Threesome Next Door Ch. 15-21


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Ginger looked at Jillian and said, "And now a word from our daughter." She smiled and tried to make light of it.

Jillian looked strained but started. "I have several things I need to talk to you about. So, let me layout the first one. I want to change schools and move back home -- at least to this geography. If you'd let me, I'd live here and be a commuter until I can get my own digs. I want to change my major to something that will pay well in a job after graduation. As you know I'm an English major and all the signals are that I would have a less than sterling chance for a good job after graduation with that degree." She giggled, "Christ, I'd have to go into porn to pay my bills. I looked into it and I can transfer all of my credits. I'd start as a second semester junior in January with a slight overload of courses in my major, thus, I'll still graduate on time."

Jillian looked worried, "Biology would be my major. I talked to some of the guidance counselors at my school and took a few tests, and that was the result and I like it. If things go well, I'd graduate on time and segue into a master's degree. There are many companies looking for young talent in that field, so I'd have a lot of choice. Coming out with a master's degree probably nets me a job paying around $100,000."

I nodded at Ginger who was facing me more. She knew I'd approve of that move to a STEM major (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).

Ginger said, "Fine by your dad and me. Welcome home. What about Tina?"

"She's got an offer to do more adult films in L.A., so she's going in that direction. I would have lost my roommate anyway." She shrugged. "I'm more academically motivated than she is. She's more sexually motivated, although with me it may be hard to see that I'm also not that way."

I asked, "And what about your career in adult entertainment?"

Jillian laughed, "I'm available on vacations and weekends, maybe. I like doing the films and don't want to stop."

I glanced at Stacy. She was confused and frowning trying to figure out what seemed to be code for her.

I said to Jillian, "Explain this to Stacy. She knows you do pornographic videos."

Jillian smiled and turned to her counterpart. "About a year and a half ago, I started making porn videos for a guy near my university. I've done twenty long vids now, and may fly out to Las Vegas over semester break to do a few more."

Stacy just said, "Oh!" I noticed she paid more careful attention. She added, "I think that's kind of cool. I might be interested someday, too."

Jillian said, "That brings me to a couple of other items. First, I've been outed on my campus. Some jerkoff told all his Facebook friends that he goes to school with porn star Jill Janes. Well, everybody knew his school, so it took all of sixty seconds to figure out it was me. Now, everybody freaks out when I walk across campus to classes. I get stared at, and occasionally propositioned. I'm sure a couple of my teachers know. Heck, I'm sure a couple of teachers want to pound my ass into their desks."

I shrugged. "It is what it is. I'd just say to yourself, 'Isn't that interesting!' and move on with your life the way you want to live it."

"Do you regret doing the films?" Stacy asked.

"Not a bit."

"Then get philosophical about what's happening like Steve said. Tell them to get stuffed if they have an issue with it."

Jillian laughed, "For the guys that proposition me I look down at where their cocks would be and go 'Tsk tsk. I'm afraid you just would never measure up to what I need.' That shuts them up quickly, especially since they're usually with at least one or two other guys."

Ginger laughed, "Ah, the famous Emasculation Ploy."

I said, "And?"

Jillian said, "Well, that's one of the reasons I'm talking about this with you. If I'm going to school locally and the same thing happens, I think some of the shit will spray over on you guys."

I shrugged.

Ginger shrugged.

I said, "Neither Ginger not I are making adult films -- yet. I doubt any attention to us would be anything but short lived since we haven't done anything."

Stacy teased, "You live in a threesome."

I insisted, "Nobody else's business. We're legal, in love, and nobody is hiding anything. Nothing shady has been done here, and nobody is taking advantage of anybody else. Consenting adults can do what they like about sex, too; at least the last time I checked ... although there are some states that severely limit your choices beyond the missionary position with a member of the opposite sex."

Jillian sounded amazed, "So, you really wouldn't care?" There was a tone of disbelief in her voice.

"Nope," I said. Ginger agreed. Stacy nodded that she agreed with us.

Jillian said, "A couple of the film companies I've worked with liked me so much they've offered to come to me to do the filming. I guess Jill Janes -- porn star -- got important enough that she has a little pull. They'd film somewhere in Florida, near here I suppose or maybe even in the house."

We nodded. I didn't know what to do with that piece of information.

Jillian added, "So, if you wanted to be in a video any of you could. We could work you into it in some way. Stacy, you'd be a natural anyway, and very popular." She added, "The more films I do the more likely I'll be exposed anywhere I'm living, working, or going to school."

We all chuckled and I said, "I'll think about doing a video. Our response earlier to your exposure situation remains the same." That seemed to be the sentiment with Ginger and Stacy as well.

Jillian took a deep breath and I figured we were getting to the most important of the things on her list. Jillian had a 'save the best 'til last' way of thinking. She said, "I want to be a full partner in all the stuff you have going on with your neighbors -- and all the other people you had here this weekend. These were the most fabulous days of my life. I don't want them to end."

I shrugged, "Done, as far as I'm concerned. You'll have to wend your way into the hearts and heads of Brad and Megan, and Doug, Jo, and Beth -- the threesome next door. I can't speak for them, but I seriously doubt they'll turn you down. They already love you and they love sex with you. Duh!"

Jillian blushed and added, "And I mean for that to include sex with the three of you."

Ginger said, "Of course. We look forward to it. Can we wait until after lunch, I have laundry to do and I need to pack my briefcase for a trip?"

Jillian seemed to breath easier from that point on.

Stacy teased, "Hey, if you want to take the edge off right now with a little sapphic action, I'm available." She grinned.

Jillian grinned.

The two girls went off together.

Chapter 16 -- Porn Star Daughter Moves Home

The house took on a new atmosphere after the holidays with four of us living there. Ginger and I, of course, when home spent a lot of time in our home office working for our clients. When we weren't there we were usually traveling to some city, mostly in the United States.

Stacy had a separate office or one of us would use that so that she could take the other seat in our home office to work with which ever of us needed her assistance. She was coming ahead light years every day in learning our methodologies, techniques, and quirks about how we did client work. She'd done great work on Mantra Electronics, the company her mother worked for, and now was distinguishing herself on a couple of Ginger's clients. I had a new client starting up as well that she'd work on.

Jillian had started at the local university right after the first of the year. I never thought of her as a dedicated student, especially when I thought of her high school habits, but she seemed to be proving me wrong at many turns. She'd be up early each morning with the rest of us, kiss the three of us goodbye, and race off to the university to her classes. She found places on campus that were good for studying, and claimed she spent little time socializing in the student union. She was also looking for her own apartment and roommate.

The three of us teased Jillian about getting recognized on campus, and how she'd respond. She had some come back lines for when she was propositioned. I realized those were needed even back in high school, if not earlier. Jillian developed early, having a bust line when everybody else in her class including the teachers were flatter than a board. What she needed were responses to the 'I know who you are' conversation. We decided that her response needed to be based on several factors: the sex of the person doing the confrontation, and their apparent attitude -- teasing, anger, itching for a fight, leading up to an offer, just testing an assumption, and so on.

One response to some situations could be 'Jill Janes, right?' Put it right out there as a question. With the right inflection, she could make it sound like just everybody kept mistaking her for the porn star.

Another might be, 'Jillian Carson, transfer student and biology major; and you are?' That shifted the conversation that had been started back to the challenging person, especially if she put a hand out for a handshake. Would a sexy, slutty, porn star really shake hands with someone? This one was also in the 'calling your bluff' category.

Further statements relating to Jill Janes and the adult entertainment industry could be dealt with in a simplistic terms as possible. 'Oh, sure, I did a few films. I hope you liked them.' 'Do you still jerk off to them?' 'Would you like to be in one?' And the most telling, as in, 'Okay, so now what?' or 'So?'

I suggested that if anybody tried to blackmail her she should try to record the conversation, take their picture, and then involve the police. Last I knew, blackmail was a felony, whereas getting a movie made of you fucking someone was not. I assured Jillian that I'd help deal with the police with her if it came to that. I felt sure that they'd be more cooperative with a local porn star if her father were there with her.

Damn but if Ginger and my intimate friendships didn't expand further. I laughed internally. For three decades of my life I'd wanted to appeal to the opposite sex. Sure, I'd caught Ginger over twenty years earlier, but I wanted more -- to stand out, to be sexually desirable, and even to be the hottest male many females knew. Realism would set in; I was none of those. But suddenly, maybe upon declaring our open marriage, I started to get the feeling from the females I interacted with that maybe I was all of those things.

Ginger's new intimate friend was the CEO of the billion-plus dollar company in Raleigh she worked for -- Knightsbridge Manufacturing. His name was Bill Wyatt. By nature of the project and their management structure she started spending much of her with him. The time together drew them closer and they each felt the attraction.

One evening Bill and his wife Evelyn or Eve invited Ginger to a dinner they would host at a nearby upscale restaurant. The cocktails flowed easily, Eve and Ginger got along famously, and Bill in his after-hours relaxed manner was even more appealing.

The conversations drifted around to Ginger's family, and in the course of it Bill teased her about what I did for companionship during the week when I was on the road so much. He followed up with a similar question for Ginger.

Aided by the wine to ask the questions, Ginger was also aided by the wine to answer them. "Oh, Steve has some love interests he spends his nights with, and I have mine! We don't lack for companionship, at least all the time, even when one of us is at home and the other traveling."

There didn't appear to be much wiggle room in what was said after Ginger realized what she'd admitted. She told me she blushed, but opted to shut up and hope things got glossed over as the conversation was recounted to me.

Ginger's words didn't get glossed over. Eve said, "You mean you have an open marriage?"

Trapped by a closed-end question, Ginger said, "Yes." She smiled dismissively.

Eve was apparently not to be dismissed. She glanced at her husband and forged ahead. "Bill and I have one, too. Two years since we did that, but neither of us have done anything with anybody. I've been too scared, and Bill's real mistress is his company. Would you be willing to share with us what a real open marriage has been like. We've only read about some. Please." She was so sincere.

Bill interjected, "I agree, please. This is important to both of us. Don't be embarrassed. We will keep everything you say in confidence."

Ginger was embarrassed. She also knew she had a dozen ways to tell the story with and without certain details. She started slowly, still making decisions about how much to reveal.

"Things started when a threesome moved in next door to us -- a man and two women. They were more than just their triad, they were also in an open marriage and each had partners outside of the triad. They were fascinating in how they lived together, and then as individuals. I fell for Doug and Steve, my husband, fell for Jo and Beth. We got signals from them that they were as interested in us as we were in them. That realization triggered a very open discussion between my husband Steve and me about our marriage, the threesome, and having an open marriage. We decided to do just what they'd done and open things up. We felt our marriage was very strong and that additional sexual relationships, even if they got romantic, would be able to fit in without jeopardizing what we'd spent twenty-four years building.

"After that we sent signals back to our neighbors that we were ready. I'm sure you could see and feel the nuclear detonation from here on that first night we made love with our new friends. It was spectacular. Steve had been squeamish about whether he could watch me with another man. He was fine, and also managed to make love with Jo and Beth about six times that night he was so turned on. I had similar feelings about watching him with Jo and Beth, especially since they're younger and I think prettier."

Eve asked, "Have you gotten together since then?"

Ginger told me she burst out laughing. She said, "Pardon me, but the answer is 'Yes'. Why I laugh is that we are together -- sexually together -- almost every day we're home. We love each other and are constantly in and out of each other's beds fucking, loving, or just plain cuddling and sleeping. Each of us have had more sex in the last year than the sum total of all the prior years, and we had a very active relationship.

"Through our neighbors we met another couple, Brad and Megan. Then we encountered another, Ethan and Ellie, and some others. When we started traveling again, it was like I had a big sign advertising my availability to hot males. Suddenly, I had Blake and a few weeks after that added Luke, besides all my male and female lovers at home."

Bill asked, "And what was Steve doing?"

"Oh, he must have had a similar sign blinking over his head. He discovered Tara, Stacy, Nancy, Cindy, and ... Jillian while on the road. Since then Stacy and Jillian have moved in with us. He still sees Tara, Nancy, and Cindy when he's on the road at least in one city.

Eve said, "Separately? You make it sound like they're all together."

"They are," Ginger explained. "We are fundamentally voyeurs and exhibitionists. Being all together takes advantage of that. We routinely tease each other by sending pictures of us having sex back and forth to each other."

Eve giggled, "Could you show me one?" Her prurient interest was obvious by the lusty tone of her question.

Ginger took out her cellphone and thumbed through some of the pictures and videos taken over the past year. She said, "Here's a short video I sent Steve one night after we'd already traded some snapshots."

The video started to play on the small screen. It was plain enough to see. Bill got up and moved behind his wife to look over her shoulder and leaned closer. In the video Ginger lay on her side with Luke's cock in her mouth as she nearly deep-throated him. At her other end Blake had just started to seesaw his cock in and out of her body. The video lasted about sixty seconds. Blake had been holding the phone and scanning all the things going on.

Eve fanned her face. "That certainly is explicit."

Ginger showed her a picture of Steve lying on his back with Stacy impaled on his cock and Tara's hot and hairy pussy being eaten. She noted it was taken before Stacy moved in with them.

Bill said, "Well, we have the right idea, now all we need is someone to start with. I guess we'll have to figure out some new places to look."

Ginger said, "Don't be afraid to ask people you already know. You don't have to be blatant about it, just something like, 'Bill and I like the idea of an open marriage. What do you think?' That'll get the ball rolling if there's any interest. Follow-up quickly if you sense interest. They may be feeling the same things you are."

Eve and Bill exchanged looks and nods. Eve said to Ginger, "Would you consider being with Bill and me? We like you a lot, and we need a teacher, mentor, and friend as we embark on this new journey."

The picture that I got from Ginger later than night was a surprise since Ginger was with her new client. She was lying on her back with a fine male cock in her wet pussy. A slim but older female straddled her mouth and Ginger was obviously at work to create an orgasm for the pussy with her tongue.

* * * * *

My additional female friends came in Atlanta at Nova Construction Products. We'd entered Phase 2 just after New Year's, and I had Stacy primed up and dressed pretty to dance for the clients and to 'wow' them with her brilliance.

By Thursday night we'd been there most of the week. We'd cracked a few tough nuts regarding integrating an acquisition into their company, and everyone on the client-consultant team was feeling good. We went out for drinks and a casual dinner after work -- about a dozen of us.

Stacy and I ended up sitting next to each other opposite Dan Wolfson and Joyce Evans. After dinner, people faded away to go home. Since Stacy and I only had the hotel to return to, we weren't in any rush to leave. Dan and Joyce hung in with us.

Stacy got up to use the ladies room and Joyce went with her. Dan commented about how nice Stacy was and how great it was she was on this job. When the two girls came back Stacy ran her hand along my neck and then let it sit on my shoulder for all of two milliseconds as she stood next to my chair.

Joyce's eyes got really big. She said in a low voice, "Holy shit, you two are an item, aren't you?"

Stacy looked like she'd been caught in the headlights doing something wrong. I laughed. I said, "Yes, and that's good in everyone's eyes that is concerned."

"But you said you had a wife named Ginger!"

"Stacy lives with us. Ginger knows and approved. It's okay," I insisted.

"And you're all lovers?"

I blanched, "Now, where'd you get that idea?"

"The way Stacy just touched you. A wife would touch you that way, too. I'm observant and a bit intuitive. I can tell that Stacy likes girls, too. Just a feeling."

I looked at her at tried to figure out what to say next.

Dan said, "I kind of figured you two were lovers. Stacy looks at you with stars in her eyes. Everybody saw it all day long. What about Ginger?"

I blurted out, "We have an open marriage. We love each other."

'How open?"


"Is your marriage 'open' only to admit Stacy or do you have other friends-with-benefits and lovers?"

Stacy snorted, "Yes. We have all of the above."

Joyce said in a measured tone, "Dan and I would like to be with you two, if you're up for it. We like you both a lot, and sense you like us." She paused and then got flustered and started to backpedal. "But, if we misread the situation, you know, we could just forget ..."