Tina Carson Ch. 10

Story Info
Jasim Khan - young mom left vulnerable on trip abroad.
20.9k words

Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2014
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The beginning.

It was on a rare night out that Jim Carson had first clapped eyes on his future wife. He didn't go out that often but if he did a nightclub was most certainly not the choice of destination he'd make willingly. It just wasn't his scene. But this particular night it couldn't be helped. Much to his disgust he'd been dragged along on a stag night so was trying to make the best of it. But even he was not immune to the scantily clad women of all shapes and sizes that were strutting their stuff around the club. It was certainly making for an interesting evening so far. Standing idly at the bar chatting with his friends he was eyeing up the talent as it paraded back and forth between the bar and dance floor when she came to stand near him to order her drinks.

It was her legs that first drew his attention. He was positively drooling as he took in the view of her solid but shapely stocking clad calves, which curved sensuously up from her high heel stilettos, the shoes only serving to enhance the look and make her legs appear longer and more slender. But as much as he loved the look of her legs and he was most definitely a leg man; he eventually allowed his eyes to wander higher to take in the roundness of her full ass, which was displayed nicely due to her tight fitting skirt.

She must have felt his eyes on her as she quickly turned to face him.

"Like what you see?" she asked with a look of total disdain. She was used to being ogled by men.

It must have been the drink that made him so bold. He was usually so quiet and reserved but for once Jim kept his cool. He avoided looking at the large pair of breasts that had swung into view as she turned around; their size clearly putting an immense strain on the buttons of her tight fitting blouse; fixing instead to look deep into her blue eyes.

"So you play a lot of sport then?" he replied with a grin.

It wasn't the best chat up line of all time but then again he never usually had the courage to talk to attractive women such as her. But it was enough to break the ice.

"What?" she exclaimed with a quizzical look furrowing her brow.

Jim gulped but ploughed on. "I just thought you must play a lot of sport ... you know ..." He could feel his throat begin to close up. He was at a critical point in his chat up of this woman. If she questioned him much more he would eventually clam up altogether and then quickly scurry away. He could already feel his face burning as his embarrassment threatened to overwhelm him.

"Why?" she asked with a perplexed look etched on her face now.

"Well ... I ... I just assumed ... your legs ... they ... they look great ... so I assumed you must play a lot of sport ... that's all ..." Jim could feel his face was ablaze now. This would be the point where she would look at him as if he was some kind of a moron and brush him off. He steeled himself for the upcoming humiliation.

"Oh right ... yes as a matter of fact I do. Tennis, squash, badminton, I play them all but my favourite is squash." She smiled up at Jim. He smiled back. He was amazed. She was talking to him!

"I play squash too," he blurted out, " about two or three times a week usually." He was glad they had something in common to talk about.

"Really? You must be keen. Do you play in a league?"

"No, I'm not that competitive, I just play for pleasure ... with my mates," he added shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe we could have a game sometime. I find women don't give me a hard enough game these days," she replied with a smile. "By the way, my name's Tina."

"Mine's Jim," he replied.

She gathered up her round of drinks. "Well, it's nice to have met you ... Jim. And if I see you again maybe we can arrange that game?" She smiled brightly, her blue eyes twinkled and Jim was smitten.

It was a few weeks later before Jim bumped into her again. Incredibly he was on another stag night at the same club. He'd all but forgotten about her as he recalled watching her leave arm in arm with a man at the end of the night. So he was surprised when she came into the nightclub with her girlfriends.

Much to his surprise, not only did she recognise him but she remembered their conversation about a game of squash.

A matter of weeks later they played their first game at the local squash club.

And a few weeks later they went on their first official date.

Jim was amazed. They got on so well. He'd never thought of himself as a lucky man. Luck was what happened to other people, not him. The good things in life seemed to pass him by. Women like Tina were always going to be unobtainable or so he thought. She was way out of his league and there was no way she would be the slightest bit interested in him. After all he wasn't particularly good looking, came across as a bit of a nerd and definitely lacked self confidence when it came to members of the opposite sex. What was there to like?

But how wrong had he been? At that time in her life Tina was fed up with dealing with macho men and was looking desperately for Mr Right. And it seemed that Jim fit the bill admirably. Their meetings on the squash courts led to dating. Dating then led to commitment and that eventually led to marriage.

The first two or three years of their life together were good, in fact they were really good but things had started to go downhill since then. For whatever reason their relationship at times had been badly strained with neither of them appearing to be able to back down from a spate of minor confrontations, which were usually trivial in nature; not even to clear the air and talk through their troubles. Problems festered and pig headed stubbornness prevailed.

But maybe things now were about to change for the better. For the first time in a long time Jim left work to begin his commute home with a smile on his face. It was absurd. He began to laugh. For just before he left the office he'd been notified that he'd won first prize in a competition he'd entered after seeing it in a golfing magazine a few months ago.

He was amazed. In all his life he'd never won anything. Things like this just never happened to people like him. And he was sure Tina would be delighted to hear his good news, after all it was she who had nagged at him to take up a hobby; he'd given up playing squash some time ago; anything to relieve the stress he suffered caused by work.

His good mood sagged a little as an element of doubt began to creep into his thinking as he recalled her recent and apparent change of heart. Although she seemed happy enough for him to play golf she had been less than enamoured to return to the rural retreat when he was invited back to the golf club to play in the President's Putter competition. Her attendance on that occasion seemed most reluctant and she had steadfastly refused to return to the retreat since, leaving him to go alone as he availed himself of his free golf club membership.

But as he looked back on the last few months he realised he was actually the luckiest man in the world. Firstly, work was really good and he knew he was appreciated by his employers. Secondly he had discovered he was a natural golfer and was now deriving much enjoyment from the game. But the third and main cause for his unbridled happiness was that he was now a father.

He'd got his wife pregnant and in doing so had given his mother in law the one thing she'd wanted above all else. Ever since he'd married Tina her mother had wittered at him relentlessly to get her pregnant. And whilst Tina had never expressed a burning desire to have children she seemed really contented and had taken to motherhood like a duck to water. But it wouldn't be long now before her maternity leave ran out and she had already told Jim she was returning to work. Whilst Jim might not have been too happy about it, it was a decision that had delighted Tina's mother who had already jumped in and volunteered to care for her darling granddaughter on a full time basis for them.

But the underlying problems that had dogged their relationship before the arrival of baby Sophia still existed and Jim knew they were mainly down to him. He knew he worked too hard but he couldn't help himself. He loved his job and got a kick out of every one of his successes. And it was because of this that a rift had developed in their comfortable relationship as Tina, apparently growing weary of waiting for her husband to come home, threw even more effort into building her own career.

She too was a driven individual who loved her job at Bromptons Department Store and it was this drive that had led her to become one of the company's youngest department managers, a fitting testament to all her hard work.

But it was these two factors coupled together that had caused a major effect on their idyllic early married life, which was now suffering as a result. Prior to having their baby, whilst Jim found solace by working even longer hours, Tina found her relief by going out at night with the girls from work. Anything to fill the void of Jim not being there. Something had to give and unfortunately that something was Tina's fidelity, a fact that thankfully Jim was blithely unaware of.

It wasn't that she went looking for sex. It just seemed to find her. She seemed to become a magnet for every red blooded male who saw her as another notch on the proverbial bed post. There was no hint of her having affairs. Her dalliances were all short lived explosions of hard core sex that were usually brought about by the lowering of her inhibitions by alcohol.

And her infidelity was exacerbated by the fact that every one of her lovers had been endowed with equipment much bigger than her husbands and they'd managed to bring her to multiple orgasms, something that sadly Jim had never been able to do. Worryingly blackmail had now raised it's ugly head but it all came down to the same thing. She had been unfaithful to her husband and had trampled all over her marriage vows. But all this Tina vowed would stop, had stopped even since the birth of their precious daughter, Sophia.

* * * * *

Jim's love for golf had come about unexpectedly. It had all started when Tina and her assistant Debbie Gibson had been sent by Bromptons to a rural retreat to receive some additional computer training relevant to their job. As they had already been away on a training course for three days prior to this the company had kindly paid for Jim and Debbie's husband Derek to join them there.

Whilst the two girls were attending their training, Jim and Derek were taken to play golf at the prestigious golf club located a few miles away from the retreat.

Apart from the odd holiday pitch and putt course Jim had never really played golf seriously before but stormed around the course like a seasoned professional and having submitted one of the lowest score cards for a guest player that year, was invited back to play in the President's Putter competition.

It was the evening following that event that Jim became ill with suspected food poisoning. Eager not to involve the local Health Authority the golf club offered Jim a free six month membership. It was a bribe that Jim happily accepted. It was a very prestigious club.

Initially happy with his new hobby Tina became less enamoured with each trip he took especially as he always stayed over at the rural retreat owned by Sid Jenkins. Whilst it was from here that Jim's love of golf had been born, sadly for Tina it now held unhappy memories as it was the place where she had been blackmailed into sex by Sid. But if that on it's own was not bad enough; not only had Sid enjoyed carnal knowledge of the hot young wife, one of his fantasies; she had also been seduced and near raped by Guy Penrose the IT Training Manager for Staymo, the company that had organised the additional computer training.

Returning to the retreat to allow Jim to play in the President's Putter competition at the golf club led to a reluctant Tina, intimidated by Sid's threat of revealing her sordid affairs to her gullible husband, succumbing several times to his large cock. But however unsavoury this ordeal was for Tina it did lead to a happy ending for an unwitting Jim.

On their return home and eager to make amends for her cheating Tina embarked on a marathon of sexual endeavour with her husband who for a brief moment in their relationship enjoyed the abundant fruits of his wife's body every night for a couple of weeks. It was after this unexpected shift in their sexual relationship that Tina found out she was pregnant.

A trouble free pregnancy led to a prolonged delivery but at the end an exhausted Tina gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Sophia after her grandmother.

One side effect of Tina's pregnancy was the effect it had on her body. She put on weight especially her boobs, which swollen with milk became much bigger and rock hard to the touch. The skin took on a glazed sheen and Jim mentioned he thought the overall effect was that they looked like torpedoes, a description that didn't overly please his wife. He liked them enormously and took every opportunity he could to grope them, much to her evident disgust.

Following the birth Tina worked hard at losing her weight. Never keen on gym workouts she joined a couple of fitness dance classes, which to her were a much more enjoyable way of shedding her excess fat. Over the coming months it melted away pretty much everywhere except for her boobs, which now measured an impressive 38DD. Tina was pleased that in spite of the increase in cup size they still stood high and proud on her chest with very little sign of sag even when unsupported by a bra. Jim too liked the new size of her tits. What Tina didn't realise was she was now officially a MILF, yet another of Sid Jenkin's fantasies.

* * * * *

It was during one of his now frequent trips to the golf course, that Jim had been sitting in the player's lounge after a round of golf enjoying a drink and a quiet moment of relaxation. Tina didn't seem to mind his weekends away. She was usually at her mother's with Sophia. He'd picked up a golf magazine and flicking through the pages found a competition, which he entered.

First prize was an all expenses paid trip for two to a European city, stopping in a first class hotel for four days and five nights with the chance to play two rounds of golf at a nearby international class golf course designed by a former top professional player. After completing his on-line entry he then forgot about it. He never won anything anyway!

But now he had. He was absolutely beside himself as he parked his car in the driveway and rushed into the house to share his good fortune with his wife.

"Guess what, guess what!" he gushed, finding Tina in the kitchen feeding baby Sophia.

"What?" Tina replied, "what are you so excited about?"

"I won, I won," he cried out.

"Won what?" she asked looking at him quizzically. Sophia too looked up at him, her eyes wide open from the shock of his sudden outburst. She was the spitting image of her mother with the same blue eyes and blonde hair.

"This," he replied thrusting the letter into her hand, "I've won this!"

Tina scanned over the letter before reaching the relevant part about the prize that Jim had won.

"Oh Jim, that's fantastic, we never win anything, I can't believe it."

"No, neither could I at first, I had to read the letter four times before it sank in. It's great though, isn't it? Just the two of us, it'll be like a second honeymoon," he enthused.

"Just the two of us?" she queried, "what about Sophia?"

"I'm sure your mother would be delighted to have her for a few days, don't you think?"

Tina smiled at the thought but as she read further down the letter her smile turned to a frown.

"Hang on a minute, this is a golf trip!" she exclaimed, you're going to be playing golf, how is that a second honeymoon?"

"No, no ... well yes ... it is a golf trip but the golf's only for two of the four days and it is all expenses paid in a five star hotel in a fantastic city ..."

He paused briefly to catch his breath, looking at his wife with an expectant look in his eyes.

"It's a free holiday ... and there are lots of museums and other places you like to visit," he continued, "so you could look round those on the days I play golf and we'll still have two days, just the two of us ..."

... he looked at her cautiously, trying to gauge her likely reaction ...

"... and did I tell you it's all expenses paid ... everything ..."

"Yes, yes you did," laughed Tina as she walked up to him and gave him a kiss and a hug, "yes you did."

"Right then, when can you book time off work?" a clearly relieved Jim asked enthusiastically.

* * * * *

The following day, they both booked their holiday days off and Jim contacted the company who were responsible for organising the trip.

A couple of weeks later, after depositing baby Sophia with Tina's thrilled mother, they flew out to their destination, arriving at their hotel early in the afternoon.

Tina gasped as they walked into the vast reception lobby. For a second it reminded her of the hotel where she had been fucked by Klaus Winklemann when on her first trade show with Bromptons as a newly promoted manger. Was it that long ago? She shuddered slightly at the unwelcome memory and quickly forced it from her mind.

The hotel had a heavy Moorish influence and it came as no great surprise when most of the staff appeared to be of the same heritage.

As Jim walked up to the reception desk with Tina just behind him, the desk clerk looked up from his work.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" he asked in a smooth and deep, velvety rich voice. His command of English was exceptional.

"Yes, good afternoon," Jim replied, "my name is Jim Carson and this is my wife Tina Carson," he turned, indicating Tina with his hand. "We have a reservation."

"Just one moment," the clerk busied himself on the computer. "Yes here we are, Mr and Mrs Carson, five nights. Would you be so kind as to fill out the registration card please," he added as he slid the card across the desk.

As Jim picked up the pen and started to fill out the card, the desk clerk took the opportunity to appraise his guests, well one of them anyway.

What he saw was an attractive woman with shoulder length natural blonde hair and blue eyes. She appeared to have nice shapely legs, which she accentuated by wearing shoes with what looked like a 4" heel. His gaze moved up her body noticing her full round ass, which was displayed in all it's glory as she was wearing a tight fitting skirt, a waist that curved in most nicely from her hips before he finally settled on her extremely large and seemingly firm breasts. Most voluptuous and very agreeable he thought as he smirked in appreciation of her assets.

Tina was also casually appraising the desk clerk but only out of idle curiosity. He did look splendid in his morning suit, which he filled out with what seemed to be a muscular physique. Swarthy looking, he had long wavy jet black hair and a large hook nose, which didn't seem out of place on his tanned face. If anything it made him look quite threatening, although not in a violent way, especially with those smouldering dark eyes that were piercing into hers.

She jolted as she suddenly realised he was staring straight at her and quickly looked away as a slight flush crept into her face.

Jasim Khan, for that was the name of the desk clerk, smiled to himself as he completed the registration of the English couple. He already knew he desired Mrs Carson and that he had only four days to achieve his quest. He knew it wouldn't be easy but then again it never was. But he would find a way.

He was thrilled to have such an opportunity as it had been a couple of weeks since he had last seduced a guest at the hotel and a good while longer since it had been someone's wife. But she was blonde, one of his weaknesses and she had a shapely body with exceptionally big breasts, another of his weaknesses. It would be fun to seduce her and when she finally did succumb to him she would soon find out why the true meaning of Jasim's name was great, big and huge.