt back on just as she reached its end in the event someone was out this late at night.

The mailbox was full, Denise shaking her head, pulling all the junk mail out. One item caught her eye. The street light illuminating an address and name she recognized. Laura, her cousin from Tampa. Denise found it odd to get a letter from the 21-year-old as they weren't all that close. She shrugged, curiosity overtaking her and tore open the envelope to read the letter.

Denise read the hand scribbled, hastily written letter.

"Denise, I don't even know if you still live at this address. I don't care; I need to tell someone, and can't tell my mom. If you live here and are reading this, please have an open mind, and please consider helping me and my sisters.

Tony and I have been involved sexually for around a year now. The second I saw him naked it was over. His long, black cock - I couldn't resist.

My sisters were already involved with him. He added me to the group. I can't tell you how many times he took me to bed, how many marathon sex sessions we had. I've never cum so hard and so much as I did with him inside me. I loved it, I was addicted to him. I lost my job, I lost my apartment, and I was in his basement. I was trapped there, and never wanted to leave. It was endless sex with him.

My sisters and I took turns with him. I'd watch the three of them go at it for hours, and then I would have a turn.

Tony won't allow us to leave. My sisters are happy to stay, but when I saw that this would be my life - his black cock inside me, riding him, cumming on and with him, I had to leave. I left him. I'm making my way to Miami to your place.

Please don't hate me. I know how wrong all of this was. That's one reason I no longer refer to him as my dad - he's Tony to me now.

If you are there, I just need a place to hide and figure out how to rescue my sisters from his spell."

Denise's mouth hung open. No wonder her cousin Laura, couldn't tell her mother, Denise's Aunt Joanne about all this.

She slowly made her way back to the house, figuring out what to do next. Ulysses with boxers on, the tip of his cock poking out of the bottom, lying against his thigh, stopped her.

"I think there's someone in your house. Wait here, I'm going to call the cops," Ulysses whispered.

"No, wait. I think I know who it is," Denise sighed, heading inside. Ulysses was skeptical but followed her. She asked where he heard a noise; Ulysses indicated something was moving around in the basement.

Denise opened the basement door, turned on a light and called out down the stairs. "Laura? Is that you, sweetie? It's ok, just read your letter."

Denise smiled when she saw a light-brown, half-black, half-white, 21-year-old, her hair frizzy and wild, peep around the corner.

"Hi," she said; her face sad and embarrassed at the same time.

"It's a good thing the alarm system doesn't work anymore. Come upstairs," Denise motioned her to follow.

Chapter 2

Laura was apologetic, explaining she had nowhere to go, how she drove from Tampa after her father went to sleep, how she had been hiding in Denise's old home's basement for two days.

Laura was stuffing her face, Denise sitting on Ulysses' lap watching Laura devour leftovers from Denise's earlier meal.

Laura continued her story, explaining how her half-sisters, 18-year-old twins Jada and Rena, worshiped their former stepfather Tony, more so after their mother left him. "It's like he's mind controlling them," Laura said, tears welling up in her eyes. "Like he did me for the past year. I was so stupid."

"No, it's fine, Laura. It's over now," Denise patted Laura's hand from across table.

"You don't think I'm sick? I do, I mean, Tony's my father and there was so much sex, and," Laura said.

"Stop," Denise interrupted her. "Let's not go into that. I don't think you're sick."

"He held us captive. I had to leave. I had to escape. I'm sure he doesn't know of your address. I figured I'd be safe here."

"You are, trust me, you are," Denise smiled.

"I want to help my sisters leave. But I don't think they want to."

"What about TJ?" Ulysses piped up.

"How do you know my brother?" Laura asked.

"We share the same mom," Ulysses smiled.

"Oh right! My dad was married before he married my mother."

"You never told me that you were related to TJ," Denise said, turning to face Ulysses. "He's my, or was, a half-cousin, I guess, by marriage. I think that's right."

"Yeah, not really blood related" Laura confirmed. "As for you and TJ, I guess I see the resemblance," she added looking at the shirtless Ulysses' dark-brown, muscular frame. She blushed and looked away.

Denise grinned discreetly, watching her cousin Laura, look away from Ulysses.

"Can TJ do anything? I know he's not a cop anymore, but he doesn't live too far away," Ulysses asked again.

Laura shook her head. "Since mom and Tony split, I haven't seen him. He cut our dad out of our life for how horrible he was to my mom -- cheating on her with her daughters, his stepdaughters. I should've done the same, I should've ran, but -- "

"Laura, please, it's ok," Denise comforted her from across the table, stopping the flow of tears. Leaning forward, Denise flexed her ass cheeks on Ulysses' lap.

"Tony is a huge, muscular black man. They are incredibly hard to resist," Denise said, smiling, feeling Ulysses' erection in between her bare butt cheeks.

Laura shook thoughts of a long, black cock, spraying semen all over and focused. "TJ, he may let me stay there should I return. I just felt so awkward about it, I couldn't confess what I had been doing with my father, his father."

"I want to save my sisters," Laura added. "I guess to do it, I'll have to return to Tampa."

"We will, all of us," Denise said, volunteering a confused Ulysses.

"We will?" Laura asked.

"Sure! We're family. I think we should head to Tampa, stay with TJ, and figure something out. Should we call the police though?" Denise asked.

"Won't help. My sisters don't want to leave. I'd have to drag them out," Laura guessed. "They are addicted to that man. I have to save them though."

"We can figure something out when we get to TJ's," Ulysses said. "I haven't seen my best bud in a while."

"I'm not your best bud?" Denise pouted.

"Well, best female bud," Ulysses added, loving the feeling of Denise's flexing ass on his boxer shorts covered cock.

"Let's rest up. Laura we'll help you. I'm glad you caught me here. I'm putting this house up for sale and any other time I might not be here! Follow me. The guest room still has a bed in it," Denise stood, pulling her large t-shirt down a bit, covering her bare ass. Ulysses adjusted his erection.

"Here we are," Denise said, arriving at a guest room. Thoughts of riding Ulysses' black cock all night entered her mind, however, Denise had a better idea.

Laura thanked her older cousin, and sat on the edge of the bed in the mostly empty room, running her hands through her wild hair.

A few minutes later, back in Denise's bedroom, Ulysses' fingers were running through Denise's thick mane of dark hair. He was lying back on her bed, watching her kiss and lick her way down to his cock.

"Mmm, that's it. I love your white pussy," Ulysses joked, calling back to his and Denise's exchange earlier in the evening.

He grabbed her face, kissing her tenderly while she stroked his long dick. "I love you too."

"Good. But you can't have me tonight," Denise said, tongue kissing her friend.

He laughed, "Why not?"

"Laura," Denise said. "She could use this more than me tonight."

"I don't know about that. If TJ found out her and I slept together - "

"He may not blame her for being unable to resist you," Denise said, looking over his perfect, chocolate body. "Just like she was unable to resist her dad."

Ulysses gazed into Denise's golden brown eyes, pausing for a moment, "What will do you while I'm with her?"

"Oh I'll think of something," Denise winked. "Wait here. Stay naked."

A moment later, Denise returned with Laura, her eyes fixated on Ulysses' nude body, lounging on the bed.

Denise retrieved her luggage and a dress she brought with her. "You two enjoy yourselves, I'll see you in the morning."

Laura stepped closer to Ulysses, her eyes on his long, erect cock. In the presence of a black cock, she instinctively removed her clothes.

"Have you ever been with a non-white woman before?" Laura quietly asked, stepping closer to the bed, Ulysses smiling at her hourglass frame.

"I've been with a few Latinas, but it's mostly been white women."

Laura climbed onto the bed, her hands roaming all over Ulysses' thighs, moaning when she grabbed his erection.

"You've never been with a black woman?" Laura asked.

"Never. It just hasn't happened. You're half-black, so you'd be the closest I've ever gotten to my own race," Ulysses said, watching Laura practically salivate over his cock.

"Tony always told me, during breaks from fucking me, that I had the best of both worlds; I loved black dick like a white woman, and was crazy in bed like a black woman. I thought he was full of crap. I just know I loved, maybe still do, his black cock."

"Show me how much you love it," said Ulysses.

"Gladly," Laura said, opening her mouth, her big, full lips wrapping over Ulysses' cockhead, both her hands, circling and jacking his long, black pole.

"Shit," Ulysses whispered, watching Laura work, her cheeks indenting from her powerful sucks of his cock.

"Yes," Laura whispered, drool coming out of her mouth, coating his cock. She slid one hand down to her engorged clit, furiously rubbing it while she sucked Ulysses' dick.

"That's it, just like that," Ulysses said, holding Laura's head, his fingers combing through her hair.

She picked up the pace, her head bobbing up and down, in sync with her strokes. Her other hand working her clit just as fast.

A minute later, she popped his cock out of her mouth, arched her back, and climaxed the first of many for the night. Ulysses smiled, watching Laura's face contort with pleasure.

"You're beautiful," he said.

"So, so are you," Laura replied, out of breath. "Are you ready?"

"Come and get it."

Denise was in the hall bathroom, fixing her hair, adjusting her dress in the mirror. "Guess it's back to my first plan for the Miami visit -- go on the prowl for black cock. Ulysses will be busy with her all night."

"Ah shit!" Ulysses cried out, struggling to keep himself from cumming. Laura was straddling him, bouncing up and down on his cock.

"Is, is, my pussy good?" she asked in between bounces.


"Better than a white woman's?" she asked.

"No," Ulysses stopped her, pulling her in for a hard kiss. He rolled over, going on top, Laura's feet locking behind his back. "Everyone feels the same on the inside."

He stabbed her with his cock, "You feel amazing."

Ulysses thrust hard several more times, the bed banging against the wall.

"So, so, do you, ahh!" Laura cried.

"Cum for me again," Ulysses ordered, propping himself up on the headboard, slamming into her.

"Ahhh!" she screamed, cumming, her pussy quivering on his cock.

Ulysses sat back, pulling her up to straddling him. "Grind and ride me as long as you can."


The men's room of the club Denise went to was disgusting. Some lights worked, some didn't, and some flickered. One of the sinks had a leaky faucet. All the urinals were either cracked, dripping, or needed a thorough cleaning. The floor was horrible. It had cigarette butts, ashes, and a few spots where men spit. Small urine puddles were around each urinal and toilet caused by drunken patrons that "missed." A couple of the toilets were clogged. Several of the bathroom stall doors didn't close all the way. Each stall had graffiti or obscene messages written in permanent markers covering its walls.