Tina and Kayla Intangible


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"Oh my god!" Kayla rushed up to Tina and tried to hide her chest behind her back.

Though Tina wanted to enjoy having Kayla's cute bra exposed, her shorts were slipping faster. She felt them just about to fall off her hips. No matter how much she pawed at them, she couldn't raise them any higher.

"Kayla, I have my own trouble too you know!" Tina tried explaining. Their show was thankfully only noticed by two people. They looked on perplexed by the two women without their clothing fully on them. Surely they wondered why such red faced girls weren't covering themselves.

Tina wasn't sure what to do. Again she felt her shorts slip, totally exposing her panties. Kayla's shirt fully opened when the last button dropped away and opened up at her sides. Tina wanted to help Kayla out enough that she ignored her own predicament to come up with a plan.

"Let's run and hide, come on," Tina announced. She pulled Kayla along with her as they quickly retreated to the nearby clothing store.

The two awkwardly dashed into the store entrance. Tina still had her other hand at her hip, seeing if she could get her shorts. She couldn't feel them, so she had to look down, but saw that they too had fluttered away like her bra before!

Once inside the store, they quickly moved to hide behind a clothing rack before the person at the counter could see them.

Breathing heavily, each girl took the chance to survey themselves. They were shocked to see how exposed they suddenly became. Kayla's shirt was wide open, her pink bra very obvious through it. She still couldn't shake the feeling of nakedness below her skirt either. Tina's tank top and panties were hardly appropriate public attire either!

"What are we going to do, how are we going to stop this!?" Kayla asked.

Tina didn't have an answer. She awkwardly tugged at her tank top, wishing she could pull it down far enough to cover her panties. She also was shocked at just how much her nipples still tingled. She knew if Tina were like her, Tina would tease her about it! However she was thankful she didn't have to deal with that. The exposure in the hall had been embarrassing, but she also couldn't deny the excitement factor either. She then also looked at Kayla, who looked really good with her shirt open, at least in her opinion.

Kayla was in actually a similar boat, though for different reasons. She was so out of breath and worried. She wished she could close her shirt and hide her bra. However with all that going on, the feeling of being helpless and things going out of control had her tingling too. She just really wished they weren't now trapped in a public store!


Tina and Kayla Intangible

By Jappio

Part 3

"Well... I think we could maybe... try to buy something? New clothes wouldn't have the same problems these- DO!" Kayla called out as she felt her breasts suddenly touch the air! Her bra had just fallen away from her!

Before even being able to try and pick it up, the bra fell down through the floor! Kayla and Tina both watched in amazement as the bra vanished. It didn't take long for Tina to look up at Kayla's breast in amazement though!

"How... why did it..." Kayla began wondering aloud. She then saw where her girlfriend was staring and quickly shut her shirt, "Hey!" Kayla was happy that she was now able to close her shirt at least, unlike before when her hands just phased through it.

"I guess it fell down to the other floor. I don't know why the rest of the clothes didn't..."

Kayla thought about it. "I think I remember them saying at the lab that the more dense materials would still stop stuff. So I guess the floor here is just a bit thinner or something," Kayla reasoned.

"Well, either way, let's get out of here before someone finds us! Let's go hide in the changing rooms over there," Tina pointed out the two small cubicles at the back of the store.

They both slowly stood; making sure no one was nearby. With Kayla's shirt shut, each girl at least had their top halves covered. They then dashed to the back of the store, avoiding the customers in the store.

Both girls crammed into the cubicle. It was just big enough to hide them both. Sighing with relief, they started to discuss who would get new clothes.

"There is no way I'm going to go out there when this stuff could come off any second! I can't even keep my shirt shut all the time," Kayla argued. She was far too shy to risk being exposed.

"You're covered though. I can't go out like this, I'm practically naked!" Tina argued, and then as fate would have it, she suddenly muttered an, "oh crap," as both her hands clamped to the front of her now bare pelvis! For a brief moment both girls saw the panties fall down through the floor. Tina was now in just her tank top!

"Oh my god, did you just lose your... oh my god, but I can't go out there like this either... but if we wait we're going to end up naked..." Kayla was becoming more and more worried. The more naked Tina was actually taking the situation better.

"Look Kay, I think I can handle this actually. You give me your skirt, and I'll go get us something to wear, OK?" Tina offered. She was worried too, but she actually had a devious plan too.

"Really?" Kayla asked back, surprised Tina would be that nice.

"Well, that things been hugging your hips safely so far, so it's better than anything I had on," Tina joked.

Kayla was so happy she didn't even hesitate at first to find the zipper to her skirt. She did stop though when she thought about it. She was going to end up bottomless in the stall!

Tina stood with her hand out. She even uncovered her hairless mound to do so. Kayla was now suspicious if this was just a ruse so Tina could see her bottomless. Her fear of being exposed while making the purchase was easily the worse outcome! So with as much courage she could muster, she started to remove her skirt.

Tina almost felt guilty as she checked out Kayla. Kayla's naked hips and even tiny black patch of fur were revealed. Tina considered reaching out and petting it, but decided to be a bit nicer. With what she had planned, she'd want to be on Kayla's good side for the time being. She knew it was maybe wrong to be so mischievous at a time like this, but she couldn't get over the thrill and the way her body was feeling.

Kayla herself was battling inner demons. Even as she covered her lower half with her hand, something about handing her skirt over to someone was making her unmistakably aroused. Even with her worry, being trapped in the small cubicle without anything below her waist was a turn on. Tina's usual teasing attitude also made it so Kayla felt that much more vulnerable. She wasn't sure how well she could resist Tina at that time, so she was glad that it seemed Tina was a bit subdued thanks to the situation.

After an awkward silence shared by the girls, Tina took the skirt and pulled it on. Being taller, the skirt covered less, but Kayla had seen her in shorter before.

"Well, wish me luck sweetie," Tina requested as she opened the door and left.

"Close the door!" Kayla remarked as she quickly closed it herself. Tina had forgotten to shut the door as she left, almost exposed poor bottomless Kayla to the store; at least Kayla hoped it was just a mistake!

Kayla worriedly stayed in the booth on her own. She nearly had a heart attack when she felt her body drop by a foot! She looked down and discovered that her sandals had disappeared, surely dropping to the floor below! She was glad she was at least in the safety of the changing stall.

Meanwhile Tina didn't waste time gathering some clothing for each of them. She was already at the counter, waiting to be checked out. The lady there was taking her time finding the tags, and Tina began to impatiently tap her foot.

As if the world was punishing her for her impatience, it decided to spice up Tina's wait. Both of her tank top's straps fell from her shoulders to her armpits, and so the top had little reason to stay up. When Tina reached down into Kayla's purse to get the money for the purchase, the top slipped off her breasts!

"OH my!" exclaimed the clerk as she saw Tina's breasts bounce out of the top! Tina wasn't even sure if it happened because her breasts phased through the top or if they just came out on their own because the straps had undone themselves.

When Tina tried to fit her top back on, the clerk couldn't help but mention, "you might want to get a bra too ma'am, if you don't mind me suggesting."

Tina assumed it was just a joke. Her face was warm thanks to the embarrassment of flashing the clerk, and she felt it best to ignore what happened. "Here, this should cover it, right?" The clerk rang the money through the register, giving back only a bit of change. As Tina took the coins though, she dropped and scattered them all over the counter! The skirt had fallen right off Tina as she was taking the change, scaring her enough that she couldn't keep a grip on the small coins!

"Wow, today isn't my day," Tina said with a forced laugh. She then bent down to try and fix her skirt, under the guise of picking up a lost penny that'd rolled onto the floor. Lucky for her, the counter did a good job of hiding her body from the clerk. She was still in full view of the entrance and the shop though!

Tina thought she had a chance to get her skirt as it was only pooled at her feet. Yet it didn't take long for the skirt to altogether fall through the floor like the previous couple pieces of clothing. Tina was now completely bottomless again!

Tina quickly stood up. She grabbed her bag of purchases. Thankfully the large plastic bag was opaque enough to hide her partially. She held it in front of her waist towards the entrance and the clerk. She began to back away towards the changing rooms, saying, "I better go get my friend... thanks again." Tina then turned and walked away, using the bag to shield her naked butt, the clerk unknowing about the fact that the person she just served only had that tank top on.

Kayla was very happy to see Tina return, but was shocked by seeing her bottomless again!

Tina set the bag down and caught her breath. "Wow, you really do owe me after that, you know?"

Kayla was happy to agree, "Oh my god, yes, I do! I can't believe you risked that for me, you're the best!" Kayla then hugged Tina.

Tina was happy for the praise, but knew it wouldn't last long. "Well, if you think you owe me, don't be mad about my purchases then, ok?"

Kayla was confused, but Tina started to dig through the bag. She held up what looked to be like a very small pink thong. "I couldn't find something to replace your boyshorts fast enough, but I did find something pink!"

Kayla blushed hard at the sight of the naughty lingerie. It was similar in color, but that was all. Kayla rarely wore thongs, but it was better than her current bottomless state. She quickly took it and pulled it up her legs. Tina took her time watching too, even adding in a wolf whistle to cause Kayla to blush some more.

The thong felt like it hid little, but Kayla assumed that wasn't all, so she stood and waited for more.

"Now, off with that old top," Tina commanded.

"What!?" Kayla asked. She gripped her shirt close to her body. "I... I can't just take it off."

Tina giggled, "You're going to lose it anyways probably, might as well beat science to it!" Tina then grabbed the bottom of her own shirt and pulled it up and off her body. She stood now naked in front of Kayla. Kayla's heart raced as she slowly peeled the sides of her shirt away and took it off. She crossed both of her arms over her small buds. It was embarrassing her how much Tina was staring.

Tina then presented a plain t-shirt from the bag. "Nothing special, I know, but it's what we could afford."

Kayla happily pulled the shirt on. When she pulled it down as much as she could, she was sad to find it wasn't long enough to at all cover the thong. She then also noticed how much her hard nipples showed through it! Covering her chest again, she complained, "Did you not get a bra?"

Tina had taken noticed of the issue Kayla was having. "Look, I didn't have a ton of money to work with. Not like I could have used your credit card. See, I don't have much," Tina then pulled out of her bag a pair of tight jeans. She slowly did her best to struggle into them. She even had to bounce around a little to get them to fit, causing her breasts to bounce. Kayla's face grew a deeper crimson when she saw Tina knowingly smile at her, having caught Kayla staring! Tina then got out a halter top that she put on. "See Kay, I'm going completely commando, so you'll just have to deal with being a bit naughty under your clothes too! Not like you don't like it!"

The comment stung a bit and Kayla mouth went dry. She was worried Tina would notice her arousal, and having it be pointed out got to her. She then noticed she was still very not covered! "Tina... um... what about some pants for me?"

"Not pants, I got you a skirt," Tina said as she got the last item out of the bag. The small black pleated skirt was something Kayla never thought she'd ever wear! When she took it from Tina, she had hoped she'd be able to unfold it a couple of times! Holding it up to herself, she doubted it would even cover all her thighs!

"Tina! What are you trying to do, I can't... this isn't nearly enough!"

Tina again giggled. She knew she'd been a bit mean to get such a tiny skirt for Kayla. Yet she loved teasing the girl. "Sorry Kay, but I was in a rush. I also had a budget; I got less than a buck back. A longer skirt would have cost more because it uses more material!" Kayla knew that wasn't how it worked, but arguing seemed futile. She needed something to hide that thong now. "Besides, if you want longer, you're free to go downstairs and find where your skirt fell too if you prefer a ghost skirt!"

Kayla figured she wasn't going to fit into Tina's clothing even if she wanted to switch for the pants. She brought the skirt up her legs and tried to adjust it to cover herself. If she walked slowly, she'd be fine. It hid what it had to, but that meant it only came down to just about mid-thigh.

Both girls were now decent again, and had gotten rid of their useless clothes. The old tops had even fallen through the floor while Kayla and Tina were distracted with their new ones. The trouble seemed to finally be over.

"Well then my naughtily dressed cutie, I think you and I need to get home to have some privacy," Tina said with a wink. She took Kayla's hand, and walked them out of the changing room.


Meanwhile, at the lab, the scientists were still discussing.

"Ma'am, we do wonder, how does it affect living things?" A scientist finally asked.

"Not planning to go slipping into the ladies locker room, are you Jim?" the lead scientist joked, getting a laugh from everyone. "We have done some testing. It would seem that it can affect humans and other living things actually. The process is a bit more unstable. It can take awhile to have any effects, and sometimes only in small dosages. More interestingly, the radiation even seeps into tissue and can sort of manifest a field of intangibility. So the person can pass through stuff, and so can things around them too at times. We're still doing a lot of tests though. It isn't easy finding test subjects willing to be blasted with a ray!" Again, the scientists laughed. Surely, this new breakthrough would yield many new findings!


"AHhh, Tina!" Kayla called out. Tina felt Kayla's hand slip from her own. She at first thought Kayla must have tripped, but when she looked back, she was shocked!

Kayla had sunk waist deep into the floor, as if wading in a pool! "Oh my god Tina, my body, I almost fell through the floor!" Kayla was trying to keep herself calm and quiet, but it was hard to hide her panic.

Tina observed the area. "Wait, you don't think this was because of the ray? Maybe it does work on humans!"

Kayla couldn't believe it, she was actually phasing through the floor! "Help me Tina, I don't want to fall!" Kayla placed her hands firmly on the floor, able to just barely hold herself up. She then kicked her feet, and realized they were indeed suspended in air somewhere.

Then a light bulb lit up in Kayla's head. "Tina, my skirt! Oh my god, if someone is down there, they can see that damn thong!"

Tina did start to think about it. The floor below surely now had a pair of legs kicking about, just a tiny skirt and thong to barely hide anything. She almost had to wipe her drool away at the thought.

"Tina, wake up, you have to help me up!" Kayla begged. Tina knelt down, trying to help Kayla up. She placed her hands under her arms and tried to lift her up. It wasn't easy, but she was starting to get her up an inch or two when suddenly something slipped! It was as if her hands weren't able to grip Kayla, and moved right through her. That wasn't the only thing to move through Kayla though, so did her t-shirt! The shirt stayed in Tina's hands has she pulled away.


Tina and Kayla Intangible

By Jappio

Part 4

"Tina, what are you doing!? Don't strip me here!"

Tina was indeed shocked. "I promise I didn't do that on purpose. I mean your arms were down the whole time!"

"Oh my god, you mean we aren't even safe in these clothes?" Kayla asked. She then tried to cover her chest with her arms. When she slowly sank another inch though, she threw her modesty away so she could use her hands to hold herself up again.

Tina looked at the pink nipples sticking out. Kayla was now topless. "Look, you stay here, and I'll go catch you. I don't think that rays powers will let me keep enough of a grip long enough to pull you up!" With that, Tina knelt down further, and gave a playful pinch to each nipple, "not that you can really go anywhere on your own like this anyways!"

Kayla gasped at the touch. She then saw Tina turn and run off, leaving her there! She regretted how much she was tingling from the touch, but of course hoped Tina would hurry before someone found her topless self. She also hoped her lower half wasn't drawing too much attention!

She then saw the t-shirt that had been removed lying on the floor. Tina must have dropped it and didn't bring it! Kayla tried reaching for it, but it was out of reach. She wasn't even sure if she'd be able to put it on in her condition, but if she did fall through, she wouldn't have it!

Tina rushed out the store and ran for the escalator. She was in a hurry after all. Her more perverse side did want to see Kayla from below, but she did honestly want to help her too.

Tina made it to the bottom of the steps. She looked in every direction, trying to think where Tina might be. She looked to where the shop had been upstairs and tried to figure out where Kayla was falling to. She didn't see any legs coming from the ceiling at least.

She then realized what the store must have been over. She tried to take a step to get there, but she fell and tripped! Tina's pants had dropped down the ground and were trapped around her ankles!

The fall wasn't harmful; it just managed to make Tina end up on her hands and knees. If her standing bottomless for a few seconds wasn't enough to draw attention, her fall was enough to get even more people to look over!

Tina's heart pounded in her chest as she then tried to pull her pants up. Everyone was seeing her naked butt, and she had to try to put a stop to that. Yet the pants were tight, and getting them up wasn't easy. She was starting to wish she spent more time picking out appropriate clothing. Then again, if she did that, she'd have ended up naked before even making her purchases.

Not able to even get the pants past her thighs, Tina turned to sit on her bottom instead. Everyone around who was watching was now able to see her bare pelvis! Keeping her legs shut so to at least preserve as much modesty she could, Tina worked on getting the pants up the rest of her thighs!