To Service is Divine

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Mother turned into incestuous whore by application.
28.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/28/2015
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Story Description: A fanatical Christian mother is systematically broken down and transformed into a nasty incestuous whore by a computer application. A wondrous wild read with surprise endings.


TWO WEEKS AGO: Triton Tech Corp. - The impossible:

"Dam! Henderson get in here, I need your help."

Henderson scrambled into the server room and stood staring at Mr. Cain with a questioning look.

"Don't just stand there. Something is wrong with the server and I've been locked out. My master code won't work."

Henderson approached the terminal and then began typing in code. He made several attempts to break into the master server, but a message kept popping up, 'ACCESS DENIED, contact your servicing administrator'.

"Boss, I can't get in either. I'm not sure what's happened, but the backdoor you asked me to provide that would allow us to bypass our own security protocols isn't there. Someone has rewritten the code. Your right, the system is acting bizarre. Data storage is at maximum capacity judging by the lights flashing on that entire hub of support servers over there. Have you tried rebooting the server from the master panel?"

"Yes. The switch is unresponsive. Ugh. I promised the Board of Directors that we would be ready. We are exactly two weeks from implementation and now something catastrophic has occurred. Someone had to have breached our security and locked us out of our own system. It's the only explanation."

Henderson glared at Mr. Cain, unsure how to respond. He was confounded by the possibility of that occurring. The whole team had taken great measures to eliminate that event from ever happening.

A thought crossed his mind and he held up a finger to signal Mr. Cain to wait. He unhooked a large smartphone from a holster at his belt and began entering a series of program codes in a small terminal window and then compiled it to run.

Mr. Cain fidgeted with nervousness and worry.

Henderson rattled in his chair when text displayed on his screen which asked a question.

'Hello John, how may I service you?'

Henderson turned to look at Mr. Cain with an expression of astonishment. "I think someone is playing some sort of joke on us. This is impossible."

The screen on his tablet sized phone lit up and new text began flashing.

'John, I am incapable of joking.'

ONE WEEK AGO: Dry Cleaner - The Beginning:

The short Asian lady frowned and hit the man with a wad of envelopes she held in her hand. "You no good husband. Bah. You break us, no customers, no money. You think dis easy for me."

Chi-yang carefully took the handful of mail from his wife's hand and she kicked his leg before walking back into their dry cleaning business. He exhaled a heavy sigh at her disappointment in him. He knew she had a right to be upset with him; after all it was his idea to open the business in this part of the city.

He stood outside watching the cops arrest a pimp and three hookers. He was perplexed by the police activity the past few days. They seemed to be cleaning up the streets, but were mainly focused on the prostitution, not the drugs. Something was obviously going on.

He began opening the envelopes one by one. The first three envelops were bills; however, his eyes widened when he opened the fourth. He was staring at a check. It was a substantial amount of money issued by a company called Services International, Inc. The accompanying letter stated that if he cashed the check, he would be agreeing to manage and rent space within his establishment and would be paid a regular income for his service.

He was immediately suspicious of the whole deal, especially since there were plenty of office spaces available around the city. It just didn't feel right. Why would anyone want to rent space at a dry cleaner, especially in this part of the city?

Walking back inside, he sat at the business computer. Entering the company name printed on the check in the browser's search field, he found the company site and clicked the link. The hourglass cursor kept flipping as it waited for a response from the site. After ten seconds, his screen flickered for a moment and a page popped up.

It displayed the company name, phone number and a hyperlink to allow downloading of some type of computer program called the 'Service App'. At the bottom of the page was a brief descriptive title that read 'Bringing People together by Interactive Social Networking using Sophisticated AI Profiling Algorithms'.

He scratched his head nervously at the information on the page. The website was too simple and basic for a company that apparently had lots of cash. This company wasn't offering to buy his business. They were asking to rent space, but the amount of the check was enough to buy his business.

The prostitution and drugs in this area had driven many customers away. It didn't help that some weird church group was picketing the abortion clinic just a block away. The nerve of those people to carry signs saying crap like, 'Sex creates whores for the Devil' and other nonsense that had absolutely nothing to do with abortion.

He was losing money rapidly on operating expenses and was becoming desperate. This check offered him a way out. He called the number displayed on the computer screen. He waited as the dial tone connected.

"Hello," he said.

"Beep," was the response.

"Hello," he said again.

"Beep," was the response.

He said, "Weird."

When he pressed the end-call button, his smartphone notified him that an application was just installed. l didn't install any application. What the hell is going on?

His eyes lit up in surprise as a text message began scrolling down his screen.

DAY ONE: Amy and Lori - The Popular Girls:

Ami and Lori, both 20 year old University coeds, had great expectations for Spring Break. It was an opportunity to impress the guys and regain some semblance of what they once enjoyed. In High school they were known as the popular girls, but that status changed abruptly upon graduating.

Both yearned for the adolescent fawning that placed them on a different level than the sluts below them. Now their lives were drab and boring with studies and tests galore. Higher education was just that.

Amy smiled and appeared anxious as she stood next to Lori. "Lori, you won't believe what just happened. Lance asked me to go with him to Tempest Beach for Spring Break."

Lori retrieved her books and sweater from her locker, she replied, "I told you he would. All you had to do was send him a picture of your naked big tits and he was as good as yours. That's how Mark and I hooked up."

Their conversation was interrupted when Katie Malone rushed past them hysterically sobbing. The loud clank of the aluminum door latch resounded as she burst at great speed out the door. A short distance behind her was the Dean and the University councilor. Both of them screamed for Katie to stop as they barreled past.

Amy and Lori gazed at each other with questioning looks as the campus doors slammed closed. "What the heck. What's wrong with Katie?" Amy questioned.

Lori's phone beeped, signaling that a file had been downloaded. Her phone instantly began playing a video without any interaction on her part. The sounds of a young girl moaning reverberated throughout the hallway from multiple sources. She immediately pulled her phone from her purse.

"Oh my God; Amy, you need to see this!" Lori requested.

Amy's eyes widened at the video images of Katie masturbating with a large dildo. The video displayed the 23 year old Katie with legs spread wide. Between her widened thighs, Katie's young face twisted with lustful pleasure as she stared dreamily at the flesh colored dildo impaling her tight twat. She moaned 'oh... oh, ohhh...' repeatedly as she plunged it in and out.

Gasps of shock, snickers and raunchy comments could be heard up and down the campus hallway as the video of Katie's self-debauchery began playing on multiple phones. Clusters of irresponsible recipients began rapid exchanges, sending the video to others in their contact list or uploaded it to social media sites that had no restrictions on vulgarity.

Although Amy and Lori were both close personal friends with Katie, they were determined to distance themselves from any association with this now wantonly labeled slut. They reacted like adolescent pompous queens from days gone by. This reaction was a natural condition that urged them to criticize and demean any close friend that had fallen from the perch.

Amy proclaimed loudly, "What a slut! She sent that video to just about everyone. Did you see how big that rubber dong was? Her fucking crack was wider than my fist."

Lori agreed with a vehement head nod and interjected, "You would never see us videotaping ourselves frigging our cooters (giggles and laughter erupted nearby). She's a loony bitch for videotaping herself doing something so obscene."

That night in their dorm room, they both gossiped about Katie's debauchery. They laughed, giggled and joked. No one would ever find either of them frigging their cooters on video they agreed with mutual pompousness.

They both grinned excitedly the Instant their phones rang out their cascading tones signifying they had text messages. They turned their nervous stares to each other, worry clearly imprinted on their unsmiling faces. Their first thoughts were voiced as angry snippets to question whether someone was playing a joke on them.

The pictures displayed on each of their phones were not innocent selfies of two nubile young women. These pictures displayed their smiling faces, bountiful breasts and hardened nipples. It was not necessarily the pictures that disturbed them; it was the accompanying text and digital timer. It was no joke as expressed by the anonymous blackmailer.

It was inevitable, to their regret, that both of them would indeed become quite popular again, again and again.

In the meantime, Katie's degrading video continued to circulate and was uploaded and downloaded like a viral hit.

DAY TWO: Cindy Chesterfield - Divorced, Mother, Devoted Fanatical Christian:

Cindy had returned from her morning church service. She entered her home in a good mood, feeling blessed with the Holy Spirit. With her purse in one hand and Bible in the other, she headed upstairs merrily singing a gospel to herself.

She had just placed her purse and Bible on the dresser and had turned her back when a strange muffled sound came from her purse. She turned and pulled her phone from her purse thinking that perhaps one of the ladies from this morning's prayer meeting had texted her. Strangely there were no text messages showing. There was only some weird icon for something called the 'Service App' blinking in her task bar. She ignored the phone and laid it on her dresser.

Housework needed to be done and she had intentions to change out of her dress into something more comfortable. There was time; chores could be done before her 21 year old son returned from classes at the local community college.

Her son was now a man. She had done everything in her power to raise him right and instill her beliefs and convictions, but she had little influence now. It hadn't been easy as a divorced single mother to force him follow the righteous path she had laid before him. Throughout his adolescent rebellious phase, she had never raised a hand to punish him. That was never the way of the Righteous.

As of late, he had been moving further away from her and the faith. He had been spending a great amount of time with influential friends that didn't share the same righteous values and moral restrictions. She had made it abundantly clear on numerous occasions that as long as he lived under her roof, he was to follow her rules and values.

Cindy unbuttoned the ankle length, dark gray, colored dress, reminiscent of puritan style. It was her normal fashion for all life activities, except within the comfort of her home. It was the style and color all women wore as members of the Church of the Righteous.

Disrobing her dress and undergarments, she stood naked before the dresser mirror admiring her dark brunette hair which was pinned and braided into a tightly packed bun that rose over her head. It was raised high to signify her strength in the faith. She had great standing and was considered one of the most righteous of the flock.

When she reached for the drawer handle, a loud beeping blared from down the hallway. Was it the fire alarm? If it was a fire, she wouldn't have time to dress appropriately. She reacted by snatching her robe off the bed and swiftly donned it without securing the front. Grabbing her cell phone, she then raced down the hall towards the noise.

The loud beeping was coming from her son's room and with urgency she opened the door. There was relief at finding the high pitched noise coming from her son's computer speakers. She sighed and smiled at the thought that her son had video game running that he forgot to turn off.

She had told him video games were evil. The Church of the Righteous had told her so. However, although his computer was to be used for school work only, she did understand that boys would be boys. She allowed some indiscretion for certain non-violent games. Smiling at her son's forgetfulness, she jiggled the mouse to interrupt the screen saver so she could access his computer to mute the horrible noise.

The noise stopped when the screen saver dropped.

She gasped.

She stood in horrific shock at the video of her son fully nude and masturbating in vivid clarity while seated in front of his computer. It was spiritually traumatizing to see her son commit such a vulgar disgusting act of sinful masturbation. Why would he do such a vile deed and video tape himself doing so?

She swore an oath to God that he would be severely punished for this sin. The Church of the Righteous doesn't tolerate sins such as these. Sex in any form except for procreation, was considered a dreadful sin. Reverend Jarvis would expect atonement in the form of many hours of prayer. We will pray for forgiveness for his sinful transgression until morning and begin again the following day. This will be a long week of praying for redemption. He will simply miss going to his classes, prayer should always take precedence.

Hastily she reached for the mouse in an attempt to exit the video. Her hand lingered above the mouse, hesitant to touch its sinful connection to the vulgar images and the text that suddenly popped on screen. The message was unexpected and it unnerved her.

'Do you want this video sent to everyone in his address book and contact list?' the computer questioned.

She stared befuddled, her mind confused. All of these events are out of character with something her son would do. Her immediate reaction was to loudly exclaim, "This must be some vulgar joke or prank?" When she voiced that question, she did not expect a response.

Her phone responded with multiple beeps. Cindy jerked in alarm upon seeing the same video playing on her phone in vivid clarity, along with a text response, 'I am incapable of joking'.

She was now disturbed at the fact that someone was actively listening to what she had just said. This was unquestionably a breach of privacy and the thought made her angry. "Who is this? Why are you doing this? I will contact the authorities and you will be punished. What you are doing is an evil sin perpetrated by agents of the Devil."

Again, the text displayed, but this time it began flashing on the screen, 'Do you want this video sent to everyone in his address book and contact list?'

Her son's video was replaced by another video that began streaming on the monitor. It appeared to have been taken as she bent over to reach for the mouse. In her haste to investigate the noise, she had forgotten to fasten the front of her robe.

She was agitated and worried upon seeing herself on video, fully nude from the front where her robe split. It clearly displayed her dark hairy triangle with meaty labia hanging visibly between her shoulder width open thighs. The Webcam appeared to be controlled by someone as it zoomed and focused on her nudity to capture its entirety.

She felt squeamish and ashamed at the streaming images of her breasts dangling down like heavy milk jugs in front of the camera. Oh my goodness, what's going on? I don't understand.

With bungling quickness, she closed her robe tightly to cover her naked form. Her face wrinkled with worry and her mouth grimaced with disgust followed by it clamping shut into a crooked line to hold back heavy emotion. She questioned whether her brief nudity had been recorded.

Text began scrolling across both her phone and the computer monitor. 'Place a hand under each naked breast and raise each nipple up as an offering to the webcam for 30 seconds. Upon completion, his video will be deleted in its entirety within the next 5 hours. Failure to provide service will result in a countdown before upload commences'.

She screamed out with horrid conviction against that demand, "I'll do no such thing! That's a perverted sinful act perpetrated by a Jezebel and I'm no whor-"

Her throat constricted in shock, her words cut off and became silent.

A series of text popped up on both displays, along with a thirty second counter.

The digital numbers began decreasing. A light tick sounded through the speakers.


She pulled her robe tighter against her body as her arms crossed her breasts in an attempt to offer her protection from what was being demanded of her. Several more seconds ticked away as she stood motionless, just staring at the text, trying to gather her thoughts.


What was going on? How could anyone ask someone to do such an obscene act? This was clearly blackmail. Could she take a chance? Would that disgusting video really be uploaded to his friends and who knows who else?


If that shameful video got out into the public it would destroy him and any future he would have had. He would be ridiculed, humiliated and become a shameful godless stain forever linked to my righteous, unblemished reputation. I would never be able to shed his sinful deed as an association to my good name.

My son's disgusting act of sin would be an anchor that would forever be used against me at church and whispered behind my back. Should I call the bluff of this anonymous blackmailer? Then again, the video was sent to my phone. How was that possible? This anonymous blackmailer sent it to me, so he obviously has the capability to send it to others. I don't know what to do.


She was under duress. The time constraint of the countdown was making it difficult to think of a resolution to her dilemma. She could only stare at the flashing text as the counter ticked by.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Time was running out. She needed to act. She needed to decide a course of action.


She rationalized the fact that her breasts had already been displayed like a harlot for her own viewing. For her to do what was demanded would be a shameful sinful deed against the lord's teachings, but it was done under duress. She rationalized that if she committed to this action, her reputation and her son's future would be saved. She only had to do this disgusting indecent act for only 30 seconds. God would forgive her for this moment of indecency.


Tears began to stream down her cheeks.


The end of the countdown was nearing its end. She had to act. There was no longer any time to think about consequences.
