To Save a Marriage

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Desperate measures to save a failing marriage.
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Not everything is what it seems.

Not everything works out the way you think it will.

No explicit sex. I don't do that.


We were there for a long weekend, Friday to Monday that is. The low cost flight that bought us to the island then took the previous week's crowd back home, and so it went on, week in and week out. There'd been problems in the marriage, and this week was hopefully going to cure them.

The island?

One of the many off the coast of Spain, and renowned for its tomatoes and its tourist trade.

And sangria

And the sun!

And its beaches!

And I have to admit, its lack of bikini tops!

"Come on Penny," I cajoled her. "Stop being such a prude. Why don't you just take your top off and be done with it?"

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you," she grinned back at me. "Let all the other guys on this beach see my tits."

"Why not," I laughed back, pulling a face at her. "Most of the other women on the beach seem to be topless."

"So why not ogle them then?"

"Your tits are so much better," I countered, my comment having an awful lot of truth in it, even though there were some pretty fit girls around us.

"What a smooth talker," Penny sighed, and without further ado, reached behind her back, undid her bikini top and discarded it.


'Shut up or I'll put it back on," she threatened with a smile a foot wide.

So I did. Laid back with a self satisfied smirk on my face, enjoying that odd satisfaction that this woman, my woman, was displaying her near naked body, tits and all, off to all and sundry, and more specifically to the many sets of male eyes seeking out the more attractive sights on the foreshore.

It had taken the whole first day to get her to go topless, but it was worth the wait, her breasts being pretty spectacular. Not so much the size, which was more than acceptable, as the shape and firmness, the pair of them sticking out like a pair of melons and her hard dark nipples angled up at a challenging angle.


It had been nothing but sand, sea and sex, the two of us going at it at every opportunity. It was like the honeymoon that we'd certainly never taken, fucking one another just like a couple who'd never done it together before might do.

And now it seemed complete, and I'd be taking Penny home with sun-tanned tits, just as I'd promised.


"Time to go Penny," I announced some time later, having twice watched her liberally applying sun tan oil to her newly exposed areas, aware that I wasn't the only one enjoying the action. Aware also that she seemed to be enjoying the attention as much as her admirers, a slightly embarrassed grin on her face as she fondled her breasts, pretending that she was unaware of the effect she was having.

"OK Tom," Penny agreed somewhat reluctantly. "Time to be getting back to our hotel."

She tugged her tight little pair of shorts back on, slipped on the sexy pair of wedged sandals that I'd bought her earlier, grabbed her towel and bag and stood there waiting for me.

"Here's your top," I offered, tossing it over to her.

"Hang on to it for me Tom," she surprised me with, throwing it back to me. "I don't need it till we leave the beach."

Cheeky bitch for sure, but I wasn't complaining, as I followed in her wake, noting the swivelling eyes as Penny strode up the beach, having to imagine quite how her full breasts would be swaying and bouncing with every step she took.

"Here's your top Penny," I offered again when we reached the end of the beach and started to step up onto the promenade, pleasantly surprised that she'd made it that far without covering up.

"No hurry," Penny replied hesitantly, and my earlier surprise turned to astonishment as she casually strode off down the road that skirted the beach, her bare breasts swaying freely to and fro, attracting surprised looks from other people as we passed them. Not sure which of us had the silliest grin on our face, but I certainly observed quite a few guys faces lightening up with a smile as we approached them.

Difficult to explain why when there were plenty of women topless just down on the beach a few metres away, that Penny's bold venture should cause such excitement, but it did. Oh boy did it!

"Your top Penny," I offered her yet again, a little more urgently as we approached the point where we had to cross the road and make our way up one of the fairly busy, narrow shopping streets, discovering that my nerve was cracking before hers was.

"We agreed that this week was to explore new experiences Tom," she reminded me with a seductive smile. "You're not backing down are you?"

I guess that's the point where the proverbial conch finally passed hands from me to her, no longer having to encourage her to show off a bit more skin, and indeed beginning to become concerned about just how far she was going to push this.

"You're serious?" I demanded, hardly believing that Penny meant to walk up that busy street completely topless.

"You going to stop me?" She replied, her smile widening even further; my sigh and a shrug of my shoulders all I could manage, but proving enough of an answer for her.

"Oh my sainted aunts," I mumbled under my breath as we then proceeded slowly up the road, the light crowds seeming to part to make way for us, as disbelieving shoppers reacted differently, hardly believing their eyes.

A few, just a few, frowned in disapproval, mainly women of course but surprisingly a handful of men. But the great majority reacted as I imagine I would myself. A look, a second look and then a third, and then a smile and often a gesture of approval, which could be anything from a grin, simple nod of the head to a few simple words.

'Nice' and 'well done' and such things were heard a number of times, 'Lucky sod', aimed at me of course, and even 'Nice pair miss', from some of the younger admirers. It was only then that I realised that Penny had taken a firm hold on my hand, confirming that she wasn't quite as blasé' about the whole thing as she was acting.

"You OK?" I whispered.

"Fine," Penny croaked back. "Just don't you dare stop to look in any shop windows."

"There's that gift shop you wanted to look in just up ahead of us," I teased her.

"Don't you dare Tom," she gasped, blushing wildly, and grasping my hand even tighter, and urging me onwards.


Then suddenly we were through it; or at least we'd negotiated the busy street with her breasts much admired but seemingly untouched by human hand as far as I could make out, our hotel clearly visible just a hundred yards or so further up the road.

"Top," she suddenly announced, holding out her hand.

"Who's backing down now Penny," I turned the tables on her, my earlier reticence at her extraordinary behaviour a thing of the past.

"You want a knee in the balls?"

I gave her the top of course, and we wandered through the hotel lobby, collected our key and it was up a flight of stairs to find our bedroom, where she promptly raped me.

OK, maybe not, but Penny had my shirt off before we got through the door, and had my shorts halfway down before I'd even managed to get her top back off. An hour later and though I could have laid claim to a draw, I conceded defeat, only for her to claim the victors spoils. Yet again that is!


The evening meal passed in a blur, not so much as the food lacking appeal, as the ebullient mood that I found Penny to be in. The fun she'd had earlier in the day had certainly gone to her head, and perhaps this was just what the marriage needed.

We'd see soon enough!

"Shall we try out that club tonight Tom?" I took not so much as a question as an order, and though the 'clubbing scene' had never really been my scene, I readily agreed.

"I'd better go back up and change," Penny told me.

"You look fine honey," I replied, and she did!

Skin tight jeans that I'd had to help her zip up since they were so form fitting, the same wedged high heels from earlier that she'd taken such a liking to, and a loose flowing top that offered more than enough ventilation through the plunging neckline and scooped out armholes.

"I fancy wearing something more sexy," she complained with a mock pout.

"You couldn't look more sexy," I assured her, as I led her out of the restaurant and towards the reception to leave our key. "Besides, I really like the outfit you've got on."

"Ok Tom," she reluctantly agreed, and popped into the ladies loo before we left, only to emerge just a few moments later with a huge grin on her face.

"What have you been up to?" I asked suspiciously, and not without reason.

"Never mind," she laughed, as she pressed something into my hand. "Ask the reception to hang on to this till we get back."

I thought I handled it pretty well all things considered, but nothing compared to the receptionist who never turned a hair.

Perhaps in those parts they are used to being handed bras to look after when couples go out for the evening!


As I said I'm not a clubbing type, but I did enjoy myself that night. The booze was OK, but the views were exceptional, girls who spend the day topless on the beach, being somewhat less fussy about what they exposed in the evening.

Penny though was relatively well covered up, unless she bent over, which she seemed to do whenever the opportunity presented itself.

She danced an awful lot more than I did, and once I reminded myself what this week was supposed to be about, and stopped worrying too much about where her partners were putting their hands, then it passed pleasantly enough. Only a couple of times did I have to gently warn her to calm things down, when one guy in particular started to take too many liberties and nigh on got her top right off in the middle of the dance floor, which Penny didn't seem to be too bothered about.

I suppose the way she was enjoying herself, it had to happen of course at some stage.

"Tom honey," she asked, with a grin that was at least partly fuelled by a glass of wine too many. "That nice young man over there has asked if I want to go back to his hotel with him."

"And what did you tell him?"

"I said I had to ask you," she sighed.

"No Penny," was my answer, and I left it at that.

"That's what I told him you'd say," she laughed out loud. "How about we invite him back to our room for some fun?"

"Absolutely not Penny," I hissed angrily. "I told you no threesomes. I was very definite about that when we agreed about this week end."

"I didn't fancy him that much anyway," Penny averted any conflict with, and with a dismissive wave in his general direction, grabbed my arm and dragged me, not unwillingly by then, over to the exit and out onto the street.

The receptionist, a completely different one, handed Penny her bra back with our key, again without so much as a comment, though he couldn't keep the smile off his face, and within moments we were back in our room, me having hurried her along the corridor, having struggled with her in the lift, trying to stop her from taking her clothes off.

Wouldn't have been so bad if it had been empty!


The following morning dawned, bright and sunny as normal. At least I suppose it did, as much like the previous mornings we didn't see much of it, either too exhausted from the long night of activities beforehand, or Penny's insistence that we investigate other possibilities.

This was hardly the girl that I'd known for six years by then, and I was dreading the weekend coming to an end.

"Beach or pool today?" I gave her the choice.

"Beach," Penny piped up. "How about we try the far end today."

"You're sure?"

"Why not?"

And why not indeed?

The part of the beach nearest the town was mainly aimed at families, and the middle part, where we'd been up till then, somewhat more open minded shall we say, and featured an awful lot less bikini tops.

'The far end', about half a mile further along was ... Well it was the far end!

It was a nude beach, and an area much frequented by the Germans, Swedes and the Dutch, who it seemed didn't count it as a holiday unless they could strip off and show off bodies.


Now at this point I have to confess to a bit of a phobia!

I didn't like the idea of showing my dick off. Never had!

No, I don't mean where girls were concerned, and safe in the knowledge that you'll have to take my word for it, I was quite proud of what I sported, and by the way, I'd never had a problem in communal showers!

But the idea of showing my Johnson off on a public beach terrified me, much as the thought of being naked with another guy in a threesome had. Some weird form of homophobia maybe, but whatever, I couldn't do anything about it.

But how could I refuse?

What a way to spice up a marriage.


I chickened out though.

Did you hear that? I chickened out at the last moment.

I started off quite confidently, quite buoyant at the thought of all those naked chicks for me to enjoy, and indeed excited at the thought of Penny getting all her kit off. But the closer we got, then the more nervous I became.

I can't explain it and it's just the way I am. Maybe something happened in my childhood that I'd long since forgotten.

We turned the last corner finding the beach stretching out there before us.

Oh shit!

My stomach turned, having hoped and prayed that there'd be a good sprinkling of sun-worshippers who hadn't stripped off completely, only to find that I couldn't see a single one.

Worse, I couldn't actually seem to see all that many younger women, not at least any that were worth looking at.

Oh Shit!

It seemed to be full of middle-aged beer gutted Europeans, with their equally unattractive overweight wives.

"Not quite what you were hoping for Tom," Penny giggled, seeing my dismay.

"No! Let's go," I panicked.

"Look there's a group of younger people over there," Penny told me, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards them.


"What's up Tom," she demanded frowning at me. "That younger crowd seem to be having fun."

Oh the good earth, please open up and swallow my embarrassment. What could I say? What could I do? I searched desperately for an escape, completely incapable of going anywhere near the male dominated group without my clothes on, despite the two or three pretty young girls that were with them, equally naked.

"Too much sun," I burst out in desperation, searching for a way out.


"Too much sun yesterday," I mumbled hopelessly, fighting for my breath, feeling a complete idiot for reacting that way.

"You don't look too good Tom," Penny remarked, and I'm sure she was speaking the absolute truth the way I was feeling, on the edge of a panic attack.

"There's a bench there in the shade Tom," she pointed out and led me over to it, plonking me down in relief when I got there.

"Maybe we ought to be getting back Penny," I ventured, having settled down.

"No way Tom. Not with you in this state," she insisted. "It's a long walk back in the sun, so you better stay here in the shade for a while."


Not so bad though, as the three pretty young things were still prancing around quite naked just a hundred yards or so away, as long as I could blank out the fit young men who were chasing them.

"Dutch," Penny commented after we'd been sat there quietly for a short while.

"Probably," I agreed, aware that Penny was more of a linguist than me.

Another awkward silence followed, with Penny beginning to fidget, while I began to start to feel uncomfortable. I was about to tell her that I felt a bit better and we could be heading back, when Penny beat me to the draw.

"You sit here for a while Tom," she suggested, perhaps I should have said insisted. "I'm just going down onto the beach to top up my tan."

"Do you have to?" Yes bloody pathetic, but that's how I felt.

"Yes I do Tom," Penny shot back, her patience waning and the first hint of annoyance peeping through. "This holiday was supposed to be about trying out new things. Being adventurous, and that's what I'm going to do."

With that, she let go of my hand, stood up and began to walk away, towards the beach, only stopping after a few steps to look back sympathetically. She smiled and I smiled back, and she was on her way again, not stopping on the edge of the beach as I'd expected, but striding confidently over towards where the Dutch crowd were still milling around, only stopping when she found herself almost alongside them.

They noticed her.

Of course they damn well noticed her. Penny was a very noticeable woman at any time, but dressed just in those tiny tight shorts, her breasts straining her skimpy top and with her long blonde hair swinging behind her in a pony tail, then what normal man wouldn't notice her?

Especially when it was pretty obvious why she was there, and that the odds were she was about to take her all clothes off.

Two of the Dutch guys stopped what they were doing, and stood there watching her, soon to be joined, even if less obviously so, by several of the others. Even from where I was, I saw Penny smile at them, before taking the hem of her top and without hesitation throwing it off, soon to be followed by her shorts as she wriggled out of them, leaving her stood there naked except for the flimsy panties, not having chosen to wear her bikini bottoms, having no intention of keeping them on anyway.

Penny slipped her thumbs into the side of her panties, and then stopped, boldly looking up to confront the stares of the men watching her strip, no doubt seeing the effect that it was having on them, them being unable to hide it.

She grinned, the big, dark haired guy nodded his head and grinned back, and Penny slowly, saucily, slipped her panties down.


I know I'd agreed that other than a threesome, then anything could be possible this week, but I somehow hadn't prepared myself for this.

What a bloody way to save a marriage?

He held out his hand, she stepped forward and took it, and within moments Penny was drawn into the middle of the young crowd, seeming to swallow her up. I did see her new fancy man slip his hand round her waist, claiming her for himself, but from what I'd seen earlier, I doubted that he would be the only one touching her. Knowing Penny, I doubted whether she'd be able to keep her hands off him either, and since he was in the nude, I had little doubt what part of him her hands would be seeking.


I can't think of another way to describe it. I knew what I was letting myself in for, but I didn't know it would be this hard. No idea at all. The next thing Penny was joining in the horseplay that the group had been amusing the surrounding sunbathers with, little more than an excuse for the men to feel up the girls, the men at least, grateful for Penny's presence, to even up the numbers.

She forgot me. I swear she did if only for a while, not once looking back in my direction. Eventually one of the guys bought her down in a rough approximation to a rugby tackle, and there they stayed, squirming up against one another, oblivious to all and sundry around them, oblivious to any sense of decency. Maybe he fucked her right there and then, and maybe he didn't. I couldn't see, only that the man was big and dark haired of course. What I could detect though were looks of disapproval from a number of people on the beach nearer to where I was. The same people that had no doubt seen Penny arrive with me, leave me sat there, and then go off, strip, and cavort with the Dutch group.

Disapproval at her actions, and even worse somehow looks of pity aimed at me.

If only they knew, but they didn't of course.

It was those looks that broke my resolve, and especially when I heard a couple of them laughing, so gathering up my things, I took one last look at what Penny was up to, and walked wearily away.