To Protect and Serve Ch. 09


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"She had several good ideas tonight," Sebastian replied, filling her with his cock and himself with the sensation of a magnificent woman.

"I was not meaning to complain," Reaper continued, "simply making an observation."

"Shane's on his way with Renata and the Representative." This time it was Lillian making the announcement as she, Clara, and Coramen made their appearances known. Clara made a point to sit where Shamira could periodically see her, and she had a smile that let Shamira know that Clara would have her turn later.

Sebastian was driving hard, angling himself to nail her sweet spot. It didn't take long before he was able to make her cum, feeling her clench greedily at him with her sex. More and more people came into the room as he continued to fuck her, digging his thumbs into her asshole and eliciting more pleasurable sensations there. Yosyp didn't seem to be in much of a rush, pulling his rod out and slapping Shamira's face with it.

Sebastian felt his own climax approaching, and he made sure he was as deep as he could go before releasing his seed. It was one of those good cums where he needed a minute after the last drop had been squeezed from his cock before he could pull himself free.

"Turn about is fair play," Yosyp said, pulling out of Shamira's mouth. "Valeska, change back." Shortly thereafter, there was a lean, nude, attractive woman lying on the table. He maneuvered her until her butt was on the edge of the table and her legs were spread to accommodate him. Then he looked at Sebastian. "Might I borrow your pet for a bit?"

When Sebastian nodded his consent, Yosyp had Shamira sit directly behind Valeska, after which the weresnake leaned back against her. Shamira wrapped her muscular legs around the assassin's midsection, then Yosyp leaned over and whispered something to her. Then, Shamira whispered something to the woman in her arms.

"Tap me on the arm when you want me to stop."

Valeska looked confused, but that look went away when Shamira locked her in a modified sleeper hold. Valeska, as everyone in the house had been told, was seriously into asphyxiaphilia, meaning she got off on being choked or deprived of oxygen during sex. For Valeska, the ability to orgasm depended on it, so every dom in the house had been getting training in the art.

Shamira knew how to choke someone out from her academy days, so she was confident she could help her friend achieve the release she needed. And she could see the eagerness in the submissive's eyes before she turned back to her master for the evening, waiting for him to penetrate her. As soon as he did, she felt Shamira's arms constrict.

Shamira took it easy at first, wanting to let Yosyp build a little momentum before she started to help out. Of course he was going to tease her for a bit, pulling out, holding himself at the entrance to her body, then slamming in again. Shamira flexed her arms, cutting off her friend's oxygen supply. She held on, watching Valeska's body be used for a vampire's pleasure, inspiring her own. She felt for signs of Valeska's body weakening too much, possibly even too much to signal . . . no, there it was. The woman knew how much her body could take and lightly tapped Shamira's arm, earning herself several deep breaths of air.

Valeska's body was reacting favorably to this treatment, having already developed a thin layer of sweat as her muscles tightened. After a few moments, Shamira tightened her grip again. After several sessions of this, Valeska came like an earthquake, trembling violently as her heightened senses allowed her to reach a state of heavenly bliss.

"If you are all quite through," Shane said from the end of the table, "we can get to business." He was smiling though, and Yosyp, Sebastian, and even Valeska responded with good-natured grins. Shamira looked away from the boss and slid into a chair next to Clara.

Shane noticed the diss, but since it wasn't blatant, he let it pass. "For the moment, there are no dominants or submissives. I need everyone thinking and speaking their minds. What do you all think of the meeting?"

Each of the members of the house spoke up while Shane and the Representative listened. Many noted that the magical community was afraid and while not many took Lacroix's stance, there was serious concern about hate crimes and the retaliations they might spawn. Sebastian bypassed his turn, saying that Shamira would report the findings for that team. So when it got to be Shamira's turn --

"I'm not sure whether or not this is something I'm supposed to talk about," she started. "It involves an accusation against one of the delegates."

Alessandra looked at the doors, which were promptly closes. "Princess Coramen, can you ensure secrecy? It is a common spell for faeries I believe."

The little woman floated to the center of the room, chanting and gesturing. A smell of fresh pine wafted through the room on a magical breeze and then, "Done. For the moment, this room is a secret place."

"Excellent. Now, Lady Shamira?"

"Okay, I . . . I looked at Lacroix with Shadow Sight and I saw something kinda weird."

Shane raised an eyebrow. "Define weird?"

"It was like I could see his blood. Or at least something that was hiding in his blood. And the way he acted during the debates was really weird. His eyes, the way he moved . . . what if he's on morning star?"

Henry growled. "That's one hell of an accusation, even for someone like Lacroix."

"But it fits!" she replied excitedly. "The way he's acting is consistent with morning star's symptoms. His constant challenges to you in spite of the Tribunal's orders, the arrogance that he showed, the jittery movement, and the eyes all fit. The morning star trade could be providing the capital for all these attacks on this house."

"The way that his security chief had to almost restrain him, like he wasn't in control of his own faculties, is another tell," Sebastian contributed.

Shane looked deep in thought. "I am hesitant to accuse him of consuming the drug," he started slowly watching Shamira's reactions, "but if you saw something odd about his blood, then there is something warranting investigation. The financial connection is viable." He looked at Alessandra. "How much leeway is the Tribunal willing to give me in pursuing this investigation?"

The Representative stood up. "There is something that you all should know. Lord Stapleton has been pushing for more authority in pursuing this issue, but the Tribunal requested that he hold back. Regime changes can be messy, and it was something that we did not want or need heading into the announcement."

"This evening showed that Lord Lacroix is going to make things difficult for all of us, if not outright defying us. Any official approval for outright conflict will need a vote of the full Tribunal, but I have already been instructed that Lord Stapleton's house may do whatever it feels necessary to defend itself, its lands, and the Tribunal's interests in this region."

Shane stood next to his creator. "From this moment on, I am slipping the leashes from the members of my house. Yosyp, Bunny, Bangaly, Bjorne . . . you all will work with the security team to keep the peace in my territories. Henry, I want you, Sebastian, Shamira, and the assassins to head into Lacroix's lands. Find out what he's up to and how he's financing his operations. I want to know who may be allied with him, and what his role is in the morning star trade. If it turns out that he isn't involved, then find out who is." He looked around. "Once our guests are on their way, then our job begins. Now, patrols will continue until tomorrow evening since we still have guests, so I'm canceling 'play time' until . . . Oh stop whining," he said as several "awhs" drifted up from the room. At least one of them was from Sebastian, which made Shamira smirk. She slid her hand into his lap, stroking him through his pants.

'What the hell,' she thought, 'he deserves some kind of consolation.'

"Okay, you're teasing," he groaned.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sure you'll make me pay for it sometime." She got up and headed to the armory.

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The next night . . .

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"Please, come in!" Kira said anxiously, rubbing her hands on her apron as Shamira, Clara, and Sebastian stood outside the the door. She gawked a little when she saw the werespider . . . Sebastian had that effect on women. "We weren't expecting you for another hour, so I haven't had a chance to clean up yet. Who . . . who's your friend?"

Shamira smiled. "This is Sebastian. I'm working with him on that investigation I told you about, so I thought you should meet since you may need to interact with him directly. Sebastian, this is Kira Blanks."

Sebastian gave Kira a smile that made the girl's knees buckle, and then he kissed her hand. He knew about the condition that afflicted both Kira and her husband, but he understood it and wasn't afraid to be near them. The Blanks needed more people like that around. "Very pleased to meet you," he said.

"Very meet to pleased you too," she stammered. "Okay, that wasn't even English was it? Arthur! Honey! Our guests have arrived."

Arthur Blanks stumbled out of the single bedroom of the small apartment he and his wife shared. They lived frugally, saving as much money as they could for current and future treatment of the HIV that flowed in both their veins. The apartment was actually quite tidy, with pleasant-smelling candles burning on a number of surfaces, and the overall decorating theme was goth inspired. Arthur was tucking his black silk shirt into his pants "Uhm . . . hi? Okay, not the impression I wanted to make here."

"It's alright. I'll tell all the other vampires that you were dark, mysterious, and dignified." Shamira introduced him to Sebastian, then they settled down for business.

Kira pulled out a stack of papers that she had printed. "Okay, I looked into this guy's finances. Andrew Lacroix . . . says that he's thirty years old." She looked at her guests. "He isn't, is he?"

"Not for two-hundred and twenty years," Clara responded.

"Damn. How old . . . no, I won't ask. Anyway, most of his finances are tied up in real estate, and he has a number of hotels and clubs in the Savannah area. All of it seems to be above board, but then you've got his import/export business. The weird part is his exports."

"What's weird about them?" Sebastian asked.

"There aren't any. He seems to dish out money and the proper paperwork for bringing stuff into the country, but I can't find anything that gets shipped out."

"Any idea of what he's been bringing in?"

"Can't say that, but I can tell you where he's getting it. Africa is the big one on the list, but he's getting some stuff on the Middle East. I just don't find any records of him selling anything. This wouldn't be as unusual if he was simply listed as a collector, but as a business model it doesn't make any sense. What's strange is that the business STILL is reported as being in the black. Whoever he's got cooking his books is good. And there's more," she added excitedly. This was apparently the most fun she'd had in a while.

"Which is?" Shamira was smiling. Kira looked incredibly energetic, even more so that during their tryst on her last visit.

"I've seen people with doctors, lawyers, masseuses, and security on retainer, but this guy . . . he's got archaeologists, geologists, and even a herpetologist."

Shamira looked thoughtful. "Okay, what the hell is he up to? He could be using money from the morning star trade to beef up the import/export business, but --"

"What the hell would he need scientists like that for? What is he looking for in places like Africa?" Sebastian pondered.

"And someone who studies reptiles?" Clara muttered. She had a really, really bad feeling about this, but she wasn't going to bring it up in front of the others. Not until she'd had a chance to research it first. "Hey Kira, you're amazing."

"Yeah, you went above and beyond the call of duty on this one," Shamira said.

Kira blushed. "It's okay. It's nice that someone remembers that we're still useful." She had tried to keep her tone light, but tears tinged her voice. Most of their "friends" from their prior life had faded into the woodwork the day she and Arthur had been diagnosed.

"I won't forget it," Shamira replied. She glanced over at her friends, then directed her eyes to the door.

Clara grinned. "Anxious, are we?" She leaned in and kissed Shamira softly before standing up.

Sebastian followed suit, minus the kiss. "I can't follow that," he said, grinning at Clara. "Call us when you need a lift." Then Shamira and her donors were alone.

"So, the bedroom is that way?" Shamira asked, standing up and pulling Kira and Arthur with her.

Kira smiled. "Did you decide which of us you wanted to donate this time, or --"

Shamira grabbed both of their shirts, and pulled them close. "I think I can handle both of you," she replied. "I'd hate to break up such a perfect pair." She stepped into the bedroom, untying her vest and leaving it on the floor. Arthur and his wife stared at the door, then at each other, then hurried into the bedroom. Shamira had unzipped her pants and laid back on the bed, waiting expectantly with her breasts jutting up proudly.

Kira slid up next to the vampire while Arthur removed Shamira's boots and pants. He'd wanted the Elvira Mistress of the Dark get-up, but peeling black leather off of that sculpted body was a pretty damn good substitute. He left the thong on for the time being. He'd never thought that a woman like this would wear a thong until he remembered that she used to be a bodybuilder and had worn just as skimpy outfits on stage. He looked up and saw that Kira's eyes had already glazed over as Shamira kissed her neck.

There were no fangs yet, but his wife had a serious neck fetish. He loved seeing her like this, especially since they'd never thought they could have this life again. Strangely, the disease that might kill them both had delivered them into the life they had always wanted. They thanked the Goddess that someone like Shamira had taken notice of a couple that most wanted to forget.

Arthur kissed his way up the inside of Shamira's thigh until he reached her sex, then he worked his way along the other thigh. He was enjoying this too much, both what he was doing and what he was seeing his wife on the verge of cumming just from having her neck played with.

Shamira pulled away and rolled onto her side. "Why don't you two play for a bit?" she said as she leaned on her elbow. Suddenly the couple was flashing nervous smiles at each other, and it was actually kind of fun for the vampire to watch. 'It's nice seeing people like this,' she thought. 'In love.'

And that made her think of Clara. A lot of things made her thing of that wicked, wicked woman. After everything that Shamira had done in her short but active new sexual career, Clara was still the one that could make her want to blush. She decided to help out, lending a hand to Kira at getting her husband's pants off. When they were done, both of their heads were close to his rigid member, and they smiled at each other.

Kira went first, taking it into her mouth and slurping noisily, sucking on the head and then going halfway down the shaft. Then she pulled away and let Shamira have a turn, the vamp licking that purple mushroom before swallowing him to the root. Ah, the advantages of not needing to breathe. She sucked on Arthur for a minute while Kira sucked his clean-shaven balls into her mouth. Then they switched places again.

The vampire pulled back for a moment to watch Kira work her husband's shaft. She looked good . . . hell, they both did. She wasn't sure, but it actually looked like Arthur had lost a little weight, which might be cause for concern except that he also seemed less pale. And his sex drive wasn't exactly hurting, as he was grabbing his wife's hair and plunging his root into her mouth.

Shamira slid her hand down Kira's back, slipping a finger between her folds as she blew her husband on all fours. She let Kira take sole control of the rod and slipped behind her, fingering the woman's sex while biting her on the ass. Then she pulled those ass cheeks apart and let her tongue do some exploring, cutting through cleft with broad strokes.

Kira forgot how to blow cock for a moment. Her experience with women was limited, but Shamira seemed to know what she was doing. "Damn," she muttered, looking back for a moment. "Where'd you learn to . . . uhm, you know."

Shamira smiled. "Clara is a good teacher."

"Just checking. Ooh!" Kira cooed as the vampire went back to work. She gave her husband a lustful glance and then let his pole penetrate her mouth again.

Shamira flicked her tongue against that hard little clit, loving how it made Kira's body shake just a little bit. She sucked on each labia, swirled her tongue deep, then when back after the clitoris with a vengeance. Kira was moaning like a banshee . . . or at least what Kira imagined a banshee would sound like. She'd never met one. Shamira got a naughty idea. She grabbed Kira's climaxing body, lifted it up, and placed it securely on her husband's dick.

"What . . . are you --" Kira gasped. Then she felt Shamira's arms wrap around her from behind, lips pressed against her neck, and then -- "Oh Goddess!" Shamira's fangs dipped into that perfect skin, diving into the river of blood beneath the surface. Kira's heart felt like it might burst, but she felt no fear because that wasn't what Shamira wanted. She felt so hot that she thought her blood had become molten. It course up through her body and into Shamira's fangs, and she felt . . . every . . . single . . . drop. Kira climaxed over and over, clenching her husband's rod within her own body, connected to the man she loved.

The vampire withdrew her fangs and let Kira collapse against Arthur's chest, her chest heaving like only a satisfied lover's could. The couple kissed, then both looked slyly over at Shamira. Kira slid aside, allowing for the vampire to straddle Arthur's lap.

"I don't think I'm going to last much longer," he gulped, blushing a bit at the admission.

"You'll last long enough," Shamira replied. She sank down on to him and without missing a beat, sank her fangs into his neck. Each small movement of their hips away and then back towards each other felt like a jackhammer blow, and Arthur's sweat conducted his heat into her body. He came quick and he came by the gallon, but he didn't shrink until Shamira pulled her fangs away.

Then she reached up and dragged a nail along each shoulder, letting a bit of her own blood flow up. Kira and Arthur each attached themselves to a shoulder and tasted briefly of Shamira's blood, thrilled that they got to be, even if just for a moment, the kind of being they had idolized for so long.

Shamira got dressed and they said their goodbyes after Kira had promised to do a little more discrete digging into Lacroix's finances. Clara and Sebastian showed up in the parking lot a little while later, with Sebastian looking annoyed and Clara looking like the cat who'd just had a saucer of milk.

"I'm just saying," Sebastian was mutter as Shamira climbed into the car, "that us weres need something equivalent!"

"Equivalent to what?" Shamira asked.

"Donors. I mean, the vamps all get the house sex, then you vamps get a steady stream of somethin' somethin' on the side. Hell, you're encouraged."

"We NEED donors, you whiny bitch," Clara said, sounding vulgar and prim at the same time. "You can get all the action you want outside the house."

"If I want to get something but things are busy, I can't go," he explained. "You, on the other hand, are obligated to go get blood, and all of y'all pretty much turn it into nooky."